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依照FIP极限集邮规则英文原文看连票制作极限片 ——兼谈广济桥邮票的极限片制作问题 钟玉龙 • 最近连票如何制作极限片在网上和报刊成了热门 话题,但大家都有不同看法,如认为只贴用全套 连票中的其中一枚或两枚连票就可制作,不用整 个连票。例如去年11月14日发行的广济桥3连票, 就有人只贴用全套邮票中的(3-1)和(3-2)两 枚连票,这样做的理由是(3-1)和(3-2)2枚邮 票已基本展示了广济桥的特点,那就是整座桥的 中间有一段浮桥。这样贴票制作的“广济桥”极 限片,能最大限度地保留了邮票与明信片的和谐 之处,笔者不能苟同此观点,因为这样做有悖于 FIP规则。
• This Bridge had overhauled five times in the Ming Dynasty, and on its piers, 24 different forms of "watchtower" were set up. Qing Emperor Yongzheng reign (in the Year 1723) two iron cattles were set in the pontoon bridge across two stone piers, with the inscription of four Chinese characters "Zhen Qiao Yu Shui"(Setting up the Bridge to Contol Water) , but it does not already exist. Since 1958, because of transportation the shuttle ships were dismantled and put aside. One iron cattle was recast and placed on the Bridge in 1980. Folk proverbs says: "It's a waste of time not to pay Chaozhou a visit when you come to Guangdong;while you come to Chaozhou, it's not worthwhile not to go through the Bridge."(钟玉龙译)
• It was rebuilt in the decade of Xuande period of Ming Dynasty (in the Year 1435) , with five more additional piers, so the present name Guangji Bridge came into being; In Masanori Period, a pier was erected to have a total of 24 piers. By the use of granite block and brick piers, the Bridge is a valuable heritage in the history of China's bridge building. In the middle with 18 shuttles into the pontoon boat linking together, it can be able to open and close,.When ships, rafts pass through, you can unlock the pontoon boat in the floating, so that vessels, rafts can go through, and then go back to its former pontoon. This is the earliest China's and the world's moving stone switch bridge.
依照FIP极限集邮规则英文原文看连票制作极限片 ——兼谈广济桥邮票的极限片制作问题 钟玉龙
Biblioteka Baidu
• 广济桥在潮州市之东,广济桥是中国古代著名桥梁之一, 始建于南宋乾道六年(1170年),历时57年建成, 全长515米,分东西两段18墩,中间一段宽约百米, 因水流湍急,未能架桥,只用小船摆渡,当时称济州桥。 • 明宣德十年(1435年)重修,并增建五墩,称广济 桥;正德年间,又增建一墩,总共24墩。桥墩用花岗石 块砌成,是中国桥梁建筑中的一份宝贵遗产。中段用18 艘梭船联成浮桥,能开能合,当大船、木排通过时,可以 将浮桥中的浮船解开,让船只、木排通过。然后再将浮船 归回原处。这是中国、也是世界上最早的一座开关活动式 大石桥。 • 此桥在明代曾大修过五次,并在桥墩上建起24座形式 不同的“望楼”。清雍正元年(1723年)又在浮桥两 端石桥墩上置铁牛两只,牛背镌有“镇桥御水”四字,但 早已不存。1958年由于交通需要,将梭船拆除,改为 直通大桥。1980年重铸铁牛一只,将其置于桥上。民 谚云:“到广不到潮,白白走一遭;到潮不到桥,枉费走
依照FIP极限集邮规则英文原文看连票制作极限片 ——兼谈广济桥邮票的极限片制作问题 钟玉龙 • 我们先看与之有关的FIP极限集邮展品评审专用规则及其 指导要点(最新版) 英文原文及笔者翻译的相应中文译 文(注1): • Guidelines for Judging Maximaphily Exhibits • Article 2: Competitive exhibits • The maximum cards should confirm to the principles of maximum possible concordance between: • a) The postage stamp b) The picture of the postcard c) The cancellation. • 3.2 The picture postcard • The picture must offer the best possible concordance with the subject of the postage stamp or with one of them, if there are several. • Special Regulations for the Evaluation of Maximaphily Exhibits at F.I.P. Exhibitions (SREV)
依照FIP极限集邮规则英文原文看连票制作极限片 ——兼谈广济桥邮票的极限片制作问题 钟玉龙
• 3.3 邮戳 邮戳上的邮局名称和日期必须清晰可辩并完整地骑缝盖销 在邮票和明信片上。(笔者译) • 从英文原文和笔者翻译的相应中文译文来看,规则已明确表明:同 一题材出现在多枚连票上形成全息图时,该连票可以贴用在明信片上。 故全套邮票连票制作极限片可与规则相呢吻合,这是其一;其二,如 何解读专用规则的“明信片必须尽最大可能与邮票题材和谐一致”? 如果整套完整的连票制作的极限片和只选用其中若干枚不完整连票制 作的极限片,哪枚片才是最大可能和谐一致?答案不言而喻;另外, 请注意规则里文字的排序:When the same subject is spread out on several se-tenant making a panorama, the set can appear on a single postcard.(同一题材出现在多枚连票上形成全息图时,该连票 可以贴用在明信片上。)在“However, when a subject is isolated on one of the se-tenant stamps, only the one on which the treated subject is illustrated should be affixed to the postcard.(可是,连票 上的题材被分离开来时,只能含有该题材的邮票方可贴在明信片 上。)”之前,显然不是随意排列的,它重点强调保留多连票画面的 完整性,连票也可单独分离开来制作极限片,但次之;再者,“最大 限度地保留了邮票与明信片的和谐之处”的和谐原则提法不准确,规 则已阐明,极限片应遵循尽最大可能使片、票、戳三者间和谐一致的 原则(注2),译为“和谐一致”才更为妥帖。
• Guangji Bridge locates in the east of Chaozhou City , Guangdong Province, China. The Bridge is one of the four China's famous ancient bridges, which was started building in Southern Song Dynasty (in the Year 1170)and had lasted 7 years for its completion, with the total length of 515 m, two sections of 18 piers in the eastern and western parts, and the middle part is of a width of 100 meters.Due to fastflowing, the bridge couldn't be thrown through, with only the substitutions of small boats ferry,therefore, the bridge was called Jizhou Bridge.
依照FIP极限集邮规则英文原文看连票制作极限片 ——兼谈广济桥邮票的极限片制作问题 钟玉龙
• •
3.1 The postage stamp When the same subject is spread out on several setenant making a panorama, the set can appear on a single postcard.However, when a subject is isolated on one of the se-tenant stamps, only the one on which the treated subject is illustrated should be affixed to the postcard. • 3.3 The Cancellation • The Cancellation given the name of the post office as well as the date must be legible. It must be whole and tie the postage stamp to the postcard.
依照FIP极限集邮规则英文原文看连票制作极限片 ——兼谈广济桥邮票的极限片制作问题 钟玉龙
• FIP极限集邮展品评审专用规则(最新版) • 第2条 竞赛级展品 • 极限明信片应遵循尽最大可能使以下各项间和谐一致的原 则: • a) 邮票 b) 图画明信片c) 邮戳 • 3.2 图画明信片 • 明信片必须尽最大可能与邮票题材和谐一致,邮票如 有多个题材,必须与其中一个和谐一致。 • FIP极限集邮类展品评审指导要点(最新版) • 3.1 邮票 同一题材出现在多枚连票上形成全息图时, 该连票可以贴用在明信片上。可是,连票上的题材被分离 开来时,只能含有该题材的邮票方可贴在明信片上。