德雷尔一家 第四季 第二集 (中英对照)
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The Durrells Season 4 Series 2
我的裁缝贾克韦先生给我寄的好东西Riches from my tailor, Mr Jakeways.
我第一次看到达芙妮和她孩子在一起I saw Daphne with her baby for the first
哦亲爱的Oh, darling.
我想有个自己的家庭I want my own family.
我20了正是适合组建家庭的年龄I'm 20, that's a good age to start.
并不是的It isn't really.
你都没有投票权而且你才有... You can't even vote and you've got...
有多少积蓄well, how much money?
你指经济上In financial terms?
不是钱难道是香蕉吗NO, in bananas.
作为一个正值盛年的男人我准备好了Well, as a man in my prime, I'm ready.
小牛一岁就成年了Bulls start at the age of one.
可你不是只牛你得帮我运营旅馆Well, you're not a bull, you help run a
拉里不在我需要你的帮忙And I need you here while Larry's gone. 玛戈也说她要离开And Margo say she will leave soon.
什么太荒唐了What? Well, that's absurd.
简直像把痴傻的小猫崽放到原始森林里一样That's like releasing a dotty kitten into
the jungle.
这就是为什么她想走And that's why she wants to go
因为你把她当傻瓜看because you think she' a clot.
我才没有当她是傻瓜I don't think she's a clot!
只是她还没准备好去面对She's just not ready for the real world 现实世界中正常的人际交往of normal human interaction.
鲁格勒斯雅求你了回家吧Lugaretzia, please ,go home.
那我回家I go home.
回家让你可怜的背Go home and rest your bad back
还是屁股什么的好好歇歇吧or your bottom or whatever it is.
你觉得怎么样What do you think?
瘌蛤蟆先生知道你穿了他的衣服吗Does Mr. Toad know you have his clothes? 路易莎我爱你的无情Louisa, I love your cruelty.
很不错Well, that's good
还有更多没展现呢there's plenty more where that came from. 马丁在我手上拉了屎不过是我的错Martin crapped on me. My fault.
你就是杜雷尔夫人了吧You must be Mrs Durrells.
你可很受好评啊You come highly recommended.
是吗真好Ah, well,how nice.
有给我的房间吗Do you have a room for me?
有的顶层的豪华阁楼I do. The penthouse on the top floor.
这是什么地方该死的动物园吗What is this, a ruddy zoo?
我也这么觉得Yes,I suppose it is.
别和他调情Don't get romantic with him.
他不是你喜欢的类型He's not your type.
上校也喜欢枪The Colonel loves guns
你俩会相处得很好的莱斯利so you two will get on well, Leslie.
我已经不玩枪了In fact, I've moved on from shooting.
不过真挺壮观啊Although that is quite something.
玛戈走了很抱歉上面有屎Margo's gone. Sorry about the poo.
亲爱的妈妈我知道你一直想我留下来'Dear Mother, I know you'd try to make me
我就偷拿了一些私房钱so I've been smuggling out my possessions. 在科孚找了一个秘密居所I'll be at a secret location in Corfu.
等我安定下来我会再联络你们的I'll be in touch when settled.
玛戈去哪里了Where's Margo gone?
她没写She won't say.
这可太糟了Well,this is terrible.
我们得搜查整个岛We must search the island.
别我们小时候都会离家出走嘛No! We all run off when we're nippers
- 她多大了 - 才18岁- How old is she? - 18.
也是时候让她走了Well, it's time she left then.
没事的Yes, it'll be all right.
这是对她好Do her good.
你已尽到了你的职责Your job's done.
你们男人懂什么What do all you men know?
我很伤心无论是作为一位母亲I'm...sad as a mother
还是一个女人as a woman.
总之我觉得我的孩子们都反天了frankly, I'm feeling outnumbered.
我跑到上面...结果抓住了一个自己人Then I went over the top in Wipers...
and ...copped a Blighty.
