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• Hegel developed a comprehensive philosophical framework, or "system", of Absolute idealism to account in an integrated and developmental way for the relation of mind and nature, the subject and object of knowledge, psychology, the state, history, art, religion, and philosophy. In particular, he developed the concept that mind or spirit manifested itself in a set of contradictions and oppositions that it ultimately integrated and united, without eliminating either pole or reducing one to the other. Examples of such contradictions include those between nature and freedom, and between immanence and transcendence.
Historical Context of Hegel's Thought
• Hegel's system was initially inspired by the French Revolution of 1789 • Hegel's philosophy was forged in the heat of colossal, and sometimes violent, political struggles which for bourgeois supremacy against aristocracy and absolute power continued through the nineteenth century. • Hegel's thought effects a vast synthesis of two major currents,the Enlightenment and Romantic.
Main interests
• • • • • • • Logic Aesthetics Religion Philosophy of history Metaphysics Epistemology Political philosophy
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German philosopher, and a major figure in German Idealism. His historicist and idealist account of reality revolutionized European philosophy and was an important precursor to Continental philosophy and Marxism.
slave-master dialectic
• the life and the death struggle results not in death but in the victory and independence or one consciousness, which exists for itself, and the utter dependene or bondage of the other consciousness, which exists only for the other. Hegel calls the former the master and the latter the slave.
Three basic of thought
• understanding, which views the world as static and as composed of distinct particulars ; • dialectic, which ascertains the contradictory and dynamic nature of things, but is unable to resolve these contradictions • speculation which apprehends the unity of trems...in their opposition
As Hegel puts it, self-consciousness can achieve satisfaction and recognition "only in aother selfconsciousness". n other words, to be certain of my humanity, my self-consciousness, I must obtain recognition not from an object, nor from a person whom I treat as an object, but from a person whose humanity I recognize: we each acknowledge the other not as objects but as free, autonomous.
Three monents of the dialectic 386
• immediacy and simple self-identity • represents our first view of an object, as mere existence, as independent. • mediation and externalization,
• As it is expounded in Hegel's Logic, it is clear that dialectical thinking constitutes an attack upon traditional logic(which attempt to comprehend a static world by means of fixed categories and laws)which is based upon the notion on identity.
The Hegelian Dialectic
• Dialectic is a mode of thinking that recognizes that the self and world stand in necessary connection, that thought is not a static system of classification but a self-criticizing process, and that the world as simply given to our senses is not worthy of the name"reality" . • On three broad levels, logical, phenomenological(the forms taken by consciousness), and historical.
• Hegel points out that if we actually adhered to the first law of traditional logic, that A=A, we would be reduced to such empty tautological utterances as Mind=mind.Thus,identity has its connections with what is different from it. Hence identity and difference are insparable.Hegel's own logic, enlisting the notion of "the identity in diversity" or "identity in difference"
Hegel's thoughts • Hegel's philosophy was profoudly influenced by the work of Kant. • The Hegelian philosophical system occupies a central place in the history and genesis of modern Western thought.
The phenomenology of Spirit
self- consciousness Hegel begins the section on self-certainty by stating that the threeforms of consciousness already examined, sense-certainty, perception, and understanding, can now be seen not as self-subsistent views of the world but as moments or phases of self-consciousness. For Hegel, the most fundamental form of selfconsciousness is desire. As Hegel puts it: "selfconsciousness is Desire in general ".
• locate the object's essence and identity not in itself but in something else, in its relations.(content, nature, essence) • mediated unity • the object as a particular existent and the object as embodying certain universal and essential qualities.
• H is syste m influe nce d a w ide ra nge of philosophie s w hose e ffe cts a re still w ith us toda y . • H e ge l's doctrine s ha ve inform e d m uch P rote sta nt the ology , a nd his philosophy of history ha s profoundly a ffe cte d num e rous discipline s ,
the introduation of
• Born : August 27, 1770, in Stuttgart, Württemberg • Died : November 14, 1831 (aged 61) in Berlin,Prussia • Nationality : Germany • Region : Western Philosophy • Era : 19th-century philosophy