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U n i t4L a n g u a g e f e a t u r e s o f E n g l i s h N e w s P u b l i c a t i o n
(45 minutes)
报刊英语是一种特殊的文体, 主要受以下五个因素的影响和制约: 大众性,节俭性, 趣味性, 时新性和客观性。
报刊是大众传媒,写作必须适合广大读者的阅读水平, 语言必须通俗易懂。
报业十分珍惜版面, 要求新闻写作人员在有限的篇幅内尽可能提供大量丰富的信息。
读者看报珍惜时间, 希望在短暂的时间里得到所要了解的信息,这就迫使新闻写作人员养成文字简洁精练的风格。
西方新闻界一向注重趣味性, 报刊又面临电视、广播、网络传媒的巨大挑战,要想稳住报业市场就得增强趣味性, 因而新闻报道必须写得生动有趣。
此外, 不少新闻写作人员为了增强文章的吸引力, 在语言上刻意创新, 因而新闻英语具有新颖活泼的特色。
客观性是纯新闻报道所遵循的原则,没有客观性, 报道就要失去可信性,也就会没有读者。
1. 报刊英语常见语法现象
报刊英语的特点是准确、简练和浅显, 具有新闻特性、符合新闻报道要求,适应新闻信息传播需要,不能使用文学作品中夸张修饰或矫揉造作的手法。
另外,记者还必须尽可能多快好省地赶在截稿时间之前, 借助各种行之有效的语法手段,在有限的版面内为读者展现真实清晰的新闻内容。
因此, 随着时间的推移, 报刊英语形成了一些区别于一般英语的显著特征。
就语法现象而言, 报刊英语主要具有以下几个特点:
1) 标题中的省略
从语法上讲,报刊英语的标题为了节省版面,通常只保留实意词,而把诸如动词“be”和冠词“the, an, a ”等一类没有实际意义、只有语法功能的虚词省略,因而就出现了标题中的形容词短语、动词不定式和动词分词(v+ing和v+ed)短语构成的“没有动词的谓宾结构”的特殊用法。
a) 形容词短语单独作谓语
Results Impressive away from Merger Mayhem
Although it may seem otherwise, not every US pharmaceutical company has joined in the merger mayhem this quarter-and most of those that stayed above the fray have quietly turned in impressive results.
(From Financial Times, January 27, 2000)
Identities of Hijack Suspects Released
其中released就是was released的省略形式。
c) 动词不定式作谓语
不定式短语“be (intend, plan, be determined etc.)+to do”作谓语常常用来表示即将发生的事件。
Japan to Help Elderly Jobless
Japan said yesterday it would begin subsidizing business start-ups by elderly entrepreneurs in an effort to deal with rising unemployment among people in their early 60s.
(From Financial Times, January 27, 2000)
U.S. Airborne Units on Afghan Frontier Preparing to strike
2) 宾语从句中引导词的省略
比如:China Daily said that…《中国日报》报道, …… ; Officials said …..官方人士称, ……等。
但是, 在英语新闻的报道中, 引导宾语从句的that 被省略的情况比较常见。
Microsoft Offers $1B to Schools
By Allisonlinn
Furniss said the proposed deal does not provide enough money to sustain the school programs and therefore would have no red long- tem benefits. He also said it provides no real punishment for Microsoft, which has cash reserves of some $32billion-
(From Associated Press, November 21, 2001) 在上面的这段新闻中, 两处的"said" 之后都省略了" that" 。
有时引导宾语从句的that也不省略, 引导词是否省略与新闻媒体各自不同的风格有关。
3) 比较松散的句子结构
新闻报道的句子大都比较长, 往往一段只有一句话。
记者力求使用尽量少的篇幅, 报道尽量多的事实, 提供尽量广的知识。
加之写稿发稿仓促, 往往想到新的情况和背景材料, 来不及改动就随即增添或补插进去。
因此, 插入成分较多, 句子结构显得比较松散。
Microsoft Offers $1B to Schools
By Allisonlinn
The funding, to be disbursed over five yeas, would pay for teacher training, technica1support, refurbished computers and copies of Microsoft’s Windows and Office, to about 14spokesmen Mat PiLla said.
