




英文检讨书范文1Dear teachers,


I am in class * * * * * *, I am very guilty and twelve. Very sorry to write the written self criticism, to say to you I to fight the bad behaviour of deep hatred and killing nor discipline determined to. I regret the fighting that happened yesterday. As a student in school, it is wrong to fight. As a student, we must have the appearance of students, unity, fraternity, is our duty. Impulse can't solve anything, it can be self-defeating, damaging the relationship, losing the trust of the teacher. I feel guilty about what I do. Here, write this book to show remorse.

That's what happened, and though it wasn't me, it was my fault. No matter what happens, calm and understanding, can be small, small matter. More is better than none. As a student, learn to learn, and to know how to be a strong person in life.

I should face it calmly. A fight is a temporary solution, but

it doesn't solve the problem. The fight not only lost face, but also to the school, teachers, class and parents, face smear. Students should have the responsibility of the students, after the other people, but I happened to his body, this kind of social habits, no quality performance, is really should not happen at school, I'm ashamed of what I have and I'm sorry.

After profound self-reflection, I decided to have the following personal correction measures:

1. Submit a thorough review of the contents as required, and make a deep excavation of the root causes of the errors in your thoughts, and recognize the serious consequences that may be caused by them.

2. Ideological awareness is not high, and serious deficiencies are emphasized in important matters. Even if there is a recognition, there is no real implementation of the action.

Don't talk back to your teacher at any time or anywhere.

4. Raise awareness, grasp implementation, and vigorously develop criticism and self-criticism.

If you are ashamed, you will mend your ways. I want to take this fight as a mirror to constantly review myself, criticism and education myself, consciously accept the supervision. Through this incident, I will raise my awareness and strengthen

the responsibility measures. I have the determination and confidence to make me learn better! Now that I have realized my mistake, I intend to correct the bad habit in the future and adjust my attitude to the future.

I made a promise to the school that I would never be so reckless again. There is nothing to report to the school teacher in the first place. I hope this teacher can give me leniency!



Dear teachers,

Mistake this time, I want to a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things, oneself also was remorseful, very air itself, because of his temporary brain thermal impulse to break the iron law school, also deeply realize the seriousness of their mistakes, mistakes feel ashamed about themselves.

Afterwards, I calmly thought for a long time, and my mistake not only caused me trouble, but also delayed my study. Moreover, my behavior has had a bad influence on the school and destroyed the school's management system. Among the students, there was also a bad influence.

Because I a person to make mistakes, to destroy the good environment of school, it is should not, if every classmate such

mistakes, so there will not be a good learning environment, students give punishment for rule-breaking is also should, I stayed at home for half a month, I want to a lot of, also realized that he had made a serious mistake, I know, so much of the damage, I should pay for their mistakes, I would want to assume the responsibility of although can't afford to, in this error should bear unshirkable main responsibility. I sincerely accept the criticism and hereby review it again. The school teacher was assured that there would be no fight. It's bad for you and your school.

I will further summarize and reflect on all this, and ask the teacher to believe that I can learn the lesson, correct my mistakes, and redouble my efforts in the future. At the same time, I sincerely hope that the teacher can continue to care and support me, and I will deal with my problems as appropriate. Dear leaders of the school,


I am a class * student ***. There are some unpleasant things in the dorm room between lunch and students today. Moving and going back and forth through the teacher's teaching, I am deeply aware that the patient, the degree of truth, whatever it is to endure! As the saying goes, a step back to the sky, but I did

not do today, after the incident, I feel very sorry! Here, I make an in-depth review!

Is what, today, I buy rice from the canteen, dormitory, and then when you eat me in a dormitory, and strive for the student, he ran quickly, and I play, play my meals out, then turned around and scolded, "you are not my eyes?" I was on fire, he knocked on me, and he called me out of my lungs, and I went to my dorm room to call more than one of my friends and hit him. Finally, he was dissatisfied. They couldn't find anyone. Then he brought eight people, and we only had three, and I got three quarters out of the knife, ready to frighten him, but not to take a deep breath and cut up two people. That leads to today's results.

