



Analysis of Improper Translation of Public Signs and the Strategies of the Public Signs Translation



系:外国语系年级专业:英语(翻译)2010级1班提交日期:2013年6月15日答辩日期: 2012年5月26日答辩委员会主席(签名):


2013年6月15 日

ABSTRACT:The purpose of this paper is to analysis the error translation of public signs and advance some improvement strategy, dissect how can the public signs communicate the correct meaning. By collecting some error translation of public signs date such as: Route sign, Traffic signs, Organization Names, Tourism signs and shopping mark. By studies, the fault of the public signs in English contain language errors and nonverbal mistakes.Nonverbal mistakes including miscommunication and function skewed causing the translation can not apropos express the information of the Chinese public signs.

In general the study of the translation of public signs is very meaningful and important. The translators should pay attention on the strategy and tenet in order to express the correct meaning of the information and the Chinese cultural. Therefore, this paper is provided with social value and practical value.

Key word: public signs, language errors, nonverbal mistakes,

Miscommunication, function skewed, strategy, tenet






I Introduction: (1)

II Generalization on Public Signs (2)

2.1. Definition (2)

2.2. Function of Public Signs (2)

2.2.1. Directing (3)

2.2.2. Prompting (3)

2.2.4. Compelling (4)

III The Principle of Public Signs’ Translation (4)

3.2. Consistency (5)

3.3. Comprehensibility (5)

IV Error type of the Public Signs Translation (6)

4.1. Language Error (6)

4.1.1. Spelling Mistake (6)

4.1.2. Impropriety (7)

4.1.3. Grammatical Mistake (7)

4.2. Nonverbal Mistakes (7)

4.2.1. Miscommunication (7)

4.2.2. Function Skewed (8)

V Strategy of Translation Public Signs (8)

5.1. International Standard (8)

5.2. Copy Translation (8)

5.3. Creative Translation (9)

5.4. Without Translate (9)

VI Conclusion (10)




I Introduction:

Public signs is a common practical language wildly used in life and can be seen everywhere, such as route signs, billboard, slogan in public place, tourism introduction etc.. Public signs is a important element of International City, language of International Tourist Place and Humanistic Environment. Public signs playing an important role in daily life, on the contrary the improper translation of public signs will lead to a serious of negative effects. The error translation of public signs impact the image of the city, what’s more it also bring so much inconvenience to the foreigners.

In the age of the science and technology fast-changing, the patten of the earth has become a global village. China is also involved in the diversified change. Since the reformation and opening policy, China has constantly strengthened economic and trade relationship with the other countries, attacking more and more inventor invest. After the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, there are a lot of foreigners come to China for study, tour, even more settle in China. So the correct translation of the public signs is especially important for their lives, the error translation of the public signs not only make a joke but also let the readers misunderstand the meaning of the public signs which will bring the unwanted trouble.

China's international status and image are rising in present day, we must take the correct public signs seriously, continue to strengthen and perfect the public language translation, thus can promote the image of our country and bring the convenient for the foreigners.

II Generalization on Public Signs

Public signs is a common practical language wildly used in life and can be seen everywhere, such as route signs, billboard, slogan in public place, tourism introduction etc..

2.1. Definition

Public signs is the written language in the public place which express the special meaning and achieve certain communicative purpose, reading by the people. It is the most common practical language in daily life.

There are some equative words such as "sign language", "logo", "signs", etc.. Public signs is widely used in transportation, tourism, transport and other public areas.[1]

Public signs have a unique and convincing structure as well as attractive and compelling tone. It can be formal or informal. Some of them are composed of word, phrases or sentences, such as:



请当心Please Be Careful 请随手关门Please Close

紧急出口Emergency Exit 按铃报警Alarm Will Sound

请勿在此停车Please Do Not Park Here.


Please Have Your Ticket or Boarding Card Ready for Inspection.

2.2. Function of Public Signs

Public signs are widely applied in every aspect of life and influence people’s daily life. By providing the service of information, signs satisfy the social, behavioral and psychological demand of the tourist and the public. So public signs have four functions in practical application, i.e. “directing, prompting, restricting and compelling”. It will be discussed one by one in

the following paper.

2.2.1. Directing

"language serves an information function when it is used to tell what the speaker believes, to give information about facts, or to reason things out."(Hu Zhuanglin, 2000) The directive public signs only present the information of guiding services without any intention of warning or prohibiting. They mean directing the content of the service rather than requiring the public to do something.Take an example, the sign:票务与旅游中心(Ticket & Travel Centre)inform the tourisms who can buy the ticket in the right place.

More examples:


超市入口Enter supermarket 咨询处Information 收费站Toll gate

停车场Parking lot

门诊部Outpatient Department

2.2.2. Prompting

The prompting signs aim to call people's attention without any other connotation but are widely used during public occasions. This kind of sign often use brief and euphemistic words and multiform sentence. With the sign, people know how to fulfill the task to conform to the regulation. It is up to the public to decide whether to carry out the task or not. Such as:在输入密码时确保身后等候者不会知觉!

For your security, please pay attention behind you while putting your secret number ! It means that if you don not want other know you secret number and steal the money from your credit card you should pay attention and safe the secret information.

Take another example:现金请当面点清! Please check your change before leaving the cashier / counter ! It means if you leave the counter with the inaccurate change, the counter are irresponsibility. So you have to check the change in front of the counter, face to face with the cashier.


3. Restricting

The restricting signs confined activities or actions of the irrelevant personnel with the chosen word, impolite, rough and unreasonable attitude.This kind of public sign exclusively is applied to a certain group of people. In other hands, once restrictive public signs are used, only a group of people allowed to perform some actions.

2.2.4. Compelling

The compelling signs compel the related people not to take certain unwarrantable actions with forceful, tough language. Its language is brief and compelling without any compromise. The sentences are imperative with negative word like"No, Forbidden". In some situation, people tend to observe the regulation without other choices. For instance, the sign"禁止鸣笛"(No Honking)indicates briefly that you can not honk in this area, if you insist honk, a bad consequence will happen, maybe you will be impose a fine.