(From Associated Press, November 21, 2001) 这段新闻只有一句话: 微软公司决定向美国14% 的学校提供资助。
句中"to be disbursed over five Years', 是动词不定式作定语修饰前面的"funding", 这给新闻提供了背景材料。
同时作者将said 引导的宾语从句放在句首, 来强调重要的信息。
整个句子结构松散, 明显是口语化的句子, 读起来短促有力。
英语新闻中, 记者经常利用状语、定语、同位语、介词短语、名词
短语等为新闻提供背景材料或对新闻的内容作进一步的说明, 这就是新闻英语的句子结构显得松散和插入成分较多的原因。
4) 直接引语标点符号的运用
在新闻英语中, 直接引语用引号标明并在适当的地方加上消息来源" 某某人、机构、书报说" 。
" 某某说" 放在直接引语之前、之后, 或者放在引语中间。
" 某某说" 之前或之后可用冒号、逗号和句号。
Cromer Resign as Seattle Weekly Publisher
Schneideman said:” It really wasn't strategic; it was really style of lea dership. We worked on it, we tried, but we just could1't see eye to eye on what to do about it."
(From Associated Press, December 7,2001) 在某某人说之后用冒号, 后面的直接引语可能是一句话, 也可能是几句话, 但必须是完整的句子。
引号内的引语第一个字母大写, 句子结尾用句号。
实际上, 直接引语放在said 之后, 这种情况在消息报道中用得并不多。
b) 直接引语放在said 之前
3 Americans die in Afghanistan
By Robert Burns
AP Military Writer
"This is one of the potentially most hazardous type of missions that we use as a military tactic ,"sad Rear Adm John Stufflebeem, deputy director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
(From Associated Press, December 5,2001) 直接引语放在前面, 提供消息内容的消息来源放在后面, 这是新闻英语的一个习惯表达方式。
在新闻英语中, 这种安排是很常见的, 也突出了新闻的特点, 就是让读者尽早读到最重要的新闻内容。
在上面的两段中, 引号内的原话虽然是一个完整的句子, , 按照英语的习惯, 在没有交代清楚是谁说的之前, 它的句子仍不算完整。
所以, 引语的末尾仍然用逗号, 消息来源某某说后面才使用句号。
c) 直接引语中间插入said
New Law Lets U.S. Nab Foreign Hackers
By D .Ian Hopper
"We haven’t done that vet, because it’s an affront to the way the Internet works,"Rasch said-"But now we’re criminalizing anything that happens over the Internet because traffic passes through the United States-"
(From Associated Press, November 22, 2001) 我们从上面的例子看到," 他说" 插入在两个完整的句子之间。
第一个句子结尾用的是逗号, 在" 他说" 之后用句号; 这种情况与上面第二部分" 直接引语放在said 之前" 的情况相同。
" 他说" 后面接着的But now we're criminalizing anything... 是另一个完整的句子, 所以用大写字母开头。
但是, 必须注意这个句子仍然是前面" 他" 所说的内容。
5) 被动语态的特殊用法
报刊英语尽管与一般英语文体相似, 在大量的篇幅中使用动词的主动语态形式, 但是, 被动语态的形式也时常出现, 且频率多于其他文体。
记者有时为了突出强调新闻事实或动作的接受者比执行者更重要时, 尤其是诸如一场灾难、战争、冲突、骚乱中的伤亡人员、人数, 犯罪案件中的被害者等读者迫切想要了解的事实时, 往往采用被动语态。
MOSCOW (Reuters)-Chechnya's Moscow-backed president and the commander of Russian
forces in the restive region have been killed by a bomb blast in a packed stadium during annual celebrations of "Victory Day”, the Interfax news agency reports.