I am sorry, I cut up, you two students apologize! At the same time, you come to my medical expenses, so that you are at ease in the hospital health!

I knew that it had reached the place where it could not be made up. I decided to go to the hospital to see the two students, and the school promised that it would not be so reckless in the future, if the school did not. What teacher reports the first time, not the private. I hope the teacher can give me leniency.

Sorry, teacher, student, I apologize for my impulsive behavior here. Take time (omit 100 words, write your actual

situation)... ... Then, I couldn't restrain my impulse. Instead, I beat each other. Later, I was sorry. First of all, I'm sorry that my parents, I have failed to live up to their upbringing, and have been beating themselves up, and this will bring a lot of trouble to their parents. Similarly, I'm sorry teachers, teachers should teach us how to be a person, but I got to listen to the teacher, not to listen, this is the teacher's education. Again, I'm sorry that the student who was hit, the violence is likely to be hurt and it affects his future prospects. Finally, I'm sorry, this is my self-indulgence, a lack of self-restraint.

Since school, the school has repeatedly stressed the importance of learning discipline, discipline is necessary for learning, I don't own the good discipline, and even fight seriously damaged in the school discipline. Combat is a superficial phenomenon, into the heart of the reason, is the lack of rational thinking, problem solving, seeking temporary topic, violence as a means to solve the problem, not much said, the idea is not conducive to personal growth and development, said, this thought hindered the construction of a harmonious society, I am here to teachers, students and school leaders, to ensure that, ponder and reflect their inner errors, I hope the teacher and classmates turned over, give me a chance, I

promise, if we meet, I want to think twice before you do, no longer do not reckless behavior responsibility consciousness. < Student: * * *

< **** ** day.



英语检讨书格式 英语检讨书格式范文【一】Dear M.R Pan, After much soul-searching I can tell you a sentence “This is my first time to cheat,and it is also the last time.” You asked me for the reason. Now, I tell you the fact: During Chinese exam, Fan Chuxin had a problem about poem. So she asked me for help. Finally, I wrote the answer on the paper. I don’t know why I did it at that time. Now I realize that I've made a silly mistake. And I know this is a stain in my life. But it will remind me to

be honest every moment in the future. I think I need to thank that teacher because she gave me an opportunity to correct it. And I hope you can forgive me. Maybe you will wonder why I write this letter in English. Because Miss Xie always said:" We should always practice English." I hope you will understand me. Yours sincerely, Ivy Chan 英语检讨书格式范文【二】Dear Amanda: First, please accept my deep regret for the absent from the English class yesterday. I have recognized my fault for this absent and swear to attend all the English class in the rest of semester.