他曾在伊普尔打仗受伤然后被送回国He fought at Ypres and was invalided home. 裆部全是弹片Still got a crotch full of shrapnel.
我也不能把磁铁放屋里I can't have magnets in the house.
路易莎不想听见裆部这词Louisa doesn't want to hear the word
没事我很清楚那是什么No, it's fine, I am familiar with the
或者我继续说or should I?
我在博斯普鲁斯海峡被刺刀The time I got a bayonet up my jacksie
扎进屁股的经历有人想听吗in the Bosphorus, anyone?
我以为你喜欢战争I thought you liked war.
没疯的人都不会喜欢战争Nobody sane likes war.
我相信的是去保护所爱之人I believe in protecting one's loved ones 如果很幸运能找到这爱人if one's lucky enough to have any.
显然德国佬还在耍他们的旧把戏Well, the Hun are up to their old tricks
上次我没杀够I didn't kill enough last time
奥地利沦陷了谁会是下一个Austria's gone, who's next?
我决定餐桌上禁止谈论战争I've decided there won't be a new war.
真是好姑娘Good girl.
有点过于自来熟了Little bit over familiar.
我在这都几个月了我才可以这样说I've been here for months, I've earned it. 我们的关系很融洽We have a super rapport.
总之我最近离开了军队Anyway, I've recently left the army
现在我更想把精力放在打猎上and I'd rather like to try my hand at
不别做这事oh no, don't do that.
为什么不why not?
只有蠢货才以屠杀动物为乐Only an idiot would kill an animal for fun. 我很肯定你不是个蠢货And I'm sure you're not an idiot.
杰瑞别对付费的客人这么没礼貌Gerry, don't be rude to our paying guests. 你的家庭Your family
是我的错觉还是真的在渐渐分崩离析is it me or is it slightly falling apart? 西奥我喜欢这里I love it here, Theo
谢谢你让我住这thanks for letting me stay.
没事对我也有好处No, it's good for me.
我过得太规律这也不太好I'm a creature of routine which is terrible. 我和我完全对称的房间Me and my perfectly symmetrical room.
由你打破Break it up!
不过让我告诉你妈妈你在我这吧But let me tell your mother you're here. - 她可着急了 - 你敢- She's anxious. - No, don't you dare.
我昨天在市场买了这些Oh, I bought these yesterday in the market. 它们激发了我对新的美容事业的灵感They'll help me inspire my new beauty
来把这古董货换下来Let's take this old codger down.
美不美Isn't it gorgeous?
你不介意吧You don't mind, do you?
多谢了西奥Thanks, Theo.
我听说你很会玩枪I hear you're a gun wallah.
我们一起去打猎吧Let's go hunting.
我想要个稳定的工作I want a solid career
这样就可以组建我的家庭so I can have a family and...
酬劳丰厚哦I'll pay you handsomely.
现在告诉我科孚岛上最大的猎物是什么Now, what's the big game on Corfu?
最大的是野猪但是很难找到Well, the biggest prize is wild boar, but
they're hard to find.
很好你负责解决Good! You sort that out then.
如果失败了我就要拿回我的钱And I'll have my money back if it's a
你知道昆虫没有血液循环系统吗Did you know that insects don't have
circulatory blood systems?
它们的器官浸浴在血液中Their organs bathe in chambers of blood 血的颜色一般是绿色或黄色it's usually green or yellow.
我需要找人谈谈I...need to confide in someone.
莱斯利在楼下Leslie's downstairs.
不他帮不上忙No, he'd be useless.
上校在... The Colonel's...
我宁愿选择去死I'd rather die.
妈妈总在哪儿待着呢Mother's somewhere.
她正是我想说的事It's her I want to talk about.
因为我吃惊地发现…Because I'm...finding to my surprise. 我... that I...well...
我爱她I love her.
我也爱她I love her too.
我不是说你这种爱Not the way I love her.
像是在燃烧的房子Like a burning...house.
蝗虫找不到配偶时when locusts fail to find a mate.
