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This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement
(this “
”) entered into this ___________
by and between
a company,
(Hereinafter referred to as the "
a Chinese company,
(Hereinafter referred to as the "
Company and Participant are each a disclosing Party ("Discloser") and a receiving Party ("Recipient") under this Agreement, and collectively the “Parties”
本保密协议(以下通称本“协议”)由Name ,一家公司,地址为:Address (以下通称“公司”) 与name ,一家中国公司,地址为:(以下通称“参与者”) 年月日签订。


WHEREAS each of Company and the Participant possess certain proprietary valuable and confidential information and technology; and 鉴于,公司与参与者均拥有某些专有的、有经济价值且秘密的信息和技术;
WHEREAS the Parties desire to enter into discussions for the purpose of evaluating the possibility of cooperation in China and for such other purposes as the Parties may agree in writing 鉴于,协议双方为探求在中国境内合作的可能性以及协议双方书面同意的其他目的拟进行商谈;WHEREAS in order to determine their interest in entering into such a business transaction, the
Parties wish to exchange or to provide one another with access to their respective “Confidential Information” (as defined below), without undermining its confidential nature and economic value;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and promises herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 因此,基于如下相互的保证和承诺,协议双方达成如下条款:
1. Confidential Information
保密信息 1.1 The term "Confidential Information" means any and all information and know-how of a proprietary, private, secret or confidential nature, in whatever form, that relates to the business, financial condition, technology and/or products of the Discloser, its customers, potential customers, suppliers or potential suppliers, provided or disclosed to the Recipient by the Discloser, or any on its behalf, or which otherwise becomes known to the Recipient, whether or not marked or otherwise designated as “confidential”, “proprietary” or with any other legend indicating its proprietary nature. By way of illustration and not limitation, Confidential Information includes all forms and types of financial, business, technical, including but not limited to specifications, designs, techniques, processes, procedures, methods, compilations, inventions and developments, products, samples, algorithms, computer programs (whether as source code or object code), data, marketing and customer information, vendor information, personal information, projections, plans and reports, and any other data, documentation, or information related thereto, as well as improvements thereof, whether in tangible or intangible form, and whether or not stored, compiled or memorialized in any media or in writing, including information disclosed as a result of any visitation, consultation or information disclosed by Parties to this Agreement or other parties on their behalf such as consultants, clients, suppliers and customers, etc. The Discloser shall determine in its sole discretion what information and materials it shall disclose to the Recipient. 1.1 “保密信息”是指任何及所有专有的、私有的、秘密的或机密性质的,无论以何种形式,与披露方及其客户、潜在客户、供应商或潜在供应商的业务、财务状况、技术和/或产品相关的资料和技术。




1.2 Confidential Information shall not include information or matter that the Recipient can demonstrate by reasonable and tangible evidence [to Discloser’s reasonable satisfaction], that: (a) was already known to the Recipient prior to its disclosure pursuant to this Agreement, or was independently developed by the Recipient thereafter without reference to or use of the Confidential Information of the other Party; (b) has become a part of the public knowledge, without a breach of this Agreement by the Recipient; or (c) shall have been received by the Recipient from another person or entity having
no confidentiality obligation to the Discloser; or (d) is explicitly approved in writing by the Discloser for release by the Recipient; or (e) is disclosed pursuant to a court order, or to the extent required under any applicable law, provided the Recipient at the request and expense of the Discloser, uses reasonable efforts to limit such disclosure to the extent requested and further provided that, to the extent permissible by law, such disclosure will only be made at the latest time legally allowed and after notice is given to the Discloser, as soon as practicably possible, allowing it to take legal measures to prevent the disclosure. 1.2 保密信息不应包括接受方可以用合理的方式证明并提供有形的证据[达到披露方的合理要求]的下列信息或事项,即:
3 受方未经参考或使用另一方提供的保密信息而独立发展而来的;(b)非因接受方违反本协议而成为公开信息的;(c)接受方从其他对披露方无保密义务的个人或主体收到的;(d)披露方以书面方式明确允许接受方披露的;或(e)根据一项法庭命令披露的,或据任何可适用的法律的要求披露的,如果披露方要求并承担费用,接受方尽了合理努力,在法律要求的程度内限制此种披露;或者,如果在法律允许的范围内,接受方在最晚的时间给予披露;或者,接受方在实际可能的情况下,尽快通知披露方,使其能够采取法律措施以阻止该披露。

