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必修二Unit 1 CulturalRelics文物
II.ReadingIN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM寻找琥珀屋Frederick Willian I,the King ofPrussia, couldnever have imaginedthat this greatest giftto the Russian people would have such anamazing history.译文:腓特烈·威廉一世,普鲁士国王决没有想到送给俄国人的伟大礼物会有如此令人迷惑的经历。

【注释:①couldn’t/can’thave +pp.(过去分词)表示对过去所发生的事情作否定的推测,两者都作“不可能…; 决不会…”解,在表示现在对过去所发生的事情作否定推测时,可以互换;如果表示在过去时间里作否定推测,则只能用couldn’t. 如:Itcan’t/ couldn’t haverainedlastnight,as theground is still verydry.昨夜不可能下雨,因为地面依然还是非常地干。

】This giftwas the Amber Room,which wasgiven thisname because several tonsofamber were used to make it.译文:这个礼物就是琥珀屋,之所以取这个名字是因为做这个屋子用了几吨琥珀。

【注释:①sth. beused todo…用... 来做…。

Eg.Ironandsteelcan beused tomade planes andguns.用钢铁做飞机大炮。

②sb. beused to(doing)sth.某人习惯于(做)某事。

如:We have been used to studyinghere.我们已经习惯于在这里学习。

③sb. used to do sth. 某人过去常常做某事。

如: Tom used tobe latefor school.汤姆过去上学常常迟到。

】The amber which wasselected had a beautifulyellow-brown colour likehoney.译文:所选用的琥珀有像蜂蜜一样漂亮的黄褐色颜色。

【注释:which was selected是定语从句,修饰先行词amber.】Thedesign ofthe room was inthefancy style popular in those days.译文:琥珀屋的设计用的是现在流行的很别致的款式。

【注释:①in the facy style用别致的款式。

②popular流行的;受大众欢迎的;普通的eg. 1) Th ephrase was caught on andimmediately became popular.这个短语被采用后很快就流行了。

2) “M ary” is a very popularname for a girl.“玛丽”是个很常见的女孩名字。

】It was alsoatreasuredecorated with gold and jewels,which took the count
ry’s best artists about tenyearsto make.译文:它也是个宝贵的东西,上面装饰的有金子和珠宝,该国最好的艺术家用了十年时间才建好。

【注释:①decorated with goldandjewels是过去分词短语作定语,相当于定语从句(which/that was) decoratedwith gold and jewels.②which t ook the country’s best artists aboutten years to make是非限制性定语从句,which是指上文的it (即琥珀屋),该句型的基本结构是It takes sb.some time to dosth.(= sth.takes sb. some timetodo.)表示“做某事花费某人多少时间”。

如:It’ll take me two hours tofinishthe assignment.(= The assignment willtakeme twohoursto finish.)完成这份作业要花费我2个小时的时间。

In fact, theroom was notmadetobe a gift.译文:事实上,不是把这个屋子做成一份礼物。

【注释:sth. is made to be …: 把…做成…eg. The materialismadeto be a tiger for Kate.用这材料为Kate做个老虎。

】It was designed forthe palace of Frederick I.译文:是为腓特烈一世的宫殿而设计的。

【注释:bedesigned for…为…而设计; bedesigned todo(= design sth.to do sth.)目的是;打算给…用;be designedas…作为…而设计; bydesign有意地;have designs on sth.企图将某物据为己有eg. 1)I don’t know whether he did it bydesign or by accident.我不知道他是有意还是无意而为之。

2) She designs dressesforthe singer.她为那位歌星设计服装。

3)The experiment is designedto test the newdrug.该实验的目的是试验新药。

4) Rumoursspread thatthe duke haddesigns on t hecrown.谣传公爵觊觎王位。

【试题】Whether by accidentor________,he arrivedtoo late tohelp us.
A.purpose B.aim C.design D.Chance解析:选C。


”】However,the nextKingof Prussia, Frederick William I,to whom the amber room belonged, decided not tokeep it.译文:然而,普鲁士的下一任国王腓特烈威廉姆一世,即琥珀屋的所有者,决定不再拥有它。

【注释:belong to属于;是…的成员。

不能用于进行时,也没有被动形式;belong后也可以接in, on, among, under, with等,表示“应该在某处,适合在某处”。

如:1) Does thishouse belong to Mr. Winter?这幢房子是温特先生的吗? 2) We belongtothenew club.我们是这个新俱乐部的成员。