它们会跋山涉水几千里…they travel often for thousands of miles... 我们能不能至少这一次Can we, for once
别把事情都和恶心的爬虫联系到一起not relate everything to creepy crawlies? 根据你对你妈妈的了解…Based on your knowledge of your mum...
你有没有什么技巧能撬开她的心房Do you have any hints or tips reunlocking her
你一点希望也没有抱歉You haven't a hope in hell. Sorry. 那... Well...
还是个挑战呢There's a challenge.
亲爱的老妈还有那些裙带的亲人们"Dear Ma and the sibling horde
此刻我正在北方歇脚I'm perched up here in the North
这里宁静祥和的气氛像瀑布般倾泻which cascades serenity
我不再大喊大叫的敲打字机了when I'm not hammering sentences into being.
别文绉绉的了你知道我的Please relax, its me.
孩子们怎么样了"How are the Kids?"
好些了That's better.
我想念他们和你了I miss them and you, of course.
我的舞女们去雅典找正职去了My dancer girls have left to prance
professionally in Athens
但我如饥似渴般地在这写信but I am writing like a hungry fish.
你开心了吗Are you happy?
依我了解的你Knowing you, and I do
你只会在承认快乐的同时you will concede only partly happy
感受到零散的怀疑与沉重的风险with risk of scattered doubts, heavy at
拉里的信也会让我很难受Larry's letters make me sad too.
不过我是因为它们全是废话But that's because they're gibberish.
我想他了也想玛戈I miss him.And Margo, of course.
就像是想念…as one misses a...
痴傻的小猫逃到原始森林里去dotty kitten who's run off into the jungle 即使它还没准备好去面对现实的世界…even though she's not ready for the real
world or...
好吧All right.
这些年我已经习惯向拉里倾诉But over the years, I've grown used to
confiding in Larry.
还有斯皮罗他和我在自那次以后And Spiros, although he and I are rebuilding
our friendship
在重建我们的关系你知道的since, well, you know.
我已经长大了并且收入稳定Well, I'm mature, and financially secure. 现在处理着上校狩猎的工作now I'm running the Colonel's hunts.
你不需要依靠拉里或斯皮罗You don't need Larry or Spiros.
现在我就是你的依靠I'm your confidant now.
为你指明方向Guiding your every move.
你可以不再忧愁担心了Your worries are an end.
斯皮罗你有在哪里见过玛戈吗Spiros, have you seen Margo anywhere?
你担心的太多了You worry too much
你不能再这样了You should stop that.
斯皮罗我们之间看起来不会Spiros, things don't seem to be getting back 再回到从前那样了to how they were between us.
不是你太紧张了No, you're tense.
我是紧张是因为我…Well, yes, I'm because I, I...
我需要还账单I will have as many men in the house
所以我会找更多的男人去我家as I need to pay the bills.
如果他们希望Lying around in hammocks
我可以睡在内衣横飞的吊床上in their underwear if they wish.
我是说我的意思是I'm just saying, make it clear.
你对他们不感兴趣you're not interested in them.
我对他们才不感兴趣I'm not interested in them.
随时来亲自上门看看Drop in any time and see for yourself.
我可能会去哦I may do that.
我丈夫总是外出My husband is away a lot
他不怎么可靠and not reliable
但我们在努力维持一个幸福的婚姻but we are trying to make a good marriage. 我会很喜欢有一个宝宝的I'm going to love having a baby.
你有女朋友吗Do you have a girlfriend?
没有我在等你No, I'm waiting for you.
这不公平That's not fair.
对你或任何其他人For you or anyone.
或许吧谁知道呢Maybe, who knows.
她喜欢你She likes you.
不过你还是放下她回家休息去吧But you can leave her and go home and sleep. 如果你想休息我可以照顾她I'll babysit if you want a rest.
你会吗You would?
我爸说男人不懂照顾婴儿My father says men do not look after babies. 没事我是对女性敏感Well, I'm the new kind of man.
