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பைடு நூலகம்
2. 倒装句的种类 Types of Inversion
a) 完全倒装 Here comes the bus.
b) 部分倒装 Never will I forget the day when I met you.
自 然 语 序 语
全部倒装 谓语动词+主语
The boy came in. In came the boy.

倒 装
语 序
助动词/情态动词 \系动词+主语+ 谓语其余部分
Never shall we forget them.
Inversion --
(8) There stands an ancient tower on the top of the mountain.
规则4:there be句型中,用完全倒装。此结构中 的be还可替换成lie/ exist/ stand/ live/ seem\ sit 等不及物动词替代,如:(7)和(8)。
Practice: translate the sentences with inversion
1、本周五下午3点到5点,我校体育馆将会举行一场关 于如何避免亚健康的讲座。(活动通知类)
2、上周五我校进行了一场英语演讲比赛。出席的人有 高三级全体学生、高三全体英语老师及校领导。(活 动安排类)
3、开平市位于广东省西南部,占地面积 1659 平方公里。 (地点作文)
完全倒装 (3) Near the river stand a great number of trees.
(4) Under the tree sits a woman whom I have never seen.
规则2:地点状语位于句首时,为了避免头重脚 轻,常将谓语置于主语之前,进行完全倒装, 如:(3)和(4)。
2、上周一,我校进行了一场英语演讲比赛。出席的人 有高三级全体学生、高三全体英语老师及校领导。(活 动安排类) There was an English Speech Contest in our school last Monday. Present at it were all the students and teachers from Grade 3 and school leaders.
Had he chosen to refuse to speak in public, he could never have dared to express himself before the others. (汕头2015届一模任务型写作“如何面对困难”)
Not only has he made amazing progress but he has also found much pleasure from learning English. (汕头2015届一模任务型写作“如何面对困难”)
倒装句 (1)
(1)There lies a dog. (2) Here you are.
规则1:表方位的副词如here, there, out, in, up, down, away, off,then(时间) 等放在句首,而 主语是名词时,句子则完全倒装,如:(1)。但 是,当主语是人称代词时,主谓语序不变,如: (2)。
Inversion --
1. 倒装句的定义 Definition of Inversion
英语最基本的词序是主语在谓语动词的 前面。如果把谓语动词放在主语前面, 就叫做倒装.
Inversion is the changing of the order of the words in the sentence.
完全倒装 (5) Such are the facts. (6) Such will be my future dream.
规则3:为了使上下文联系紧密,常将such放于 句首,而句子的谓语动词置于主语之前,进行 完全倒装,如:(5)和(6)。
(7) There is a book, a picture and two cups on the table.
(9) Present at the party were Mr. Green and many other guests.
(10) Gone are the days when we used the “foreign oil”.
规则5:有时为了突出或强调主语,可用“表语 +系动词+主语”的完全倒装结构,如:(9)和 (10)。
the old monk was telling stories to a little monk.
What stories was he telling?
Step 1:Observation and Thinking:
Besides, not only must the applicants have high speaking, listening and writing ability in English but also be skilled at attaining information through micro-blogging. (招聘应聘小记者)
Enjoy the following story :
Long long ago, there was a hill; on the hill stood a temple(寺庙);
in the temple lived an old monk(和尚),
4、山顶上有一座古寺,已经有1000多年的历史了。 (景点介绍)
Suggested answers
1、本周五下午3点到5点,我校体育馆将会举行一场关 于如何避免亚健康的讲座。(活动通知类) There will be a lecture in our school gym from 3:00 pm5:00 pm this Friday concerning “ How to keep far away from sub-health”.