

2018 学年镇海中学高三英语模拟考试


卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)


1.What does the woman think of thecoffee?

A. It’s abitexpensive.

B. It’s deliciousandcheap.

C. It’s pretty bad for localbusiness.

2.What happened to thewoman?

A.Someone knocked herdown.

B.Her friend went to the hospital for anoperation.

C.Her wallet wasstolen.

3.What are the speakersdoing?

A. Havingadinner.

B. Sellingsomefruit.

C. Enjoying a holiday.

4.What will the woman probably donext?

A. Writesomething down.

B. Call hersister.

C. Give Mr. Peterson amessage.

5.Where does the conversation probably takeplace?

A. Next to agasstation.

B. On the side ofthe road.

C. In a car.

第二节(共15 题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6 至7 题。

6.What matters most to the woman aboutteaching?

A.Working with many differentpeople.

B.Having longvacations.

C.Staying with youngpeople.

7.How does the woman feel aboutteaching?

A. It’s boring.

B.It’s rewarding.

C.It’s alwaystiring.

听第7 段材料,回答第8 至9 题。

8.What is wrong with thegirl?

A.She has a headache and a sorethroat.

B.She has a cough and afever.

C.Her stomachhurts.

9.What will the man donext?

A. Take her to seethedoctor.

B. Give her some medicine.

C. Bring her something todrink.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10.Why was the man upset lastweek?

B.The woman lied to him aboutsomething.

C.Tammy changed hisshift.

11.What does the man say about Mr.Ainsworth?

A. He isa liar.

B. He is Tammy’s boyfriend.

C. He is on Tammy’s side.

12.What does the woman suggest that the man do atfirst?

A. Look foranotherjob.

B. Talk totheirboss.

C. Argue withTammy.

听第9 段材料,回答第13 至16 题。

13.Why does the man go to that particularstore?

A.He heard they had a discount forjewelry.

B.His wife likes that store alot.

C.He always buys his wife presents from thatstore.

14.Why does the man want to buy his wife apresent?

A. For Valentine’s Day.

B. Fortheiranniversary.

C. For herbirthday.

15.What does the man think of the firstnecklace?

A.It is beautiful butexpensive.

B.His wife already has something likeit.

C.The diamond was toolarge.

16.How much does the man pay in theend?

A. $2000.

B. $800.

C. $720.

听第10 段材料,回答第17 至20 题。

17.According to the talk, what makes a language easy tolearn?

A.It is spoken by a lot ofpeople.

B.It is similar in grammar and structure to your nativelanguage.

C.It doesn’t contain too much vocabulary.

18.What is Chinese considered one of the most difficult languages tolearn?

A.There are many characters with changeablemeanings.

B.There are many different writingsystems.

C.Its sentence structure is completely different fromEnglish.

19.Which languages’ writing systems are partly based on Chinesecharacters?

A. JapaneseandArabic.

B. KoreanandArabic.

C. Japanese andKorean.

20.What can we learn aboutArabic?

A.It is written left toright.

B.It’s difficult toread.

C.Many words come fromEnglish.

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35 分)

第一节(共10 个小题;每小题2.5 分,满分25 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


The legislature (立法机构) finds that the cigarette is considered one of the deadliest products in human history. So begins a new bill introduced in Hawaii’s State House, calling for a ban on cigarette sales in the state by 2024.

Hawaii has some of the most restrictive cigarette laws in the nation. In 2016, it became the first state to raise the age to buy cigarettes to 21. Now, its new bill calls for raising the cigarette-buying age to 30 by 2020, up to 40, 50 and 60 in each following year, and up to 100 by 2024. That would effectively clear Hawaii’s store shelves of cigarettes, although tourist could still bring them in. The age limits would not apply to e-cigarettes, cigars or chewingtobacco.

And curiously, Hawaii would offer its centenarians (百岁老人) the chance to buy cigarettes near the end of their life --- if they could find them.

Richard Creagan, the bill’s sponsor, said that he hoped the bill could represent an “endgame” for the cigarette problem, and that it might be easier to pass the bill in Hawaii than in a mainland state.