而又极具男子气概的新兴男人Who's sensitive to women whilst remaining
manly in the extreme.
莱斯利·德雷尔Leslie Durrell.
利库斯先生Oh, Mr Likourgos.
这段时间在忙什么呢What are you doing these days?
我有一场令人兴奋的新冒险组织狩猎旅行I have an exciting new venture, organizing
hunting trips.
最佳的打野猪的地方在哪Where is the best place to hunt wild boar? 埃弗罗普利那里的树林The woods at Evropouli.
我有狩猎许可证I own the hunting licence.
你可以在那打野猪You can shoot wild boar there.
谢谢Oh, thank you.
你的话收你便宜点For you, not expensive.
可以多少钱Fine, How much?
我可以... Might I...
恩...需要我帮忙吗Erm... Might I help?
是的你可以帮我洗盘子Yes, you can wash up.
估计会晕过去if he saw me mixing textures like this. 我其实之前从来没有做过这个I've never actually done this before.
很有趣的Oh, it's great fun.
如果你做的好的话If you're very good
你可以建一个新的厕所坑you can build a new lavatory pit.
你还好吗Are you all right?
你觉得我的家庭像上校说的那样Do you think my family is falling apart 正在分崩离析吗as the Colonel said?
没有我是说我知道... No! Imean I know...
一个走了一个失踪了one's left and one's missing
剩下的两个互相看不顺眼但是... and the other two hate each other, but er... 所以路易莎... So, Louisa...
你喜欢... 看我刷干净了What are your...Oh, look, I've made it
你最喜欢什么What are your favorite things?
问这干嘛Why do you ask?
没什么说嘛No reason, Come on!
...跳舞... Dancing
桥牌[桥] 海鲜bridge, seafood
还有短脚狄文梗犬Dandie Dinmont dogs
我的孩子们快乐... my children being happy...
够了That's enough.
我的桡足生物My copepods!
西奥老实说Honestly, Theo
为什么人们这么自私麻木不仁why are people so selfish and insensitive? 这么说有失精准It's not deliberate.
我们只是不一样而已We are just different.
你根本没听懂我在说什么You don't know what I'm talking about . 我明白Oh, I see.
我们的新客人Our new guest.
瑞宾德上校... Colonel Ribbidane, has...
你有客人吗Have you got guests?
不没有No, no.
这个荒诞的上校带着他的战后抚恤金So this preposterous Colonel arrives with
his war chest
打算和莱斯利去屠杀野猪and he and Leslie are planning to slaughter
wild boar.
这样的话告诉莱斯利你有多不满Well, tell Leslie how strongly you feel. 他这段时间善解人意多了He's so much more thoughtful these days. 这是什么What's this?
我在...尝试丰富我衣橱的色彩I'm... experimenting with mor color in my
是的我找了Yes, I have.
但是不要告诉任何人这件事But don't tell anyone.
西奥是时候告诉我们了Honestly, Theo, it's about time
我们一直都在猜想we were all wondering.
她是谁她年轻吗Who is it? Is she young?
她是一位科学家还是一位性感美女Is she a scientist, but a sexy one?
是玛戈It's Margo.
是的是玛戈Yse, it's Margo.
她只是住在这She's only staying here.
我就知道Well, I konw that.
但是不要告诉你妈妈But don't tell your mother.
玛戈渴望去探寻更多的自我Margo is desperate to discover more about
我想念她但是I miss her, but
她并不是一个容易相处的室友是吧she's not easy to live with, is she?
上校我已经找到了完美的私人林地Colonel, I've secured the perfect private
来捕猎野猪for hunting wild boar.
好小伙Good man.
当我和一个男人一起射击时Now, when I'm shooting with a man.
我想知道是什么激励着他I like to know what makes him tick.
好吧我...好好想想Well, I...like to think.
我是一个体面的人I'm a decent sort.
我和我的妈妈一起经营这个旅馆I hold this place together...with my mother. 我听说你为某些女人和一个婴儿而烦恼What's this I hear about you pining for some
girl and a baby?
