



Meet the First Pet: Bo, the Portuguese Water Dog!

Last Tuesday, the U.S. first family officially welcomed their first pet—Bo, a 6-month-old Portuguese water dog*. The selection was one of the White House?s most tightly kept secrets.

They’ll love the dog!

President Barack Obama?s daughters, 10-year-old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha, never had pets before. The black and white puppy is a gift from Sen. Edward Kennedy (爱德华·肯尼迪参议员), who owns three Portuguese water dogs himself.

“We couldn?t be happier to see the joy that Bo is bringing to Malia and Sasha,” Kennedy said in a statement. “We love our Portuguese water dogs and know that the girls—and their parents—will love theirs, too.”

Why Bo?

Malia and Sasha have named the dog Bo, after a cousin?s cat and in honor of Michelle Obama?s grandfather, who was nicknamed Diddley. The name for the dog was an apparent (明显的) reference (参考) to the singer “Bo” Diddley.

White House aides (助手) told the AP (美联社) that the office of the first lady arranged an exclusive (排他的,独家的) deal (交易) on the dog story with the Washington Post (《华盛顿邮报》).

That’s top secret!

Before the official announcement, many websites were abuzz with* rumors (谣言,流言) of the first famil y?s selection; one website even claimed it had pictures of the first pet. Hearing the rumors, Obama joked to reporters: “Oh, man, now, that?s top secret.”

“That was a campaign promise,” Obama said in a talk show last month. The president made a lot of promises during his election campaign, but none more important than (没有比…更重要的) this one to his young daughters; he vowed to buy them a dog, win or lose.

Now, he has fulfilled the promise.

*water dog: 会游水的狗, (俚语) 老练的水手

be abuzz with 热烈…(讨论)

(材料二)假期在即,手头却有数不清的作业?试试“留在家里的假期”吧!最美的风景就在身边!Getting Away by Staying Home

What will you be doing for the Labor Day holiday? For many, the extra days off provide an ideal opportunity to go and see new places. This is a great way to spend your vacation. However, more and more people are starting to take a “staycation.” That is, instead of traveling, many people are opting (选择) to stay at home and enjoy local recreational activities.

Conveniently termed in 2003 as “staycation,”this modern word is shorthand(简略表达) for “st ay-at-home vacation.” Opting for a staycation during your break is a great way to save money because there are no lodging costs (住宿费用) and minimal travel expenses. In addition, it is a great way to take the time to connect with your community and support local businesses. By taking the time to explore and admire the beauty and fun in your immediate (附近的) environment, you can discover cool places that you never knew before. As a result, your experience as a “staycationer” will cause you to have a greater appreciation (了解,欣赏) for your local area.

Another attractive reason for going with a staycation during your break owes to (归功于) the lack of stress. As a busy student, it is important to have some time to rest, clear your mind, and “breathe” a little. Traveling, however, is full of packing (整理行装), long-distance travel, waiting in long lines, and tiresome navigation through unfamiliar territory(地域). As a result, traveling “vacations”become another energy-drainer (耗费精力的), piling on (累积) stress during a time when you should be free from it.

So, as you contemplate(计划) what you would like to do for the Labor Day holiday, consider a staycation to relax, save money, and refresh yourself! Make sure that you are not tempted to* work at home due to (由于) easy access to e-mail and related materials. Remind yourself that this is YOUR personal time and make the best of (充分利用) it by exploring Shanghai, meeting up with friends, and taking your mind off (忘却) your busy schedule.

* be tempted to do sth. 某人被诱惑做某事(被动)


Talk to Your School Counselor

If you study in America or other western countries, a school counselor (顾问,辅导员) plays a very important role in your life.

Counselors help you cope*

School counselors know how to listen and help. They?ll take your problem seriously and work with you to find a good solution. A counselor can help you deal with sadness when someone has died, as well as advise you on taking the right classes to get into your dream college. Whatever problem you have, your counselor has seen it before — and has lots of good advice on how to help you work through it.

Student-Counselor Meetings

Counselors meet with students individually or in small groups. The most common setting is a private meeting just between the student and the counselor. Most school counselors have their own offices where you can sit and talk.

School counselors probably ask you to visit him or her even if you don?t have a problem. This helps you feel comfortable with the counselor in case you ever need to meet in a time of crisis. It?s usually easier to talk about a tough issue or a problem when you already feel comfortable with the counselor.

Sometimes counselors also meet students in groups. Group meetings can really help people who are dealing with similar issues. In these group settings, people can share their feelings and learn coping skills. Not only do you get great ideas in a group, but it can also help to know that other students are going through the same thing.