篇一:英语作业检查情况 英语作业检查总结 2014.5.20 本次英语作业检查了三种作业,5分钟测试小卷,活动手册和单元卷,情况如下: 一、作业情况: 1、教师布置的作业量适度,作业次数适量,作业批改及时,每次批改完后都有日期,大部分都批改了20多次。 3、活动手册上的习题有详尽的批改,每道题都有批改,对的打对号,错的打了斜线,便于学生修改后再进行二次批改,可见老师批改作业下了很大功夫。 4、作业和单元卷都能做到认真全批全改,四个单元批改了三个单元,并且有家长的签字。 二、不足及改进措施: 1、从检查的作业情况看,各年级普遍存在学生书写不规范,潦草现象,例如字母书写不规范,句子首字母没有大写,单词书写错误等等。老师要在上课时规范学生作业格式,强调书写要求。督促学生书写整洁、认真,让学生养成良好的学习习惯。 2、对于作业中的小错误,有的老师没有进行认真的纠正,学生书写过程中出现的小错误,老师要及时给予纠正,订正的作业教师应做二次批改,避免学生在订正中再出现错误。 3、部分教师在批改的时候,评价语太单一。可以给予多种评价方式,如:笑脸、加油、good、写简短的有针对性的评语、贴画等,来激励学生学习,激发学生兴趣。篇二:英语作业检查总结 英语作业检查总结 为了提高教学质量,了解教学情况,教导处又一次对英语作业进行了检查。总结如下: 一、作业的优点 1、本面整洁,作业写有针对性,有目标性。单词、词组、句子、课文内容一目了然,不杂乱。 2、教师批改及时。即使有学生错的再多,教师都认真批改,做到有错必纠。在批改中,教师给予多种评价方式,如:a、b等不同等第给予学生鼓励。这些做法激励学生学习,激发学生兴趣。 3、学生订正认真,各班的订正要求统一。 二、存在的不足 1、个别班级订正的批改不及时,个别学生的订正有漏批现象。 三、改进的措施 1、加强作业批改,提高批改质量,教师亲自认真批改,有利于评价学生,认识教学中的不足之处。 2、督促学生书写整洁、认真并及时给予纠正让学生订正,订正作业教师应批改,避免学生在订正中再出现错误。 教导处 2012、5、10篇三:小学英语作业检查小结 英语作业检查反馈 为了提高教学质量,了解教学情况,学校在组织了各学科作业检查活动。5月—6月教务处对英语组进行了作业检查。总结如下: 一、总体情况 教师都能按要求布置作业,在保证数量的基础上有所增加,作业能做到及时批改、师改,格式正确,作业上交率较高,并能督促学生订正。本次检查发现,大部分老师在平时都是认真对待,在批改中,老师们采取了等级制及多样的评价方式:小红旗、笑脸、加分、good/ great/ excellent等等,极大地鼓励了学生,激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。 二、值得表扬之处


情人检讨书_检讨书_范文大全 情人节写一份检讨书给生气的情人,是一个比较好的时机选择,要是需要参考请您对下文进行阅读: 本文编辑: 亲爱的大人: 就在这冬雪初融,万物回春的日子里,我们满怀激动的迎来了这一年中最甜蜜的节日——情人节。 可就在节日的前一天,我犯了一个很严重的错误,直接的后果就是导致您的手机从213晚上关机一直到214的晚上,QQ也完全没有反应,幸好您大人有大量,在佳节还未过时,终于肯跟我说话了。 在一个如此重要的节日里,不仅没有好好陪您,居然还莫名的跟您吵架,还耍大牌,不理您,着实是太不对了。 每次惹您生气,您总是能在最短的时间里好起来,可是我生您的气,直接一个多小时不理您,等着您来找我,您简直就是女中豪杰,洒脱而又拥有宽广的胸怀,和您比起来,我就显得太没有一点点男子汉的大度了。而且我更加不对的就是居然因为吃别人的醋就去怀疑您,这更加不对,本来就显得度量不够,再加上自己居然产生这种小女子般的想法,就知道您和我在一起,是多么的备受煎熬。有句古话是这么说的,天下为女子与小人难养也,直到今天才真正的意识到,您是需要多么豁达的气量才能和我这个爱和你闹别扭的小男人一路走过来。 情人节,没有对您说句甜言蜜语,没有为您送去香浓德芙,没有和您共进烛光晚餐,更没有陪您一起月下散步,还让您实在是无聊到去当别人的灯泡,看着别人幸福,我太惭愧了。 今天我们这里下雨了,不知道您那里的天气如何,从昨晚开始,我的心里就是雨一直下,白天自己在寝室,一直等着QQ,可是您没有理我,网上到处都是节日的气息,就连我听歌的酷狗上也是情歌不断。 “疲倦的書包它不問我是否寂寥無奈的始終孤單的走過每一秒雨水靜悄悄街上有人擁抱我聽得到沒有人知道口袋里我藏著你的味道想見你沒有你城市載炫也沒意義能不能給我更多的時間就躺在你身邊把這畫面你靜靜的臉溫柔的肩


