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The following report contains guiding principles for firstly, the landscape concepts for the Wuhan Optics Valley and secondly urban design masterplan for Guan Shan No 1 Road . The report is the culmination of a review and feedback process between client and Edaw. An interim and final draft report has preceded this final report and comments from the previous submissions have been adopted to complete the masterplan process. The report has adopted a structure which has “ whole to the parts” approach. Accordingly a study area context is established first followed a design vision , then a review of precedents with open space and urban design guidelines outlined for site wide consideration . Guidance on the focus area of Guan Shan No1 Road with corresponding emphasis on those elements which will positively contribute to the image and vibrancy of the public and private realm the second half of submission . A summary section completes the report and sets the scene for the tasks required to realise the vision.The report outlines the different approaches to procuring a high quality public realm and highlights the design and implementation services required to begin the next phase of achieving, on the ground, the vision for the landscape and urban design of the Optics Valley .
航空、邮政、电信于一体的重要交通通信枢纽城 市。 • 全国重要的工业基地。 • 全国重要的教育基地。 • 3500年的城市历史,是国家历史文化名城。 • 山体、湖泊丰富,市内有主要的东西走向丘陵, 跨长江两岸
Located the junction of Yangtze River and Hanshui River, Wuhan lies at the east of Hanjiang Champaign in Hubei Province. within Wuhan, the super metropolis in central China has an area of 8467 square kilometer and a population of 8 million. Along the middle part of the Yangtze River, now it has become the economic geographical centre in China with the same distances to all the main cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Xian.
with a memorable and distinctive character.
• To develop a cohesive landscape framework
that links all the potential and existing land uses
and to maximise the opportunity afforded by the
• It is the economic center city in Huazhong district and the door to MiddleWestern China.
• Wuhan has been regardwenku.baidu.comd as ‘Thoroughfare to Nine Provinces’ because of the traffic advantage. It is the traffic and communication hinge for the intersection of railway, high way, sea-route, aviation, post and wire.
• 维护和增强基地范围内水质、景观植 被的自然资源品质。
• 创造一个生活、工作和社会活动的环 境,体现教育、娱乐和科技区独特的 城市品质。
• 鼓励未来基础设施、工商业、科技、 社会和环境的投资,稳定基地范围内 的当地经济。
Design goals
• To develop a dynamic new district within Wuhan
武汉市被长江、汉江所分割,由历史上的武昌、汉口、 汉阳三镇所组成,城市格局独特。随着城市的发展,武 汉市的城区范围已经远远超越原先的武昌、汉口、汉阳 三镇,但人们仍然视长江以东为武昌地区,长江以西、 汉江以北为汉口地区,而长江以西、汉江以南为汉口地 区。这三个地区的发展有自己鲜明的特色
• 武昌:教育、科研、文化 • 汉口:商业、行政中心 • 汉阳:经济开发区
• The major industrial city in China • The major education city in China • It has a 3500 years history and is the national historically ranked city. • It has rich natural resource compose of lakes and hills. The major
Wuhan is divided three parts by the Yangtze River and Hanshui River. The city has special form and composed of Wuchang, Hankou, Hanyang. In recent years development, the city is bigger than the three old town. But generals it’s called east of Yangtze River is Wuchang, west of Yangtze River and north of Hanshui River is Hankou and west of Yangtze River and south of Hanshui River is Hanyang. This three districts have their different character.
• Wuchang: Education, Scientific Research and Cultural • Hangkou: Commercial and Administer Center • Hanyang: Economic Development Zone
2.2 城市范围 City Wide
design strategy 8.0 Guanshan No.1 Road
Urban Design 9.0 How to Use The
Guidelines 10.0 Summary 11.0 Appendix
目录 Contents
1.0 简介 Introduction
本报告首先是针对武汉光谷的景观概念指导原则, 其次是关山一路的城市设计总体规划。本报告是客 户与易道之间良好的信息审查和信息反馈过程的最 佳产物。在此之前,我们已提交了中期汇报报告和最 终报告草案,本最终报告是吸取了之前提交报告的 意见后,完成的总体规划。 本报告采取了“整体之于局部”的结构方法。研究区域 背景的建立首先是遵循设计理念,然后针对基地范 围开放空间和城市设计指南的先例进行研究。报告 后半部分是关于关山一路的指南,它着眼于强调那 些有助于体现公共和私人领域形象和活力的元素。 本报告最后的总结部分为实现设计理念提出要求, 作好完成任务的准备。本报告简要概述了实现高品 质公共领域的不同方法,突出实现下一步光谷景观 和城市设计理念所要求的设计和实施服务。
resources of the site in terms of water quality
and landscape vegetation.
• Create a strong living, working and social
mountain chain from Yangtze River east bank to west through the city.
2.1 全国范围 National
成都 Chengdu
北京 Beijing
武汉 Wuhan
京 珠 高 速
上海 Shanghai
香港 Hongkong
1.0 简介 2.0 背景 3.0 设计目标 4.0 基地分析 5.0 设计构想 6.0 案例分析 7.0 开放空间与城市设
计策略 8.0 关山一路城市设计 9.0 控制导则使用说明 10.0 结语 11.0 附录
1.0 Introduction 2.0 Background 3.0 Design Goals 4.0 Site Analysis 5.0 Design Vision 6.0 Case Study 7.0 Open space and urban
1.0 简介 Introduction
2.0 背景 Background
武汉市位于湖北省汉江平原东部,长江与汉水交汇处; 面积8467平方公里,人口813万。武汉地处长江中游, 距北京、上海、广州、重庆、西安等特大中心城市均在 1000公里左右,是中国经济地理的中心。
• 华中经济区中心城市和中国中西部地区的门户。 • 具有“九省通衢”之便利,集铁路、公路、水运、
汉口 Hankou
汉阳 Hanyang
武昌 Wuchang
3.0 设计目标 Design Goals
• 在武汉市开发出一个充满个性、令人 瞩目的动感新区
• 建立一个有凝聚力的景观框架,将所 有潜在的和现有的用地联系起来,最 大限度地利用优美的自然资源带来的 机会。
• 根据确立的模式和采用的框架,确定 潜在的开发用地
beauty of the natural landscape resources.
• To identify potential development land uses
according to the pattern identified and
framework adopted.
• Maintain and enhance quality of the natural