It?s just not possible to sort* through tough times alone. Problems can build up and you may lose sleep, find you can?t concentrate on(集中于) homework, or even become depressed(抑郁的,消沉的). When you need to talk to someone, your school counselor can be a great place to start.

*cope 对付(困难),竞争/抗衡/对抗词组:cope with

sort 分类;整顿,整理;分选,拣(sort out)


President Obama’s First Official Trip to Europe

President Obama returned to the United States two weeks ago after his first visit to Europe since taking office (就职) in January.

Throughout his marathon of speeches, meetings, summits, and one-on-one(一对一的) talks with leaders, he received massive (大规模的) media coverage (报道范围).

It’s time to go home

On his way back, the president made an unannounced* stop in Iraq. He met with the Iraqi prime minister (总理) and president. He also visited American military troops (军事部队) at a camp near Baghdad (巴格达).

Obama offered his thanks and support to a group of cheering troops. He said it is time for the Iraqis to take responsibility for their country, and that the United States will remove most American fighting forces (作战部队) from Iraq by the end of 2010.

Not at war with Islam

Earlier, Obama traveled to Turkey for his first official visit to a mostly Muslim country. He met with university students and with Turkish president. He promised to rebuild relations between the United States and the Islamic world: “Let me say this a s clearly as I can: The United States is not, and will never be, at war with Islam.”

A world without nuclear weapons

Before visiting Iraq and Turkey, the president was in Prague(布拉格), the capital of the Czech Republic (捷克共和国). He met with European Union leaders and spoke to a crowd of about 20,000 people. He urged other nations to join in an effort to free the world of nuclear weapons.

“Today I state clearly and with conviction America?s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons. As the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the United States has a moral (道义上的) responsibility to act.

“We cannot succeed in this endeavor (竭力) alone, but we can lead it, we can start it.”

*unannounced 未经宣布的;未经通报的


I Am Somebody!

“I am somebody,”is a phrase that America?s Rev. Jesse Jackson and others use to encourage young students. He used the phrase as part of a poem that tells students that they are bright, capable and worthwhile. It?s a phrase that encourages students to have“self-esteem.”

Self-esteem is a big word but it just means the way we think and feel about ourselves. When you “esteem” someone, you think well of them. So when you have self-esteem,you think well of yourself.

Having self-esteem gives you a positive outlook on life. It gives you the confidence to meet new people and to try new things. Having self-esteem also lets you keep your positive outlook even when you meet with failure and disappointment.

Most of you probably have good self-esteem. You have families who love you, friends who support you and teachers who encourage you. But some students may suffer from poor self-esteem. They may have problems at home, they may be too shy to make friends or they may have difficulties at school with their studies.

Students with poor self-esteem have more negative thoughts. They think the future is dark instead of bright. They think that they are less worthwhile than other people. Having these negative thoughts can be rea lly harmful. They can affect your studies and your relationships. So it?s important to build your self-esteem.

So, how can you build self-esteem?

●Make a list of things that you are good at. It can be simple things like flying a kite or cooking food.

●Give yourself compliments: “Hey, I finished my homework! Good job!”

●Accept the things about yourself you can?t change: tall/short, thin/fat... big ears!

●Stop thinking negatively: think of something positive or nice, instead.

And if you feel that low self-esteem creeping (爬行的) back, just keep repeating Rev. Jackson?s phrase,“I am somebody,”... because you are!



Do elderly couples really look alike?

You?ve probably seen it before---two elderly people walking hand in hand down the street and looking very much like each other. They look so much alike that they could be brother and sister.

Do you believe that people who live together for many years would look alike? It?s strange, bu t scientists say it?s true.

How scientists proved it?

In a study, scientists found young couples only showed similarity by chance. However, elder couples were very likely to look like each other. The similarity could be very subtle and could be found in wrinkles, furrows, etc. Besides, some couples look far more alike than other couples.

The reason behind it

The scientists thought of several possible reasons:

1. Diet.“We are what we eat.”As couples usually share the same diet, will they probably l ook alike? For example, if both partners eat a high fat diet, their faces will tend to look fat. However, the scientists ruled this out using another small study.

2. Environment. Will elderly couples show similarity because they live together in the same area for a long time? The environmental factors such as sunshine and wind affect the skin in similar ways. The scientists ruled this possibility out as well.

3. Empathy. This is the theory the scientists believe in. Couples grow to look similar because they are empathizing with each other. They copy each other?s facial expressions. For example, if one partner often smiles in a certain way, the other is likely to copy it. In this way, their faces share similar wrinkles and furrows.