“On the mainland they have more trouble with this because they have states around them that are selling cigarettes,” he said. “We don’t have any states around us. And that’s why I thought it could be done here, and it would be kind of an example for the rest of the nation and the world.”

Creagan told the Hawaii Tribune-Herald he’s confident that the bill will survive any court challenges.

In 2015, the National Academy of Sciences released a report arguing that increasing the age to buy tobacco to 21 would have a “considerable impact” on the age at which someone takes their first puff.The report also suggested “if someone is not a regular tobacco user by age 25, it is highly unlikely he or she will become one.”

21.What can we know about Hawaii from Paragraph2?

A.Hawaii has no cigarette laws atpresent.

B.The cigarette-buying age will be 50 in2023.

C.People under age 21 are prohibited to buycigarettes.

D.All cigarette stores in the state have beenclosed.

22.The underlined words in the last paragraphme an “”.

A.buys their first pack ofcigarettes

B.smokes their firstcigarette

C.quits smoking for the firsttime

D.first offers cigarettes toothers

23.What is the main idea of thetext?

A.Hawaii is considering a bill to ban cigarettesales.

B.Hawaii will lower the cigarette-buyingage.

C.Hawaii is to ban smoking in its neighboringstates.

D.Hawaii has released a report on the harm ofsmoking.


Stanford University has begun an investigation following claims that some of its staff knew long ago of Chinese scientist He Jiankui’s plans to create the world’s first gene-edited babies.

A university official said a review was under way of interactions some faculty members had with He,

who was educated at Stanford. Several professors including He’s former research adviser have said that they knew or strongly suspected that He wanted to try gene editing on embryos (胚胎).

The Chinese genetic scientist posted a video on YouTube in November 2018. He claimed in the video that he had used a gene-editing tool Crispr-Cas9 to modify (修改) a particular gene in two embryos before they were placed in their mother’s womb (子宫). He, who works in a lab in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, said the twin girls, known as Lulu and Nana, were born using an egg that was modified. He focused on HIV infection prev ention because the father is HIV positive. “Now the father has a reason to live, a reason to work, he has a purpose,” He said.

Editing the genes of embryos, which can change other genes, is banned in many countries because DNA changes are passed to future generations and could have unforeseen effects on the entire gene pool.

China’s national health commission ordered officials to “seriously investigate” He’s claims. Shenzhen’s health and family planning commission said it was investigating the review proces s around He’s work.

Research institutions connected to He have distanced themselves from him. “This research work was carried out by Professor He Jiankui outside of the school,” said the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen. It called his research a “serious violation of academic ethics (道德)”.

24.What did He Jiankui claim in the video posted onYouTube?

A.He was wrong in trying gene editing onembryos.

B.He prevented the twins from developingcancer.

C.He modified a gene in Lulu and Nana’s embryos.

D.He was influenced by his research adviser inStanford.

25.Why is gene editing of embryos banned in manycountries?

A.The effect on the whole gene pool isunpredictable.

B.It causes disabilities to the gene-editedbabies.

C.The future generations will rely on geneediting.

D.It will affect all the healthy genes of theembryos.

26.How did the university in Shenzhen react to He’s videoclaim?

A.It ordered investigations to beconducted.

B.It called the incident a big shame for thenation.

C.It declared not related to He’s research.

D.It kept a distance from themedia.

27.Which can be a suitable title for thetext?

A.The USA BansGene-editing

B.What are the Ethics of MedicalTreatment?

C.Scientists Find the Idea of Gene-edited Babies Crazy

D.Stanford Investigates Links to Scientist in GeneEditing.


Closeness and independence are both important in our life. Though all humans need both of them, women tend to focus on the first and men on the second. It is as if their lifeblood ran in different directions.

These differences can give women and men differing views of the same situation, as they did in the case of couple I will call Tracy and Brian. When Brian’s old high school friend called him at work and announced he’d be in town on business the following month, Brian invited him to stay for the weekend.

That evening he informed Tracy that they were going to have a houseguest, and that he and his friend would go out together the first night to chat like old times. Tracy was upset. She was going to be away on business the week before, and the Friday night when Brian would be out with his friend would be her first night home. But what upset her the most was that Brian had made these plans on his own and informed her of them, rather than discussing them with her before extending the invitation.