工作失职检讨书范文6篇 工作失职是指工作人员对本职工作不认真负责,未依照规定履行自己的职务,致使单位或服务对象造成损失的行为。我们都会以检讨书形式表达自己的错误,深刻的反省,下面是出guo为大家的:工作失职检讨书范文,更多资讯尽在检讨书栏目! 尊敬的单位领导: 您好,我怀着无比愧疚和遗憾的心情向您递交这份工作失职的检讨书。关于我在电信机房管理工作中,因我个人的疏忽,工作的不到位,我没有能够细致地做完工程的所有进程,以至于让现场施工人员将0df机架的位置安装错误。 首先关于这项错误,我要做深刻地检讨,这是我工作上的最大疏忽、是工作失职。如今的我已是一名电信机房管理员,身处这个岗位我就应该深深意识自己所处岗位的作用,一名电信机房管理员是应该对电信机房所有施工作业做全程监督的,应该细心指导每个施工人员的具体工作,要对每一个环节都仔细分析。因为稍一放松就可以导致严重问题的出现,而一旦出现问题就会给公司、给集体带来严重的损失。 在此次的电信机房管理工作中,因为我个人的疏忽,没有监督好工人0df机架安装工作。但电缆线已安装好了,0df机架安装位置错误就需要重新移动,这样一来一回势必造成浪费,造成公司的损失。我对此表示深深的痛心和自责,此时此刻我的心情非常的不好,因此这项错误,我这段时间都不能够从中解脱出来。

出现问题,是谁都不愿意接受的现实。然而面对错误是需要很大勇气的,如今我已经鼓起了勇气去面对这项过错,我要用全部的精力投入到我下一步的工作当中。希望领导能够给我一次改过的机会,对于这项工作的错误,我也有一定自我认识,我还是一个电信机房管理新人,这是因为我经验不足造成的错误。但我不会以这个作为请求原谅的托词,因为错误终归是错误,我应该用于面对错误。 通过此次深刻的检讨,我深深地反思,我的犯错根本原因在于我个人的疏忽,没有全心、仔细的对待工作中的每一个环节,须知重要工作是容不得一点马虎的,我想我如何不很好的克服我工作疏忽这样缺点的话,我就会很难在工作岗位上有长远的发展。 针对我目前的错误,我决定用如下措施加以改正,也希望领导、同事们能够监督我,你们的一份监督就是对我的一份关心和重视。 1,针对我的工作责任感、工作失职,今后我要全身心投入工作,对于自己所辖职务做精心了解,对于每一个环节的施工都做好监督和管理。 2,今后我要像公司的优秀工作的同事学习,认真学习好的工作作风,从精神层面上提升我的工作理念,从根本上为我把今后的工作做好打基础。 通过此次深刻的检讨,请领导能够信任我。我今后一定认真努力地位公司做工作,为公司的发展献上自己微薄的一份力量。 检讨人:*** 20**年**月**日


becky 10 trade 4 friday 8:10am-10:10am room 301 today, i feel very sorry and ashamed to write down this essay for you to say about my bad behaviour in class. this essay also shows my deep thinking about making such a mistake and my decision that never make such mistakes anymore. i still remember that, at the first class, you have stressed and repeated many times that we should be responsible to ourselves, and nobody have to be responsible to us. in fact, i was deeply shocked by what you said and suddenly clearly understand the importance of independence at that time.i really agreed with your idea . all of us are adults now, we are not children anymore, and we can not relay on our parent just as when we were little. we must learn how to solve problems by ourselves. but it is a difficult process to make theory into pratice. in china education, it does not stress that us we should be responsible to ourselves, and our parents also do everything they think they can do for us. this is the education situation of china. so as time went by, we just get used to relying on others and do not try to do things by ourselves even we can do it easily. over the past 19 years, i get used to doing things what parents and teachers told us to do. but now, you insist that we have to be independent. suddenly,i can not depend on anyone. as a result, i feel very difficult to do everything and try every way to get help from others and we also feel nora is a very strict teacher and really afraid of you, tough all of us know that we can learn many things from nora. but we can not adore you at once,because what you teach is so different from our culture. that means we need time to get used . that we should read the number first, then read the word ,definition and the sentence we write. but when in my turn, which word is no number,i do not know how to express where the word is . while i asked my deskmate what should i do , nora just told me that i need to write a essay. in fact, at first, i feel very unfair because i just do not know how to express where the word is. if this condition was put forward in chinese class, we can just put forward our problems and then the teachers would help us to solve it. but now, no explain, no excuse, just write an essay as punishment. i suffered from injustice and really want to cry at that time. then i 1 explained that is life means that if you can not change the situation,then you just do it. in fact,there are many things that we can not change in our life. maybe when we meant without explain and excuse. at this case, the only solution is change ourselves to adjust the situation. as a matter of fact, 1000 words essay is a long essay for me. but after having a deep thinking, i understand that nora just use this way to teach us the principle that is life. at the same time, we also can pratice our writing skills. so, i really enjoy writing this essay,because in order to write something that i have to think deeply. as a result, i understand many things and feel ashamed for i misunderstand nora. sorry !nora. i also have a deep impression in you said that we will be busy-bees because our class will begin earlier and end later than normal. i nora, now, i realize my error. i did not read the material out chop chop, and it is a bad behaviour that wastes the time of not only you but also my classmates.