(From The Reuters, May 9, 2004)
6) 不拘规则的时态呼应
在传统英语语法中, 主句的谓语动词时态会影响宾语从句中谓语动词的时态,即时态的一致或呼应(Sequence Tenses).同样, 将直接引语改为间接引语时动词时态也要作相应的变化。
绝大多数的新闻报道都是关于刚刚发生或正在发生的事情, 因此记者总是尽量使用一般现在时态和现在完成时态, 以示" 新" 和" 快"; 为了把消息绘声绘色地传达给听众, 进行时态使用得也比较普遍。
然而, 实际, 报刊英语的时态呼应除基本遵循传统语法规则外, 还时常按照新闻事实发生的时间变化与先后顺序酌情使用时态, 用法比较灵活。
UNITIED NATIONS, New York一President George Bush wants 15 the former attorney general, Dick Thomburgh to take a new post at the United Nations ,overseeing the organization 's budget and administration, UN and US officials say.
Secretary –General Butros Ghali asked Mr. Bush to find an American to fill this job when he attended the summit meeting of the Security Council here last month and the president then offered the job to Mr.Thomburgh, the official said.
'The new post, undersecretary-general for administration and management, involves overall responsibility for budget and personnel matters and is one of eight deputy positions created by Mr.Butros Ghali in a restructuring of the Secretariat announced on Friday, the officials said.
(From The International Herald Tribune, February12, 1992)
7) 种类繁多的前置定语
一般而言, 英语句子中的前置定语多为单词, 但是, 在英语新闻写作中, 记者往往不拘泥于这种传统语法现象, 而是灵活地使用多重前置定语, 即同时使用两个或两个以上的单词甚至于一个句子来修饰某个词。
The releases of Steen and American Joseph Cicippio, freed on Monday, indicated that seven-year-old hostage saga was speeding to an end.
(From The New York Times, December 3, 1991) American journalist Terry Anderson, the longest-held American hostage , ,and Germans Thomas Kemptaner and Heinrich Struebig, are the last remaining Western captives in Lebanon.
(From The Guardian, December 4, 1991) 以上列举的这类大多由连字符连接的超长定语一目了然, 既简化了句子的结构, 又节省了文章的篇幅, 避免使用短语或从句的复杂用法, 既使于记者赶稿, 又能帮助读者加快阅
当然, 尽管这类定语在一般英语写作中也偶尔出现, 却远不如报刊英语中那么常见。
此外, 这类超长定语同中文的定语用法颇为相似, 对于中国读者来说, 比较熟悉, 容易接受。
从构成方式分析, 这类多重前置定语形式多样, 常见的主要有以下十来种, 例如:
a) 名词+ 现在分词
Yesterday, the troops were seen off by flag-waving, cheering crows, their tanks strewn with flowers.
(From The Guardian, August 22, 1991) 类似的常见词语还可举出不少, 例如:
breath-taking scenery 令人赞叹不已的景色
cancer-causing drugs 致癌药物
energy--saving device 节能装置
law--abiding resident 守法居民
peace-keeping force 维和部队
policy--making body 决策机构
Pulitzer Prize-winning author 普利策奖获奖者
time-consuming negotiation 耗时的谈判
b) 形容词+ 现在分词
Although a 10 percent drop in the number of high-spending Americans will depress takings, they were more than compensated for by a 14 percent increase in European visitors this summer.
(From The Australian, February 4, 1992) 这类词语还可举出一些, 例如:
easy-going president 待人随和的总统
far-seeing diplomat 卓有远见的外交官
high-ranking official 高级官员
wide-spreading AIDS 四处蔓延的艾滋病
c) 名词+ 过去分词
Once freed, Mr.Gorbachev telephoned Boris Yeltsin, the Russian president who launched a spear-headed resistance to the coup.