Tracy would never make plans, for a weekend or an evening, without first checking with Brian. She can’t understand why he doesn’t show her the same courtesy and consideration that she shows him. But when she protests, Brian says, “I can’t say to my friend, ‘I have to ask my wife forpermission’!”

To Brian, checking with his wife means seeking permission, which implies that he is not independent, not free to act on his own. To Tracy, checking with her husband makes her feel good to know and show that she is involved with someone, that her life is bound up with someone else’s.

Tracy and Brian both felt upset by this incident because it cut to the core of their primary concerns. Tracy was hurt because she sensed a failure of closeness in their relationship: He didn’t care about her as much as she cared about him. And he was hurt because he felt she was trying to control him and limit his freedom.

28.What is the primary purpose of the author in writing thispassage?

A.To educate the reader on how to maintain good family relationships.

B.To tell the reader how to make close connections with otherpeople.

C.To suggest the best way of coping with familyconflicts.

D.To explain the difference in communication styles between men andwomen.

29.What would Tracy most probably do if she plans to buy somethingexpensive?

A.She would discuss withBrian.

B.She would simply decide on herown.

C.She would ask her friends foradvice.

D.She would buy Brian something expensivefirst.

30.According to the passage, compared with men, womentendto .

A.negotiate before the finaldecision

B.get hurt easily in socialcommunications

C.emphasize more oncontrolling

D.emphasize more onindependence

第二节(共5 个小题;每小题 2 分,满分10 分)


Any car accident is frightening, but an accident in which your vehicle is thrown into the water, with you trapped inside, is absolutely terrifying.31However, most deaths result from panic, without a plan or understanding what is happening to the car in the water. By adopting a brace ( 支撑) position, acting decisively and getting out fast, you can save yourself from a sinkingvehicle.

Brace yourself for impact ( 撞击力). As soon as you are aware that you are going off the road and into a body of water, adopt a brace position. The impact could set off the airbag system in your vehicle,so you should pla ce both hands on the steering wheel in the “ten and two” position.

Undo your seatbelt.32Unbuckle the children, starting with the oldest first. Forget the cell phone call. Your car isn’t going to wait for you to make thecall.

33Leave the door alone at thi s stage and concentrate on the window. A car’s electrical system should work for up to three minutes in water, so try the method of opening it electronically first. Many

people don’t think about the window as an escape option either because of panic or mis information about doors and sinking.

Break the window. If you aren’t able to open the window, or it only opens halfway, you’ll need to break it with an object or your foot. It may feel counterintuitive( 有悖常理的) to let water into the car.34

Escape when the car has equalized. If it has reached the dramatic stage where the car cabin has been filled with water and it has become balanced, you must move quickly and effectively to ensure your survival. 35 While there is still air in the car, take slow, deep br eaths and focus on what you’re doing.

A.Open the window as soon as you hit thewater.

B.Surviving a sinking car is not as difficult as youthink.

C.It takes 60 to 120 seconds for a car to fill up with waterusually.

D.Such accidents are particularly dangerous to the risk ofdrowning.

E.In conclusion, if you know what to do in the water, you will besafe.

F.This is the first thing to attend to, yet it often gets forgotten in thepanic.

G.But the sooner the window is open, the sooner you can escape directly throughit.

第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45 分)

第一节:完形填空(共20 个小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was just a harmless Valentine's Day joke. Old Lady Hayes 36 it because she used to scream at usfor "borrowing"a fewofherprecious raspberries(木莓), likewe were37gold.

George practiced38 the box out of reach by the string. I couldn't wait to see it fly away when she tried to pick itup.

I was first to 39 my dad in the doorway. I froze. Within seconds, my40 was shared by all. Dad walked slowly to the empty candy box. He picked it up, and watched it swing back and forth. Then he looked into the eyes of the41boys.