确实是的... Well, yes...
我不反对这种精致的性爱I've nothing against the dainty sex.
我已经结过至少一次婚I've been married at least once
她们都尽力做得很好and they did their best
但是如果我们一起去打猎but if we're going hunting together.
我们要保持... Let's keep it...
热血澎湃red blooded.
不用担心当要披甲上阵时Don't worry, when the time comes.
我会精神昂扬准备充足的I'll be cocked and ready to go.
可以借一步说话吗 A word, please.
稍等Excuse me.
请你不要去打猎Please don't go hunting.
不要这么感性Oh, don't be so sentimental.
跟动物们自相残杀比起来Compared to how animals kill each other 猎杀它们是人道的shooting them is humane.
把它们逼到角落并猎杀它们是不人道的Cornering animals and executing them is not
那是在树林没有角落It's a wood, there are no corners.
杰瑞这是工作Gerry, this is work.
上校付了我钱The Colonel's paying me.
行我会存钱的All right. I'll save up
我会把他付你的钱给你的多少钱and I'll match what he's paying you. How much
is it?
一周25英镑 25 pounds, for one week.
我要给你弄个跟珍·哈露一样的波浪卷I'm going to put a wave in your hair like Jean
我们存在世上就应该尽可能使自己美丽We owe it to the world to be as beautiful as
万一你担心我只是一个傻女孩In case you're worried I'm just a silly girl 我可在西奥的X光工作室工作了两年I worked at Theo's X-ray unit for two years. 所以我知道我在做什么So I know what I'm doing.
卷发钳需要加热到适宜温度才能The curling tongs need to be nice and warm 在你的头发上烫出波浪卷to put a wave in you hair.
抱歉我迟到了Sorry, I'm late.
斯迪芬奈兹先生是我今天的发型助手Mr Stephanides is my salon assistant for the
人不能太急于求成是吧One can't have enough strings to one's bow,
can one?
有什么技术难题吗Is there a difficulty?
我们在想你的头发为何如此可爱We were wondering whether your hair is so
我们应该让它保持原样we should leave it as it is.
我们可以将此次访问视为初步咨询Or treat this visit as an initial
和做一些调查你可以下次再来and do some research and reconvene.
真是个好主意What a good idea.
在这呢格莉莉Herete, Galini.
杰瑞你好Gerry, pos eisai?
你好Kala, efharisto.
- 有糟糕的事情正在发生 - 真的吗- Something bad is happening. - Really? 是时候需要我们站出来And there comes a time when we need to stand
维护我们信仰的东西了for what we belive in.
我们信仰什么What do we believe in?
有一个疯狂的上校和我们住在一起There's a mad Colonel staying with us
他雇佣了莱斯利带他去猎杀野猪and he's paying Leslie to take him to kill
wild boar.
- 太过分了 - 对呀- That's terrble. - Exactly.
我去阻止Well, I am.
你最好待着看着我怎么挡子弹就好了You probably better stay back and watch me
take the bullet.
不我们要共存亡No, we die together.
家庭用品和你狩猎远征的补给Household items and provisions for your
hunting expedition
谢谢你斯皮罗thank you Spiros.
我听说你准备和利库斯先生一起去森林打猎I hear you plan to hunt in the woods with Mr
是的那里很好打野猪Yes, it's good for wild boar.
实际上并不是Well, in fact, it isn't?
利库斯先生在骗你Mr Likourgos is pulling a fast one.
这些说法哪来的Where does that saying come from?
我不知道I don't know.
你说的什么意思What do you mean?
那片森林没有野猪... There are no wild boars in that forest... 方圆几英里内也没有or anywhere for miles.
他也并没有狩猎许可证And he doesn't own the license.
岛上的东西是公有的it's common land.
德雷尔夫人Mrs Durrells.
哈基奥普罗斯先生Mr Hakiaopulos.
热衷于检查我是不是和我所有的男房客调情吗Keen to check I'm not flirting with all my menfolk?