A look into the future

Some people still don?t believe in the“empathy”theory. And, some think growing to look more like your partner is a horrific idea. Others, though, think there?s something very sweet and romantic about it. (材料二)请相信,音乐是有魔力的!

Magic Music

What can music do? As a personal expression? To increase patriotism? Or as a way to pass on traditions?

Sweet music for milking

Scientists believe farmers could get more milk from their cows by playing classical music in the cowshed.

In 2001, a group of UK psych ologists played music of different tempos to some cows. Beethoven?s Pastoral Symphony* was a big hit in the milking shed. But when noisy music was played, there was no increase in milk yield. According to research, calming music can improve milk yield, probably because it reduces stress.

Music can help plants grow faster as well. In 2007, South Korean scientists proved that playing music, especially classical pieces, to plants really helps plants grow more quickly.

Muzak*, more than music

Today, you hear muzak almost everywhere. Muzak is functional music rather than entertainment; it affects those who hear it.

Music is art, but Muzak is science. And when you use the science of Muzak: In an office, workers tend to work more efficiently, and feel happier. In a factory, people feel better and, with less fatigue and tension, their jobs seem less monotonous. In a store, people seem to shop in a more relaxed and leisurely manner. That?s why we say Muzak is much more than music.

Music as symbol

At the mention of the 1988 Seoul Olympics (汉城奥运会), what comes into your mind first? The theme song Hand in Hand (汉城奥运会主题曲《手拉手》), of course! It is one of the most favorite songs in Olympic history. As a successful Olympic song, Hand in Hand is easy but not simple. The song conveys the common dream of people around the world—peace and the spirit of the Olympics. Anyone, who saw the moment when 18,000 spectators sang Hand in Hand together with the singers on the stage, would feel the power of music.


Susan Boyle: A Dream Come True

Her appearance on the reality show Britain?s Got Talent (真人秀节目“英国达人”) l asted just a few minutes, but that was enough to bring 47-year-old Scottish church volunteer Susan Boyle to instant fame.

Stunning performance

On the show, viewers saw the plain and plump (胖胖的) Boyle step onto the stage and say that her dream is to be a professional singer like Elaine Page*.

The judges snickered. There was laughter from the audience, and viewers, both live (在现场) and at home, were ready to see another hopeless loser. But when Boyle opened her mouth and sang I Dreamed A Dream (《我曾有梦》) from Les Misérables (《悲惨世界》), the judges were shocked, the crowd went wild, and—Boyle became a star.

A global phenomenon

The rise of Susan Boyle has been a global phenomenon.

From Japan to Denmark to the U.S., the clip of Boyle?s performance has fa scinated viewers. Her clip was the most watched video on global network YouTube the week before last (上上周), attracting over 12 million hits (点击). Boyle?s face has appeared on the front pages of newspapers in Britain and other countries. She has been offere d a seat on Oprah?s sofa*, and it has been predicted that she will have a worldwide number one album.

An underdog

Boyle has shattered the prejudices surrounding age, appearance, and talent in the entertainment industry (娱乐业). She has proved that you d on?t have to be young and attractive to be talented, and recognized as such.

“This is completely unprecedented,”says Andrew Llinares, executive producer (监制) of Britain?s Got Talent.“We have had big responses in the past, but we have never seen anything like this before. People love an underdog and she is the ultimate underdog.”


Electric Heroes

On March 28, where were you when the lights went out? Well, if you were like the millions of people around the world who were celebrating Earth Hour*, you were... in the dark! On that day, at that hour (8:30 to 9:30 p.m.),“electric heroes” in 4,000 cities in 88 countries chose darkness over the lights to show their concern for global warming (全球变暖).

An electric hero is someone (like you!) who limits their energy use whenever possible. It can be a simple thing such as turning off the lights when you leave a room, or just spending less time on the computer or watching television. These small energy savings can add up to big energy savings when done by millions of people. And that?s important for a country like China.

China?s economy has been growing rapidly, and its energy consumption has been growing even faster. Most of the energy China uses comes from fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. They are called fossil fuels because they come from living (有生命的) material that died millions of years ago. All living things are made of carbon, and when they are burned as fossil fuels, the carbon is released into the air in the form of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (导致“温室效应”的气体). It is these greenhouse gases that scientists say are the cause of global warming.

As part of the five-year plan announced in 2006, China has promised to reduce energy consumption by 20 percent by the year 2010. So far, they are on track to achieve that goal; mostly by making industry more efficient. But more can be done, and that?s where you come in(我们还可以做更多,而这正是你可以参与其中的).

By being more aware of the energy you use and by using less energy whenever possible, you can help reduce greenhouse gases. It?s so simple to do... and so heroic, too!