(From The Times, August 22, 1991) 这类词语还可举出许多, 例如:
bottle-necked road 瓶颈路段
college-bred clerk 受过大学教育的职员
crisis-ridden economy 危机四伏的经济
disaster-hit area 灾区
money-oriented politics 金钱政治
tongue-tied spokesman 张口结舌的发言人
d) 形容词+ 过去分词
In light of this rush of cooperation, a high-powered delegation form Paris is likely to visit Beijing this year, escorted by a cluster of representatives from medium and small French enterprises, Guan said.
(From China Daily, March 1, 1992) 下面再附列一些这类的常见词语, 例如:
clean-cut analysis 明晰的分析
far-fetched explanations 牵强附会的解释
long-faced job-loser 愁眉苦脸的失业者
quick-frozen food 速冻食品
short-lived coup 短暂政变
e) 副词+ 过去分词
The ceremony Saturday was a hard-worn milestone in a mostly invisible yet intense diplomatic struggle to maintain control over the world's largest array of long---range nuclear weapons as the Soviet Union splintered into many parts.
(From The International Herald Tribune, May 25, 1992) 这类词语还可举出许多, 例如:
dimly-lit room 光线昏暗的房间
highly-polished table 擦得铮亮的桌子
richly-paid job 薪水丰厚的工作
sparsely-populated area 人口稀少的地区
well-informed circles 消息灵通人士
f) 名词+ 形容词
Only nine months after giving birth to her first child, Liz Mcolgan yesterday ended Britain’s
week-long wait for a gold medal at the world championships.
(From The Times, August 31, 1991) 这类词语还可举出一些, 例如:
capital-intensive country 资本密集型国家
city-wide competition 全市性比赛
inflation-proof deposit 保值储蓄
interest-free loan 元息贷款
year-long efforts 整整一年的努力
vehicle-free promenade 步行街
g) 名词+ 名词
"Numerous facts show that the North-South relations are going to deteriorate further instead of turning for the better,” he said, referring to the disparity between developed and developing country ·
(From China Daily, January 31, 1992) 这类词语还可举出许多, 例如:
Arms-reduction taIks 裁军谈判
Hunger-strike sit-down 绝食静坐
Korea-Japan trade 朝日贸易
snail-pace progress 缓慢的进展
world-class match 世界水准的比赛
year-end report 此年终报告
h) 形容词+ 名词
Mr.Gorbachev was immediately slighted by the former foreign minister Eduard Shevardndze, who refused to serve on his new-look security council, and yesterday Gavril Popov, the mayor of Moscow and Aleksandr Yakovlev, regarded as the father of perestroika, also rejected the president’s overtures.
(From The Times, August 31, 1991) 这类词语还可举出一些, 例如:
fair-trade agreement 互惠贸易协定
long-term loan 长期贷款
open-door policy 门户开放政策
red-carpet welcome 隆重欢迎
top-level talk 最高级会议
i) 数词+ 名词
The leaders walked briskly to the platform and read out the three-page document which spelt the end of the unitary Soviet state.
(From The Guardian, September 4,1991) 这类词语还可举出许多, 例如:
100-meter dash 100赛跑
one-egg twins 单卵性双胎
one-shot criminal 初犯
two-party system 两党制
two-way street 双行道路
j) 名词+"to"+ 名词
KANDAHAR,Aighanistan,Dec.18(Reuters)-Two U.S military transport planes came under fire over the southern Afghan desert on Tuesday in the first known ground-to-air missile attack since the United States launched its war on the Taliban and Osama bin Laden.
(From The Times, December18, 2001) 这类词组还可以举出许多, 例如:
Coast-to-coast protest 全国性的抗议
dusk-to--dawn curfew 彻夜宵禁
face- to-face talk 面晤
hand-to-hand fighting 臼刃战
k) 连词‘ and" 连接词组
The Marines will be supplemented by units from the Navy Seals and shadowy Delta Force, specially trained for search-and-destroy missions.