2. Obligations of the Recipient
接受方的义务 2.1 Subject to Clause 3.6 below, Recipient shall treat all Confidential Information of the Discloser as strictly confidential and secure, using the same degree of care the Recipient uses to protect its own confidential information, but in any event not less than high standard of care, and without the prior written consent of the Discloser: 2.1 根据以下3.6条规定,接受方应将披露方所有保密信息视为高度保密,以等同于保护自己保密信息的程度确保其安全,但是在任何情况下,均不得低于高标准的保护;未经披露方事先书面同意,接受方:(a) Shall not exploit or make use, directly or indirectly, and/or copy, duplicate or reproduce such Confidential Information, for any other purpose other than for the Purpose; (a) 不得为任何本协议以外的目的,直接或间接地利用或使用、模仿、重复或复制上述保密信息;(b) Shall protect and safeguard the Confidential Information against any unauthorized use, disclosure, transfer or publication with at least the same degree of care as it uses for its own confidential or proprietary information, but in no event with less than high care; (b) 应保护和维护保密信息,使其免于任何未经授权的使用、披露、转让或出版,不低于保护自己保密或专有信息的程度,但在任何情况均不得低于高标准的保护; Shall not use any Confidential Information to compete or obtain any competitive or other advantage with respect to the Discloser; (c) 不得使用任何保密信息与披露方竞争,或获得任何披露方的竞争优势或其他方面的优势; (d) Shall restrict its internal disclosure of the Confidential Information only to those employees who clearly have a need-to-know of such Confidential Information, and then only to the extent of such need-to-know and strictly for the Purposes; (d) 应严格限制上述保密信息在其内部的披露,只对需要知晓上述保密信息的雇员披露,以及此种披露控制在达到本协议目的的程度Shall not disclose or transfer, directly or indirectly, the Confidential Information or any part thereof, or any document or other material (in any medium), which contains, summarizes or embodies the Confidential Information or any part thereof, to any person, firm, corporation or any other entity, at any time unless it was authorized by the Discloser in advance; It being understood that any disclosure of Confidential Information to any transferee will be made (A) only on a need to know basis solely for the
4 Purpose and (B) only to such transferees who have agreed in writing, prior to and as a condition for disclosure thereto, to (x) keep the confidentiality of such Confidential Information
and (y) be bound to the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement (as if it had originally been named as the Recipient herein) and (z) name Discloser as an intended third party beneficiary of each such written agreement with the rights to enforce such written agreement made by such transferee. For avoidance of doubt no transferee shall have the right to further disclose information so disclosed thereto. 除非得到披露方事先授权,否则不得在任何时间,直接或间接地向任何个人、公司或任何其他实体披露或转让保密信息或其任何部分,或任何包含、总结或体现保密信息的文件或其他材料或其中任何部分(无论存储于任何媒介)。



f) Shall assume full responsibility for enforcing this Agreement and shall take appropriate measures with all persons acting on its behalf to ensure that such persons are bound by a materially similar covenant of confidentiality, and informing such persons that such Confidential Information shall not be disclosed except as provided herein. Recipient shall be fully responsible for any breach of the terms of this Agreement by any of its transferees and by any person acting on their behalf; (f) 承担执行本协议的全部责任,并与代其采取行为的所有的人采取适当的措施以确保这些人受一个实质相似的合约或保密协议的约束,并通知这些人除非另有规定,这种保密信息不应予以披露。

接受方应就其承让人和代其采取行为的所有的人对本协议条款的违约负完全责任; (g)Shall notify Discloser upon discovery of any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information and take reasonable steps to regain possession of the Confidential Information and prevent further unauthorized actions or other breach of this Agreement. (g) 在发现任何未经授权使用或披露保密信息的行为后,应通知披露方并采取合理步骤以恢复对保密信息的占有,并防止未经授权的进一步行为或其他违约行为。

2.2 No Rights or Licenses Granted. The disclosure of the Confidential Information pursuant to this Agreement shall not grant the Recipient any express or implied license or right in such Confidential Information, including without limitation any right or license to any patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, moral right or any other right recognized by any law or regulation of any jurisdiction worldwide (collectively, “Intellectual Property Rights”). The Discloser and/or its licensors are and shall remain at all times the owners of all Intellectual Property Rights in any Confidential Information, to be used by the Recipient only for the Purpose. Each Party agrees that it shall not remove or otherwise alter any of the Discloser's trademarks, logos, copyright notices or other proprietary notices or indicia, if any, fixed or attached to the Confidential Information or any part thereof.