3) As one ofthe great heroes ofinvention, Edison rightfullybelongs among America’s andtheworld’s great contributors tothe progress of man.作为伟大的发明英雄之一的爱迪生,自然应当是美国及世界上那些对人类进步做出巨大贡献的人们中的一员。

【考题】1.(2009渝)Professor Williams keeps telling hisstudents that thefuture________tot hewell educated.
A.belongsB.is belonged C.isbelonging D.will be belonged
2. Hetookawaythebag not________to him by mistake.
A.belonged B.belong C.belonging D.belongs】
In 1716he gave ittoPeter the Great.译文:在1716年,他便将琥珀屋献给了彼得大帝。

In r eturn,the Czar sent him a troopofhisbest soldiers.译文:作为回报,沙皇把他的最好的一支部队送给他。

【注释:inreturn作为报答;反过来; in return for作为对…的回报;many happy returns生日快乐,长命百岁;on/ upon one’sreturn一回来(就…)。

如:1)He gave meabook as a gift, and I bought him apen in return.他送我一本书,作为回报,我给他买了一支钢笔。

2)I asked for her opinion, butshe just asked me aquestion.我征求他的意见,而她却只是反问了我一个问题。

3) CanI buy youlunch in return for your help?感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?4)Onhisreturn fromGermany he was promoted to colonel.他从德国一回来就被晋升为上校。

【试题】1. People try to avoid transportation delaysby using their own cars,and this________createsfurther problem. A.inshort B.in case
C.indoubtD.in turn
2. I greeted the teacherwith “hello”,and the teachergaveme a sweetsmile_
A.byturns B.inreturnC.inturnD.for return
】Sothe Amber Room became partofthe Czar’s winter palace in St Petersburg.译文:所以琥珀屋就成为圣彼得堡沙皇冬宫的一部分了。

【注释:part of 指“一小部分”; a
part of 是指“接近一半,但还不到一半”; a great partof是指“一大部分”。

】About fourme tres long, the room served as a small receptionhall for importantvis itors.译文:琥珀屋大约4米长,被用作接待重要客人小接待室。

【注释:serve as充当;担任eg.1) The general had served as asoldier in the earlierwar.在早期的战争中,这位将军曾当过士兵。

2)We found thatbirch barkcouldserve aspaper.我们发现桦树皮可以作纸用。

】Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved toa palace ourside
②where she spent her summers是定语从句,修饰先行词palace,where可以换成in which】She toldherartists to addmore details to it.译文:她要艺术家们再添些细活。


如:Shetasted herlemonade, then addedmore sugar to it.她尝尝柠檬水,然后又往里加了点糖。

②add还说, 接着说eg. I'll addafew words when youfinish.你说完后我接着说几句。

】In 1770 theroom wascompleted(in) theway she wanted.译文:1770年,琥珀屋依照她希望的方式完工了。

Almost sixhundred candles lit the room, and itsmirrors and pictures shonelike gold.译文:几乎用六千只蜡烛照亮屋子,镜子和画像金子一样闪亮。

【注释:①almost几乎, 差不多, 差一点; 将近eg. 1) In hisblindhastehealmost ran intotheriver.他匆匆忙忙地几乎跑到河里去了。

2)In thehall itwas almost dark.大厅里几乎漆黑一片。

②lit是light的过去分词,但light的另一过去分词形式为lighted.注意:这两个过去分词的用法不同,作定语时只能用lighted, 在被动式结构中,两者皆可用eg. 1)We had lit/lighted manybonfires.我们燃起了一堆堆篝火。

2) Thelighted airwaywas damaged in thestorm last year.有灯光设备的航路在去年的那场风暴中被损坏了。

3)(使)容光焕发: Her face lighted when she saw wh oit was.当她弄明白这是谁时,脸上露出喜色。

】Sadly,although theAmber Room w as consideredoneofthe wonders of the world, it is now missing.译文:遗憾的是,尽管琥珀屋被认为是世界奇迹之一,但它现在失踪了。


Eg. 1)Although my caris very old, it still runs very well.我的汽车虽然很旧, 但仍然跑得很快。

2)Although they arepoor, they are happy.虽然他们很穷, 但很快乐。

In September 1941,theNazi army was nearSt Petersburg.译文:在1941年9月,德国纳粹军队开进到圣彼得堡。

Thiswasa time when thetwo countrieswere atwar.译文:这时两国处于交战状态。

【注释:①Thiswas/ is atime when…这是一个…时期。

如:1)This was a time when life was very hard.这是一个生活很艰难的时期。

2)This is a time wheneveryone can be rich.这是一个人人可以成为富翁的时代。


如1)This was thefirst time that he had come here.

