德雷尔一家 第四季 第二集 (中英对照)

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The Durrells Season 4 Series 2


我的裁缝贾克韦先生给我寄的好东西Riches from my tailor, Mr Jakeways.

我第一次看到达芙妮和她孩子在一起I saw Daphne with her baby for the first


哦亲爱的Oh, darling.

我想有个自己的家庭I want my own family.

我20了正是适合组建家庭的年龄I'm 20, that's a good age to start.

并不是的It isn't really.

你都没有投票权而且你才有... You can't even vote and you've got...

有多少积蓄well, how much money?

你指经济上In financial terms?

不是钱难道是香蕉吗NO, in bananas.

作为一个正值盛年的男人我准备好了Well, as a man in my prime, I'm ready.

小牛一岁就成年了Bulls start at the age of one.

可你不是只牛你得帮我运营旅馆Well, you're not a bull, you help run a


拉里不在我需要你的帮忙And I need you here while Larry's gone. 玛戈也说她要离开And Margo say she will leave soon.

什么太荒唐了What? Well, that's absurd.

简直像把痴傻的小猫崽放到原始森林里一样That's like releasing a dotty kitten into

the jungle.

这就是为什么她想走And that's why she wants to go

因为你把她当傻瓜看because you think she' a clot.

我才没有当她是傻瓜I don't think she's a clot!

只是她还没准备好去面对She's just not ready for the real world 现实世界中正常的人际交往of normal human interaction.

鲁格勒斯雅求你了回家吧Lugaretzia, please ,go home.

那我回家I go home.

回家让你可怜的背Go home and rest your bad back

还是屁股什么的好好歇歇吧or your bottom or whatever it is.

你觉得怎么样What do you think?

瘌蛤蟆先生知道你穿了他的衣服吗Does Mr. Toad know you have his clothes? 路易莎我爱你的无情Louisa, I love your cruelty.

很不错Well, that's good

还有更多没展现呢there's plenty more where that came from. 马丁在我手上拉了屎不过是我的错Martin crapped on me. My fault.

你就是杜雷尔夫人了吧You must be Mrs Durrells.

你可很受好评啊You come highly recommended.

是吗真好Ah, well,how nice.

有给我的房间吗Do you have a room for me?

有的顶层的豪华阁楼I do. The penthouse on the top floor.

这是什么地方该死的动物园吗What is this, a ruddy zoo?

我也这么觉得Yes,I suppose it is.

别和他调情Don't get romantic with him.

他不是你喜欢的类型He's not your type.


上校也喜欢枪The Colonel loves guns

你俩会相处得很好的莱斯利so you two will get on well, Leslie.

我已经不玩枪了In fact, I've moved on from shooting.

不过真挺壮观啊Although that is quite something.

玛戈走了很抱歉上面有屎Margo's gone. Sorry about the poo.

亲爱的妈妈我知道你一直想我留下来'Dear Mother, I know you'd try to make me


我就偷拿了一些私房钱so I've been smuggling out my possessions. 在科孚找了一个秘密居所I'll be at a secret location in Corfu.

等我安定下来我会再联络你们的I'll be in touch when settled.

玛戈去哪里了Where's Margo gone?

她没写She won't say.

这可太糟了Well,this is terrible.

我们得搜查整个岛We must search the island.

别我们小时候都会离家出走嘛No! We all run off when we're nippers

- 她多大了 - 才18岁- How old is she? - 18.

也是时候让她走了Well, it's time she left then.

没事的Yes, it'll be all right.

这是对她好Do her good.

你已尽到了你的职责Your job's done.

你们男人懂什么What do all you men know?

我很伤心无论是作为一位母亲I'm...sad as a mother

还是一个女人as a woman.

总之我觉得我的孩子们都反天了frankly, I'm feeling outnumbered.

我跑到上面...结果抓住了一个自己人Then I went over the top in Wipers...

and ...copped a Blighty.


他曾在伊普尔打仗受伤然后被送回国He fought at Ypres and was invalided home. 裆部全是弹片Still got a crotch full of shrapnel.

我也不能把磁铁放屋里I can't have magnets in the house.

路易莎不想听见裆部这词Louisa doesn't want to hear the word


没事我很清楚那是什么No, it's fine, I am familiar with the
