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1.International Marine Cargo Transport

国际海上货物运输。国际货物运输是指采用一种或多种运输方式将货物从一国或地区运至另一国或地区的某一地点。国际货物运输涉及多种运输方式,包括海运(marine transport)、空运(air transport)、铁路运输(rail transport)、公路运输(road transport)、邮政运输(parcel post transport)、内陆水道运输(如江河运输、湖泊运输)(inland waterway transport)、管道运输(pipe transport)、国际多式联运(international multi-modal transport)等。其中,海上运输为最重要的运输方式,它具有货运量大、成本低等优点,国际贸易业务中约有三分之二的货物采用海运。此外,现在的运输规则也大都是从海运发展起来的。因此,本单元重点讨论国际海运方面的实务和法律知识。

2. liner transport and charter transport

班轮运输和租船运输。班轮运输是指货轮按固定的航线、固定的停靠港口、固定的航运时间表及相对固定的费率进行航行。租船运输又称不定期船(tramp)运输,它没有班轮运输中的“四个固定”,而需经过租船人(charterer)与船东(ship owner)在租船契约(charter party)中进行约定。租船运输主要有定程租船、定期租船、光船租船三中形式。

3. W/T, M/T, A/V

分别为weight ton, measurement ton, Ad Valorem的缩略词,译为“重量吨”、“尺码吨”、“从价”,可理解为:货物的运费按货物毛重、货物体积、货物价值计收。

4. long length surcharge, over weight surcharge, currency adjustment factor, optional charge, port congestion surcharge, transshipment surcharge, bunker adjustment factor, alternation surcharge, and port surcharge


5. liner’s freight tariff


6. Tramp vessels are engaged under charter on a time, voyage or demise basis


7. Consignee


8.Freight prepaid or to collect


9.On board B/L and Received for shipment B/L


10. Straight B/L, Order B/L and Open B/L


11 Clean B/L and Unclean B/L.


12.Carrier’s responsibilities


13. The carrier shall, before and at the beginning of the voyage, exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy, properly man, equip and supply the ship and to make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation.


14. Force majeure


15. exonerate from the liability


16. bear the burden of proof


17. be jointly liable


18.International conventions on marine transport

国际海运公约。国际货物海上运输规则主要包括1924年的《海牙规则》(Hague Rules),1968年的《维斯比规则》(Visby Rules)及1978年的《汉堡规则》(Hamburg Rules)。我国未参加上述三个公约,但我国的海商法在有关班轮运输方面的法律规定,借鉴了这三个规则的相关内容。

19. imperfect liability with fault


20.presumed liability with fault



There are different ways to carry the goods to their destination, such as marine transport, land transport, air transport and multi-mode transport, etc. In choosing one mode of transport, one shall consider such elements as the availability of the transport vehicles, the time of transport, the quantity of the goods and the safety of the goods, etc.

1. Modes of Marine transport

Marine transport falls into two groups: liner transport and charter transport2. Liners operate on a scheduled service between a group of ports. Liners sail on the scheduled dates and times irrespective of whether the ships are full or not. The respective obligations and liabilities of the consignors and the carriers are listed in the bill of lading issued by the liner companies.

The freight of liners comprises basic charges and additional charges. There are several ways to be used to calculate the basic charges. The cargoes are usually charged by W/T, M/T, A/V3, the numbers of the goods, or as arranged by the consignor and carrier. The additional charges may contain long length surcharge, over weight surcharge , currency adjustment factor, optional charge, port congestion surcharge, transshipment surcharge, bunker adjustment factor, alternation surcharge, and port surcharge4, etc.

The goods are usually classified into 20 grades which are listed in the liner’s freight tariff5. The basic freight rates are charged according to their respective grades. One may acquire such information in the liner’s freight tariff of the shipping company.

Charter transport, also called tramp transport, unlike the liner transport, does not operate on a fixed route and a fixed schedule. The tramps go all over the world in search of the goods, primarily bulk shipments, like coal, grain, timber, mineral ores, fertilizers, etc. They are usually carried in complete shiploads. Tramp vessels are engaged under charter on a time, voyage or demise basis6. Voyage charter might be determined by one single or consecutive single voyages
