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汤雷,谢杨,宋人心,等.水工隧洞衬砌混凝土质量检测与安全分级评价[J].水利水电技术,2018 , 49(4): 203-209.

TANG L e i, X IE Yang, SONG Renxin, et al. Quality detection and safety classification evaluation of linin g concrete for hydraulic tunnel[ J]. W ater Resources and Hydropower Engineering, 2018, 49(4):203-209.





摘要:由于目前国内还没有针对水工隧洞服役后衬砌质量评价的规范,因此依托引溧入津隧洞,通过现场检测,结合以往的检测报告,并借鉴对水工建筑物、公路隧道等结构混凝土质量的检测 技术和评定方法,从混凝土强度、碳化深度、保护层厚度与钢筋锈蚀状态共四个方面,提出了针 对隧洞衬砌混凝土质量的检测技术和分级评级方法,并在此四项指标评价分级的基础上,提出了 隧洞衬砌混凝土质量综合评价体系。结合引滦入津隧洞衬砌质量的检测结果进行分析,得出引滦 入津隧洞衬砌混凝土质量的安全等级为B级,表明隧洞的质量部分已出现一定的问题,应该尽快 对重点洞段采取除险加固措施,确保隧洞的安全运行。该评价体系为今后相关工程的安全鉴定提 供了参照和依据。


d o i:10. 13928/j. cnki. wrahe. 2018. 04. 028

中图分类号:TV554 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-0860(2018)04-0203-07

Qualify detection and safety classification evaluation of lining concrete for hydraulic tunnel

TANG Lei,XIE Yang,SONG Renxin,FU Xiang

(Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institu te, Nanjing 210029,Jiangsu, China)

A b stra ct :As no criteria for evaluating the linin g quality of the operated hydraulic tunnel are there in China at present, both the

quality detecting technique and the quality classification and evaluation method for the quality of the tunnel lin in g concrete are proposed herein from the aspects of concrete strength, concrete carbonation depth, protection layer thickness and reinforcement rust-corrosion status by taking the detection techniques and evaluation methods for the structural concrete qualities of hydraulic structure, highway tunnel, etc. as the references through the relevant in situ detection on the basis of the W ater Diversion Tunnel from Luanhe River to T ia n jin, while a comprehensive evaluation system for tunnel linin g concrete quality is put forward in accord­ance w ith the evaluation and classification made w ith the four indexes mentioned above. Through the analysis made in combina­tion w ith the linin g concrete quality of the Water Diversion Tunnel from Luanhe River to T ia n jin, it is obtained that the safety lev­el of the linin g concrete quality of the tunnel is Grade B, for which certain quality problems of the tunnel are pointed out, thus the corresponding risk elim ination and strengthening measures must be taken for those key tunnel sections, so as to for ensure the safety operation of the tunnel. This study on the evaluation system provides references and basis for the safety appraisals to be



作者简介:汤雷(1972_),男,教授级高级工程师,博士,主要从事水工结构方面的研究。E-m a il: hang@

通信作者:谢炀(1993_),男,硕士研究生,主要从事水工结构方面的研究。E-m a il: 1156876124@

Water Resowrces and Hydropoiver Engineering Vol 49 No. 4