(材料五)在这个什么产品都讲求环保的时代,作为废气排放“大户”的汽车当然也要顺应潮流。Green Car Technology

Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing the world. Vehicle emissions add to greenhouse gases linked to climate change. Car manufacturers all over the world have spent a lot of time and money making“greener”cars, which do less harm to the environment. There are various types of green cars, and different technology is used.

Electric cars

Electric vehicles have been around for a number of years, but now their numbers are increasing with popularity. An electric car is powered by an electric motor that draws its power from an on-board battery pack (电池组), which acts as an energy store (能量储备). Batteries, usually Nickel metal-hydride (镍氢) or

Lithium-ion (锂), are charged by simply connecting the vehicle to a main power supply. One feature of most modern electric cars is the braking system (刹车系统) which allows the battery to be topped up when the brakes are applied.

Hybrid cars

Hybrid cars generally use a combination of two power sources. The most common hybrid cars currently available on the market use both electric motors and petrol engines (汽油发动机). Batteries charge and act as a storage device to power an electric motor, usually working when the vehicle is travelling at low speed or stuck in traffic, therefore hybrid cars are ideal for city driving. The petrol engine, usually a small efficient unit, then powers the car when more power is needed, such as at higher speed. This allows the engine to operate only at its most suitable speed.

Biodiesel cars

Biodiesel is produced from renewable energy sources such as rapeseed (油菜籽), sunflower, or soybean oil. Biodiesel is green as it has the potential to be carbon-neutral. In other words, the carbon dioxide emitted from the vehicle is balanced by the absorption of it from the atmosphere during the fuel crop?s (燃料作物) growth.

(材料六)富豪大亨们并非都像“Green Orchids”中的富翁Harry Saleem那样贪婪成性。世界上最富有的一些人正在用自己的财富为拯救这个星球出力。

Eco Barons: Save the Earth

Scientists and environmentalists have reached a growing consensus that time is running out for Planet Earth. The polar ice caps (极地冰盖) are melting. One in eight bird species is vanishing. Air, water, and ground pollutants are poisoning major population centers…

But according to a recently published book, there is“a secret plan to save the Earth.”This plan is being carried out by a group of“eco barons.”

Who are“eco barons”then? They are a band of vision aries—some of the world?s wealthiest tycoons and entrepreneurs—who are using their wealth, their energy, their fame, and their knowledge of law and science to persuade the world to take a new direction to save the Earth. These people, both men and women, are the modern-day heroic counterparts to the evil 19th century robber barons who originally set the world on the path to environmental destruction.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet (“股神”沃伦·巴菲特) are among the eco barons. These two canny investors, who regula rly swap places at the top of Forbes magazine?s annual list of world billionaires (福布斯年度亿万富豪榜), have spent some of their financial power on different areas. Gates has backed alternative fuels such as oil from algae (藻类), while in Buffet?s case, it?s wind p ower and electric cars.

Douglas Tompkins, the founder of the North Face and Esprit clothing lines, has also embraced environmentalism. He was always an outdoor adventurer—he would regularly disappear for months-long trips to the forests of South America—so when he burned out in the business world, Tompkins took his fortune, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and began steadily buying acre after acre of threatened virgin forest (原始森林) in Chile (智利). Tompkins and his wife have obtained more than two million acres for conservation in Chile.


“Sucking Up”in the Workplace on the Rise

Whether it?s called“buttering up the boss,”“sucking up”or“managing up*,”experts say ingratiating behavior in the workplace is certain to be on the rise as workers worry about keeping their jobs in tough economic times.

“People who tend to…manage up?anyway are managing up more. They really want to make sure people are noticing what they?re doing,”says Max Caldwell, a workforce expert.“It?s a mentality of…I not only want to do a good job, but I want to be seen as doing a good job.?”

According to Jennifer Chatman, professor of organizational behavior (组织行为学) at the University of California at Berkeley (加州大学伯克利分校), that behavior i ncreases when stakes are high.“It?s what we do when we feel ourselves vulnerable to the decisions of others,”she says.

“In such an environment, underlings may be more likely to praise bad decisions or excuse poor judgment by a boss and avoid being frank,”says Chatman.“It can be bad for business, keeping the yea-sayers (应声虫) around.”

But according to some researchers,“sucking up”works.

A study by the University of Texas (德克萨斯大学) found: challenging a chief executive less, complimenting the CEO more and doing the CEO a personal favor increased the likelihood of being appointed to a corporate board (公司董事会) by 64 percent.

Stephen Viscusi, a writer, suggests a simple change in work habits.“If you come in five minutes earlier than the boss and stay five mi nutes later, the boss doesn?t know how long you?re there. He just knows that you?re always working.”

