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今天我们看到,许多公司里都有着类似的故事。 他们往往宣称创新精神会给公司注入新鲜的血液。 然而,当真正的“Perry”们凭借被相中的创新精神加入 公司后,便会发现为了遵循(所谓)的行为标准,创新终 究被磨灭.
There’ll always be Penguins & Peacocks in any organisations. 每个组织里都会有企鹅和孔雀 。 Other than penguins and peacocks, there are also pigeons who are peacemakers in the office, 此外,还有善于协调内部关系的和事佬鸽子、 Sparrows who try to be neutral so as to keep a low profile or 永远保持中庸之道的麻雀、 Ostriches who choose to bury their heads in the sand 以及事不关己,深深埋起的鸵鸟。
Leave me alone... 别理我,烦着呢
Be like us! 向我们 看齐!
Wear a penguin suit!穿黑衣!戴黑帽!
We see this story unfolds in many organisations today. Creativity and innovation are seen to be “a breath of fresh air” in many organisations. Many “Perrys” are recruited for their creativity. Yet, along the way, their creativity is stifled by the need to conform to the norm.
On the other hand, worker birds wore colours and outfits that reflected their work and lifestyles.
相反, 工鸟们却穿着五颜六色,色彩斑斓的衣服。 这些服饰表明了它们作为一般员工的身份, 也展示了其丰富多彩的生活方式.
Initially, everyone was happy.
起初,众乐乐 !
The penguins were pleased with their new recruit. 企鹅对这次全新的招聘感到愉悦。 Perry was creative and he brought in good results. Perry 也尽情地发挥,结果,表现令人相当满意。
The top management wore the same outlook in their distinctive black and white suits. 管理层总是身着那套(著名的,)与众不同的 黑白制服 They believed that uniformity is the way to do things; Uniformity is Unity. 它们始终坚信着装(与做事一样)要一致并 坚持那代表着团结
Peacocks bring in varieties and new ideas, But, the stability provided by the penguins must not be ignored. 当孔雀进行创造革新的时候, 应该意识到企鹅所维护的稳定(是有必要的)。
Penguins, being the backbone of the organisation, need to recognise that diversity can exist in an organisation if there is acceptance and trust. 同时,作为公司的主心骨, 企鹅应当知道包容与信任可以使一家企业多元化。
Although he was different, the penguins were impressed by his new ideas. They felt that he has real Penguin Potential. 虽然与其他人显得格格不入,企鹅却对他的创新思想留下深刻印象。 他也因此被视为这个王国里真正有企鹅般潜质的接班人。
Too colourful 太花哨!
Too many new ideas! 太自作主张!
We are NOT comfortable! 看不过去了!
Perry was also unhappy. The penguins tried to turn him into a penguin. He was told to “try to be like the rest of us, wear a penguin suit”. Both parties were unhappy. 事事必须效仿企鹅,想到有一天会被演变成一只企鹅, Perry自己也变得不开心了. 结果,彼此不悦
They learn the penguin stride and follow the example of their leaders. 它们学习如何进行企鹅式地行走,并时刻以自己的领导为榜样。
One day, Perry the peacock joined the Land of Penguins. (突然)有一天,企鹅王国里飞来了一只名叫Perry的孔雀。 He was loud, colourful and full of new ideas. 他个性张扬, (外表)绚丽多彩, (重要的是)创意层出不穷。
Birds who aspired to move up the corporate ladder were encouraged to adopt the penguins’ code of conduct and wear the penguin suits. 鸟类中不乏有胸怀大志,努力往上爬的(一群)。 它们被鼓励遵循企鹅的行为模式. 当然,还包括穿上那套(黑白)的企鹅制服
There once was a time, in the not so distant past, when penguins ruled many lands in the Sea of Organisations.
不久的从前, 海之族的主要管Biblioteka Baidu者是一群企鹅。
These penguins were not always wise, they were not always popular, but they were always in charge.
However, as time went by, the penguins began to murmur against Perry. He was too loud, too colourful”” and had too many new ideas that intruded the penguins’ comfort zone. 然而,没过多久企鹅们便开始对Perry小声地抱怨: “太张扬了!”“太花哨了!!”“太自作主张了!!!” 显然, 这一切开始让企鹅们感到不自在了.
When we learn to appreciate one another’s differences, we become more willing to listen, more open to new ideas and more eager to grow. 能看到别人的不同,会使我们变得更乐意倾听、 更能接受新的事物及更渴望成长。 Birds of different feathers can work together in harmony. 不同背景的人(因此) 可以在一起融洽地共同努力、取得进步!