②】Before the Naziscould get to the summer palace, the Russianswereable to remove somefurnitureandsmall art objects fromtheAmber Room.译文:趁着德国纳粹军队没有来到夏宫,俄罗斯人就将琥珀屋里的一些家具和一些小艺术品搬走了。

【注释:①before⑴(表示位置)在…前面eg.The man standing bef ore theblackboardis our English teacher.站在黑板前面的那个人是我们的英语老师。

⑵(表示时间)先于,在…以前eg. We gotup beforesunrise.我们在太阳升起之前起床。

⑶(表示比较)优于,先于eg.You mustpayattention to this problem beforeevery thing.你应该首先注意这个问题。

⑷(表示顺序)在…之前eg.My name comes before his on the list.在名单上我的名字排在他的名字前面。

⑸(表示目的)供…研究,由…审判eg.The criminalcasecomes beforethe court.那桩刑事案件已送法院审理。

② removevt.去掉,开除;脱掉vi.搬开,移动,搬家remove fear from onesmind去掉别人的恐惧;remove theplates from the table; removefrom some place to...
【考题】I am going to do allIcan to________the unpleasant impressionyouhave of me.
A. solveB.form C.remove D.move】
However, some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself.译文:可是,一些纳粹分子将整个琥珀屋秘密地偷走了。

In less than two days 100,000 pieces wereputinside twenty-seven wooden boxes.译文:在不到两天的时间里,10多万件物品被放入27个木质箱子里。

【注释: ①less than小于;绝不eg. The number of our class is less thansixty. ②mor ethan超过;非常;不只是eg.1) It's no more than onemile to theshops.到商业区不过一英里。

2)Hisinsolence is morethanI can stand.我受不了他的无礼。

3) She was dressed more than simply.她穿着十分朴素。

4)His report ismore than a survey.他的报告不只是一份调查。

】Thereis no doubt thattheboxeswerethen puton atrain for Konigsberg, which wasatthat time a German city on the Baltic Sea.译文:毫无疑问这些箱子当时被装上一辆开往哥尼斯堡的列车上,哥尼斯堡当时是一座位于波罗的海的德国城市。

【注释:①There is no doubt that …毫无疑问;there is nodoubt about/of …毫无疑问…;there issome doubt whether…有疑问…;I don'tdoubtthat…我确信…;I doubtwheth er/ if …我怀疑…eg. 1)Thereisnodoubt thatJohn will comeontime.约翰肯定会按时到达。

2) I doubt whether/ if he will keep his promise.我怀疑他是否会遵守诺言。

3) I do n’t doubt that Chinese diet is the healthiest in theworld.我相信中国的饮食似乎世界上最健康的饮食。

1.Some researchers believe that thereis nodoubt _____a cure for AIDS willbe fo
B. thatC. what D.whether
2.I have no doubtin my mind_____ they willbeglad to seeme.
A.if B.whether C.thatD.about
3.There isstill some doubt________theautumn sportsmeet will beheld inour school,butthere isnodoubt________it will beheld soon afterour National Dayh oliday.
A.that;that B.whether;whetherC.that;whetherD.whether;that
4.Idon’t doubt________our countrywillplay a more and more importantrole in theworld affairs.
A.whether B.ifC.that D.how
5.________for ustodiscussthe problemagain.It has already beensettled.
A.It has nodoubt
B.Therehas nodoubt
C.It is no needD.There i
s no need】
After that, what happened totheAmber Roomremainsamystery.译文:之后,琥珀屋发生了什么事便是个谜。

Recently, theRussians and Germans have built a new Amber Roomat thesummerpalace.译文:最近,俄罗斯人和德国人在夏宫建了一座新的琥珀屋。



如:1)He has recentlylearned English.他最近学习英语。

2) Thebook waspublishedas recently as lastweek.这本书上周刚出版。

】By studying old photos of the former AmberRoom, they have madethe new one look like t he old one.译文:通过研究先前琥珀屋的照片,他们已经使这座新的琥珀屋看起来像那座先前的琥珀屋一样。