III The Principle of Public Signs’ Translation

After making clear the brief definition of public signs, this paper will intend to put up three principles for Chinese to English translation of public signs, namely conciseness, consistency and comprehensibility.

3.1. Conciseness

By conciseness, it mean that the public signs should be short and sweet that can make the reader easier to catch the point. Firstly, the words should

be short instead of long words. Secondly, consider the education of the reader, try to avoid using the advanced vocabulary. Thirdly, the sentence prefer the simple sentence and declarative sentence rather than some complex sentence or subordinate clause. An effective sentence without the irrelevant words.

Take an example:手机若在腰间别,犹如送财于窃贼!It was be translated into: If you take the phone on your waistband, as if to send money to the the thief. It was depend on the surface meaning of the Chinese which is long and verbose. It is better to be translate into: Cellphone strapped to waistband prospers the thief.

3.2. Consistency

By consistency, it found that there are some similar public signs was be translate into different words,such as:游客止步;宾客止步,has been translated quite differently such as: Stop; Passengers, Stop Here!; Tourists Stop the Steps!; Guests Go No Further! and so on. Actually, there is an English expression widely used in the same context in English-speaking countries. It simply reads"Staff Only". For the toilet there are three different translation: Public Toilet, Toilet and WC. According to the international practice, use WC is convenience and concise.

3.3. Comprehensibility

By comprehensibility, it means that the public signs should be translate into a correct way. Such as a very funny PRC government says you better watch out when you are in orgasm. what means in orgasm? it is unintelligibly for the readers. It should be translate to: Beware of pick pocket when you are dating with your lover.

IV Error type of the Public Signs Translation

Knowing the principle of the public signs’ translation, let me take some common example in our daily life and analysis the type of the error translation of the public signs. There are two major error type of the public signs translation, that language error and nonverbal mistakes.

4.1. Language Error

In language error, there are three common mistake as spelling mistake, impropriety and grammatical mistake.

4.1.1. Spelling mistake

The spelling mistake seemingly insignificant, but in reality funny and ridicules. From another point of view, it is the irresponsible performers of the translator. This kind of spelling mistake is completely avoidable by carefully check. Once the author saw a sign in a supermarket, it is “wecome” . The author was confused, what is it mean? Does it mean the author should come together or it was a spelling mistake that it should be translate into “welcome”? With the question, the author asked a salary that what does the “wecome” means. He answered that it was a spelling mistake that it should be “welcome”. This make author laugh every time that go there to buy the goods.

Take more funny example:

小心地滑:Caution wet flook (wet floor)

阳光保险公司定损中心: Sun shine Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited (Sunshine should not be separate with a blank.)

4.1.2. Impropriety

By impropriety, it means some public signs using a similar words but not a correct, explicit words. The translator should look up in the dictionary to find out the suitable words for translate. Otherwise, the similar words may let the public signs imprecise. Such as:

称重台:Scale Desk( Weighing Platform )

残疾人收银台:Deformed-man Cashier Desk( Handicapped Counter ) 当心触电:Caution! Electric Shock ( Danger! High V oltage! )

行人请绕行:Please Take Another Way( Please Bypass )

4.1.3. Grammatical mistake

The grammatical mistake often express the inaccurate information to the readers, such as: 请带安全帽进入工地!(Wear a safety helmet before enter the construction site!)It is easier to be understood that just wear the safety helmet before you enter, during the working time you can take off the safety helmet. It should be translate into: Wear a safety helmet while in the work site. Take another example:请勿触摸: No Touch ( Do Not Touch).

4.2. Nonverbal mistakes

Nonverbal mistakes including miscommunication and function skewed causing the translation can not apropos express the information of the Chinese public signs.

4.2.1. Miscommunication

The miscommunication will let the reader misunderstand the meaning of the public signs. In a toilet it was written that: 本厕所为免冲式,请你便

后离开即可。The sign in English was be translated into: This WC is free of washing Please leave off after Pissing or Shitting. May be they are promoting space technology “free of washing” toilet in China. It should be written as: This is auto-flush toilet. Good bye! Quite simple and Clear And Understandable.

4.2.2. Function skewed

Function skewed means the error translation of the public signs expressing the inverse or non-relationship meaning. The reader can not know the materiality or the function of the productions. In somewhere there is a toilet (生态公厕)which is environmentally friendly, but the public sigh was be translated into: zoology water closet. How can the foreigners realize the meaning of the ecology-friendly toilet, maybe they think it is a toilet for the animals.

V Strategy of Translation Public Signs

After finding the funny translation of the public signs, we know that we must change the way to translate the public signs, it has a heavy responsibilities. In this paper, it will introduce four strategy of translation public signs.

5.1. International standard

International standard means the public signs should be reference to the standard of the international. On the other hands, we can use the language of international public signs in China.

5.2. Copy translation

Due to the difference of language cultural , not all signs can be found in

the English one to one correspondence, but for the similar expression, we can use it at the appropriate environment. For instance, Mr. Wu Weixiong translate the “桂林山水甲天下”into “East or west, Guilin Landscape is best”[2]

5.3. Creative translation

In addition there are some signs can copying existing in English usage, to copy or change translation with the similarity, there are many expression with Chinese characteristics, that cannot be found in the English translation. For this kind of signs, the translator should be respect the target language and the foreign culture. In Hong Kong there is a public sign:提高生活素质,迈向美好未来translated into: Better living, Brighter Future.[3]Translation and the original structurally symmetrical parallel, only focus on the core of the information, did not stick to the original on the language word-for-word

5.4. Without translate

English signs are read by foreigners, and there are many signs in China are totally against the native people, and have nothing to do with foreigners work, so there's no need to translate one by one. And public language is a national and a reflection of traditional ethnic culture, daily life standard, the English translation would be in a foreign heart.

Those harm the image of Chinese cities . As a result, not all the public signs should be translate into English. For example, ban, scribble defecate indiscriminately, and so on.

