结构胶材料在车身上的应用 - 湖南省高等学校精品课程网

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= As steel strength increases, joining technology becomes major load carrying factor = Less elastic steel joint failures can be more catastrophic than mild steel = Overcome weld difficulties
Epoxies based is recommended for Car BIW
Body structure structural bonding
¾ One component epoxy adhesives applied in body ¾ Epoxy type vary by application needs and requirements
帮助车身轻量化 Benefit: Adhesive & Light Weight Index
• 车身刚度和NVH, 特别是车身模态和静刚度, 是车
身物理性能最重要的考量. 它影响着车辆的承载性
和舒适性。理论上,提高模态和刚度会增加白车身 L: Body Lightweight index, lower is 的重量,反之亦然。因此要在车身设计时对车身机 better. 轻量化指数, 越低越好
Adhesive bond
Spot weld 5 mm 点焊
High stressconcentratio
High stressconcentratio
• 消除应力突变
Eliminates sudden change of stresses
• 有效降低连接处的应力
Significantly lowers stress acting across joined region
the vehicle comfort-ability, the mode and stiffness improvement will increase the BIW weight in theory. A balance need be found between the weight and performance
结构胶的优势 Advantage of Structural Adhesive
Dow’s unique fracture toughened adhesive’s can enable OEMs to
• 保持车身刚度和防撞性的同时降级钢板厚度(减重)
Down gauge steel without sacrificing global vehicle stiffness &/or crash performance = Lower Mass = Lower Cost = Equal/better performance
CT: BIW Torsion Stiffness. 总体扭转刚 度
• 车身轻量化指数直接说明车身设计的质量, 已经被
A: Projection area, based on track and wheelbase. 投影面积(或接触面积)
广泛地应用在欧美的车身设计当中. 在降低车身重
量mBIW的同时必须保持或增大总体扭转刚度CT. 而 结构胶的使用通常能够在不增加mBIW的情况下使 CT增加10~20%
Weld Bonded
CAE计算与刚度试验对比(C-OEM) CAE Result and Testing Result
物理性能 Adhesive Bonding of Metal
汽车行业要求 Automotive industry criterion for structural adhesives
Level 3
1. Weight reduction 车身减重
Down gauge, Up-grade
Allow use light material Al
Remove reinforcement
Reduce profile dimension
2. Welds reduction, cost reduction 减少焊点, 降低成本
• 吸收基材表面油脂,油面附着性 Excellent Adhesion to oily metal substrates
• 环境稳定性 Excellent durability, Impact Resistance f(T): From -40 to 80oC
• 结晶玻璃态, 高的玻璃化温度 (刚性连接) Tg higher than room temperature, above 80oC
提高车身刚度 BENEFIT: Increased Body Stiffness
结构胶长度 焊点数量 静态刚度 (扭转) 动态刚度 (弯曲)
Volvo XC60
25.4 米 4337 115% 109%
Volvo XC90
3.3 米 4799 100% 100%
数据来源: Eurocarbody Presentation, Nedic/Ljungquist/Hollander, Volvo Car Corporation, Bad Nauheim 2008
Additional Advantage 其他优势
• Durability 车辆耐久性 • Sealing 密封(取代点焊胶) • Anti-corrosion 车身抗腐蚀
利用结构胶优化车身主截面,以影响以下整车性能属性 Section optimization to maximize:
• load distribution and transfer 载荷分配及传递 • member stability 横梁和立柱稳定性 • energy dissipation 碰撞能吸收 • load carrying capacity 车身承载能力
Dow Automotive Systems
应用案例 BETAMATETM actual Applications
• 奥迪A6轿车,使用约90米高韧性结构胶 AUDI A6: contains approx 90m of crash durable structural adhesive
• 韧化处理 Can be brittle without toughening • 弹性模量 Modulus: 1.5~6.5 x103Pa, Young‘s modulus (to bond) >>
104MPa • 伸长率, 延展性 Typical elongation <3% (15% possible) • 耐涂装液冲刷 Wash-off resistance
= Adhesively bonded joints resist buckling & help retain load bearing structure = Adhesively bonded profiles deform of defined path
• 解决高强钢板不同材质金属板连接问题
Body lightweight index is BIW design evaluation index. Is very
popular in the world. This can give a design direction to
evaluate BIW design quality
数据来源 BMW
Hem Flange 折边
Component Joint 组件连接
白车身钣金连接方式 Current Applications (extraction)
Vehicle BIW Jointing
B car, 150~200m metal jointing
Spot welding
MIG, MAG welding No
提高耐久性 BENEFIT: Increased durability
Torsional Stiffness (% of Reference)
行驶里程10万英里前后测量整车 扭转刚度
130 120
After Durability
80 Reference
应用目标 Application Target Level - body structural bonding
Level 1
1. Welds break 避免焊点撕裂
2. Metal Jointing 一般性钢板连接
3. Un-weldable area 工艺不可点焊区域连接
4. Non-weldable area 外观要求而不能焊接的区域
• 新车碰撞测试五星级标准 NCAP 5 star safety rating through design, material mix and structural bonding technology
Green: crash durable Yellow : MIG weld Red: Laser
• 采用耐冲撞结构胶后,原有6500个焊点减少为5500个焊点 Audi claims to have reduced spot welds from 6500 to 5500 by the use of crash durable structural adhesive
• 减重8公斤:用以接合不同种轻质材料 Multi-material mix: 8 kg of weight saving use of structural adhesives to join ultra high strength steels with high strength steels, medium strength steels, aluminum
械性能和重量进行平衡。通常1st G-DS提高1~3Hz
Stiffness and NVH, especially the mode and stiffness, it affects
mBIW: BIW weight without glass and closure. 白车身重量(不包括门盖和前后窗)
Structural Bonding in Automobile Manufacturing
Dow Automotive Systems
目录 Content
• 案例 Structural Adhesive Case: Audi A6 • 优势 Advantage and Benefits with Structural Adhesive • 技术 Technical data of Structural Adhesive • 应用 World Wide Application: Dow Structural Adhesive
• 减少焊点 Reduce welds
= Lower Cost
• 增强结构的耐久性 Improve long term durability (stiffness retention)
= Higher Quality Vehicle = Improved Residual Value
• 提高防撞性 Improve crash performance
Laser welding(line) No
Clinching (press) Yes
Green: crash durable Yellow : MIG weld Red: Laser
降低结构应力集中 Crash Durable Adhesive (CDA)
Level 2
1. Body Stiffness 提高车身刚度 Static, Torsion & Bending
2. Vehicle NVH, Dynamic stiffness 车身NVH, 模态迁移
3. Vehicle crashworthiness and safety 提高防撞性及整车安全性