当然不是Of course not.
我在镇上看到巴兹尔了I saw your Basil in town
买了一个大大的礼物可能是给你的buying a big gift, probably for you.
我了解巴兹尔那是给他自己的Knowing Basil, it'll be for him.
有谁看到我的泳帽吗Anyone seen my swimming hat?
你游泳还需要帽子吗You need a hat to swim?
你看起来秀色可餐You're looking good enough to scoff.
他之前从来没有像那样说过话He's never said anything like that before. 我喜欢我们昨天的谈话I loved our chat yesterday.
谢谢你对我如此敞开心扉Thank you for opening up to me so
deliciously .
现在你知道我为什么怀疑了吧Now you see why I wonder?
他们有试图勾引你吗Have they tried to seduce you?
没有而且这不公平No, and that's not fair.
斯皮罗我们在一起经历过这么多Spiros, after all we've been through.
我才是那个应该嫉妒的人And it's me who should be jealous.
- 没事 - 不要跟我说没事- Nothing. - Don't "nothing"me.
你可以信任我知道吗You confide in me, remember?
我是全新的拉里I'm the new Larry
但是没有那么自命不凡说吧but less pretentious. Come on.
斯皮罗在吃醋Spiros is Jealous
但是我们不能在一起那又有什么意义and what's the point as we can't be together? 那就是他为什么嫉妒Well, that's why he's jealous.
就我的经验而言Well, in my experience
一个人投身于繁忙积极的工作throwing oneself into hard, vigorous work 可以治疗情伤can help conquer heartache.
你以为我现在在做什么What do you think I've been doing?
我的手就像古代农民的手I have the hands of an ancient farmer.
很好你听取了建议Good, you've taken that advice.
那么谈谈怎么赢回斯皮罗怎么样Now, what about winning Spiros over?
斯皮罗是一位忠诚的丈夫Spiros is a faithful husband
也是一位很好的合适的丈夫as is right and proper.
独一无二令人难忘And rare and regrettable.
如果你精心设计一个完美的方案Would his wife perhaps step aside
他的妻子可能会让位吗if you were to make a good enough case? 不会的莱斯利No, Leslie.
不那样做很好No to that, fair enough.
要是你们三个都不开心Well, if all three of you are unhappy.
为什么不能达成一致妥协why not agree on some compromise?
那怎么能行呢And how would that work?
我很高兴你重视妥协I'm glad you value compromise.
看在杰瑞的份上请取消明天的打猎... Please call off the hunt tomorrow for
Gerry's sake...
不我一定要做No! I'm going to bloody do this
而且一定要成功and it's going to be a success.
我对我妈说So I said to my mother.
你从没有真正重视过我不是吗"you've never really taken me seriously,
have you?"
身为母亲的听到会很难过That is hard for a mother to hear.
事实上我倒是挺享受不被重视In fact. I've always enjoyed not being taken
但在你长大后它变得不合适了but as you get older it becomes a bit
现在控制自己别冲我发火Now don't shout at me.
我看起来真美I look nice.
是的You do.
这能保持多久So how long will this last?
波浪卷吗The wave?
你要怎么做呢How do you do that?
一些药水还有很大的勇气Chemicals and a lot of bravery.
如果我弄错了你的头发就会掉光If I get it wrong, all your hair falls out. 我相信你I trust you.
过来Come here.
坐下坐下Sit! Sit!
马丁过来Martin, come here.
过来你穿上会很好看的Come on, you'll look good in this.
噢上帝啊Oh, for God's sake.
早上好我能和你谈谈吗Ah, morning, can I have a word?
- 我要去找格莉莉 - 站住- Just off to see Galini. - Stop!
两件事Two things.
如果你要去阻止打猎你可能会死If you try to interfere in the shooting, you
may die
总而言之这样做没有意义which would, on balance, be a waste.
大家是知道玛戈在哪出于某些保护她的目的Do people know where Margo is and they're not
telling me
而选择不告诉我吗out of some urge to protect her?