VI Conclusion

In summary, improving Chinese to English public signs translation is of urgency. The errors made by Chinese English translators reflect their deficiencies in English expression and cross-cultural communication. Meanwhile, their insufficiencies in learning strategies have been shown from these errors. Thus, there is a long way to go to make the Chinese to English public signs translation in line with the internationalized standard. But the public sign translation in China will be perfected.


1, https://www.360docs.net/doc/e217245053.html,/view/7940160.htm

2,吴伟雄.谈涉外活动中诗词佳句汉英翻译的现场效果[J].上海科技翻译,2004 3, https://www.360docs.net/doc/e217245053.html,/view/7b1a8d6eaf1ffc4ffe47ac2d.html




3,惠南.文化语境与语言翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001,6-7. 4,吕和发.公示语的功能特点和汉英翻译研究[J].术语标准化与信息技术,2005(2).






First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my teacher, instructor Liu Qiong, for her generosity in spending her precious time reading and polishing the manuscript of this paper. Without her constant encouragement and valuable guidance, this paper would never have been finished. I would express my gratitude to all my teachers who have given me excellent lectures and great help during the four years, since what I have written mainly comes from their constructions.

Finally, gratitude extends to my parents, friends and classmates for their long tie support and help.


1. 开水间:Portable Water Room/ Water Heater Room 2. 茶水间:Tea room/ Pantry 3. 千手观音:Thousand-hand Bodhisattva 4. 对公业务:Corporate Banking Services 5. 禁止打手机:No Cellphone. 6. 总台:Information Desk/Reception Desk 7. 请勿入内:No Admittance. 8. 请勿摄像:No Filming. 9. 入口:Entrance 10. 紧急出口:Emergency Exit 11-20 11. 来宾登记:Registration 12. 禁止吸烟:No Smoking. 13. 营业时间:Business Hour 14. 游人止步:No Visitors 15. 办公时间:Office Hours 16. 禁止入内:No Entry. 17. 咖啡馆、小餐馆:Cafe 18. 此路不通:Shut 19. 此面向上:This Side Up. 20. 易碎:Fragile 21-30

21. 小心烫伤:Caution Hot 22. 小心地滑:Caution Slippery/Caution Wet Floor. 23. 小心玻璃:Caution Glass. 24. 小心台阶:Mind the Step. 25. 非公莫入:Staff Only. 26. 谢绝参观:No Admittance. 27. 严禁明火:No Open Flame. 28. 禁止拍照:No Photography. 29. 谨防扒窃:Beware of Pickpockets. 30. 排队等候:Please Line Up. 31-40 31. 随手关门:Keep Door Closed. 32. 节约用纸:Please Save Paper. 33.儿童禁入:No Admittance for Children/Adults Only. 34. 贵宾通道:VIP Only 35. 贵重物品、随身保管:Please Don't Leave Your Valuables Unattended. 36. 自动门:Automatic Door 37. 电源:Power Supply 38. 结账稍后:Temporarily Closed 39. 推:Push 40. 拉:Pull 41-50


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e217245053.html, 例析常用警示性公示语的英语翻译 作者:夏瑛 来源:《科技视界》2014年第31期 【摘要】公示语是一种常见于公共场所的特殊文体,应用于食、宿、行、游、娱、购等 社会生活的各个方面。英语作为世界通用的国际语言,也被广泛应用于各类公示语中。警示性公示语作为一种常见的公示语,主要起到提醒、示警公众对潜在危险注意的作用。警示性公示语的英文翻译多带有“Caution”、“Warning”、“Emergency” 、“Danger” 和“Beware”等字样。本文中笔者主要通过举例的方式对这些常用的警示性公示语的英文翻译作了分析和归纳。 【关键词】公示语;警示性;示意功能 公示语在日常生活中应用非常广泛,旅游者所到之处,凡涉及食、宿、行、游、娱、购的处所都可以见到公示语。公示语的应用直接影响到人们生活的方方面面,公示语满足的是旅游者、社会公众的社会、行为和心理需求,提供的是一种信息服务,在实际应用中具有指示性、提示性、限制性、强制性四种应用示意功能。警示性公示语作为一种常见的公示语,主要起到提醒、示警公众对潜在危险的注意,它兼具提示性、限制性、强制性多种示意功能。 英语作为世界上使用最广泛的语言,其应用已涉及到社会生活的各个层面。在日常生活中,我们看到的公示语往往以英文或中英结合的形式出现。常用的警示性公示语多带有“Caution”、“Warning”、“Emergency” 、“Danger” 和“Beware”等字样,配合黄色几何图形标志出现在公共场合,以提醒公众及早预防潜在危险,避免不必要的财产或生命损失。警示标志可以有不同的方式和不同的文字提醒,但在多数情况下,英语中警示性公示语的表达有一种约定俗成的方式。故翻译此类公示语时,切不可望文生义,根据中国人的理解,翻译成不符合英语表达习惯的“中式英语”。以下笔者将对带有“Caution”、“Warning”、“Emergency” 、“Danger” 和“Beware”字样的常用警示性公示语的英语翻译通过举例的方式作一番分析归纳。 1 以“Caution”开头,表“当心、注意”的警示性公示语 “Caution”的使用意在引起特定公众对这条信息的足够关注。“Caution”的本意是“Taking care”,但是在警示性公示语中多见“Caution”,而罕见“Taking care”。原因是“Taking care”和“Caution”使用的时机和地点都有差别,语气轻重亦不同。“Caution”的使用说明“危险”就在眼前。为此,在使用警示标志图形的同时,“Caution”这个词还要着重突出,字体大于危险具体内容的字号。使用“Caution”提示公众和旅游者“注意”的警示语一般采用Caution + Mind……的句式结构。常见的有,“注意:小心脚下Caution Mind your step” 、“Caution Mind your head”。 使用“注意Caution” 的警示性公示语有时也可直接采用Caution + Noun/Target的结构,该结构的特点是更为简洁明了。例如,“小心电缆Caution Overhead cables”、“小心地滑Caution Wet Floor”、“油漆未干Caution Wet Paint”、“注意:施工区域Caution Work Area”等。