2.3 Return of Confidential Information. Unless otherwise required by applicable law or regulation or by any competent judicial, governmental, supervisory or regulatory body (including
without limitation, any stock exchange), the Recipient shall either destroy or return to the Discloser immediately upon its request all copies of the Confidential Information and all documents and any and all materials (in any medium), which contain, summarize or embody the Confidential Information or any part thereof, which are then in the possession of the Recipient, its Transferees and/or under any of their control, without retaining copies thereof, and in either case shall certify in writing within ten (10) days of receiving such a request, its compliance with the terms of this provision.



3. Miscellaneous其他 3.1 No Obligation. Neither this Agreement nor the disclosure or receipt of Confidential Information shall constitute or imply any obligation or intention by either Party to make any cooperation or otherwise enter into any other business relationship with the other Party.


3.2 Warranty. Each Party warrants that it has the right to disclose all Confidential Information disclosed to the other party, and it will indemnify and defend the other Party from third-party claims resulting from the negligent or wrongful disclosure of such third-party's confidential information. The disclosure of any Confidential Information by either Party shall not constitute any other representation or warranty by that Party, including regarding the accuracy of the same or the non-infringement of any patent, trademark, copyright or any other intellectual property or proprietary right. 3.2保证。



3.3 Term. The obligations set out in this Agreement shall be continuing, in particular, they shall continue in full force and effect indefinitely notwithstanding the termination of negotiations or discussions between the Company and the Participant. 3.3期限。


3.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall constitute the full and entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the confidentiality and non-disclosure of the Confidential Information and shall supersede any and all prior or contemporaneous agreements and understandings relating thereto. No change, modification, or addition to any provision of this Agreement shall be binding unless made in writing and executed by the duly authorized representatives of both Parties. This Agreement may not be assigned by either Party without the consent of the other Party. 3.4整个协议。




3.5 Severability. If a competent court holds that (i) any of the provisions contained in this Agreement is for any reason excessively broad with regard
to time, geographic scope or activity, that provision shall be construed in a manner to enable it to be enforced to the maximum extent compatible with applicable law; (ii) any provision in this Agreement is void or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other term or provision. 3.5可分割性。

如果主管法院认为:(1)载于本协议的任何条款因任何理由在时间、地域范围或活动方面过于广泛,该条款在某种意义上应被解释为使它能执行到与适用的法律相融合的最大限度; (2)本协议的任何条款的无效或不能执行,该决定不得影响其他任何条款或规定的有效性或可执行性。

3.6 No Publication. Neither Party shall disclose, publicize or advertise in any manner the discussions or negotiations contemplated by this Agreement or any other Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the other Party, except as may be required by applicable law or regulation or by any competent judicial, governmental, supervisory or regulatory body (including without limitation, any stock exchange). 3.6不出版。


3.7 Compelled Disclosure. In the event that the Recipient becomes compelled to disclose any of the Confidential Information under Clause 3.6 above, as far as legally permitted, it will provide the Discloser with prompt notice thereof so that the Discloser may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy against the disclosure, and in any event will limit the disclosure to the greatest extent reasonably possible under the circumstances.


3.8 Notices. All notices made under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have delivered (a) on the date personally delivered, (b) three days after the date mailed, postage prepaid by certified mail with return receipt requested, or (c) when sent via facsimile and confirmed, all to the following addresses as applicable: 3.8通知。

7 为准或;(c)发送传真和确认至下列可适用的地址:If to Company: 如果至公司Attendee Address Fax no. If to Participant: 如果至参与者_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
3.9 Remedy. Each Party acknowledges that a breach of this Agreement would cause the Discloser irreparable harm which monetary damages will be insufficient to remedy. Accordingly, the Discloser, as the case may be, in addition to any other remedies available at law, shall be entitled to specific performance, injunctive or other equitable relief as a remedy for any such breach.
3.9 补救措施。


因此,将依情形而定,披露方除采取其他任何有效的法律救济之外,将有权要求接受方具体履行合同义务或采取其他同等补救措施来补救所有类似违约 3.10 Governing Law and jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (“Hong Kong”). The remedies afforded by the laws of Hong Kong are in addition to the remedies set out in this agreement. In the event of a controversy or breach of this agreement, the parties shall be entitled to submit a claim for binding arbitration to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”). The arbitration proceeding shall be held in Hong Kong at the HKIAC. Any such arbitration shall be administered by HKIAC in accordance
with HKIAC Procedures for Arbitration in force at the date of this agreement. he arbitration proceeding shall be conducted in the English language. The arbitrator shall decide the controversy or claim at issue in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. The arbitrator shall issue a written opinion explaining the reasons for their decision. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties. 3.10 法律适用和管辖权。







IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. 本协议由双方于本协议序文所记载日期缔结之,特此为证。