“It doesn't seem so long ago that I was playing Valentine's Day42 ." He said, "One year my cousins and I decided to try one on our Grandma Walker43 we loved her. We just wanted to have some44 . We sneaked up to her45 and drew a gift there with red paint. Then we kicked the door and46 behind the bushes. When Grandma47 appeared, she looked down. Even from 15 feet away we could see the48 in her eyes. Grandma49 for the fresh paint. Slowly, she50 our joke. Shetriedtosmile,absentlywipingredpaintonhercleanandwhiteapron(围裙)."Dad51andforthe first time I noticed that his eyes were52 . "Grandma died later that year. I never had another53 to give her a realvalentine.”

Later that night a red, heart-shaped boxwas54 on Mrs. Hayes' front doorstep. We hid behind the bushes to see how she would55 to receiving a full box ofcandy.

36. A. deserved B. got C. made D. called

37. A. finding B. stealing C. buying D. giving

38. A. opening B. closing C. pulling D. putting

39. A. know B. observe C. watch D. notice

40. A. happiness B. anxiety C. excitement D. curiosity

41. A. frightened B. surprised C. delighted D. amused

42. A. jokes B. games C. roles D. sports

43. A. even though B. so that C. in case D. as if

44. A. trouble B. influence C. time D. fun

45. A. room B. house C. doorstep D. window

46. A. sat B. hid C. stood D. fled

47. A. gradually B. suddenly C. frequently D. finally

48. A. hurt B. joy C. trust D. concern

49. A. reached B. searched C. asked D. waited

50. A. turned into B. gave away C. figured out D. talked about

51. A. left B. finished C. started D. paused

52. A. weak B. bright C. open D. wet

53. A. solution B. method C. chance D. example

54. A. opened B. carried C. placed D. made

55. A. reply B. react C. refer D. return

第二节(共10 个小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Getting around the city when you are six months pregnant and have a two-year-old girl can be really challenging. One spring afternoon, we went to one of the grocery 56 (store) nearby to buy some food for dinner. There was no sign of rain, and the store was just around the corner, 57 we went there without an umbrella. However, we were about 58 (leave) the store when the rain came in full force. It seemed that the streets would be flooded59water withinminutes.

I noticed a young Chinese couple staring at 60 (we) when we came to a crossroad and were waiting for the light to change. I figured they were 61 (probable) wondering why a pregnant foreigner was dragging her little kid out through the rain. But as we crossed the street 62 woman offered me her umbrella. I told her I couldn't take it when it was clearly starting to storm. She insisted and handed it to me as she 63 (hurry ) off with herhusband.

Though 64 (catch) in the rain unexpectedly, we still treasured the memory and will always recall the 65 (warm) and kindness of the Chinesecouple.

第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40 分)

第一节:应用文写作(满分15 分)

假定你是校英文报主编李华。由于英文报规模扩大,现急需招聘一名英语记者。请你以“An English reporter wanted”为题用英语写一则招聘启事。内容包括:




注意: 1.词数80左右;


第二节:概要写作(满分25 分)

阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60 词左右的内容概要。

Scientists in London say they have found the best diet for both humans and the planet. If the world followed the so-called "planetary health" diet, the scientists told Reuters that each year more than 11 million early deaths could be prevented. Scientists say that the way we produce and eat food is very bad for the planet. For the health of the planet, they claim the same diet would reduce greenhouse gases and save more land, water andanimals.

Tim Lang, a professor at Britain's University of London, co-led the research. He told Reuters, The food we eat and how we produce it determines the health of people and the planet, and we are currently getting this seriously wrong. "Lang added that the world's population is expected to grow to 10 billion people by 2050. If we want to feed everyone, he explained, we all need to change what we eat and the way we eat by "improving food production and reducing food waste."

Well, what do you eat on the planetary health diet? The scientists who created this diet say it is largely plant-based but still has small amounts of dairy, fish and meat. The diet calls for cutting red meat and sugar by 50 percent and doubling the amount of nuts, fruits, vegetables and legumes.

Food situations around the world are not equal. In certain areas, this would mean great changes. People in North America, for example, eat 6.5 times the recommended amount of red meat. On the other hand, people in South Asia eat only half the amount suggested by the new planetary health diet. Meeting the targets for vegetables would need big changes in other areas. In sub-Saharan Africa, people on average eat 7.5 times the suggested amount of vegetables like potatoes andcassava.

The scientists admit their goal will be difficult to achieve. But for them doing nothing is also not an option. Willet said, " If we can't quite make it, it's better to try and get as close as we can."



