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年级: 2009级1班学号:200906010111 时期:2011年12月

Abstract:In the process of English learning, there is no doubt that vocabulary is playing a key rule to learners’English learning. It is the foundation of

English learning. The larger your vocabulary is, the easier you will be able

to understand others. Without mastering enough words, people would

not be able to speak, listen, read and write effectively. Therefore, finding

an effective method to help learners’to memorize words is very


Key words:vocabulary, pronunciation memory method, derived memory, compounding method, review , association memory method, listening.


The three elements of language l earning includ e pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar .so in the process of English l earning, there is no d oubt that vocabulary is playing a key rul e to l earners’ English l earning. It is the foundation of English l earning. The larger your vocabulary is, the easier you will be abl e to und erstand others. Without mastering enough words, peopl e woul d not be abl e to speak, listen, read and write effectively.

When we are memorizing a new word, most peopl e are tend to remember it l etter by l etter. This method wastes us a l ot of time, and we are often resulted in forgetting it before l ong. Therefore, finding an effective method to help l earners’ to memorize words is very important. There are some methods below which may help you to tackl e this problem.

Chapter one :pronunciation memory method.

As its name suggests, it is a method related to the pronunciation of the


From our phonetics class, we know that there are five vowel l etters (a, e , i, o, u) and 20 vowels, 28 consonants in English. And we have l earned that the pronunciation of each word or each composition of words has its own discipline or principl es. As l ong as we find out and l earn these principl es, the memory of vocabulary will become easier at the same time. That requires us to master the English pronunciation rul es, the l etter, as well as the composition of the l etters in the stressed syllabl es. For exampl e, among “meet , beef, feet, teeth”, we can see these words all contains ”ee” and they pronounced the same [i:].this principl e is also suit the fixed composition such as ” -tion, -ing, -ty “ After l earning about these rul es, we will not have to remember the words letter by l etter, instead, we can regard them as a whole. It will save our time and energy. And it is especially important when we are d oing the listening. You can easy to find that you can spell out the words even you have not seen before as l ong as you based on its pronunciation.

Chapter two:derivation

Derivation is the main formation of the words. It greatly expanded English vocabulary. Derivation or affixation is generally d efined as a word-formation process by which new words are created by ad ding a prefix, or suffix, or both, or combining form to the base.

Prefixation is the formation of new words by ad ding a prefix or combining form to the base. Prefixes modify the l exical meaning of the base. They d o not generally alter the word-class of the base. For exampl e, when we ad d un- in front of “common”, the meaning of the word is changed, but its word-class d oesn’t. There are many prefix in English. As l ong as we memorized the meaning of the prefix and how to spell it, one or several new words is memorizes.

When it comes to suffixation, this rul e also works. Suffixation is the formation of a new word by ad ding a suffix or a combining form to the base, and