我已经保护她一辈子了Well, I've protected her all her life
- 我也是最适合保护她的 - 是的你确实是- and I am the best at it. - Yes, you are. - 谢谢 - 你要去哪- Thank you. - Where are you off to?
你在烦恼些什么吗Are you in a pickle of some sort?
你真的想知道吗Do you really want to know?
并不No, no.
我们要去追野猪了So, we're after wild boar.
打猎活动我真是新手除非你把打德国人也算上I'm new to the hunting game, unless you count Germans.
- 还是别算上了 - 还有土耳其人- Let's not. - And Turks.
我去忙了I'll get on then.
切实的好计划Soild plan! Solid plan!
你好莱斯利Hello, Leslie.
达芙妮还有卡蒂娜看到你们真好Daphne. And Katina, how nice.
我有事相求I have a favour to ask.
好啊但在你说之前... Yeah, before you do...
你父亲骗了我Your father's cheated me.
我付费给他让我们去打野猪I paid him to let us hunt wild boar.
但事实并没有野猪所以我也不需要付钱and it seems there aren't any and I didn't
need to.
否则会是一场精彩的狩猎Otherwise, brilliant.
我很乐意I'd love to.
谢谢你了我有太多事情要做Thank you. I have so many things to do. 哇哦哇哦现在吗Woah, woah, now?
我正准备去打野猪I'm about to leave on a wild boar hunt. 但你刚刚说了并没有野猪But you said there are no wild boar there. 我计划营造一个I have a plan to get around that
营造一个有野猪的幻觉懂吗by creating the illusion of a wild boar, see? 看来没人是诚实的Perhaps nobody is honest.
我可以在其他任何时间帮忙Look, I'll help any other time
但这次的打猎对我来说意义重大but this hunt is so important to me.
拉里走了我现在是家里的顶梁柱Larry's left, so I'm the man of the house now 而且也是我第一次可以真正的为家里... and for the first time I can, erm, really,
好吧在我回来前我妈可以代为照看All right, my mother can look after you until
I get back.
不是吗Can't she, eh?
- 你需要的东西都在里面 - 好的- Everything you need is in there. - Ok. - 我明天回来 - 明天- I will come back tomorrow. - Tomorrow? 拜托了Please,
我真的需要喘口气I need a break
不然我要疯掉了or I go mad.
你好Oh, hello.
西奥我很抱歉... Theo, I'm sorry...
不不不我才是No, no, no, I am.
实际上是我太习惯独自生活了But the truth is, I'm so used to living on
my own.
噢不你不会已经嫌弃我在这了吧Oh, no, you've hated having me here.
不是你很好你是我的朋友No, you're a delight, you're my friend. 但对我来说杂乱的房间会造成混乱的思维But for me, a disorderly house creates a
disorderly mind.
但我没事现在家具都已经对称了But I'm fine, now the furniture is
我知道我现在该干什么了I know now what I need to do.
请告诉你母亲你在哪Please, tell your mother where you are. 还不是时候Not yet.
我正在尝试独立I'm getting a taste for independence.
你会为我骄傲的You'd have been proud of me.
我给马夫罗诺达斯太太烫了头发I waved Mrs Mavroknodas's hair
并没有杀了她without killing her.
我为你感到骄傲I am proud of you.
巴兹尔我的打猎远征队需要你的帮助Basil, I need your help with my hunting
我就知道有什么事你不能去打猎Oh, I knew there was something you mustn't
go hunting.
我们一定会去的但是... Tough, we're going. But...
...你可以先行藏在树堆里...would you go ahead, hide in the foliage 并且发出类似野猪的声音吗and make a noise like a wild boar, please? 恐怕最后会哭着结束I fear that could end in tears.
不不会是个皆大欢喜的结局的No, no, it won't. It'll be a laugh!
在树林里逛逛爬到树上就行Day out in the woods, up a tree.
你为什么需要制造野猪的叫声Why do you need wild boar noises?