旅游文本翻译的批评与赏析 在蓬莱阁景区中英文公示语资料中,主要涉及到景点介绍、景点指示、公示语及少量广告方面的翻译。旅游文体的翻译,不但要传达源语信息,而且要注意它自身的特殊性。旅游资料的功能是通过对景点的介绍、宣传,扩展人们的知识,激发人们旅游参观的兴趣。因此,旅游文体翻译的最终目的就是通过传递信息来吸引读者。 在此次资料中,根据旅游文本的翻译目的及方法,主要找出了以下几大问题: 一、景点名称翻译不当 龙王宫Dragon King Temple,此处译文temple主要是指寺、庙,而宫占地面积较大,一般分为各个殿,如前殿、正殿、后殿等。一般情况下,宫译为palace,殿译为hall,亭、阁译为pavilion,水榭译为pavilion on the water,塔(北海白塔式的)译为dagoba,塔(六和塔式的)译为pagoda,寺院译为monastery,寺、庙译为temple,因此此处的龙王宫译为Dragon King Temple更为恰当,其他不当的景点翻译还有胡仙堂Huxian Temple,天后宫Sea Goddess Temple等。 二、语法错误 (一)单词拼写错误 1.登临栈道观海赏山别有情趣。 It is distinctly appeaing viewing the mountain and sea along the plank

way.(appearing) 2.水城功能布局匠心独具,包括海港设施,有以小海为中心的防波堤、水门、平浪台、码头等,以及军事设施,有城墙、炮台、护城河、灯楼等。 It consisted of harbor facilities as breakwater, water valve, wave tower, wharf and military facilities including city wall, battery, city moat, fighthouse.(lighthouse) (二)大小写错误 1.黄渤海分界线 The Demarcation Symbol of The Bohai Sea And Yellow Sea.(the/and) 庙内供奉道教神仙玉皇大帝、三官、财神、文昌帝等。 2.Taoist immortals are enshrined in the temple, such as the Jade Emperor, the three gods (heavenly, earth and water), the God of wealth, and Wenchangdijun, etc.(god) God是指上帝,god是指神,此处财神乃神明并非上帝,小写即可。除此之外,the three gods (heavenly, earth and water)改为the three gods(heaven,hell and water)更好,应为此三神分别掌管天堂、地狱及海洋。 (三)名词单复数及动词形式错误 1.腰刀Waist knife People holds the handle with one hand while fighting.(hold) 2.战时,船只由此冲出抗击敌人,或从海上退回保护船只。


中文公共标识语翻译 王开烨 (西南财经大学经贸外语学院,四川成都611130) 摘要:公共场所的标识语翻译不规范的现象普遍存在。文章对现存公共标示语存在的问题进行分析,并找出原因,给予相应的解决方案。 关键词:标识语翻译;错译;文化背景 中国分类号:A567 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2111(2010)04-0087-02 随着全球一体化的步伐不断推进,中国进一步走出国门,面向世界。翻译作为一种纽带和桥梁把中国和世界紧密联系在一起。随着奥运会的举办,世博会的召开,大量的外国朋友来中国旅游,经商。公共表示语作为引领他们在中国畅游的向导,发挥着十分重要的作用。公共标识语在一定程度上体现着中国给世界的第一印象,标识语的翻译质量不容忽视。 1标识语错译现象分析 (1)对英语意义理解不深刻导致的错误 某交通公司的门口除了单位名称,还配上了英文翻译 pub lic tra ffic company 。但是这里究竟应不应该用traffi c呢?从中文解释中,我们发现意义完全对等,用在此处是合理的。但是查看它的英文解释 the m ove m en t o f veh i c l es,people,etc,in a parti cular place o r fo r a particular purpo se 既流动的车辆[行人]。所以用在这里不合理。这里用"transpo rtati on"更加准确。"transpo rta tion"意思为 t he act of transpo rting or the state of be i ng transported 指的是交通运输。这种错误产生的原因在于译者的水平。译者水平有限,没有很好的把握该词语的意义和使用环境。只对各个词语进行了逐个翻译对等,却没有考虑该表示语的整体意义和用途。导致既没有遵循原文的意义,又没有考虑受众的反应。想当然的逐字翻译,致使最后的文本和原文本无法对等。 (2)文化预设导致的错误 文化预设是长期潜移默化地储存在记忆中反应一定客观现实的原形,是作品作者与意象读者共有的不言而喻的知识。大部分中文标示语中有许多包含中国文化元素的内容,这决定了翻译不能拘泥于原文,应该关注这些文化因素。尽量实现翻译的动态对等。如拜水都江堰,问道青城山 的中, 道 在中国文化里有双重含义,一方面指山间道路,更重要的只是青城山的道教文化。如果只将 道 译为"path",就丢失了原文中很重要的一部分信息。也就失去了许多崇尚中国文化的外国游客。这种差异应该引起特别注意,因为这些常识都是我们潜移默化中形成的,往往容易忽略读者的文化背景。 (3)文化差异造成误会 中西方文化差异很大,这是在翻译中不可忽视的方面。翻译中应该充分考虑受众的思维习惯。如公共汽车上的 老弱病残孕专座 被译为 fo r the o l d,sick,disab led,and pregnant .中国文化中对老有一种仰慕和尊敬之情,认为老是智慧和慈善的象征,是有能力,有经验的表现。但是在西方文化中,老却是被认为是风烛残年,虚弱无力。字面翻译没有考虑受众的文化因素,很可能使礼貌用语变成歧视性的语言。这样的翻译可以直接引用西方公交车上的用语"courtesy seat",既能达等效又使读者感到文化被尊重和推广的亲切感。 (4)未考虑小环境翻译的整体效果 标识语在一个小环境中应该保持一致,这样不容易产生误会,也使整个双语标示环境有整体性。以西南财经大学为例,校园内所有的公寓都被赋予了诗意的名字,如 竹园 梅园 敏园 毅园 等。这些宿舍名称的翻译大不相同 zhu garden ," pa l m g arden","m i n yuan","y i yuan"。不难发现这些名称有些事意译,有些直接使用汉语拼音,甚至连 园 的翻译也有 garden 和拼音 yuan 两种翻译。经过调查,这样的翻译,让受众觉得十分困惑,误认为这是不同功能的场所。这样的翻译分开来看都没有什么错误,但是对同一地点不同的翻译就容易引起误会,不能达到标识语指示方向的作用。 针对这些问题,可以总结出一些标识语翻译的方法 2标识语翻译方法 以目标语为导向的翻译。中国与外国有着不同的语言和文化传统,中英两种语言代表着不同的文化。公共标示语是面向读者的,应该尽量符合英语的表达习惯和思维方式,让外国朋友一看就懂,真正起到交流和宣传的作用。不能不顾受众,望文生义,追求单纯的字面对等。 区分文本类型,有针对性的翻译。语言功能理论将文本划分成三种类型:表达型,信息型和号召型。标识语作为一种实用性很强应用文应该充分考虑它的作用,考虑是否达到表示的效果。表达型的文本多用于宣传,有很强的表现力,翻译时需要考虑表达效果。此类文本多出现在旅游景点的宣传中。信息型文本提取主要信息,排除冗余信息,达到传递信息作用即可。 如小草在睡觉,请勿打扰 ,中文表达很人性化但是不符合西方标识语简洁的习惯。提取其核心信息进行翻译便可,直接翻译为 keep off the g rass 就能达到信息传递的效果。号召型的文本有很强的感情色彩,要正确传达译文的感情是重点。如 生命有限,小心驾驶 译为 li m it you speed,li m it your lif e? 就表达出委婉提醒交通规则的感情,表达亲切,提醒明显。 借用外来词的方法可以用来翻译公共场所国际通用的标识语。在机场,公交,旅店有许多可以直接借用的标识语翻译。可以进行实地考察,全部使用西方的标识语。这样符合外国朋友的习惯,容易理解,也能更好的起到指示和提醒的作用,不会产生任何误解。不失为一种最有效最快捷的方法。(下转第117页)