【注释:①by studying…是by+ 动名词,表示方式,作状语,此时的动名词与主句的主语之间

如:Youcan finishthejobontimebydoinglike this.你

②look like:⑴看起来与(某人或某物)相像〔相似〕eg.1) He
looks like a scholar.他看上去像个学者。

2) These houses look exactlylikeeach other, w hichmakes the street look very dull.这些房屋的外观极为相似, 使整条街道显得十分呆板。

⑵很可能出现〔引起〕(某事、做某事) eg.1) It lookslike rain; Let's start for home.天像是要下雨了, 咱们回家吧!2)The party looks likebeing a successafter all.无论怎么说

】In 2003it was readyfor the people ofSt Petersburg whenthey celebratedthe 300th birthday oftheir city.译文:2003年,当人们

【注释:be ready f or:⑴准备好干某事eg. 1)The letter is ready for the post.这信可以寄出了。

made ready for the attack.他们做好进攻准备。

⑵准备供(某人、事)用的eg. 1)We mus tmakethetwo bedrooms ready for ourvisitors.我们必须把这两间卧室准备好供客

2)It took usseveral hoursto get the gymnasium ready for the ball.我们花了几个小

⑶准备应付,对付eg. If thoseyouthstrespassonmy
land again, Ishall be ready for them.要是那些年轻人再来侵犯我的土地, 我就准备收拾他们。

1.Later,CatherineⅡhad the Amber Roommoved to a palace outside St Petersburgwhere shespenther summers.【精提取】have/get sth.done 让某事被做,have sb.dosth.让别人做某事。


Don’t worry.I’ll_____________ ____fory
答案:have Johndo it
2.Afterthat,whathappened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.【精提取】remain系动词,意为“仍然是,保持”。


_______ _____ _____ ____great danger. 答案:remained calminfaceof
(2009安徽卷)________a certaindoubt among the people as tothe practical value of the project.
A.It has B.They have C.It remains D.There remains
(2009四川卷)Ladies andgentlemen,pleaseremain_____until theplane has cometo
acomplete stop.
C.to seatD.seat
3.There is no doubt thatthe boxeswere thenput on a train for Königsberg,which wasat that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.【精提取】There’s no doubt that...毫无疑问……,该句是固定句式。


______ __________________ he will come to help you.
答案:There is no doubt that
4.Thiswas a time whenthe twocountrieswereatwar.【精提取】Th is was a time when...为when引导的定语从句修饰先行词a time。


_______ ______________ ______ ______I hatedtogo to school. 答案:There was once a time when
5.survive vt.比.......活得长; (经过...)活(保存)下来;vi.活下来;幸存;残留survive sth.在...之后仍然生存,从...中逃生;survive sb.(by...)比...活得长;
survive on sth.靠...存活下来; survivefrom sth.从...存活下来;流传下来
Eg.As faras Iknow,theold man survivedthe earthquake,but n obody knew how he survived.Finally,hesurvived his wifeby10 years.据我所知,这位老人在地震中幸免于难,但是没有人知道他是如何幸存的。


【考题】(1) After the traffic accident,no one________except a fewpeople who were badlyinjured.
A.survive B.survived C.was survivedD.wassurviving
(2)In suchdryweathertheflowers will have to bewatered if they________.
A.have survived B.aretosurviveC.would survive D.will survive 6.(1) worthadj.有...价值;值得做Itbe well worthdoing sth.=sth. iswel lworth doing很值得做某事
Eg. The picture is worth at least twentypounds.这张图片至少值二十英镑。

Thenoveliswellworth reading.这部小说值得一读。

(2)worthy adj.值得的;配得上的;可敬的
Sth. beworthyof sth.值得;配得上The place is worthy of a visit.
It be worthy of doing sth.值得做The place isworthyofbeingvisited.
Sth.beworthyto be done值得做Theplace is worthytobe visited.
(3) Itis worthwhile doingsth./to do sth.做某事是值得的
Itis worthwhile makingan appointment withhim beforeyou go there.你去那儿之前与他预约是值得的。

【考题】1)—What do you think ofthe book? —Oh,excellent.It’s worth________a second time.
A.to read B.to be read C.readingD.being read
2)She has donesome________thingsduring the summer vacation,andshe is________ofbeing praised.
A.worthwhile;worthy B.worthwhile;worth C.worthy;worth D.worth;worthy
3)Try tospendyourtime just on thethings you find________.
A.worthdoing them
B.worthbeing done C.worthy of doing them D.wo rthy of being done。