听力1-5 ACCAB

6-10 ABACA

11-15 CBBAA

16-20 BBACB


21-23 CBA

24-27 CACD

28-30 DAA

31-35 DFAGC






3.to leave




7. the 8 hurried 9.caught 10warmth



One possible version:

Scientists claim they have obtained the best diet benefiting both humans and the planet. Tim Lang, the leader of the research, emphasized the significance of changing the food and the way we eat. In other words, it is more scientific for

diet to be more based on plants than animals. However, the food condition is not globally balanced. Tough as the target is to realize, it is worth trying. (69 words) --


II.Grammar and Vocabulary Section B Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting.As we were about to arrive,the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight delay before setting down.High desert winds had forced the airport to close all but one runway.He said that we would be circling the city for a few minutes waiting to land.We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts(21)________(fasten) because there might be a few bumps.Well,that few minutes turned into about forty-five minutes, including a ride that would make a roller coaster(22)________(pale)by comparison. The movement was so sudden(23)________several passengers felt sick and had to use airsickness bags.(24)________you might guess,that’s not good thing to happen in a narrow space because it only serves to increase the discomfort of the situation. About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane became very quiet.There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be distinctly noticed.Every passenger simply held on for dear life… (25)________one.A baby was having a good time!With each bump of the aircraft,he(26)________let out a giggle of happiness.As I observed this,I realized that he didn’t know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his safety.He(27)________thought about the past nor about the future.Those are (28)________we grown-ups have learned from experience.He was enjoying the ride because he (29)________(not teach)to fear it.(30)________(understand)this,I took a deep breath and sat back into my seat,pretending I was really on a roller coaster.I smiled for the rest of the flight.I even managed to giggle once or twice,which is much to the chagrin of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag. C Section People become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten.If you lived in the Mediterranean,for instance,you would consider octopus a great__31__.You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive.On the other hand,your stomach would__32__ at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat---the__33__accepted practice in many northern countries.The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we__34__to them all our lives. No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail.Cooked in wine, snails are a great luxury in various parts of the world.There are countless people who,ever since their early years,have learned to__35__snails with food.My friend,Robert,lives in a country where snails are despised.As his flat is in a large town,he has no garden of his own.For years he has been asking me to collect snails from my garden and take them to him.The idea never appealed to me very much,but one day,after a heavy__36__,I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my__37__plants.Acting on a sudden impulse,I collected several dozen,put them in a paper bag,and took them to Robert.Robert was delighted to see me and__38__pleased with my little gift.I left the bag in the hall and Robert and I went into the living room where we talked for a couple of hours.I had forgotten all about the snails when Robert suddenly said that I must stay to dinner. 第1页/共8页


第I卷(选择题,共50分) 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把小答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,不能答在试题卷上。 一、英语知识运用(本题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出) 1.–Excuse me.Is the department store far from your school? –Not very.It’s about_______. A.10minutes walk B.10minutes’walk C.10minutes’s walk D.10minute’s walk 2.–May I use_______mobile phone? –Sorry,_______is left in the office. A.you;I B.your;my C.yours;mine D.your;mine 3.My father was born_______.When he was_______,he went abroad. A.in1970;in his thirty B.in the1970s;in his thirties C.in the1970;in his thirty D.in1970s;in his thirties 4.–I think students can have cell phones to help with their studying. –_______.They often use them to play games instead of studying. A.I’m afraid so B.All right C.You are right D.I don’t think so 5.–Why do you like using? –Because it can help me keep_______touch with my friends. A.on B.for C.at D.in 6.You must_______at the airport an hour before your plane takes off. A.check up B.check in C.check out D.check 7.–I can’t walk any further. –_______.Let’s stop here for a rest. A.Neither can I B.So can I C.Neither I can D.So I can 8.______she is,the higher marks she will get. A.The more careful B.The more carefully C.The much careful D.The careful 9.–You are not a new member,are you? –_______.I joined only yesterday. A.No,I’m not. B.Yes,I’m not. C.No,I am. D.Yes,I am. 10.This is the only dictionary______I brought back from abroad. A.which B.that C.whose D.what 11._______of the students in our class______girls. A.Two third,are B.Two thirds,is C.Two third,is D.Two thirds,are 12.–Could you take care of our dog while we are away? –_______. A.With pleasure B.It’s my pleasure C.Never mind D.That’s all right 13.–What about having a drink? –________ A.Good idea. B.I don’t want to. C.Help yourself. D.Me,too. 14.–Do you get someone_______your clothes? –Yes,I often have them_______. A.wash,washed B.washed,wash C.washing,wash D.to wash,washed 15.–I’m going to a job interview.I feel a little________. –Take it easy.Listening to music can help you relax. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e712922033.html,fortable B.satisfied C.nervous D.disappointed 16.We should turn off the lights when we leave the room_______we can save electricity. A.in order to B.so as to C.such that D.so that 17._______lovely weather it is!Shall we go for a walk? A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 18.Twenty minutes______not enough for you to finish it. A.were B.is C.are D.has 共8页第1页共8页第2页