1.功能翻译理论在中国企业网站英译中的应用研究--以企业简介为例 外文资料: ? A Textbook of Translation. Peter Newmark. . 1988 ?[2]Dworkin, Steven N. and Wanner, Dieter (eds), New Approaches to Old Problems. Issues in Romance Historical Linguistics ( Current Issues in Linguistic Theory , 210.). Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 2000. xiv + 235 pp. 90 272 3717 4. Bert Peeters. Journal of French Language Studies . 2002 ?[3]Discourse and the Translator. Hatim Basil,Ian Mason. . 1990 ?[4]In Other Words: A Course Book on Translation. Baker,Mona. . 2001 ?[5]A Study on Nida’s Translation Theory. Ma Huijuan. . 2003 ?[6]A Functional Typology of Translations. Nord,Christiane. Text Typology and Translation . 1997 ?[7]English for Science and Technology: A Discourse Approach. Trimble Louis. . 1985 ?[8]Book Reviews : Writing National Histories. Western Europe since 1800. Edited by Stefan Berger, Mark Donovan and Kevin Passmore. London: Routledge, 1999. Pp. xv + 314. £15.99. Jeremy Black. Journal of European Studies . 1999 ?[9]Scopos, Loyalty and Translational Conventions. Nord,Christiane. Target . 1991 ?[10]Website Localization. Anthony,P. . 2010 ?[11]Text Type and Translation Method:Operative Text. Reiss,Kantharina. . 1983 ?[12]Framework for a General Translation Theo-ry. Vermeera,Hans. . 1978 ?[13]The Guide to Translation and Localization. John,W. . 2002 ?[14]Theory and Method. Holz-Manttari,J. . 1985 ?[15]Company Profiles. Keith,Klein. http://www. WebForg https://www.360docs.net/doc/e217245053.html, . 2009 ?[16]Translating Meaning. Nide,Eugene Albert. . 1993 ?[17]Translation and Cultural Change:Studies in History, Norms and Image-projection. Eva,Hung. . 2005 书籍: ?[1]新编汉英对比与翻译[M]. 中国对外翻译出版公司, 刘宓庆著, 2006 ?[2]西方翻译研究方法论[M]. 北京大学出版社, 李和庆,黄皓,薄振杰编著, 2005 ?[3]翻译研究的功能途径[M]. 上海外语教育出版社, 张美芳著, 2005 ?[4]应用翻译功能论[M]. 中国对外翻译出版公司, 贾文波著, 2004 ?[5]工商企业翻译实务[M]. 中国对外翻译出版公司, 许建忠编著, 2002 ?[6]文体与翻译[M]. 中国对外翻译出版公司, 刘宓庆著, 1998