(From Observer, November 25, 2001) 这类词语还可举出一些, 例如:
hit-and-run driver 肇事逃逸司机
life-and-death experiment 生死攸关的实验
touch-and-go affair 一触即发的局势
wait-and-see policy 坐守观望的政策
up-and-down market 上下起伏的市场
此外, 美国报刊中的一些特有表达方式, 对我们来说也比较生疏, 如称" 长途旅行" 为"odyssey"," 合作共事者" 为"team player"等等. 类似的词汇现象都有待于我们在具体阅读实践中结合上下文加以仔细琢磨和推敲。
这样, 久而久之, 就能灵活掌握大量有用的词汇与短语, 从而形成英语的语感。
8) 插入语的酌情镶嵌
记者有时基于各种考虑, 适当在报道中用破折号引出插入语, 以示醒目.由于插入语在语义上有相对的独立性, 它既可补充说明所叙述的新闻事件, 提供更多的背景材料, 又可反映有关人员在新闻事件发生后的意见、看法、观点等。
a) Consumer confidence is up. Employment is up. The economy is clearly accelerating. Are we in for Bill Market? Or, put another way, do WaII Streets love--or at least like-- the new president? You could make the case so far, though some are working if checkout time is near in the honeymoon suits.
(From Fortune, March 18,1993 )
b) There were immediate suspicions that Bill Clinton's decision last week to airdrop relief supplies over Bosnia---a step that had seemed like a low-risk humanitarian --- might have been answered in thunder by the Serbs .
(From Times, March 8, 1993)
9) 直接、间接引语的频繁使用
因此, 记者必须经常酌情甚至大量地在报道中以直接或间接的方式引用别人的原话。
这既可增添报道的真实性和生动性, 减少文字沉闷感, 同时又能展示记者的客观立场, 使报道具有" 最大限度的客观性"(Maximum Objectiveness), 使读者确信记者并未掺杂个人倾向(Personal Slant) 。
在具体操作中, 无论是直接引语或间接引语, 记者一般都会交代这是某某人说的。
这个" 某某人说" 一般放在引语之前, 而更多的则是按新闻报道习惯置于引语之后, 这是因为阅读时目光一般总是自左至右来回扫视, 最先映入眼帘的文字较易于引起兴趣和注意。
相比之下, 引语的内容( 即消息来源所说的话) 比消息来源本身显得更为重要。
此外, 记者有时还将" 某某人说" 插入较长的引语之中。
“He has never acted as anything but a candidate,” says a senior Western diplomat. “He has always been an outsider looking in.”
(From Newsweek, March 1, 1993)
10) 修辞手段的灵活运用
随着生活节奏日益加快, 记者若想吸引读者百忙中的注意力, 有时还得借助某些修辞手段, 以期增加报道的可读性,生动感和吸引力,这已几乎成为当今传媒相互较量、展开竞争的技法之一。
例如:South Africa: Groping for Growth (押韵)
Korea: Enter Mr. Reform (幽默)
Arms Makers, Yes—Arms Merchants, No (对照)
It was the first time that Mr. Clinton, who is facing the most severe political crisis of his career, picked the Pentagon as the backdrop for a major address. (比喻)
(45 minutes)
2. 报刊英语主要词汇特色
报刊英语词汇的一个显著特色就是经常掺用外来词语,尤其在新闻报道中当记者提及外国的或新近出现的事物时, 用以引起读者的兴趣与注意, 突出新闻报道的文化内涵, 增加新奇感, 或更贴切地表达某词语的内涵。
a) Mozgovi said he studied newly discovered archive material during his research for the role that
showed him Lenin was paralyzed before his death. “Lenin’s private life was a secret before perestroika,” he said.
(From Observer, November 18, 2001) 这段新闻报道的是有关列宁死因的调查, 俄语词perestroika ( 改革)的使用, 增添了异国情调的色彩, 营造了一个特定的文化氛围。
b) Though he is losing his monopoly, the 79-3rear-old tycoon( 企业界的巨头) still wields considerable influence.