情人检讨书3篇_检讨书_范文大全 惹女友生气了,怎么办?为您带来一份男友写给女友的忏悔检讨书,情节写的比较动人,请您进行参考:本文 大人: 就在这冬雪初融,万物回春的日子里,我们满怀激动的迎来了这一年中最甜蜜的节日一一情人节。 可就在节日的前一天,我犯了一个很严重的错误,直接的后果就是导致您的手机从213晚上关机一直到214的晚上,qq也完全没有反应,幸好您大人有大量,在佳节还未过时,终于肯跟我说话了。 在一个如此重要的节日里,不仅没有好好陪您,居然还莫名的跟您吵架,还耍大牌,不理您,着实是太不对了。 每次惹您生气,您总是能在最短的时间里好起来,可是我生您的气,直接一个多小时不理您,等着您来找我,您简直就是女中豪杰,洒脱而又拥有宽广的胸怀,和您比起来,我就显得太没有一点点男子汉的大度了。而且我更加不对的就是居然因为吃别人的醋就去怀疑您,这更加不对,本来就显得度量不够,再加上自己居然产生这种小女子般的想法,就知道您和我在一起,是多么的备受煎熬。 有句古话是这么说的,天下为女子与小人难养也,直到今天才真正的意识到,您是需要多么豁达的气量才能和我这个爱和你闹别扭的小男人一路走过来。 情人节,没有对您说句甜言蜜语,没有为您送去香浓德芙,没有和您共进烛光晚餐,更没有陪您一起月下散步,还让您实在是无聊到去当别人的灯泡,看着别人幸福,我太惭愧了。 今天我们这里下雨了,不知道您那里的天气如何,从昨晚开始,我的心里就是雨一直下,白天自己在寝室,一直等着qq,可是您没有理我,网上到处都是 节日的气息,就连我听歌的酷狗上也是情歌不断。 这段话,是我听着歌的时候写的,部分是歌词,部分是原创。歌词就像是写我们的故事,如此贴切,如此真实,因为总是被您的仁慈给笼罩,所以我显得肆无忌惮,挥霍着您给的爱。突然发现在我的世界里,顿时没有了您的消息,感觉