、公示语的汉英翻译原则 1.“静态”与“动态”结合 公示语在使用中的功能不同,所展示的信息状态也不同,既有“静态”,也有“动态”。“静态”意义的公示语是指广泛应用于旅游设施、旅游景点、旅游服务、商业设施、体育设施、文化设施、卫生设施、宗教会所、科教机构、涉外机构、街区名称、旅游信息咨询中心等方面的突出服务、指示功能的公示语。公示语大量应用名词,直接、准确无误显示特定信息。如:新鲜果蔬Fresh Produce、票务处理Ticket Problems、网吧Internet Caf、吸烟席Smoking Seat、会议中心CONFERENCE CENTER、餐饮部FOOD & BEVERAGE、商务中心BUSINESS CENTER、经理DIRECTOR、正在施工ROADWORK、海关THE CUSTOMS、注册登记REGISTRATION等。“动态”意义的公示语是指广泛应用于公共交通、公共设施、紧急救援等方面,更多使用展现“动态”意义的语汇表达提示、限制、强制功能的公示语。将公众的注意力集中在公示语发出者要求采取的行动上。如:向右转弯Turn Right;严禁拍照No Photographing;谢绝小费No Tipping;仅限紧急情况下使用Emergency Use Only等。“静态”公示语与“动态”公示语在特定语境中的有机结合,恰当摆布,可以满足公众、旅游对信息的需求,有效提高生存和消费的质量。 2.使用常见词汇(common words) 英语公示用语的词汇选择应考虑到广大公众和旅游者的文化水平,尽量避免生僻词语、古语、俚语和术语。如:请勿乱扔废弃物No Littering;有人Occupied(厕所);绕行Detour;小心易碎Fragile;专用车位Private Parking等。由于公示语在公众和旅游者生活中的重要意义,任何歧义、误解都会导致不同后果。与日常生活相关的英语公示语都是多年实际使用形成的约定俗成的语汇。如:双向行驶Two Way;试衣间Fitting Room;斜坡限速Ramp Speed;免税店Duty Free Shop等。 3.注重文化差异 文化在翻译中起着举足轻重的作用,但又难以捉摸,难以处理。鉴于中外地域文化的差别,在指示牌、警示牌或导购牌的翻译中不能忽视文化差别的作用,而公示语的翻译有着言简意赅的特点,故有时为了便于外国游客理解,常常很难兼顾文化因素。例如: 例4:遵守游览秩序,坚持五讲四美。 原译:Observe the tourist order and insist on the"Five Particulars"and"Four Beauties". 应改为:Observe the tourist order and keep good manners. 例5:银狐美容美发中心。 原译:Silver Fox Beauty and Hair Design Center. 应改为:Yinhu Beauty and Hair Design Center. 在西方,Fox隐含有狡猾、奸诈等贬义,不像在汉语里,虽然也隐含有贬义,但是“狐”还常常给人以“美丽,迷人,风情万种,千娇百媚”的联想。我国文学大家蒲松龄先生笔下的狐仙们常常是美丽的女子。基于这种文化差异,将店名译为silver fox会使不少西方人望而却步,此处可以考虑用拼音处理。 例6:杏花楼(某食品商店店名)。 原译:Xinghua Lou. 应改为:Xinghua Lou brand. “杏花楼”是上海食品界的老字号,颇具中国地方特色,但是原译中将其直接译成Xinghua Lou,根本没有将中国 这一品牌宣传出去,又有谁会慕名而来呢?将其改译为Xinghua Lou brand便能稍稍作些弥补。


泉州翻译公司英语常用标识语和提示语 Common Signs and Short Notices in English 英语常用标识语和提示语 随着我国加入世贸组织和北京将举办2008年奥运会,越来越多的外国人到中国经商和旅游,英语被使用的越来越广泛。英语标识语和提示语在人们的生活当中越来越重要了,但目前我国有很多标识语和提示话使用不规范,比如:有些旅游场所标有"No visitors"(游客止步),很多商店标有"Business time" (营业时间),甚至首都机场有些标识语也不规范,如:"Claim luggage" (取行李)。这些都会给外国朋友造成一定的交际和沟通方面的障碍。 2001年,我去英国学习,注意到了英国的一些标识语和提示语,并把它们记录下来。现在我把它们整理分类,配有中文翻译。这些都是原汁原味的英语标识语和提示语,大部分我们可以直接运用,有些则可以根据我国的实际情况变通一下再用。可以说你使用这些地地道道的英语标识语和提示语,老外看了,也会觉得我们不是"老外"了。 下面是部分标识语和提示语。 Road and Traffic 公路和交通 Approaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。 Avoid the jams. 避免交通堵塞。 Dangerous bend 弯道危险 Diverted traffic 交叉路口 Entry to motorway 高速入口 Left junction 左交叉口 Look left (right) 向左(右)看。 Low bridge ahead 前方桥低。 New hours of parking control 停车控制新时段 No entry 禁止驶人 No stopping at any time 任何时间不准停车 No thoroughfare 禁止通行 No trade or business vehicle unless authorized 未经允许货车禁止通行。 Pedestrian crossing ahead 注意前方人行横道。 Pedestrian crossing 人行横道 Please drive carefully 请小心驾驶。 Road closed 此路封闭 Slow,school 前方学校请慢行。 Speed limit of 48kmh 限速每小时48公里 The law requires you wear a seatbelt 法规要求系安全带。 This vehicle stops frequently 随时停车 Car and Parking 汽车和停车


不同性质公司的英语表达 1. Line(s) (轮船、航空、航运等)公司 Atlantic Container Line大西洋集装箱海运公司 Hawaiian air Lines夏威夷航空公司 2. Agency 公司、代理行 The Austin advertising Agency 奥斯汀广告公司 China Ocean Shipping Agency 中国外轮代理公司 3. Store(s) 百货公司 Great Universal Store 大世界百货公司(英) Tesco Stores (Holdings) 坦斯科百货公司(英) 4. Associates(联合)公司 British Nuclear Associates 英国核子联合公司 Subsea equipment Associates Ltd. 海底设备联合有限公司(英、法、美合办) 5. System(广播、航空等)公司 Mutual Broadcasting System 相互广播公司(美) Malaysian Airline System 马来西亚航空公司 6. Office公司,多与 head, home, branch等词连用 3M China Limited Guangzhou Branch Office 3M 中国有限公司广州分公司 China Books Import and Export Corporation (Head Office) 中国图书进出口总公司 7. Service(s)(服务)公司 Africa-New Zealand Service 非洲—新西兰服务公司 Tropic Air Services 特罗皮克航空公司 8. Exchange American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange 美国制造商出口信用保险公司 9. Center Binks (Shanghai) Engineering Exhibition Center, Ltd. 宾克斯(上海)涂装工程设备展示有限公司 “联合公司”的翻译方法