Others like writer Bill Hanover rule out ingratiating behavior altogether. “If you value self-respect, the respect of your peers and leaders, then suckin g up your way to a promotion will leave you ashamed.”


The Value of Truth

I feel good when people I trust say good things about me. It helps me to have positive thoughts about my abilities, and it brings a smile to my face. Most of us know people who always emphasize our best characteristics and who make us feel good about ourselves. People like that are important in our life. They are valued friends who make us feel warm and loved.

I also know people who always have negative opinions about life and the world in general. They never have anything positive to say about anything. Most of the time, I try not to pay much attention to this type of person or their negative comments. However, there are also many people in my life whose opinions I value and trust very much. When they offer objective criticism of me, I try my best to listen very carefully to this type of advice. There is a saying that the truth is not always pleasant, but it is almost always the truth.

As we progress through life, it is good to push ourselves, and to test our limits. The phrase,“You can do better”is most valuable when we believe it to be the truth. No matter how difficult the task, it becomes just a little bit easier when we know that improvement is still within our grasp.

Some of us possess the desire to work hard and to improve without outside motivation. However, most of us require the prodding of a trusted person to help us move forward with our lives. We should be happy when we have people around who care enough about us to tell us the truth, and to offer the encouragement that allows each of us to be all that we can be.


新高考英语时文阅读高三专版(含答案解析及全文翻译) A The life of FM-2030, a transhumanist (超人文主义者) who believed humans will be able to end natural death in the future using technology, is explored in a new documentary. The film, titled‘2030’, was released late last month and is available across multiple streaming platforms. It was made by British filmmaker Johnny Boston who interviewed a range of FM-2030’s acquaintances and scientific experts. Transhumanists believe humans can and should use emerging future technology to greatly enhance their natural abilities. These technologies could include robotics, AI, gene therapy preventing the ageing process. This could radically change what it means to be a member of our species. FM-2030 was born in Brussels in 1930 named Fereidoun M. Esfandiary. The son of an Iranian diplomat, he later changed his legal name to mark his belief that by 2030 we will be ageless and everyone will have an excellent chance to live forever. FM-2030 wrote a number of books around life extension and transhumanist topics, and is widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of the modern transhumanist movement. After his death in 2000, FM-2030’s body was placed in cryonic suspension in Arizona. Mr Boston commented: “I met FM-2030 and that was his legal name when I was about 11 or 12 years old. He’d come to London with his partner at the time and they stayed with us. This was in the early 80s when he had these really off the wall ideas that we were going to live on indefinitely and that there was going to be a much more progressive politics. He talked about we were going to communicate brain to brain. There was going to be a machine that you could put in various characteristics and it was going to print stuff.” Mr Boston went on to produce a number of videos outlining FM-2030’s ideas. He did a series of films called the future of democracy that came out of talks that FM had done. He said,“FM really talks about what the future holds in terms of how we govern ourselves. He thinks we’ve got to useAI.” 1. What will happen in the future according to transhumanists? A. Humans will die in a natural state. B. Humans’life span will remain limited. C. Humans will not need language any longer. D. Humans’abilities will be largely improved by technologies. 2. Why did Fereidoun M. Esfandiary change his name to FM-2030? A. Because his father forced him to do so. B. Because he didn’t like his former name at all. C. Because he wanted to flag his transhumanist faith. D. Because he thought human would end natural death in 2030. 3. What does the underlined phrase “off the wall”in Paragraph 5 mean? A. Dull. B.Ambiguous. C. Ridiculous. D. Upset. 4. Which can be the best title for the passage? A. The Uncertain Future. B. The Film Called 2030. C. The Ideas of Transhumanists.


英语时文阅读 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

英语时文阅读第一篇 A ban on setting off firecrackers? XINHUA 话题:“过年要不要燃放烟花爆竹”这个讨论从年前争论到年后,从减少环卫工人负担到降低空气污染,反对者的声音高涨。但也有人认为,作为传统节日活动,应该燃放烟花爆竹。你怎么看 Wang Xingyue, 14, from Shanghai: I don’t think we should set off firecrackers (爆竹) during holidays. It is really noisy. Some people fire them during midnight. People around cannot sleep well. Besides, it brings air pollution (污染) and lots of rubbish. Most people do not clean the rubbish after they set off firecrackers. So I think there is no need to set them off anymore during holidays. Liu Ran, 14, from Shandong: Setting off firecrackers is a tradition during Chinese festivals. They set them off to celebrate or wish a happy new year. The ceremony (仪式) is very important in Chinese people’s lives. And it also reminds (提醒) us of one of the four great inventions (发明) of China, gunpowder (火药). We cannot give it up. It is good to have this ceremony during holidays. Do you agree with me Lin Yisong, 15, from Zhejiang: I think we should control (控制) the setting off of firecrackers. During holidays, the government could get people together in a place. They can set off some firecrackers or fireworks and people can watch. It is safer to do this and people can also enjoy their holiday tradition. Zhang Qi, 14, from Guangxi: Firecrackers are dangerous and bad for the air. But it is really an important tradition in Chinese festivals. So I think we can use something else to replace (代替) them. For example, we can use LED fireworks instead. It is also beautiful and attractive. And it is much safer. Even kids can play with them. Li Qing, 14, from Jiangsu:


时文阅读1.低头一秒,家毁人亡! 随着科技遍布全世界,智能手机成为了“通讯神器”。但是对于那些精力不集中的司机、骑行者和行人来说,手机在他们手里就是一把上膛的枪 Alexander Heit, a 22-year-old college student with good grades and a quick wit?[w?t](智力,才智), was driving in Greeley, in the US state of Colorado, when he decided to reply to a text message on his phone. "Sounds good my man, see ya soon, I'll tw" We don't know the rest. The message was interrupted by a crash. Heit died. While the young man was distracted, he drifted into oncoming traffic, according to the International Business Times. On my cycling trips around Beijing, I often think about the many tragic cases like Heit’s that I’ve read about in my home country over the years. I am astounded by the number of my fellow cyclists and also scooter riders who I see not only carrying on phone conversations but also only reading text on their phones. Their heads are down, eyes transfixed by a small luminous screen, oblivious to the world they’re rushing toward.Of course, the faster you’re going, the quicker a distraction can become a tragedy.。 Studies show that staring at a cellphone for 3 seconds while driving at 60 kilometers an hour is as dangerous as driving blind for 50 meters, according to Xie Caifeng, a fellow at the research office of Shunyi Court in Beijing, writing in a column published by China Daily last year.Xie wrote that official statistics showed that “the use of cellphones while driving was the top reason for traffic accidents leading to death in Zhengzhou, Henan province”. It is also illegal. According to the national traffic code, it is illegal to use hand-held phones while driving, and an offender can lose points on their license and receive a fine of up to 200 yuan ($29.75), Xie wrote.Penalties are one deterrent, but education and social pressure also are important. Two years ago, the Shanghai office of the media company Havas designed a campaign for the Global Road Safety Partnership using 350 smashed cell phones that had been in the hands of people who had died while texting in China, showing their last words.They were mounted on black slabs(板子)like gravestones(墓碑) as part of an installation for Road Safety Day in 2015, which was made into a film,?SMS Last Words. It showed heart-rending last exchanges like this one:: Driver: Don't worry, I'll be home quickly.



英语时文阅读 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

英语时文阅读 第一篇 A ban on setting off firecrackers XINHUA 话题:“过年要不要燃放烟花爆竹”这个讨论从年前争论到年后,从减少环卫工人负担到降低空气污染,反对者的声音高涨。但也有人认为,作为传统节日活动,应该燃放烟花爆竹。你怎么看 Wang Xingyue, 14, from Shanghai: I don’t think we should set off firecrackers (爆竹) during holidays. It is really noisy. Some people fire them during midnight. People around cannot sleep well. Besides, it brings air pollution (污染) and lots of rubbish. Most people do not clean the rubbish after they set off firecrackers. So I think there is no need to set them off anymore during holidays. Liu Ran, 14, from Shandong: Setting off firecrackers is a tradition during Chinese festivals. They set them off to celebrate or wish a happy new year. The ceremony (仪式) is very important in Chinese people’s lives. And it also reminds (提醒) us of one of the four great inventions (发明) of China, gunpowder (火药). We cannot give it up. It is good to have this ceremony during holidays. Do you agree with me