关于工作的检讨书范文 检讨书范文一 尊敬的xx-x: 10月30日——11月3日,我没有按照中心的规章制度,规定程序请假,严重违反了中心的规章制度。今天,我认真反思,深刻自剖,为自己的行为感到了深深地愧疚和不安,在此,我谨向各位领导做出深刻检讨,并将我的思想反思结果向领导汇报如下: 通过这件事,我感到这虽然是一件偶然发生的事情,但同时也是长期以来对自己放松要求,工作做风涣散的必然结果。经过几天的反思,我对自己这段时间的工作成长经历进行了详细回忆和分析。记得刚上班的时候,我对自己的要求还是比较高的,遵守相关规章制度,从而努力完成各项工作。但近段时间以来,由于工作也比较熟悉了,尤其是领导对我的关怀和帮助使我感到温暖的同时,也慢慢开始放松了对自己的要求,反而认为自己已经做得很好了。因此,这次发生的事使我不仅感到是自己的耻辱,更为重要的是我感到对不起领导对我的信任,愧对领导的关心 同时,在这件事中,我还感到,自己在工作责任心上仍就非常欠缺。众所周知,员工一定要有规范的行为准则,工作时间我却xxxx,这充分说明,我从思想上没有把单位的规章制度,处事的方式方法重视起来,这也说明,我对自己的工作没有足够的责任心,也没有把自己的工作做得更好,也没给自己注入走上新台阶的思想动力。在自己的思想中,仍就存在得过且过,应付思想。现在,我深深感到后悔莫及,这是一个非常危险的倾向,也是一个极其不好的苗头,如果不是领导及时发现,并要求自己深刻反省,而放任自己继续放纵和发展,那么,后果是极其严重的,甚至都无法想象会发生怎样的工作失误。因此,通过这件事,在深感痛心的同时,我也感到了幸运,感到了自己觉醒的及时,这在我今后的人生成长道路上,无疑是一次关键的转折。所以,在此,我在向领导做出检讨的同时,也向你们表示发自内心的感谢。 此外,我也看到了这件事的恶劣影响,如果在我们这个集体中形成了这种目无组织纪律观念,不良风气,我们工作的提高将无从谈起。因此,这件事的后果是严重的,影响是恶劣的。 发生这件事后,我知道无论怎样都不足以弥补自己的过错。因此,我忠心的恳求中心领导能够接受我真诚的歉意,并能来监督我,指正我。我也衷心的


英文检讨书格式 检讨书(也称认识书)是指在学习或工作中出现了问题或过错后,以书面的形式,对出现的问题或过错作出的’检讨,并且改正。下面我们来看一下英文的检讨书吧。 英文检讨书范文一: Distinguished teacher of life: Hello! about themselves too cheeky behavior at night a few days before, here, I express deep apologies to you. Down, me in a serious reflection on one's own behavior, and believe you should be from the in-depth review of the following aspects: 1.Error help students. Because of their immature, consider not comprehensive enough. In order to avoid warning students and dispose of, and make such an unwise move, another classmate for help, make inappropriate moves. Although in the short term, may help students to temporarily avoid the mistake should bear the responsibility and punishment; but in the long run, this is not only not conducive to student recognition and correction of errors in a timely manner, also greatly increased the difficulty teachers for students of management, prevent schools on students ' grasp of the overall situation. 2. The idea of awareness is not high enough. As a college student should understand the importance of honesty, but knowingly. After the teacher of ideological education, I understand that their behavior is wrong. I should not help students as an excuse for intentionally concealing the actual situation, preventing teacher implementation of good management work. By this matter, I also recognize that teacher's serious and high sense of responsibility. Despite the cold winter, the teacher remains regardless of the interests, at 11 o'clock at night-time mission despite the curfew time, the teacher in order to lead us down the right way, we spent a lot of time off to be guided and educational. Let the students correct and I understand their own behavior, and through future performance correction and make up for the errors committed today.