2019 年高考英语模拟试卷( 一 ) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力 ( 略 ) ( 共两节 , 满分 30 分 ) 第二部分阅读理解 ( 共两节 , 满分 40 分 ) 第一节 ( 共 15 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 30 分 ) 阅读下列短文 , 从每题所给的A、 B、 C和 D 四个选项中 , 选出最佳选项。 A (2016 课标全国Ⅰ ) You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years? Jane Addams(1860 —1935) Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank.Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community(社区)by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need. In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Rachel Carson(1907—1964) If it weren’t for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement migh t not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world’s lakes and oceans. Sandra Day O’Connor(1930—present) When Sandra Day O’Connor finished thir d in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952, she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator(参议员)and, in 1981, the first woman to join the U.S. Supreme Court. O’Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court. Rosa Parks(1913 —2005) On December 1,1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott. It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civil-rights movement. “ The only tired I was, was tired of giving in,” said Parks. 21.What is Jane Addams noted for in history?


III. Reading Comprehension Section B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. B Kettlebells do not hurt people. People do. A kettlebell will get your respect – the easy way or the hard way. Here is the easy way. 1. Get a medical clearance. Get clearance, especially from an orthopedist and a cardiologist. The latter is no joking matter, since kettlebell training can be extremely intense. 2. Always be aware of your surroundings. Find a training area with a non-slippery surface on which you are not afraid to drop a kettlebell. The area must be clear of objects you might trip over – including other kettlebells – or that you might hit with a kettlebell. There should be no people or animals in a radius where you could injure them. 3. Train barefoot or wear shoes with a flat, thin sole and room for the toes to spread. Training barefoot is superior for health and performance reasons. If you must wear shoes, wear Converse Chuck Taylors, Vibram Five Fingers, or similar shoes that have thin soles and do not pinch the toes together. You have sensory receptors on the bottoms of your feet that make you stronger and improve balance and coordination. Wearing traditional shoes diminishes the ability of these receptors to work properly, and therefore inhibits performance and can increase the risk of injury. Go native. 4. Never contest for space with a kettlebell. Do not try to save a rep that has gone wrong. Guide the kettlebell to fall harmlessly, and move out of the way if necessary. And remember, quick feet are happy feet. 5. Practice all safety measures at all times. Respect every kettlebell, even the lightest one. Always use perfect form picking up and setting down a kettlebell. The set is not over until the bell is safely parked.