新高考赢在阅读高二英语时文阅读专版(含原文翻译及答案解析) A Josh Gad's Olaf showed insanely hot skills singing "Unmeltable Me" for "Frozen II". But the hilarious (欢闹的) tune never made it into the animated hit: It was cut from the movie after his vocals were recorded and storyboards had been drawn up. The missing: “Unmeltable Me”is revealed now at https://www.360docs.net/doc/e27122152.html,, ahead of the home release of “Frozen II”, which features the deleted scene as an extra. The ditty was the first song written for the sequel. The new song features Gad's Olaf singing style, playing harpsichord (羽管键琴) accompaniment. The instrument was requested by directors for comedic reasons. The harpsichord arrangement made it funny and different. The filmmakers originally wanted “Unmeltable Me”to explain an important story point –why Olaf no longer needed the magical “flurry”cloud Elsa had created at the end of "Frozen" to keep the snowman from melting in warm weather. Creating the flurry effect was so difficult for the animators that the directors decided Elsa would have perfected a permafrost coating for Olaf by the second movie. The scene features Olaf doing just about everything to show off his new permafrost coating, from sticking a lit candle into his head to placing his head in a Sterno-heated buffet tray. Olaf's audience in the scene is a group of dignitaries who have traveled to Arendelle from around the world to meet the powerful Elsa at a state dinner. Elsa and Anna are held up, so Olaf fills time entertaining the assembled guests with the song. Sadly, “Unmeltable Me”was cut before it could be fully animated. Gad’s Olaf still received his big song in “Frozen 2”singing “When IAm Older”happily.“Unmeltable Me' is definitely fun, but that’s show business,”says Lopez, who especially loves how Olaf ends the song on an unusual high note. 1. What can we learn from the song “Unmeltable Me”in the first paragraph? A. The song “Unmeltable Me”was sung by Elsa. B. The song can make this movie into a animated hit. C. The song was created for the movie. D. The song was recorded in the movie at last. 2. What does the underlined word “revealed”in Paragraph 1 probably mean? A. Show. B. Hide. C. Create. D. Delete. 3. What is the purpose of using permafrost coating? A. To entertain the audience. B. To prevent Olaf from melting. C. To make the movie funny. D. To explain show business. 4. What can we know from the passage? A. This movie is directed by Josh Gad. B. Olaf likes his new permafrost coating. C. Josh Gad’s attitude is passive because his song was cut from the movie. D. The scene of the song is not mentioned in the article. B Google’s Search Engine Can Recommend Your Favorite Shows and Movies


新高考英语时文阅读高三专版特训(含答案解析及原文翻译) A The life of FM-2030, a transhumanist (超人文主义者) who believed humans will be able to end natural death in the future using technology, is explored in a new documentary. The film, titled ‘2030’, was released late last month and is available across multiple streaming platforms. It was made by British filmmaker Johnny Boston who interviewed a range of FM-2030’s acquaintances and scientific experts. Transhumanists believe humans can and should use emerging future technology to greatly enhance their natural abilities. These technologies could include robotics, AI, gene therapy preventing the ageing process. This could radically change what it means to be a member of our species. FM-2030 was born in Brussels in 1930 named Fereidoun M. Esfandiary. The son of an Iranian diplomat, he later changed his legal name to mark his belief that by 2030 we will be ageless and everyone will have an excellent chance to live forever. FM-2030 wrote a number of books around life extension and transhumanist topics, and is widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of the modern transhumanist movement. After his death in 2000, FM-2030’s body was placed in cryonic suspension in Arizona. Mr Boston commented: “I met FM-2030 and that was his legal name when I was about 11 or 12 years old. He’d come to London with his partner at the time and they stayed with us. This was in the early 80s when he had these really off the wall ideas that we were going to live on indefinitely and that there was going to be a much more progressive politics. He talked about we were going to communicate brain to brain. There was going to be a machine that you could put in various characteristics and it was going to print stuff.” Mr Boston went on to produce a number of videos outlining FM-2030’s ideas. He did a series of films called the future of democracy that came out of talks that FM had done. He said,“FM really talks about what the future holds in terms of how we govern ourselves. He thinks we’ve got to useAI.” 1. What will happen in the future according to transhumanists? A. Humans will die in a natural state. B. Humans’life span will remain limited. C. Humans will not need language any longer. D. Humans’abilities will be largely improved by technologies. 2. Why did Fereidoun M. Esfandiary change his name to FM-2030? A. Because his father forced him to do so. B. Because he didn’t like his former name at all. C. Because he wanted to flag his transhumanist faith. D. Because he thought human would end natural death in 2030. 3. What does the underlined phrase “off the wall”in Paragraph 5 mean? A. Dull. B.Ambiguous. C. Ridiculous. D. Upset. 4. Which can be the best title for the passage? A. The Uncertain Future. B. The Film Called 2030. C. The Ideas of Transhumanists.