(From The New York Times, December 20, 2001)
2) 人、物名称的借用
新闻英语的读者来自各行各业, 他们的文化水平高低悬殊、参差不齐, 这就要求记者在写作时尽可能使用大多数人都能容易理解而又生动形象的词语。
其中较有效的手段之一就是经常在新闻报道中借用各国首都等地名、著名建筑物名称以及政府首脑姓名, 以代替该国或其政府及有关机构; 有时还借用某个物名来表示某个意思, 这实属新闻英语的一个独创。
a) The decision came under attack from missile defense advocates who said that the Pentagon needed to be developing protection against both long and short range missiles.
(From The New York Times, December 6, 2001) Pentagon, 五角大楼(美国国防部大楼),常用作美国国防部的总称。
b) Labour’s senior ex-minister, Tony Benn, warned that British troops could not continue doing humanitarian work in UN blue berets while United States pilots in blue berets launched the very air strikes which had triggered the hostage crisis.
新闻中的blue berets原是蓝色贝雷帽的意思,在这里指(头戴蓝色贝雷帽的)联合国维持和平部队。
当然, 新闻英语中经常借用的人名、物名、建筑物名称乃至别名等专有名词多属司空见惯、
这类词语还可举出许多, 例如
Big Apple 大苹果—纽约
Capitol (Hill)/Hill 国会山—美国国会
Chinese Wall 长城—难以逾越的壁垒
Downing Street 唐宁街—英国政府
Fleet Street 舰队街—美国新闻界
Ford 福特牌汽车
Hollywood 好莱坞—美国电影界
Uncle Sam 山姆大叔—美国人
White House 白宫—美国政府
3) 大量表达" 说" 意的词汇
不但事实说明来源, 而且对于意见、观点、话语、言论, 也写明来历, 以示客观。
既然记者时常需要直率或含蓄地转述, 援引新闻人物或其他有关人士的谈话, 因而, 新闻报道中频繁出现表示" 某某人说" 的" 说(say)" 。
但是, 事实上, 新闻报道所涉及到的说话人的神态和语气却随着不同场合或氛围而产生相应的变化, 这是"say' 这个中性词所元法确切表达的。
为此, 英文记者有时酌情选用一些表达" 说话" 之意的近义词, 既可避免"say" 一词的重复出现, 又能适当地增添报道的文采。
例如在下面这篇有关南非种族问题的报道中, 就出现了多种有关" 说" 的近义词:
Mandela Says Blacks Can Block Return to Apartheid
JOHANNESBURG 一Nelson Mandela, the president of the African National Congress, said yesterday that South American’s blacks had the capacity to bring down any government that tried to bring back apartheid.
Addressing foreign journalists here, he emphasized the ANC would not revert to violence if President De KIerk and his National party lost the coming referendum. He added that its primary concern was to pursue multi-party negotiations at the convention for a democratic South Africa (Codesa).
However, the ANC would orchestrate mass civil disobedience if the Conservative party came to power and attempted to halt the reform process, warned Mr. Mandela. "Whites can have an election if they wish, but we have the capacity to bring down my government that tried to bring back apartheid,” he went on, “The Nationalists abandoned apartheid not because pursues for reform. We will do the same to the Conservative party, if necessary."
Mr. Mandela disclosed that he had recently been invited to tea by mayor of a conservative white town in the Orange Free State. They had had a cordial meeting, and Mr. Mandela said the event was significant.
