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关键词:网上拍卖系统;B/S模式;JSP;SQL Server 2005;HTML


Entering 21th century, Ecommerce has quickly developed and becomes mature. Network auction system is an important part of ecommerce, and has been the focus of researches.With the development of the applications of ecommerce and e-government, the development technology of conventional web application reveals lots of deficiencies. All the caused the loss of efficiency, rising cost, difficulties in expansion and maintenance, difficulties in division of work and cooperation, which restrict internet development.

The article prime task was to design the Web application system for auctioning based on the B/S pattern and the JSP technology network. Firstly this article introduced on the background of network auction system, the movement pattern, the system characteristic and the development technology of the domestic and foreign network auction system were analyzed and compared on. Secondly the superiority and the deficiency which existed in the present hot kinds of Web application development technology were analyzed, after weighing the advantages and disadvantages, the JSP technology was selected and studied to carry through the development with emphasis. According to the Web application characteristic, the Web application development plan which was based on the B/S pattern and used JSP the technology was proposed. Finally to network auction system based on this plan, we actualized the function module design, the architecture design and the database design, then researched and selected the key technologies in the website development process(how to obtain “instant” information for example), and the corresponding realization has given.

Keywords: Network Auction System; B/S Pattern; JSP; SQL Server 2005; HTML


第一章前言 (1)

1.1网上拍卖的背景 (1)

1.2国内外网上拍卖系统实现技术综述 (2)

1.2.1 电子拍卖的现状 (2)

1.2.2 常见网上拍卖系统的技术实现 (3)

1.3研究目标与课题任务 (4)

第二章基于WEB开发技术综述——选择适当的开发技术 (4)

2.1基于W EB开发应用的构建模式 (5)

2.1.1 客户端/服务器(Client/Server)模式 (5)

2.1.2 浏览器/服务器(Browser/Server)模式 (6)

2.1.3 C/S模式与B/S模式的比较及系统构建模式的选择 (6)

2.2客户端技术 (8)

2.2.1 HTML技术 (8)

2.2.2 DHTML技术 (9)

2.2.3 系统客户端技术的选择 (9)

2.3服务器端技术 (10)

2.3.1 ASP技术 (10)

2.3.2 PHP技术 (10)

2.3.3 JSP技术 (10)

2.3.4 ASP、PHP与JSP的比较及系统服务器端技术的选择 (11)

2.4其他开发工具与运行环境的选择 (13)

2.4.1 Dreamweaver网页设计工具 (13)

2.4.2 Tomcat服务器 (13)

2.4.3 SQL Server 数据库 (14)

第三章基于B/S模式及JSP技术的网上拍卖系统的实现 (15)

3.1需求分析 (15)

3.2系统功能设计 (16)

3.2.1 用户的登记和管理 (17)

3.2.2 商品的登记和管理 (18)

3.2.3 竞拍系统 (18)

3.2.4 竞拍情况报告 (19)

3.3用户功能设计 (19)

3.3.1 发布新商品 (20)
