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generally larger capacity filter capacitance, the transient over-voltage shock absorption of a certain extent, the station Low-voltage transformer side go to feed between the screen using a shielded ca ble and equipment have a good grounding, the use of modern technology to analyze mine, we mus t increase the circuit's segregation measures, because its grounding, protection and other electrical grounding all Grounding devices using the same equipment, and equipment are in a LPZOB, the r elative strength of strong electromagnetic pulse, the station changed to prevent low-pressure side a lthough there are lines intrusive wave arrester, but the residual pressure high, in the substation of li ghtning, through the line Coupling and the potential rise caused by over-voltage counterattack still exist, and high-pressure side of the residual pressure as high as several thousand volts, it is necess ary to these scheduling automation equipment for the power supply over-voltage circuit protection . Lightning Protection in accordance with the principle of regional division, substation equipment i n the secondary power supply system over-voltage sensors lightning protection may be two (B, C l evel) for the protection of segregation. B-mine use is generally greater flow capacity of the mine i nstallations, the Lightning could be more casual Liuxie people, to achieve the objective of current

limit, over-voltage at the same time will reduce to a certain extent, c-mine use With lower residual pressure of the mine installations, you can loop in the remaining scattered lightning Liuxie people, to limit the purpose of over-voltage, over-voltage equipment can be reduced to the level of toleran ce.

The main power supply system is inhibited lightning protection and operation of the power back t o the road and over-voltage surge. According to the substation status of the substation of the secon d mine-sensing system and the operation and use of two over-voltage protection. As build more su bstations in the region more open, relatively strong electromagnetic strength, power lines and com munication cables are very vulnerable to lightning attacks sensors, sensors along the over-voltage power lines and communication lines into one device, which will damage equipment,

Therefore, the exchange of first-class bus to install the power protection (B level) is to ensure the s afety of the entire control room, and 80 percent of the over-voltage China, scattered to the earth, pl ay a primary role in the protection, but are still in the exchange of feeder Some of the B-level pow er supply voltage and mine the residual pressure increases on-line and must therefore be important in the exchange of feeder lines (DC charging screen, UPS, etc.) c-level power protection, which w ould curb over-voltage electrical equipment to back-end To the level of tolerance.

Protective location: It is 1 EC1312 (LEMP protection "in the region of lightning protection princip les. Arrester installation should be in different locations at the junction of protected areas, this net work, the first-class protection should be located in the bus exchange. In Two on the bus with the i nstallation of a B-class models of a three-phase power supply voltage surge protector.

Install Location: AC bus (cabinet).

3.2 second-class protection measures to deal with

charge screen, the installation of c-level three-phase power arrester. As DC charging screen is two-way exchange of electricity supply, so the screen in the DC charge with the installation of two mo dels of c-level three-phase power supply over-voltage surge protector. Installation location should choose the DC charge screen open exchange of air power.

3.3 integrated automation system over-voltage protection

Protective position: Computer-based integrated automation system's ability to bear a very low vol tage, several hundred volts of over-voltage is enough to damage the equipment, so must the high si de arrester the residual pressure (thousands of volts) to further curb to meet equipment Insulation l evel of need, and because of the potential rise to power and the induction loop is also over-voltage line up on KV, to be used in the exchange of integrated automation system to the exchange on the