高中英语阅读理解(时文广告)解题技巧及练习题含解析 一、高中英语阅读理解时文广告类 1.阅读理解 Various cultural activities always take place on campus in springy March. This year, the Office of Student Affairs is going to organize the South and Southeast Asian Cultural Festival to present cultures of these two regions across the board---the opening ceremony, food and cultural booths, talks and workshops, and many others. Don't be spoilt for choice! Local South and Southeast Asian Market The Cultural Square will be transformed into a local market where diverse South and Southeast Asian cultures meet. Visitors can taste local food, meet the locals and experience some local ways of life, so remember to drop into this wonderful marketplace! Date:6&7 March 2019(Wednesday&Thursday) Time:12:00-14:30 Venue: Cultural Square, Main Campus Tofu Making Workshop Soft or firm, salty or sweet, steamed or fried, tofu is well-known for its nice taste and good nutrition. It plays an important role in East Asian and Southeast Asian food culture, so we may well have eaten it, but do you know how it is made? Here comes a chance for you to try your hand at making this widely enjoyed food! Date:10 March 2019(Sunday) Time:15:00-16:30 Venue Room 201B, 2/F WS Centre Fee: $ 100 An Introduction to Dandiya Raas Dandiya Rass, a traditional folk dance of India, is associated with scenes of Holi, which is a famous spring festival known as the festival of colors. At this workshop, our Indian students will introduce the dance to the participants by dancing together and feel the soul of their unique music culture. Date:13 March 2019(Wednesday) Time:18:30-20:30 Venue: Room 502, WFY Building Quota:20(First come, first served ) Thai Loy Krathong Festival Loy Krathong, or Water Lantern Festival, is a widely celebrated occasion in Thailand where people pray for good things for the year ahead. In this workshop, participants can try their hand at making their own krathong under the guidance of Thai students ! Date:14 March 2019(Thursday) Time:18:30-20:30 Venue :L-LOUNGE,3/F YIA Quota :20(First come, first served ) (1)These activities above are aimed to___________.


盐城市第一中学高一英语时文阅读 1. Three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ, the Roman emperors still demanded that everyone believe in the Roman gods. Valentine, a Christian priest, had been thrown in prison for his teachings. On February 14, Valentine was beheaded(斩首), not only because he was a Christian, but also because he had performed a miracle. He supposedly cured the jailer's daughter of her blindness. The night before he was executed, he wrote the jailer's daughter a farewell letter, signing it "From Your Valentine." Another legend tells us that this same Valentine, well-loved by all, received notes to his jail cell from children and friends who missed him. Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time, AD 200. He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor. Some legends say he was burned at the stake. February 14 was also a Roman holiday, held in honor of a goddess. Young men randomly chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe in the Middle Ages, and then to the early American colonies. Throughout the ages, people also believed that birds picked their mates on February 14! In AD 496 Sain Pope Gelasius I named February 14 as "Valentine's Day". Although it's not an official holiday, most Americans observe this day. Whatever the odd mixture of origins, St. Valentine's Day is now a day for sweethearts. It is the day that you show your friend or loved one that you care. You can send candy to someone you think is special. Or you can send roses, the flower of love. Most people send "valentines," a greeting card named after the notes that St. Valentine received in jail. Valentines can be sentimental, romantic and heartfelt(真心真意的). They can be funny and friendly. If the sender is shy, valentines can be anonymous. Questions: 1.What is the main idea of the text? 2.What does Valentine's Day stand for(象征)?


新高考高一英语时文阅读精编(含答案解析) A Coronavirus (冠状病毒) has infected more than 170,000 people across the world, and the virus is expected to peak in the UK in the coming weeks. Professor Chris Whitty said on March 12 that he expects the UK would reach the peak of its coronavirus outbreak in about 10 to 14 weeks. The NHS is currently advising you to self-isolate for seven days if you have symptoms of coronavirus, like a high temperature, or a new continuous cough. If you have travelled to a badly affected area, or have been in contact with someone with the disease, you will also need to self-isolate. Staying at home will help to control the spread of the virus. When you self-isolate, you need to stay away from public places. This means you cannot take your pets out for walks in public places. With more time indoors, it’s also a good idea to plan how you can keep your pet occupied while self-isolating. If you’ve been diagnosed with coronavirus, you should inform your local health protection team that there is a pet in the household. They will touch with the relevant animal health authorities. If your pet shows signs of ill health, please do not take them to the vet. Contact your local health protection team for advice. The RSPCA have also issued tips for keeping your pets and family safe while self-isolating. If you haven’t tested positive or been asked to self-isolate then continue to interact with your pets as normal but adopt good hygiene (卫生) practices including washing hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after touching them, their food, toys and bedding. Avoid being kissed or licked and sharing food with your pet. Ensure you have extra supplies of pet food and medication in case of self-isolation. Speak to your vet or doctor for more advice. 1. Which situation does not require self-isolation during the coronavirus? A. Being bitten by pet animals. B. Arriving in an affected area. C. Contacting with confirmed case. D. Having a fever for a few days. 2. If you are a patient with coronavirus, what might happen to your pet according to Para. 3? A. Being taken to the vet. B. Being given to friends. C. Staying with you.