2019届高考英语模拟试题【含答案】 第一节单项填空(共15小题) 请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. If we want students to become effective in multicultural settings, one thing is clear: there is no ________ for practice. A. prescription B. substitute C. appetite D. suspension 22. —Tony ________ what I did annoying though he didn’t say anything. —So you think you will have to make an apology? A. could find B. should have found C. might find D. must have found 23. —What about watching a ballet show this evening? —Thanks for inviting me, but ballet isn’t really __________. A. the apple of my eyes B. my feet of clay C. my cup of tea D. the salt of the earth 24. Faced with the dilemma, the company committee ________ a public statement, appointing the capable man to be its new global chief financial officer. A. pulled out B. put out C. reached out D. drew out 25. More often than not, the enterprise around us are getting even richer, ________ recipe is don’t put all your eggs in one basket. A. of which B. which C. whose D. of whom 26. In Beijing, more than 21,100 people ________ to donate their bodies by the end of 2017, as the city promoted a body donation campaign from 1999. A. have applied B. had applied C. would have applied D. applied 27. During the negotiation to follow, it can be argued that shares of foreign companies are overvalued ________ the return they offer. A. in terms of B. in memory of C. in favor of D. in charge of 28. That preserved historic village connected to downtown by a highway is ________ many office workers spend their weekends. A. what B. how C. where D. why 29. ________ well for my job interview, I really had butterflies in my stomach on my way to the company I had applied to. A. Having not prepared B. Not having prepared C. Not to have prepared D. To have not prepared 30. The ordinary people all look at the intelligent man with admiration because under no circumstances ________ to cope with emergencies. A. he will fail B. is he failing C. he is failing D. will he fail 31. ________ and open to various interpretations, the terms of the new proposal need improving based on the interests of both sides. A. Accessible B. Apparent C. Ambiguous D. Aggressive 32. I owe my current success to David, my best friend since childhood, without whom I have no idea where I

上海市上海中学2019届高三上学期摸底考试英语试题 Word版含答案

2018-2019学年上海中学高三第一学期摸底考试 II.Grammar and Vocabulary 温馨提示:多少汗水曾洒下,多少期待曾播种,终是在高考交卷的一刹尘埃落地,多少记忆梦中惦记,多少青春付与流水,人生,总有一次这样的成败,才算长大。高考保持心平气和,不要紧张,像对待平时考试一样去做题,做完检查一下题目,不要直接交卷,检查下有没有错的地方,然后耐心等待考试结束。 Section A Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the other answer that best completes the sentence. 25.While I was waiting to enter ________ university, I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in ________ suburb of London. A. /, a B. an, a C. a, the D. the ,the 26.In most cases, ________ a passenger has his ticket and managers to catch his train, he can reach his destination more comfortably than ________ he had to drive himself. A. once, if B. that ,if C. when, while D. where, when 27.The invention of the modern computer is one of the great contributions ________ to man’s efficiency. A. having ever been made B. ever been made C. ever made D. having ever made 28.I was not able to work out the problem ________ my teacher explained it. A. as B. unless C. until D. when 29.For him to be re-elected, what is essential is not that his policy works, but ________ the public believe that it does. A. / B. whether C. that D. if


南模中学高三三模数学试卷 2019.05 一. 填空题 1. 若集合{|310}A x x =+>,{||1|2}B x x =-<,则A B =I 2. 若复数z 满足 1i i z -=-,其中i 为虚数单位,则z = 3. 若函数1 ()1f x x =+(0x >)的反函数为1()f x -,则不等式1()2f x ->的解集为 4. 试写出71 ()x x -展开式中系数最大的项 5. 若函数4y =a ,最大值为b ,则2lim 34n n n n n a b a b →∞-=- 6. 已知平面上三点A 、B 、C 满足||AB =u u u r ,||BC =u u u r ||CA =u u u r ,则 AB BC BC CA CA AB ?+?+?u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r 的值等于 7. 设P 是曲线tan x y θθ?= ???=? (θ为参数)上的一动点,O 为坐标原点,M 为线段OP 的中 点,则点M 的轨迹的普通方程为 8. 在等差数列{}n a 中,首项13a =,公差2d =,若某学生对其中连续10项进行求和,在 遗漏掉一项的情况下,求得余下9项的和为185,则此连续10项的和为 9. 从集合{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}A =中任取两个数,欲使取到的一个数大k 于,另一个数小 于k (k A ∈)的概率为 2 5 ,则k = 10. 已知数列{}n a 的通项公式为(1)2n n n a n =-?+(*n ∈N ),则这个数列的前n 项和为 n S = 11. 已知函数1 ()f x x x =- ,数列{}n a 是公比大于0的等比数列,且61a =, 1239101()()()()()f a f a f a f a f a a +++???++=-,则1a = 12. 定义在R 上的奇函数()f x ,当0x ≥时,1 2log (1)[0,1)()1|3|[1,) x x f x x x +∈??=??--∈+∞?,则关于x 的 函数()()F x f x a =-(01a <<)的所有零点之和为 (结果用a 表示) 二. 选择题 13. 已知非零向量a r 、b r ,“函数2 ()()f x ax b =+r r 为偶函数”是“a b ⊥r r ”的( )条件 A. 充分非必要 B. 必要非充分 C. 充要 D. 既不充分也不必要