英语常用告示语 Common Signs and Short Notice s in English I.Road and Traffic 公路和交通 Approaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。 Avoid the jams. 避免交通堵塞。 Dangerous bend 弯道危险 Diverted traffic 交叉路口 Entry to motorway 高速入口 Left junction 左交叉口 Look left (right) 向左(右)看。 Low bridge ahead 前方桥低。 New hours of parking control 停车控制新时段 No entry 禁止驶人 No stopping at any time 任何时间不准停车 No thoroughfare 禁止通行 No trade or business vehicle unless authorized 未经允许货车禁止通行。Pedestrian crossing ahead 注意前方人行横道。 Pedestrian crossing 人行横道 Please drive carefully 请小心驾驶。 Road closed 此路封闭 Slow,school 前方学校请慢行。 Speed limit of 48kmh 限速每小时48公里 The law requires you wear a seatbelt 法规要求系安全带。 This vehicle stops frequently 随时停车 II.Car and Parking 汽车和停车 Car park front and rear.前后停车 Cars parked here without permission will be clamped 未经允许在此停车将被拖走Guest’s car park 来客停车场 Limited parking 停车位有限 No parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车。 No parking except for loading. 除装货外,禁止停车。 No parking in front of this gate 门前禁止停车 No parking in use 24 hours a day 此处24小时使用,禁止停车。 No parking or materials in front of doors 门前不准停车或堆放杂物。


1、Business Hours 营业时间 2、Office Hours 办公时间 3、Entrance 入口 4、Exit 出口 5、Push 推 6、Pull 拉 7、Shut 此路不通 8、On 打开(放) 9、Off 关 10、Open 营业 11、Pause 暂停 12、Stop 关闭 13、Closed 下班 14、Menu 菜单 15、Fragile 易碎 16、This Side Up 此面向上 17、Introductions 说明 18、One Street 单行道 19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 21、Wet Paint 油漆未干 22、Danger 危险

23、Lost and Found 失物招领处 24、Give Way 快车先行 25、Safety First 安全第一 26、Filling Station 加油站 27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟 28、No Photos 请勿拍照 29、No Visitors 游人止步 30、No Entry 禁止入内 31、No Admittance 闲人免进 32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 33、Parting 停车处 34、Toll Free 免费通行 35、F.F. 快进 36、Rew. 倒带 37、EMS (邮政)特快专递 38、Insert Here 此处插入 39、Open Here 此处开启 40、Split Here 此处撕开 41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理 42、“AA”Film十四岁以下禁看电影 43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车


公示语翻译的研究现状及其翻译原则 燕玉芝 (河南理工大学外国语学院,河南焦作454003) [摘要] 进入21 世纪后,中国的公示语翻译研究逐渐成为热点,经历由翻译纠错到理论探讨的过程。公示语翻译属于实用英语翻译。本文分析了林克难提出的实用英语翻译“看易写”原 则和丁衡祁提出的公示语翻译ABC 模式。该原则与模式摆脱了“信达雅”的束缚,可用来指导 公示语翻译。文章还指出了公示语里不需要翻译的三种情景。 [关键词] 公示语翻译;“看易写”原则;ABC 模式 [中图分类号]H315.9 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674- 3652(2011)06- 0115- 03 前言 公示语是“在公共场所向公众公示须知内容的语 言,它包括标志、指示牌、路牌、标语、公告、警示等 等”[ 1 ]。公示语是一个地区语言环境和人文环境的重要 组成部分。设立英文公示语是国际大城市的重要标志。 2003 年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Granger 教授曾经说过: 奥运会将给中国的旅游业带来非常直接的影响。同时, 他也给我们提出了一条建议:北京的公示语应该双语 化。他认为这对吸引奥运游客来说至关重要。无可否 认,规范的英语公示语不仅可以方便国际友人在华的生 活、工作、学习和旅游,还可以体现当地较高的教育水 平和公民文化素质,从而提升我国的国际形象。但是, 长期以来,我国公示语的翻译既没有文学翻译的“宠 儿”地位,也不像科技、法规等应用文本的翻译那样走 红。这就造成国内的英文公示语翻译非常混乱,以至于 Granger 教授说“外国人来中国会有一些紧张感,比如公 共标识看不懂”[ 2 ]。为了迎接2008 年北京奥运会和 2010 年上海世博会,北京和上海投入了大量的人力和物 力,在全社会范围内掀起了双语公示语纠错的浪潮,取 得了非常显著的效果。但是,在很多其他的城市,翻译 失误的英文公示语仍然随处可见。一些中小城市的很多 地方甚至还没有设置英文公示语。这种现象和我国经济 文化的不断发展、对外交流的日益增加极不相称,给外 国人士带来了不便,也大大影响了我国的整体形象。因 此,笔者拟对公示语翻译进行研究,希望能为该领域的 发展做出自己的贡献。 一公示语汉英翻译的研究现状 在国外,早在1959 年,Vinay & Darbelne 两位学者就 开始了对公示语的研究[ 3 ]。之后,该研究在西方发展起 来,并逐步规范化。然而,较早关注公示语汉英翻译的 则是中国学者何自然。他在1998 年主编了《社会语用建