A Peacock in the Land of Penguins 企鹅王国里的孔雀
Adapted from a book by BJ Gallagher Hateley & Warren H. Schmidt 摘自BJ Gallagher Hateley & Warren H. Schmidt所写的一本书
The End... (完)
There’ll always be Penguins & Peacocks in any organisations. 每个组织里都会有企鹅和孔雀 。 Other than penguins and peacocks, there are also pigeons who are peacemakers in the office, 此外,还有善于协调内部关系的和事佬鸽子、 Sparrows who try to be neutral so as to keep a low profile or 永远保持中庸之道的麻雀、 Ostriches who choose to bury their heads in the sand 以及事不关己,深深埋起的鸵鸟。
Leave me alone... 别理我,烦着呢
Be like us! 向我们 看齐!
Wear a penguin suit!穿黑衣!戴黑帽!
We see this story unfolds in many organisations today. Creativity and innovation are seen to be “a breath of fresh air” in many organisations. Many “Perrys” are recruited for their creativity. Yet, along the way, their creativity is stifled by the need to conform to the norm.
On the other hand, worker birds wore colours and outfits that reflected their work and lifestyles.
相反, 工鸟们却穿着五颜六色,色彩斑斓的衣服。 这些服饰表明了它们作为一般员工的身份, 也展示了其丰富多彩的生活方式.
Initially, everyone was happy.
起初,众乐乐 !
The penguins were pleased with their new recruit. 企鹅对这次全新的招聘感到愉悦。 Perry was creative and he brought in good results. Perry 也尽情地发挥,结果,表现令人相当满意。
The top management wore the same outlook in their distinctive black and white suits. 管理层总是身着那套(著名的,)与众不同的 黑白制服 They believed that uniformity is the way to do things; Uniformity is Unity. 它们始终坚信着装(与做事一样)要一致并 坚持那代表着团结
Peacocks bring in varieties and new ideas, But, the stability provided by the penguins must not be ignored. 当孔雀进行创造革新的时候, 应该意识到企鹅所维护的稳定(是有必要的)。
Penguins, being the backbone of the organisation, need to recognise that diversity can exist in an organisation if there is acceptance and trust. 同时,作为公司的主心骨, 企鹅应当知道包容与信任可以使一家企业多元化。
Although he was different, the penguins were impressed by his new ideas. They felt that he has real Penguin Potential. 虽然与其他人显得格格不入,企鹅却对他的创新思想留下深刻印象。 他也因此被视为这个王国里真正有企鹅般潜质的接班人。
Too colourful 太花哨!
Too many new ideas! 太自作主张!
We are NOT comfortable! 看不过去了!
Perry was also unhappy. The penguins tried to turn him into a penguin. He was told to “try to be like the rest of us, wear a penguin suit”. Both parties were unhappy. 事事必须效仿企鹅,想到有一天会被演变成一只企鹅, Perry自己也变得不开心了. 结果,彼此不悦
They learn the penguin stride and follow the example of their leaders. 它们学习如何进行企鹅式地行走,并时刻以自己的领导为榜样。
One day, Perry the peacock joined the Land of Penguins. (突然)有一天,企鹅王国里飞来了一只名叫Perry的孔雀。 He was loud, colourful and full of new ideas. 他个性张扬, (外表)绚丽多彩, (重要的是)创意层出不穷。
Birds who aspired to move up the corporate ladder were encouraged to adopt the penguins’ code of conduct and wear the penguin suits. 鸟类中不乏有胸怀大志,努力往上爬的(一群)。 它们被鼓励遵循企鹅的行为模式. 当然,还包括穿上那套(黑白)的企鹅制服
There once was a time, in the not so distant past, when penguins ruled many lands in the Sea of Organisations.
不久的从前, 海之族的主要管Biblioteka Baidu者是一群企鹅。
These penguins were not always wise, they were not always popular, but they were always in charge.
However, as time went by, the penguins began to murmur against Perry. He was too loud, too colourful”” and had too many new ideas that intruded the penguins’ comfort zone. 然而,没过多久企鹅们便开始对Perry小声地抱怨: “太张扬了!”“太花哨了!!”“太自作主张了!!!” 显然, 这一切开始让企鹅们感到不自在了.
When we learn to appreciate one another’s differences, we become more willing to listen, more open to new ideas and more eager to grow. 能看到别人的不同,会使我们变得更乐意倾听、 更能接受新的事物及更渴望成长。 Birds of different feathers can work together in harmony. 不同背景的人(因此) 可以在一起融洽地共同努力、取得进步!
A Peacock in the Land of Penguins 企鹅王国里的孔雀
Adapted from a book by BJ Gallagher Hateley & Warren H. Schmidt 摘自BJ Gallagher Hateley & Warren H. Schmidt所写的一本书
The End... (完)