2019年高考模拟英语试题 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) A Give it a Go!One-Off Volunteering Our One-Off programme allows you to take part in volunteering activities with no regular commitment such as dog walking,helping your local community and so on. Transport is provided from campus when activities can’t be reached by public transport or on foot from campus. Canley Pop Up Cafe:Chinese New Year Special! Date:Saturday17February2018 Time:10:30-15:30 Help run fun games and activities for Canley citizens. Canley Pop Up Cafes aim to initiate community interaction and raise awareness of cultural diversity and difference as being positive by creating spaces that encourage neighbours to meet, talk,share talents,histories and knowledge. Dogs Trust Volunteer Day Date:Friday23February2018 Time:09:55-16:00 Join us for a day with the Dogs Trust.Help exercise the dogs,prepare food and clean the dog shelter. Transport and lunch will be provided by Warwick Volunteers.


2018年上海中学高三英语模拟练习(一) Grammarand Vocabulary Section A Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passagecoherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill ineach blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, useone word that best fits each blank. Today theStatue of Liberty is a beloved landmark. It ___1___(tower) above of theharbor of New York and is lovingly cared for by the National Park Service. Manythousands of visitors who visit Liberty Island each year might never suspectthat getting the statue ___2___(build) was a long slow struggle. More than acentury ago, it ___3___(be) the celebration of freedom and the commemorationof the friendship between America and France that inspired sculptor AugusteBartholdi and finally he went forward with designing the potential statue andpromoting the idea of building it. However, money was so big a problem ___4___was haunting the two governments from the beginning to the end. Donations forthe building of the statue first began coming in throughout France in 1875.Numerous people gave donations. A copper company donated the copper sheets thatwould be used to fashion the skin of the statue. Various donations werehelpful, ___5___ the cost of the statue kept riding. ___6___(face) with ashortfall of money, the French-American Union held a lottery. Merchants inParis donated prizes, and tickets were sold. The lottery was a success, butmore money was still needed. The sculptor Bartholdi eventually sold miniatureversions of the statue, ___7___ the name of the buyer engraved on them.Finally, in July 1880 the French-American Union announced that enough money hadbeen raised to complete the building of the statue. While theFrench had announced that the funds for the statues were in place in 1880, bylate 1882 the American donations, which would be needed to build the pedestal,were sadly lagging. The sculptor Bartholdi had travelled to America in 1871 topromote the idea of the statue. Despite Bartholdi’s efforts, t he idea of thestatue was difficult ___8___(sell). some newspapers, most notably the New YorkTimes, often criticized the statue as folly, and vehementlyopposed ___9___(spend) any money on it. The newspaper publisher JosephPulitzer, who had purchased a New Y ork City daily, The World, in the early1880s, took us the cause of the statue’s pedestal. He mounted an energetic funddrive, promising to print the name of each donor, ___10___ small the donation,Pulitzer’s audacious plan worked, and millions of people around the countrybegan donating whatever they could. In August1885, that final $100,000 for the statue;s pedestal had been raised.Construction work on the stone structure continued, and the next year theStatue of Liberty, which had arrived from France packed in crated, was erectedon top.


上海中学高三期中数学卷 2019.11 一. 填空题 1. 已知集合,,则 {|42}M x x =-<<2{|60}N x x x =--0y >25x y += 6. 若不等式的解集为或,则不等式 20px qx r -+≥{|2x x ≤-3}x ≥的解集为 2()(1)0qx px r x ++->7. 已知等差数列的首项及公差均为正数,令{}n a (,), n b =+*n ∈N 2020n <当是数列的最大项时, k b {}n b k =8. 若命题:“存在整数使不等式成立”是真命题,则实数的取x 2(4)(4)0kx k x ---? ()f x 1a +a 为
