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1. Material

•polyethylene 聚乙烯, polypropylene 聚丙烯,

polyamide (聚酰胺)尼龙, polyester 聚酯

•polystyrene 聚苯乙烯polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯,

polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯,

polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)有机玻璃聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯

•synthesis 合成, polymerization 聚合, catalyst 催化剂, chemical reactivity 化学反应性, monomer 单体单体结构

•thermoplastic 热塑性塑料, thermoset热固性塑料, elastomer 弹性体2. Structure

•double bond 双键, repeat unit 重复单元, conformation 构象, configuration构型pendant group 侧基,

branch chain 支链, coil 线团

•number average molecular weight 数均分子量

•intermolecular attraction 分子间的吸引力,

hydrogen bonding 氢键, entanglement 纠缠、纠结, orientation 取向•amorphous 非晶, crystalline 晶区, crosslinked交联的•nucleation 成核, folded chain model 折叠连模型, sphereulite 球晶•blend 混合, composite 复合, morphology 形态, Composition 组成, component组分, matrix phase聚集相•Infrared spectroscopy 红外吸收光谱法

•differential scanning calorimetry 差示扫描量热法

•X-ray diffraction X射线衍射

3. Property

•glass transition temperature 玻璃化转变温度,

melting point 熔点, decomposition 分解, degradation 降解, thermal stability热稳定性, coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数

•impact toughness 冲击韧性, tensile strength 抗张强度,

reinforcement 强化, melt index 熔融指数

•modulus 模数, stress-strain curve 应力-应变曲线,

elongation at break 断裂伸长率, deformation 变形

•creep 蠕变, stress relaxation 应力松弛, annealing 退火•shear-thinning / thickening 剪切稀释/增稠

•pseudoplastic 假塑性体, viscoelasticity 粘弹性

4. Processing

•twin-screw extruders 双螺杆挤出机

•injection molding 注塑

•die 冲模, mold 模, cavity 型腔

•processing aids / additives 加工助剂, filler 填料•melt,熔融plasticizing 塑化, solidify 固化•Because of the close connection between the terms resins, plastics, and polymers, they are sometimes used interchangeably, although correctly used there are differences. To summarize, polymers are any material made up of molecular chains; plastics are synthetic, long-chain polymers that can be or have been shaped; and resins are solids or liquids that are subsequently shaped into a plastic part.


•The complexity in polymers arises because solid polymeric materials can exist, in two very distinct types of structure. In one type, the polymer molecules are randomly coiled about each other with entanglement. This structure type is called amorphous. In the second type, the polymer molecules can pack together into regular, repeating structural patterns. These regularly packed regions are called crystals or crystalline regions.


•The most important (but not the only) feature of a polymer that determines whether it will be amorphous or crystalline is the shape of the polymer repeat unit. If the repeat unit is complex, especially with large pendant groups, the polymer cannot pack tightly together and will be amorphous. Some of the most common amorphous polymers are polystyrene, acrylic, polycarbonate, and most copolymers. •最重要的(但不是唯一的)决定一种聚合物是否是非晶态或晶态的一个重要特征是聚合物重复单位的形状。如果重复单位是复杂的,尤其是有大侧基,聚合物不能紧紧的折叠在一起,即是非晶态。一些最常见的非晶态高分子聚合物有聚苯乙烯、丙烯、聚碳酸酯和大多数共聚物。

•In addition to these structural factors, the crystallinity of polymers also depends upon molding or processing conditions. Crystallization in polymers takes time to occur. Therefore, factors such as cooling rate can have strong influences on the amount of the material that crystallizes, since below certain temperatures there is not sufficient molecular motion to allow the molecules to rearrange into a close packing configuration.


•Most polymer materials have some characteristics that are similar to viscous liquids and some that are similar to elastic solids. These materials are therefore known as viscoelastic. Viscoelastic materials can be either liquid or solid, although the distinction between liquids and solids in these materials is not a clear one. The time dependence of viscoelastic materials is an important consideration that significantly affects their behavior. Most polymer viscoelastic liquids exhibit shear-thinning, and many are thixotropic.


•The viscous nature of a polymer solid can be associated with long-range movements. The viscous material will move more freely than an elastic solid when a force is imposed, and all the energy input into the material may not be returned because of permanent deformations or the creation of internal heating. The long-range movements require more energy to activate than do the short-range movements. Hence, above a certain level of internal energy, the behavior of the material will more likely be dominated by long-range movements, and below this characteristic energy level, the material will exhibit only short-range movements.
