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The Sign of Four The Hound of the Baskervilles The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire
the most cynical(玩 世不恭的) incarnation (化身) of Holmes
Robert Downey Jr
40y until……
JeremyBrett (1933-1995)
Do The Doyle
他静静地站在那里,然而已 经是华耀眼。
Perfect Amazing analysis Distinctive disguise A cloudy mood Persistence
Matt Frewer(1958-)
Doing chemical experiments
He has a map in his mind.
This is what I do: 1. I observe everything. 2. From what I observe, I deduce everything. 3. When I've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth.
Holmes has an ego that at times borders on arrogant, albeit(尽管) with justification; he draws pleasure from baffling police inspectors with his superior deductions. He does not seek fame, however, and is usually content to allow the police to take public credit for his work.
Holmesian deduction 演绎法
• Holmes's primary intellectual detection method is deductive reasoning of the solution to a crime. • Holmes's straightforward practical principles are generally of the form, "If 'p', then 'q'," where 'p' is observed evidence and 'q' is what the evidence indicates.
Why? What‟s the meaning?
• In several stories, he adopts disguises to gather evidence while „under cover‟ so convincing that even Watson fails to penetrate them。 • In other adventures, Holmes feigns being wounded or ill to give effect to his case, or to incriminate those involved, as in "The Adventure of the Dying Detective".
221B Baker Street
consulting detective
The Guinness World Records has consistently listed Sherlock Holmes as the "most portrayed movie character“ with 75 actors playing the part in over 211 films.
Benedict Cumberbactch
Phone~~ Quite useful~~
Computer and internet
photographic memory Astute logical reasoning Disguise
Curiosity and imagination Forensic science skills Keen eyes Abundant knowledge “bohemian” in habits and lifestyle
Chaos? A wealth of useful information
Knowledge of Literature — Nothing. Knowledge of Philosophy — Nothing. Knowledge of Astronomy — Nothing. Knowledge of Politics — Feeble. Knowledge of Botany — Variable. Well up in belladonna, opium and poisons generally. Knows nothing of practical gardening. Knowledge of Geology — Practical, but limited. Tells at a glance different soils from each other. After walks, has shown me splashes upon his trousers, and told me by their colour and consistence in what part of London he had received them. Knowledge of Chemistry — Profound. Knowledge of Anatomy — Accurate, but unsystematic. Knowledge of Sensational Literature — Immense. He appears to know every detail of every horror perpetrated in the century. Plays the violin well.
Holmes„s demeanour (态度,举止) is presented as dispassionate and cold.
Yet when in the midst of an adventure, Holmes can sparkle with remarkable passion.
• He had a horror of destroying documents... Thus month after month his papers accumulated, until every corner of the room was stacked with bundles of manuscript which were on no account to be burned, and which could not be put away save by their owner
Holmes is a loner and does not strive to make friends.
He attributes his solitary ways to his particular interests and his mopey disposition(性格倾向).
The more bizarre and baffling the problems the better.
WilliamGillette (1853-1937)
1st Have met the auther
BasilRathbone (1892-1967)
“当我还是个孩子并 且开始了解这位世 界上最伟大的侦探 时,我就希望能成为 像他那样的人…… 对我来说,扮演这样 一个角色就如同扮 演十次哈姆雷特一 样意味深长。”