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RUV-ANON Skin Refreshing Series----- Cool and smooth. No oil, no worry!

毛孔清透细致洁面乳 Fine Pores Refreshing Face Cleanser

净化毛孔细致肌肤 Purifying your pores and making your skin delicate

清透嫩白爽肤水Refreshing & Whitening Skin Toner

平衡油脂细致毛孔 Balancing the oil and purifying the pores

清透控油调理乳液Refreshing Oil Control Conditioning Lotion

持久滋润调整肌肤 Lasting moistening and protecting your skin

净透均衡卸妆液Clarifying Balanced Makeup Remover

净化毛孔均衡卸妆 Purifying your pores and balancing the makeup removal

一吸白祛黑头面膜(揭起型)Blackheads Removed & Whitening Facial Mask (lift type)

清除黑头净白肌肤 Clearing the blackheads and whitening your skin


RUV-ANON Whitening & Hydrating Series----Deep whitening and hydrating, let your skin smooth and delicate

深层净白补水洁面乳Deep Purifying Cleanser

深层洁净美白补水 Deep purifying, whitening and hydrating

研白补水玉颜乳液Whitening & Moisturizing Emulsion

润白祛黄,深层补水 Moistening, whitening and deep hydrating

晶澈美白补水精华霜(清爽型)Whitening & Moisturizing Essence Cream (fresh type)

盈润四季,清新补水 Seasons moistening and hydrating

美白保湿补水霜Whitening & Moisturizing Hydrating Cream

层层美白、深深补水 Layers whitening and deep hydrating

清润全日保湿水精华(特润补水型)Full-day Moisturizing Cream (moist type) 密集补水全日保湿 Intensive hydrating and full-day moisturizing

雪肤水疗美白精华液Hydrotherapy Whitening Essence

深层润白;水感透滑 Deep moisturizing, make your skin as smooth as water

30g水份缘舒缓补水面贴膜 30g Face Relaxing & Moisturizing Facial Mask.

密集水润舒缓干燥 Intensive hydrating and relax the dry skin


RUV-ANON Whitening and Moisturizing Series---- Quick whitening and water remaining, let your skin has lasting moisture

芦荟美白保湿洁面乳 Whitening & Moisturizing Aloe Cleanser.

净化毛孔清爽白净 Purifying your pores, refreshing and whitening your skin

美白舒敏柔肤水Whitening & Anti-allergic Skin Toner

舒缓镇静美白润肤 Relaxing, whitening and moisturizing your skin

多层次瞬透保湿乳液(清爽型)Multi-level Moisturizing Lotion (Fresh type) 深层保湿持久润白 Deeply hydrating and lasting moisturizing

美白盈润保湿乳液(滋润型)Whitening & Moisturizing Lotion (Moisture type)快速补水深层净白 Fast hydrating and deep purifying

深层净白保湿霜(滋润型)Deep Pure Moisturizing Cream (Moisture type)

深层润泽白皙柔嫩 Deeply moisturizing, whitening and tendering

净白莹采调理精华液Conditioning Whitening Essence

高效美白调理肤质 Efficiently whitening and conditioning your skin

活肤舒缓按摩膏Revitalizing Skin Massage Cream

淡化细纹舒缓肌肤 Weakening the wrinkle and relaxing the skin

深层嫩白去死皮素Deep Whitening & Exfoliating Scrub Cream.

深层净白温和去角质 Deeply purifying your skin and safely exfoliating the scrub

30g多层次瞬透保湿面贴膜 30g Multi-level Moisturizing Facial Mask

层层输送密集补水 Constantly hydrating and moisturizing


RUV-ANON Freckle Whitening Series---- Let your skin reflect the peach white 美白无暇洁面乳Spotless White Face Cream

洗去黯沉净白无暇 Cleaning the hiding dirt and let your white spotless

雪颜美白活肤水White Perfect Whitening Skin Toner

水盈润泽自然白皙 Moisturizing and naturally whitening your skin

美白无暇修复霜Spotless White Skin Repair Cream

淡化修复白里透红Weakening the spots, let your skin reflect the peach white