(From The Daily Star, March14, 1999) 这类同义词在英语新闻报道中屡见不鲜, 值得读者在学习、辨析英语同义词时加以注意和收集。
现再列出部分经常见诸报端表示" 说" 的近义动词, 供参考:
acknowledge 承认
add 接着说; 又说
admit 承认
affirm 肯定; 确认
allege 宣称
analyze 分析
announce 宣布
argue 争辩;主张
assert 断言
boast 夸口说
caution 告诫说
claim 声称
complain 抱怨说
concede 承认
conclude 断定;下结论
confess 供认;承认
contend 争辩
continue 接着说
contradict 反驳;否定
declare 声明;声称
deny 否认
disclose 透露
elaborate 详细说明
emphasize 详述;阐明
exclaim 大声说;呼喊
explain 解释说
Go on 继续说;接着说
imply 暗示
insist 坚持说;主张
maintain 主张;认为
note 谈及;表明
object 提出异议;反对;反驳
observe 评述
pledge 保证
proclaim 宣告;声明
protest 抗议
reaffirm 重申
reiterate 重申
remark 议论
reply 回答
refute 反驳
reveal 透露
state 声明;声称
stress 着重说;强调
suggest 建议
tell 告诉;告知
urge 敦促;力劝
warn 警告说;告诫4) 层出不穷的新词语
新闻涉及政治、经济、军事、法律、外交、文化、科技、教育、环境、卫生、天灾人祸等, 可谓包罗万象。
它永远跑在时代的最前面, 像录像机一样反映并记载了世界的发展和变迁。
每逢新事物出现, 与新事物有关的新词便会毫无例外地率先在新闻中露面。
从某种意义上说, 这些词汇记录了世界发展变化的历史。
报刊英语中频繁出现的新词汇, 在构成和表现形式上, 主要具有以下三大特点:
a) 旧词衍生新义
随着这些词语的广泛运用, 它们也逐步渗入到日常生活用语之中。
例如"gay" 这个词, 原意为" 快乐的", 现在新闻报道中可被用来指" 同性恋的" 或" 同性恋者" 。
一系列与"gay" 有关的用词也随之出现, 包括gay-in( 同性恋者集会),gay bar ( 同性恋者酒吧) 、gay friend( 同性恋对象)等, 例如: The rapid-growing death toll of AIDS victim has posed a widespread panic across the States from gay—bars in the west coast of California to the Fun City’s redlight districts.
(From The San Francisco Chronicle, October 20, 1990) 又如"source" 这个词, 原意为"来源"、" 源泉", 现在英语新闻报道中常被用来表示提供消息来源的有关" 人士" 或" 官员", 例如:
US bankruptcy court judge yesterday approved religious broadcaster Pat Robertson’s bid of $6 million for United Press International (UPI), one of th e world’s largest wire services, co urt sources said.
(From The Washington Post, May 13, 1992) 这类新词义, 虽然有时与原义大相径庭, 但在新闻英语中却层出不穷, 极大地丰富了新闻英语的词汇。
请再看一些收自各大报刊的这类词汇, 例如:
dove 鸽→温和派的
hijack 拦路抢劫→空中劫持
mafia 黑手党→黑社会
soul 灵魂→美国黑人( 文化) 的
umbrella 雨伞→保护伞
White collar 白领→脑力劳动者
b) 新事催生新词
新闻媒介是当今世界政治、经济、科技、文化乃至社会生活中不断变化的各个层面的最佳展示载体和表现渠道, 这些领域里产生的新事物、新问题、新现象与新闻英语中新词语的出现相伴相随。
①Billick acknowledged that the Ravens have the ability to sever ties with Grbac after this season at a cost of only $5.5million 一一the price d his signing bonus( 签约酬金一一一刚工作的人签约后可得到的一笔钱)and this year’s salary.
(From The New York Times, December 19, 2001)
② The coach saw the situation as a no-brainer( 显而易见的事).The players saw it as surrender.
(From The New York Times,December 15, 2001) 英语以其旺盛的生命力, 每年都不断产生和出现大量的新词。
其中不少词经过人们的反复使用, 变得越来越普及, 最终被人们和社会认可而纳入英语词汇中。
talk show 脱口秀, 谈话性节目
red—meat 旨在引起听众强烈反应的演讲话题
hit-to- kill " 直接命中摧毁" 型( 导弹)
Sauna Diplomacy 桑拿外交
Build-down n. (用新式武器取代原有武器的核军备的) 更新裁减。