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Jack should not have taken the gymnastics course. In September, he fell off the uneven bars and got a concussion. A month later, he sprained his ankle, after a bad landing off the balance beam. He also broke the support beam in the basement of his parents’ home, showing them his skills when he was home for the December holidays. In January ,he broke his thumb when he caught it on the bar of the pommel horse. His academic luck was no better than his physical luck: he failed the final exam in February in his gymnastics course. The result of his bad luck was that he failed to graduate in May, due to the lack of two hours of physical education credit.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Comb of age ceremony (上头) 2. Receive bride 3. Change appellation 4. Give Money with red envelope 5. 3-bows (bride and groom) bow to Heaven and Earth; to parents; to each other 6. 6. removed the veil(头纱) 7. 7. Wedding reception/feast婚宴.
• Ordering ideas chronologically is one of the commonest ways we have of arranging ideas in a paragraph. We live in a society in which time is a very important concept and it would be almost impossible to get through a day without once describing “what happened.” Ordering information by time is especially useful in explaining a process, writing about historical events, or telling a story. Arranging details in time order is quite natural in such paragraphs and a very easy pattern of organization, for you simply tell what happened according to the sequence in which they actually occurred.
1. What is the topic sentence shared by the two paragraphs? 2. Which paragraph is more effective? Why?
Topic sentence:
Jack should not have taken the gymnastics course.
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Jack should not have taken the gymnastics course. He failed the final exam in February in his gymnastics courses. Therefore, he failed to graduate in May due to the lack of two hours of physical education credit. What’s more, in January, he broke his thumb when he caught it on the bar of the pommel horse. Worst of all, in September, he fell off the uneven bars and got a concussion. A month later, he sprained his ankle, after a bad landing of the balance beam. He also broke the support beam in the basement of his parents/ home, showing them his skills when he was home for the December holidays.
Topic Sentence: Some historians mark the course of the American Revolutionary War in three major periods. Supporting ideas: 1. During the first phase of the conflict, New England was the battleground. ① The Minutemen and the Redcoats fired the opening shots of the war at Lexington at dawn of April 19, 1775. ② Shortly afterwards, the New England colonists laid siege to Boston, the location of the British headquarters. 2. In the second phase of the war, which began after the signing of the Declaration, both the British and the Americans made important military gains. ① The British soldiers captured New York in the fall of 1776, and a year later the occupied Philadelphia. ② Meanwhile the Americans were able to seize New Jersey and Saratoga. 3.The fighting moved to the west and south during the last phase. ① In 1778 and 1779 several battles occurred n Kentucky and Tennessee. ② Then two years later, the final battle of the war was fought at Yorktown,Virginia.
1.become familiar with features and organizational patterns of paragraph developed by time; 2. know how to use relevant linking devices in developing paragraphs by time; 3. be able to write paragraph on events according to the instructions given.
Supporting details: 1. In September, he fell off the uneven bars and got a concussion. 2. A month later, he sprained his ankle, after a bad landing off the balance beam. 3. During the December holidays, he broke the support beam in the basement of his parents’ home, showing them his skills. 4. In January, he broke his thumb when he caught it on the bar of he pommel horse. 5. In February, he failed the final exam in his gymnastics course. 6. In May, he failed to graduate due to the lack of two hours of physical education credit.
Some historians mark the course of the American Revolutionary War in three major periods. During the first phase of the conflict, New England was the battleground. The Minutemen and the Redcoats fired the opening shots of the war at Lexington at dawn of April 19, 1775. Shortly afterwards, the New England colonists laid siege to Boston, the location of the British headquarters. The siege caused the British to evacuate Boston several months before the American signed the Declaration of Independence. In the second phase of the war, which began after the signing of the Declaration, both the British and the Americans made important military gains. The British soldiers captured New York in the fall of 1776, and a year later the occupied Philadelphia. Meanwhile the Americans were able to seize New Jersey and Saratoga. The fighting moved to the west and south during the last phase. In 1778 and 1779 several battles occurred n Kentucky and Tennessee. Then two years later, the final battle of the war was fought at Yorktown, Virginia. At that time the British surrendered and peace negotiations began.
• Please watch a video about a wedding, and try to describe the process of it.
1. Wedding processional or entrance of the bride and groom 2. Music, literature, and poetry or wedding readings from the Bible 3. Wedding Vows 4. Exchange of wedding rings or gifts 5. A blessing to support the marriage 6. A first kiss as a married couple 7. A recessional (退场赞美诗) 8. Wedding reception/feast婚宴.