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“适得其反”,汉语成语,意思是恰恰得到与预期相反的结果(The result was just the opposite.)。
可以翻译为“run counter to one's desire或have an exactly opposite effect”。
“一刀两断”,汉语成语,字面意思是一刀斩为两段(cut in two with one stroke of the knife),比喻坚决断绝关系。
可以翻译为“make a clean break with,break off all relations with”。
可以翻译为“indulge in empty talk;talk big;talk excitedly and boastfully”。
英文俗语“bag of wind或wind bag”可以表示“夸夸其谈的人”。
“水落石出”,汉语成语,字面意思是水落下去,水底的石头就露出来(As the water level sinks,the stones are exposed.)。
可以翻译为“everything comes to light;truth is out;get to the bottom of something”。
“百折不挠”,汉语成语,意思是无论受到多少挫折都不退缩(never yield in spite of reverses),比喻意志坚强,品节刚毅。
可以翻译为“be undaunted by repeated setbacks;dauntless;relentless”。
“愁眉苦脸”,汉语成语,意思是皱着眉头,哭丧着脸(wear a long face with knitted eyebrows)。
形容愁苦的神色(a woebegone expression [appearance])。
可以翻译为“have a worried look; wear a woebegone appearance; with a sad look”。
“相形见绌”,汉语成语,意思是指和同类的事物相比较显出不足(appear deficient in comparison),可以翻译为“overshadow,pale by [in] comparison或prove inferior by contrast”。
“走投无路”,汉语成语,比喻陷入绝境,没有出路(be driven desperate;have no way out;be in a hopeless dilemma),“逼得某人走投无路”可以翻译为“drive/put/force somebody into a corner”。
强人所难,汉语成语,意思是勉强人家去做他不能做或不愿做的事情,可以翻译为“force somebody to do what he is unwilling to do或constrain somebody to do things that are beyond his power”。
“不计其数”,汉语成语,意思是没办法计算数目(The number is beyond counting.),比喻数目极多。
可以翻译为“too many to count;countless;innumerable;infinite”。
“悬而未决”,汉语成语,意思是一直拖在那里,没有得到解决(the decision is still hanging),可以翻译为“be in suspense;not yet decided;unsettled”,常见表达如:悬而未决的问题(outstanding problem;pending issue),悬而未决的争端(unsettled dispute)。
“朝秦暮楚”,汉语成语,字面意思是“serve(the State of)Qin in the morning and(the State of)Chu in the evening”。
现在比喻反复无常,可以翻译为“change one's loyalty frequently,be faithless”或“be quick to switch sides”。
两全其美,汉语成语,指做一件事顾全到双方,使两方面都得到好处(satisfy both sides;suit both)。
与英文俗语“the best of both worlds”意思相近,表示“a situation in which you can enjoy the advantages of two very different things at the same time”。
“逍遥法外”,汉语成语,意思是犯法的人没有受到法律制裁,仍然自由自在(go [get away] unpunished; (He) wasn't arrested but left free to move around)。
与英文短语“be still [remain] at large”意思相近,"at large"表示“free; uncaptured (usually said of criminals not in custody) ”。
“如释重负”,汉语成语,意思是好像放下了一副重担子一样(as though a great burden had been taken off one's shoulder),形容心情紧张后的轻松愉快,可以翻译为“feel a sense of relief;feel relieved”或“free from a burden”。