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转换理论认为通过投资一定比例存在二级市场的贷 款和证券,可以满足流动性要求,增加的流动性需求 可以通过在市场上出售这些资产来满足.
"anticipated income theory of loan liquidity.''
According to this theory, sound loans should be accompanied by appropriate repayment schedules adapted to the anticipated income or cash flow of the borrower.
合理的贷款应该有与预期收入或现金流相适 应的合理的贷款偿还计划伴随
§2 Loan Characteristics
Short-Term ;Intermediate-Term; Long-Term Secured;Unsecured Fixed Rate; Prime-Plus; Prime-Times ;
Chapter 11 Types of Bank Loans
§1 Historical ent of Bank Lending Philosophy
"real-bills doctrine" ("commercial loan theory“)
Both approaches recognized that deposits are the primary source of funds and argued that Because of the need for liquidity to meet unanticipated withdrawals, it was desirable to make only shortterm loans which would be self-liquidating.
零售贷款包括个人贷款、农民贷款、证券买卖贷款、 某种房屋贷款
可调整利率抵押贷款(Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM) );阶段性偿付抵押贷款(Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM));分享溢价抵押贷款 (Shared Appreciation Mortgage (SAM) )
补偿余额(compensating balances):应银行要求, 借款人在银行保持一定数量的活期存款和低利率定 期存款,它通常作为银行同意贷款的一个条件写进 贷款协议中。
批发贷款包括商业和工业贷款、金融机构贷款、房 地产贷款、农业贷款、证券发行贷款
§4 Retail Loans
Retail loans include loans to individuals, loans to purchase or carry securities, loans to farmers, and certain types of real estate loans.
Transaction Rate Commercial and Industrial; Real Estate;
Agricultural Consumer;Financial Institutions;All Others Wholesale ;Retail
§3 Wholesale Loans
这些所谓的表外项目包括:贷款承诺、信贷 限额、备用信用证、商业信用证、银行承兑 汇票、其他远期交易
感 谢
真实票据假说(商业贷款理论) 这两种理论都认为存款是银行主要的资金来源,并且
主张:为满足非预期提款的流动性要求,从事具有自 偿性的短期贷款是合理的
"shiftability theory"
The shiftability theory recognized that liquidity needs could be met by investing a portion of the available funds (deposits) in loans and securities for which a secondary market existed. Liquidity needs which might develop could be met by the sale of these assets (commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, and U.S. Treasury bills) in the money market.
§5 Other Lending Arrangements
These so-called "off- balance-sheet" items include: loan commitments, lines of credit, standby and commercial letters of credit, bankers' acceptances, and other forward transactions.
The wholesale portion of the loan portfolio consists of commercial and industrial loans, loans to financial institutions, a portion of the real estate loans, loans for agricultural purposes and loans to brokers and dealers for the purpose of carrying securities.