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第21卷 第3期地 球 物 理 学 进 展V ol.21 N o.32006年9月(页码:730~738)


Sept. 2006


江为为1, 周立宏2, 肖敦清2, 高嘉瑞2, 袁淑琴2, 涂广红1, 朱东英1

(1.中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京100029; 2.中国石油大港油田公司,天津300280)

摘 要 分析了东北地区的重、磁场特征,同时对研究区的布格重力异常和航磁异常据进行了小波分析计算.根据分析与计算可知,东北地区重力场以北东走向为主,表现出该地区重力场的主要趋势.根据磁场的分布特征,可将研究区分为六个区域:呼和浩特以北磁场相对平静区;赤峰一带正负磁场交互变化区;海拉尔以南磁场缓变区;齐齐哈尔)依春磁场剧烈变化区;长春)沈阳负磁场平缓区;牡丹江)丹东磁场区.利用重力资料,应用调和级数法对研究区的莫霍界面进行了反演计算,得到了该地区莫霍界面深度分布.根据磁力资料采用遗传算法反演计算了研究区居里界面的深度分布.同时对研究区的地壳结构特征进行了探讨.关键词 地球物理场,地壳结构,地质构造

中图分类号 P318,P541 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1004-2903(2006)03-0730-09

The characteristics of crust structure and the gravity and magnetic

fields in northeast region of China

JIANG We-i w ei 1, ZH OU L-i ho ng 2, XIAO Dun -qing 2, GAO Jia -r ui 2,

YUAN Shu -qin 2, TU Guang -hong 1, ZH U Do ng -ying 1

(1.I nstitu te of G eology and G eoph ysic s,Chinese A cade my of Scienc es,Be ij ing 100029,China

2.Dag ang Oilf ield C omp any ,CN P C,T ianj in 300280,China)

Abstract T he char acter s of the gr avit y and mag net ic fields o f No rtheast of China are analy zed.A t the same time the Boug uer g ravity ano malies and the aero mag netic anomalies ar e calculat ed by the w avelet analysis method in this paper.Wit h the r esults o f analyzing and pr ocessing ,the main str ike of the g rav ity ano malies fields is N E.It show s leading featur es o f the gr avit y field in N o rtheast of China.A cco rding to distr ibution features of the mag netic field.T he re -search area is div ided into six distr icts:the relatively quiet dist rict in nor th H ohho t;the interactiv e changing district of po sitiv e and minus magnetic f ields ar ound ChiF eng ;the slo w chang ing distr ict in South H ailaer;the stro ng changing dist rict in Q iqihar -Y iChun;the quiet distr ict o f m inus mag netic field in Chang Chun -ShenYang;the dist rict in M uDan -Jiang -DanD ong.W e apply the H ar monious ser ies method o n g ravity dat a to inv erse the depth o f M o ho and use the ge -netic algo rithm method on magnetic data to inv erse the depth of Courier surface.T hen w e make a father research to the character istics of crust structure w ith the results of inver sion.Keywords g eophy sical fields,crust st ructur e,g eo lo gical structure

收稿日期 2006-02-15; 修回日期 2006-05-10.

基金项目 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目(编号:KZCX1-SW -18)和大港油田外协项目共同资助.

作者简介 江为为,1955年生,男,陕西西安人,硕士,1982年毕业于中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学系,现为中国科学院地质与地球物


1 地质概况



