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Buildings to look out for
On campus accommodation
North-South campus wheelchair accessible route
(If you require details of wheelchair access to individual buildings,
please contact disability@ and request a Campus
Accessibility Map.)
Students’ Union
The Great Hall
The Parkinson Building
Roger Stevens Building
The Edge Sports Centre(map references are listed on page 2)
University of Leeds
Campus Map
Baines Wing 58Brotherton Library 59Business School 19Chancellor’s Court (next to 89)(89)Charles Morris (Whetton, Dobree & Storm Jameson) 85Charles Thackrah 15Chemistry 55Civil Engineering 49Clothworkers Building North 56Clothworkers Centenary Hall 75Clothworkers Central Building 34Clothworkers South Building 35Conference Auditorium 100EC Stoner 73Edward Boyle Library 83Electronic & Electrical Engineering 51Ellerslie Hall of Residence 22Emmanuel Centre 62Engineering Building 48Food Science Building 102Garstang Building 90Geography Building 38Geography East 36Great Hall 57Henry Price Hall of Residence 44Hillary Place (School of Education)70Irene Manton Building 91LC Miall Building 93Lyddon Hall of Residence 30Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Building 77Maths / Earth & Environment Building 84Mechanical Engineering 50Michael Sadler Building 78Old Mining Building 53Parkinson Building 60Psychology Building 37Refectory 29Roger Stevens Building 89School of English 76School of Law 22Social Sciences Building 82Stage@Leeds Building (PCI)31Students’ Union 32The Edge, Sports Centre 101Theology & Religious Studies, Hopewell House 65Workshop Theatre 61Worsley Building 9515Charles Thackrah
19Business School
22Ellerslie Hall of Residence
22School of Law
30Lyddon Hall of Residence
31Stage@Leeds Building (PCI)
32Students' Union
34Clothworkers Central Building
35Clothworkers South Building
36Geography East
37Psychology Building
38Geography Building
44Henry Price Hall of Residence
48Engineering Building
49Civil Engineering
50Mechanical Engineering
51Electronic & Electrical Engineering
53Old Mining Building
56Clothworkers Building North
57Great Hall
58Baines Wing
59Brotherton Library
60Parkinson Building
61Workshop Theatre
62Emmanuel Centre
65Theology & Religious Studies, Hopewell House
70Hillary Place (School of Education)
73EC Stoner
75Clothworkers Centenary Hall
76School of English
77Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Building
78Michael Sadler Building
82Social Sciences Building
83Edward Boyle Library
84Maths / Earth & Environment Building
85Charles Morris (Whetton, Dobree & Storm Jameson) 89Roger Stevens Building
(89)Chancellor's Court (next to 89)
90Garstang Building
91Irene Manton Building
93LC Miall Building
95Worsley Building
100Conference Auditorium
101The Edge, Sports Centre
102Food Science Building LOCATION NAME MAP REF . No.
MAP REF . No.LOCATION NAME University of Leeds Map references for the campus。
