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WEI Li-xin'1, GUANDe-hui\ XIE Hong-jun^, LVLi-li , WANG Zhong-zhuan, GAO Jia-lia昭\ CHENShuang-qing , CHEN Wen-wen^
(1. School of Petroleum Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Heilongjiang Daqing 163318, China; 2. School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Jiangsu Changzhou 213164, China; 3. General Planning Institute of China National Petroleum Corporation, Beijing 100083, China; 4. Daqing Oilfield Co., Ltd., Heilongjiang Daqing 163511, China)
Abstract: Due to the continuous increase of water injection volume at the wellhead in a large water injection system in Daqing oilfield, the energy consumption is high and it is increasing year by year. Optimizing the start-stop mode of the pumps in each water injection station plays an important role in energy conservation and consumption reduction of the oilfield. In this paper, the energy balance evaluation index and the energy balance analysis model of the energy consumption unit were established, and the energy consumption calculation results were analyzed and evaluated. The energy distribution law was determined and the weak links of energy use were found. The scheme of the start-stop adjustment of the water injection pump was obtained by using the theory of the optimization of the injection pump start-stop scheme. The field application results showed that the unit consumption of water injection was reduced by 0.23 kW-h/m3, and the power consumption was reduced by 3.5%. Key words: Water injection system; Energy analysis; Energy saving; Optimization
油田注水系统是以注入水的水质处理和水质稳 定为手段,以保护油层为基础,同时以达到保持油 层压力、实现油田稳产增产为目的的油田地面系统 的重要组成部分。注水系统是由若干注水站、配水 间、注水井等节点单元,以及连接各节点之间的管 线组成的一个连续的、密闭的水力系统,随着油田 的滚动开发,管网改造及管线搭接使得老油田管网 形状为环状,相较普遍的枝状管网来说,干线与支 线的连接关系复杂、管网各处水的流向不确定,各 注水站所辖井区块繁多"T。加之开发对注水量需求 波动大,注水泵启停方式与开发需求不匹配,使得 部分管网区域压力较高,注水系统能耗持续增大% 而目前,环状管网注水系统运行的启停泵方案主要 依靠注水管理人员的经验和认识进行确立实施,对
kW h/m3,耗电量降低3.5%。 关 键词:注水系统;能耗分析;节能;优化
文章编号:1671-0460 ( 2019 ) 07-1578-05
Optimization of Production Operation Scheme for Large Oilfield Water Injection System
第48卷第7期 2019年7月
Contempordry Chemical Industry
Vol.48,No.7 July, 2019
(1.东北石油大学石油工程学院.黑龙江大庆163318; 2.中国石油天然气股份有限公司规划总院,北京海淀区100083 ; 3.大庆油田有限责任公司,黑龙江大庆163511 )
于这样大型复杂的注水系统无法确保其在优化状态 下运行,从而造成了工作量大、生产方案不合理, 得不到及时调整,使得注水系统存在能量利用率较 低,注水单耗较高的经济问题}役所以,在保证系 统稳定运行的前提下,降低注水系统能耗、对系统 的优化与节能具有十分重要的意义。本文针对该大 型油田注水系统,对其进行了能耗分析,建立运行 方案优化数学模型并求解,确定了注水泵最优启停 情况,制定了合理的改造方案。
(1. School of Petroleum Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Heilongjiang Daqing 163318, China; 2. School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Jiangsu Changzhou 213164, China; 3. General Planning Institute of China National Petroleum Corporation, Beijing 100083, China; 4. Daqing Oilfield Co., Ltd., Heilongjiang Daqing 163511, China)
Abstract: Due to the continuous increase of water injection volume at the wellhead in a large water injection system in Daqing oilfield, the energy consumption is high and it is increasing year by year. Optimizing the start-stop mode of the pumps in each water injection station plays an important role in energy conservation and consumption reduction of the oilfield. In this paper, the energy balance evaluation index and the energy balance analysis model of the energy consumption unit were established, and the energy consumption calculation results were analyzed and evaluated. The energy distribution law was determined and the weak links of energy use were found. The scheme of the start-stop adjustment of the water injection pump was obtained by using the theory of the optimization of the injection pump start-stop scheme. The field application results showed that the unit consumption of water injection was reduced by 0.23 kW-h/m3, and the power consumption was reduced by 3.5%. Key words: Water injection system; Energy analysis; Energy saving; Optimization
油田注水系统是以注入水的水质处理和水质稳 定为手段,以保护油层为基础,同时以达到保持油 层压力、实现油田稳产增产为目的的油田地面系统 的重要组成部分。注水系统是由若干注水站、配水 间、注水井等节点单元,以及连接各节点之间的管 线组成的一个连续的、密闭的水力系统,随着油田 的滚动开发,管网改造及管线搭接使得老油田管网 形状为环状,相较普遍的枝状管网来说,干线与支 线的连接关系复杂、管网各处水的流向不确定,各 注水站所辖井区块繁多"T。加之开发对注水量需求 波动大,注水泵启停方式与开发需求不匹配,使得 部分管网区域压力较高,注水系统能耗持续增大% 而目前,环状管网注水系统运行的启停泵方案主要 依靠注水管理人员的经验和认识进行确立实施,对
kW h/m3,耗电量降低3.5%。 关 键词:注水系统;能耗分析;节能;优化
文章编号:1671-0460 ( 2019 ) 07-1578-05
Optimization of Production Operation Scheme for Large Oilfield Water Injection System
第48卷第7期 2019年7月
Contempordry Chemical Industry
Vol.48,No.7 July, 2019
(1.东北石油大学石油工程学院.黑龙江大庆163318; 2.中国石油天然气股份有限公司规划总院,北京海淀区100083 ; 3.大庆油田有限责任公司,黑龙江大庆163511 )
于这样大型复杂的注水系统无法确保其在优化状态 下运行,从而造成了工作量大、生产方案不合理, 得不到及时调整,使得注水系统存在能量利用率较 低,注水单耗较高的经济问题}役所以,在保证系 统稳定运行的前提下,降低注水系统能耗、对系统 的优化与节能具有十分重要的意义。本文针对该大 型油田注水系统,对其进行了能耗分析,建立运行 方案优化数学模型并求解,确定了注水泵最优启停 情况,制定了合理的改造方案。