原创毕业论文公布的题目可以用于免费参考 (全英文论文)从功能目的论看美国电影字幕翻译-录取通知为例 (全英文论文)亚历山德拉与自然—啊,拓荒者!的生态主义解读 (全英文论文)浅谈英汉谚语的翻译--从跨文化角度出发 (全英文论文)态度对非专业英语学生英语学习的影响 (全英文论文)家庭教育对保罗的影响儿子与情人 (全英文论文)嘉莉妹妹中女主角嘉莉的分析 (全英文论文)“竞赛法”在初中新目标英语句型教学中的应用 (全英文论文)非英语专业大学生听力课堂焦虑的影响及解决策略 (全英文论文)初中生英语写作中的错误分析与对策XX中学初二学生英语作文 (全英文论文)试析美国个人隐私文化的现象及根源 (全英文论文)初中生英语自主学习中的性别差异 (全英文论文)论简爱中伯莎.梅森的象征意蕴和影响 (全英文论文)小说秀拉中的存在主义探析 (全英文论文)论白鲸中的象征要素 (全英文论文)论中西饮食所凸显的文化差异 (全英文论文)英语教育产业化对英语教育的影响 (全英文论文)注意力经济中的快速消费品广告语言特征 本题目是全英文原创论文,需要完整可以联系QQ:805 99 0749 (全英文论文)关联理论视阈下边城中隐喻的汉英翻译 (全英文论文)论塞尔的言语行为理论在六人行中的运用 (全英文论文)从文化角度谈英语主语的物称化倾向和汉语主语的人称化倾向 (全英文论文)简?爱中的“玛丽?苏” (全英文论文)英语拼读法在小学英语教学中的应用 (全英文论文)我校英语写作教学过程中教师意见反馈对学生写作的影响 (全英文论文)从言语行为理论看汉娜蒙特娜中的话语幽默 (全英文论文)狮子,女巫和魔衣橱中的魔幻与现实 从社会环境因素分析布兰奇的心理特征 (全英文论文)浅谈现代企业运营中的知识管理 (全英文论文)中国特色词汇在对外宣传中的翻译策略 (全英文论文)谈日常用品广告英译汉的特色 (全英文论文)浅谈高中生口语交际能力的培养 (全英文论文)从家庭价值观的角度分析中美家庭教育的差异 (全英文论文)外交辞令中模糊策略的应用 (全英文论文)中学英语课堂提问艺术 (全英文论文)现代教育技术在初中英语词汇教学中的合理运用 (全英文论文)喧哗与骚动中的圣经意象 (全英文论文)美国文化在文化全球化现象中的积极作用 (全英文论文)从生态主义角度看“科学怪人”的命定悲剧 (全英文论文)小妇人中美国文化传统的体现 (全英文论文)分析王尔德童话中的唯美主义与道德思想 (全英文论文)中西传统节日的文化差异及其影响--以春节和圣诞节为例 (全英文论文)中国“龙”意象的变化与翻译策略的调整


一、对等性在英语公示语翻译中的实际运用 1:提示性公示语 提示性公示语没有任何意义,仅起提示作用。几乎不存在语境与意境现象,因此其对等性相对强。笔者最近看到一篇论文中提到“出口”还是用exit更好的段落。作者深入的分析了exit 与way out的用法,但笔者想若是用对等法来分析这问题的话,一切就简单了。因为我们可以查看到外国建筑物的出口一般都用exit而很少有way out的表达方法。更有甚者泉州汽车站竟“创造性”的用way in来表示“进口”。看了这些中国人自创的英语外国朋友不知有何感想。倘若此翻译者用对等性翻译法的话,就不难发现entrance是“进口”最常用的表达方法。同样若用对等性翻译法,“小心碰头”就不会望文生义的翻译成“take care of you head” 因为根据英语国家的惯例“小心碰头”的正确表达应该是“mind your head”。再如店里的商品打8折,翻译成80%discount似乎很正确,然而根据对等性原则,英语国家却不用80%di scount而是20%off。 2:指示性公示语 指示性公示语体现的是周到的信息服务,其功能在于指示性服务内容。语境与意境相对较弱,对等性强。例如:department of Chinese language and literature中文系、common roo m教师公用室、office of the dean of student教务处、office of the dean of college院长室。此类表达地点指示性的公示语对等性很强,一般可以采用直接引用外国公示语的方法。然而泉州汽车站却将吸烟室翻译成“smoke room”。这不得不让人汗颜。众所周知吸烟室的英文对等翻译应该是“smoking room”。 3:限制性公示语 限制性公示语对相关公众的行为动作提出要求、约束及要求,语言应用直截了当,但不会使人感到强硬、粗暴、无理。例如:slow慢行、stop for check停车检查、give way减速让行


※广西大学外国语学院副教授 公示语的汉英翻译原则及翻译策略 ———以南宁市公示语英译为例 赵伟飞※ 一、引言 随着我国改革开放的深化,对外宣传和对外交流合作显得日益频繁。以广西来说, 随着中国—东盟自由贸易区进程的推进、中国—东盟博览会举办地永久落户南宁、《广西北部湾经济区发展规划》获得国家的批准实施以及广西同时享有民族区域自治政策、西部大开发政策、沿海沿边开放政策等优惠政策,广西成为我国经济发展的又一片热土,吸引着国内外众多的客商和友人前来投资或观光,使之与世界各国尤其是东盟国家的多领域交流合作不断加强。而作为中国—东盟合作前沿地带的南宁市将发展成为一个国际化的都市。城市中的双语公示语作为一种面向大众的信息交流媒介,在对外交流中 东南亚纵横AROUND SOUTHEAST ASIA 2010.5 摘要:公示语是公开面对公众的标识语、提示语、指示语、警示语的统称。它是一种常见于公共场所的实 用性文体,其目的在于把各种必要的、有用的信息传达给公众,以实现其相应的应用示意功能。翻译公示语是为了用目的语有效地传递源语信息,使公示语译文实现与源语同样的功能和目的。因此,公示语翻译是否规范非常重要,它关系到译文能否准确地传递源语信息、是否会影响对外交流、甚至是否会影响一个城市甚至国家的形象。本文以南宁市公示语英译为例,探讨德国功能派翻译理论的目的论对公示语英译的理论指导意义及公示语翻译策略。

关键词:公示语翻译原则翻译策略目的论 On Principles and Strategies of C-E Translation of Public Signs ———Taking Bilingual Public Signs in Nanning for Example Zhao Weifei Abstract :Public sign is the general term for signs of indication ,reminder ,instructions and warning in public. It is a practical type of writing ,aiming at conveying useful and necessary information to public thus to fulfill its rela -tive function (s .Translating public signs is the practice of conveying the information embodied in the source text for the purpose that the translated text exerts the same function as the source text.It is important to translate public signs appropriately ,for it has a bearing on whether the translated text can convey the information accurately ,whether it would interfere with communication with foreign people and whether it would impair the image of a city and even a country.Taking bilingual public signs in Nanning for example ,this paper discusses the theoretical guid -ance of Skopos Theory in translation of public signs and strategies of translating public signs. Key words :Public sign ,Principles of translation ,Strategies of translation ,Skopos Theory 116 起重要作用。因此,公示语翻译是否规范显得十分重要,它关系到译文能否准确地传达源语信息,实现其应有的应用示意功能、是否会影响对外交流,甚至是否会影响一个城市甚至国家的形象。