因为事实证明那里并没有野猪Because there are no wild boars, it turns out 上校会把钱要回去的so the Colonel will demand his money back. 我深表同情但还是拒绝My sympathies. Still no.
如果你帮我我会告诉你怎么讨好我妈If you help me, I'll show you how to impress
我已经采取行动去赢取她的心了I've already taken steps to win her over. 至少我可以保证成功Well, I can more or less guarantee success 因为我是她的依靠because I'm her confidant.
野猪怎么叫的What noise do wild boar make?
如果我没记错听起来像If I remember correctly, it's something
更大声点But louder.
哇哦对的Wow, yeah.
咳得好厉害Oh, that's a nasty cough.
喉咙有点痒有点痒It's a bit of a...a tickle, tickle.
正在找你Delivery for you.
你还在等什么呢What are we waiting for?
我需要等到我妈回来再出发I just need my mother to come home before we
欢迎回家Welcome home.
谢谢但没必要欢迎我Thank you, no need to welcome me.
我我有话要说I, er, have something to say.
我已经在这里呆了几个月了Over the months I've been here
你也看到了我you may have observed my journey
从吹毛求疵转变成忠诚的爱慕者from somewhat prissy quest to dogged
你走的太快了能否请你慢一点You're going quite fast, can I just gently
slow you down
并请你闭上眼睛and ask you to shut your eyes.
上一次让我闭眼杰瑞放了一只蜥蜴The last time I did that, Gerry put a lizard 在我衬衫上down my blouse.
我不会的Yes, I won't do that.
不过这事听起来十分搞笑准备好了吗Though it sounds like massive fun, erm,
ready then?
继续闭上眼睛我给你的这个礼物Keep them shut. As a symbol of our connection 是我们关系的象征is this gift which I now give you.
现在睁开And, open.
当然周围没水但是我会... Obviously, it lacks water, but I'll...
等我有时间的时候我会引入一条小溪divert a stream when I have a moment.
- 巴兹尔你为什么... - 什么也不要说- Basil, why have you...? - Say nothing. 见谅林子那边还需要我Please excuse me, I'm needed in a wood. 享受你的礼物吧Enjoy your gift.
- 哪来的宝宝 - 达芙妮的- Whoes is that? - Daphne's.
莱斯利Oh, Leslie.
有一封拉里的信Oh, a...a letter from Larry.
谢谢你亲爱的Oh, thank you, darling.
为什么巴兹尔要给我们买座桥Why has Basil bought us a bridge?
是啊确实很诡异Yes, that did seem odd.
亲爱的妈妈Dear Mother
很高兴听说玛戈暂住在西奥家Enchante to hear that Margo's nesting with
这是个秘密吗Is that a secret?
在我打猎期间能帮我照看达芙妮的宝宝吗Erm, can you babysit Daphne's baby while I'm
不我亲爱的我得赶回到镇上Oh, no, darling, I have to go back to town. - 可是... - 你带孩子这样更好- Oh, well... - This is much better.
你留下履行父亲职责You stay here and be Daddy
就像你说过的你想要的那样as you said you wanted to.
我该拿你怎么办What the hell am I going to do with you? 天气正合适Lovely day for it.
我没跟你说话I'm not talking to you!
在打仗时期你会被军法处置的You'd have been court-martialled for that in
a war.
太不专业了Highly unprofessional.
我说过了我很抱歉I've said I'm sorry.
别让我向宝宝开枪Don't make me shoot the baby.
那一点也不好笑That's not funny
别哭了Please shush.
让我来堵住你的耳朵Let's just clog your ears up.
啊...是只野猪Th... that's a wild boar.
How exciting, I told you I'd find you some. 太令人振奋了我就跟你说我会为你找到野猪
那声音是从一棵树上传来的Isn't it coming from up a tree?
不能吧它们不会爬树Hardly, they can't climb trees.
你说的是松鼠吧You're thinking of a squirrel.
这边This way.。