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作为软件开发的重要环节,软件测试越来越受到人们的重视随着软件开发规模的增大、复杂程度的增加,以寻找软件中的错误为目的的测试工作就更加困难为了尽可能多地找出程序中的错误,生产出高质量的软件产品,加强对测试工作的研究尤为重要本课题以Sun中国工程院的Linux桌面系统项目——JavaDesktopSystem的测试工作为基础,结合现有测试理论对基于Linux的桌面系统的测试方法和测试技术进行了深入细致的分析研究并取得了多项创新性成果在理论方面提出了复合白盒测试法和缺陷图表统计模型复合白盒测试法是一种综合性的测试方法,它利用测试覆盖技术和面向缺陷的测试方法使发现的缺陷数量最大化,利用域比较测试技术和Mutation法降低测试用例的执行次数从而减轻工作量缺陷图表统计模型是基于缺陷统计分析的桌面软件质量评价方法,其核心包括缺陷分布统计、缺陷龄期统计和缺陷趋势统计这些理论方法已在JavaDesktopSystem的测试实践中得到应用,并取得很好的实际效果设计测试用例和测试工具是桌面系统软件测试中的关键技术问题本文以JavaDesktopSystem的重要组件Mozilla浏览器为对象,阐述了测试用例DOM引擎和Javascript解释器、辅助测试工具IECT和自动化性能测试工具Loadpage 的实现方法,并详细介绍了许多技术解决方案这些测试用例和测试工具在Mozilla浏览器的测试中正发挥着重要的作用



As an important part of software development, software testing is more and more attention with the increase of software development scale and complexity, to find the mistakes in the software for the purpose of testing is more difficult as much as possible in order to find bugs in the program, to produce high quality software products, it is very important to strengthen the research the testing work in this research project Linux desktop system Sun China Academy of Engineering -- JavaDesktopSystem test as the basis, combined with the existing testing theory is a testing method of comprehensive test method based on Linux desktop system and test technology is analyzed in detail and made a number of innovative achievements in the theory of composite white box testing method and bug graphical statistic model of composite white box testing method is proposed, it uses technology and test coverage Test method for defects that maximizes the number of defects found, using domain comparison test technique and Mutation method to reduce test execution to reduce workload bug graphical statistic mode is desktop software quality evaluation method based on the statistical analysis of defects, which includes defect distribution statistics, defect age and bug trend statistics of the theory and method the test has been applied in the practice of JavaDesktopSystem,

and achieved good practical results of test case design and test tools is the key technology in Linux desktop system testing to an important component of Mozilla's JavaDesktopSystem browser as the object, introduces a method to implement test cases DOM engine and the Javascript interpreter, auxiliary testing tools and automated performance test IECT Loadpage tools, and introduces many technical solutions These test cases and test tools are playing an important role in the testing of Mozilla browser。

Key words:Desktop terminal、software testing、Linux


摘要....................................。.............................I Abstract.................................................................I 1.软件测试的介绍.. (1)

1.1软件测试论文简介 (1)

1.2软件测试的术语 (1)

1.3软件测试的目的 (1)

1.4软件测试的原则 (2)

2.桌面端软件测试用到的方法 (2)

2.1黑盒测试 (2)

2.2白盒测试 (2)

2.3灰盒测试 (3)

3.移动端软件测试注意的地方 (4)

4.与传统软件测试的异同 (5)

4.1相同的 (5)

4.2不同点 (5)

5.软件测试发展趋势 (8)
