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Study on the Gothic Complex in A Rose for Emily


A Rose for Emily written by American writer William Faulkner is regarded as the representative work of southern gothic fiction of America. The story writes Miss Emily’s tragic life and it’s full of suspense and intensely interesting.

This paper discusses the Gothic characteristics of A Rose for Emily on several angles, and it is divided into four parts.

In the first part, it introduces the William Faulkner and his A Rose for Emily briefly and points out the aim and the significance of the study.

In the second part it introduces the gothic characteristics in literature. In the third part which is the most important part, it points out that the author uses gothic characteristics from four aspects of the description of environment, the theme, the narrative way, and the character. In the last part, it concludes that the author combines gothic characteristics with the realistic content successfully and expresses his complicated feeling precisely because of using gothic characteristics.

Key words: gothic complex; environment description; theme; narrative way; character


Abstract (i)

内容摘要....................................................................................................................... i i 1. Introduction . (1)

1.1 A brief introduction of William Faulkner and his A Rose for Emily (1)

1.2 Introduction of the Gothic Characteristics in Literature (2)

2.Literature Review (3)

3.The Gothic Characteristics in A Rose for Emily (4)

3.1 The gothic characteristics in the description of environment (4)

3.2 The gothic characteristics in the theme of A Rose for Emily (6)

3.3 The gothic characteristics in the narrative way of A Rose for Emily (7)

3.4 The gothic characteristics in the character (8)

4.Conclusion (10)

Bibliography (13)

Study on the Gothic Complex in

A Rose for Emily

1. Introduction

1.1 A brief introduction of William Faulkner and his A Rose for Emily

William Faulkner is one of the most distinguish writer in American literature.He was born and lived in the South, which influenced him greatly, therefore, most of his works described the people and their lives in the South. As the appearance of Faulkner, the South appeared the literary glories of “the South Renaissance”, which ever was called “the literary desert."(Yu Jianhua, The Second Prosperous of American Literature, 460).

He invented a county and a town in his imagination, and he wrote about the society in the South by inventing families which represented different social forces: the old, decaying upper class; the rising, ambitious, unscrupulous class of “poor whites”; and the Negroes who labored for both of them.His major works included Sartoris, The Unvanquished, The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, The Town and A Rose for Emily (Laurence B.Holland, The Norton Anthology of American Literary ,534-537).

Published in 1930, A Rose for Emily was one of the best known and the most widely read novel among William Faulkner’s short stories. The story took place in a mythical town that William Faulkner called Jefferson, Mississippi. The story happened at the period of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when the town was learning to live with South’s loss in the Civil War and the consequent dismantling of the slavery-based society that had preceded it. Because of the loss in the Civil War, people in the south led a poor life. Especially the white people, their life suddenly become poor because most of the slaves went to the north to work for the northern industry,so the white people couldn’t get accustomed to the life change in a short time, but they still pretended to be noble and kept their family’s dignity(Howard Clin cotton, American History, 30).

The story described a white woman, Emily’s tragic life under the South’s loss in the
