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A. when B. since C. before D. for
9. Tom and Jack ______ West Hill Farm already.
A. have got B. have gone to
C. have been to D. have reached
2)构成: had+过去分词 用所给动词的适当形式填空:
The flowers need to be watered.
P179 1-5 DDCCC 6-10 BABAD 1 What’s 2 half past eight 3 The first picture 4 What’s the date (几月几日; 而 What day is it 意为:星期几) 5 What are 6 How old 7 How many cups 8 How long has 9 What is 10 WheFra Baidu bibliotek did 11 What’s the price 12 one more time/ a second time 学业考试:P43-44 (A) CBADD (B)CBADC (C) ADCBD
you weren’t in. -- Oh, I was watering ( water 浇水) the flowers
in the garden.
一般将来时态: shall/will +动词原形; be going to+动词原形表示:即将会…,打算… 注意: 在疑问句中,主语为第一人称( I /we)时, 常用助动词shall. 如: 我们一起去公园好吗?
6. He has never stolen anything, has he?
-- No, he hasn’t. He is a good man.
找出助动词,并给出下句: 1.-- He doesn’t tell a lie.
– Neither do you. (你也没有)
2.– She keeps a diary every day. -- So she does (她确实是) and so do you (你 也是)
3.You ________ won the game.
B)按要求改写下列各句: 4.They have bought a computer.(改成否定句)
5.He has lost his book. (先改成一般疑问句,再作肯定与否定回答)
C) for/ since
1 He has lived here _____ 3 years.
--Would you like to go to the park with me tomorrow? --I don’t know if it will rain, if it doesn’t rain, I will go with you. (我不知道是否下雨,如果不下雨,我将和你去)
现在进行时: am/is/are + v-ing 过去进行时:was/ were +v-ing 现在进行时表将来的词: leave, come, go等。 1 --你什么时候启程去北京? --我下周将去北京。
--When are you leaving for Beijing?
-- I am leaving for Beijing next week. 2--暑假就要来了。
The summer holidays are coming.
3-- I called you at 8 o’clock yesterday, but
1.一般现在时的重点用法: (1)注意当主语是第三人称单数时,动词用单三 形式。 (2)表示客观事实 eg.The sun rises in the east.太阳从东边升起。 (3)主将从现 I will tell him about it as soon as I see him 。 一见到他,我就告知他这件事。 注意: if ,when , as soon as , before , after , until , 引导的从句用一般现在时态,主句用将来时态。
2.He has lived here ______ 3 years ago.
3. He has lived here______ he came here.
D) 单项选择
6. -Where have you _____, Kate?
-I‘ve ______ to the bank.
5 结婚
6 发疯 7 迷路 8 生病,病倒
的短 语动 词
一般以a 开头的形容词不能做定语,只能做表
语。如: afraid(害怕的), asleep(睡着的),
alone(单独的), alive (活着的), awake(醒着的)
1. She doesn’t like music, does she?
3.– He has never been late for school.
--Neither he has and neither have you. (他确实没有,你也没有)
常用的情态动词:其后都跟动词原形。 can 能够; could 表示过去式或语气的委婉。 1. I can do it by myself. 2. --Could you speak English when you were young?—Yes, I could. 3.—Could I watch TV, Mom? (肯定和否定回答) -- Yes, you can. / No, you can’t can’t 用在否定句中,can 用在问句中表推测, 注意否定的推测用 can’t 不用mustn’t,肯定句中 的推测用must, mustn’t 意为“不准,禁止” 1– Can it be Lucy?– No, it can’t be her. She has gone abroad. 2.– Who’s knocking at the door?– It must be Li Ming, because we have made the time to meet. 3. You mustn’t spit in public.
need “需要” 作为情态动词时用法1 need do sth; need not (needn’t) do sth 2作为实义动词时用法为 need sth; need to do sth; …not need to do sth.
need doing sth= need to be done: 分清下面的need 是什么动词。 1. He needs love. 2 ---Does he need water? – Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. 3. You need do it now. 4. He needn’t do it. 5. Need he do it now.—Yes, he need. No, he needn’t ./ No, he doesn’t have to. 6.The flowers need watering.
1fall asleep 2 be sleeping 3 be asleep
1 入睡
2 正在睡觉
3 睡着了
4 keep silent/ quiet 5 get married 6 go mad 7 get lost 8 fall ill-fell-fallen
4 保持沉默/安静 容词
1)一般动词在词尾加- s, 在清辅音后读 /s / ,在浊辅
音或元音后读 / z / ;在t后读/ ts /, 在d后读 / dz /。例
如:help → helps ,swim → swims ,say-says
(2)以字母s, x, ch , sh 结尾的动词加- es, 读/ iz/ ,
A. gone, gone B. been, been
C. gone, been D. been, gone
7. Her grandfather ______ for two years.
A. died B. has died
C. has been dead D. has been died 8. It‘s six weeks ______ I met you last.(其他2种)
Shall we go to the park together? 我打算买辆自行车。
I am going to buy a bike. 注意 there be 结构的将来时态。 如:明天将有一个会议。
There will be a meeting tomorrow.
There is going to be a meeting tomorrow.
关于must 引导的问句的回答: -- Must I finish my homework now? -- Yes, you must. --No, you needn’t./ No, you don’t have to. may—might , might 比may 的语气更客气,委 --May I use you ruler?(肯定回答和否定回答) -- Yes, please. /Yes, you may. --No, you’d better not.
1. I had finished (finish) the job by the end
of last month.
2. The film had been on (begin) for 5 minutes when I got to the cinema.。
英语动词有五种基本形式。它们是动 词原形、第三人称单数现在时(简称单 三)、过去式、过去分词和现在分词。 这五种形式和助动词一起构成英语的各 种时态和语态等。
be on, buy-have, borrow/lend-keep , join-be a
member, die-be dead, become-be, open(v.)-be open(adj.) 等。 注意:延续动词未必一定用在现在完成时态中, 其他情况如:
I will be away for two weeks. b. * 时间“点”、“段”须分清 for+时间段 since+过去某一时刻/过去式的句子
现在完成时 (1)意义:现在完成时表示过去发 生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的 影响或结果,也可表示过去已经开始, 一直延续到现在的动作或状态。 2)结构:助动词have/has + 动词 的过去分词
3)几大标志词: * 以already, just和yet为标志:表示到现
在为止动作或状态已经、刚刚或还没有发生 * 以ever和never为标志:表示到现在为
止动作或状态曾经或从来没有发生过 * 以动作发生的次数为标志:He has
been to the USA three times. * 以so far为标志:表示到目前为止动作
* since 自从…以来
(4)注:a.*“短暂”、“延续”要转换常见的 有:come-be, leave-be away (from), begin-
d. have been to / have gone to
have been here/ have gone abroad
A)选用have, has填空:
1.I _______ told him the news.
2.She ________ come back from school.
2. He has gone abroad, hasn’t he?
3. He has break every morning, doesn’t he?
4. He will come here tomorrow, won’t he?
5. He finished homework, didn’t he?