致情人的检讨书_检讨书 致情人的检讨书 亲爱的大人:就在这冬雪初融,万物回春的日子里,我们满怀激动的迎来了这一年中最甜蜜的节日——情人节。可就在节日的前一天,我犯了一个很严重的错误,直接的后果就是导致您的手机从213晚上关机一直到214的晚上,qq也完全没有反应,幸好您大人有大量,在佳节还未过时,终于肯跟我说话了。在一个如此重要的节日里,不仅没有好好陪您,居然还莫名的跟您吵架,还耍大牌,不理您,着实是太不对了。每次惹您生气,您总是能在最短的时间里好起来,可是我生您的气,直接一个多小时不理您,等着您来找我,您简直就是女中豪杰,洒脱而又拥有宽广的胸怀,和您比起来,我就显得太没有一点点男子汉的大度了。而且我更加不对的就是居然因为吃别人的醋就去怀疑您,这更加不对,本来就显得度量不够,再加上自己居然产生这种小女子般的想法,就知道您和我在一起,是多么的备受煎熬。有句古话是这么说的,天下为女子与小人难养也,直到今天才真正的意识到,您是需要多么豁达的气量才能和我这个爱和你闹别扭的小男人一路走过来。情人节,没有对您说句甜言蜜语,没有为您送去香浓德芙,没有和您共进烛光晚餐,更没有陪您一起月下散步,还让您实在是无聊到去当别人的灯泡,看着别人幸福,我太惭愧了。今天我们这里下雨了,不知道您那里的天气如何,从昨晚开始,我的心里就是雨一直下,白天自己在寝室,一直等着qq,可是您没有理我,网上到处都是节日的气息,就连我听歌的酷狗上也是情歌不断。“疲倦的書包它不問我是否寂寥無奈的始終孤單的走過每一秒雨水靜悄悄街上有人擁抱我聽得到沒有人知道口袋里我藏著你的味道想見你沒有你城市載炫也沒意義能不能給我更多的時間就躺在你身邊把這畫面你靜靜的臉溫柔的肩記在心裏面還是會害怕醒來不在你身邊的時候我還是會還是會不知所措我們的愛情路很多艱難困苦我們都想清楚不要自我保護安心的交給我你的全部我承受不了你消失在我世界里的痛”我們的開始是很長的電影放映了半年我票都還留著就想賴著不走想像著你抱著我的溫度”你存在我深深的腦海里我的夢裡我的心裡世界太大為何我們相遇這就是天意你存在我深深的腦海里我們一起穿越過城市的大街小巷我們一起看過漫天煙火公園的每一個角落都留下過我們的足跡還記得我們一起寫下祝福還記得我們一起放飛許願燈穿越茫茫的人海我都緊緊的抓住你不希望就這樣子丟了你我們還有很長的故事要寫下去劇本中我們是主角誰都不可以退場”这段话,是我听着歌的时候写的,部分是歌词,部分是原创。歌词就像是写我们的故事,如此贴切,如此真实,因为总是被您的仁慈给笼罩,所以我显得肆无忌惮,挥霍着您给的爱。突然发现在我的世界里,顿时没有了您的消息,感觉不到您的疼爱,才知道您对我是多么的重要,才意识到曾经的我是多么的幸福。因为自己的小气行为我已经得到了惩罚,在情人节的21又50分钟里,听了十次“您所拨打的用户已关机”,在这段时间里,寻不到您的任何消息,我内心备受煎熬,看在我如此虔诚忏悔的份上,可不可以原谅我。此致敬礼致情人的检讨书相关内容:大学生晚归违纪检讨书 尊敬的辅导员:您好!对于这个学期所犯的错误,我想了很多,对自己进行了深刻地反省。我现在很懊悔,为自己的行为感到非常地羞愧。大一开始,我就从严要求自己,立志做一个遵纪守法,做一个能给身边同学带来积极影响的好学生。 班干部工作失职检讨书 尊敬的领导: 我怀着愧疚和懊悔写下这份检讨书,以表示对有我班的学生在宿舍存放并使用大功率电器这种违纪行为的深刻认识。在学校有明文规定的情况下,我班学生还擅自使用大功率电器。我感到很抱歉,因为这是我的工作没有做到位的原因。


英语没考好检讨书_检讨书_范文大全 通过这次检讨,我已经有了觉醒与感悟。在今后的英语学习当中,我会更加懂得如何学好英语,我也会尽可能得多抽出时间来培养英语学习兴趣,通过与学习好的同学搞好关系,向她们求教英语学习的窍门,争取在今后的一段时间里切实得提高自身的英语水平。下面是关于英语没考好检讨书范文,欢迎阅读参考! 英语没考好检讨书(一) 尊敬的英语老师: 时间过得飞快,期末考试落下了帷幕。在每一次期末考试之后,始终有人高兴有人伤感。不幸的是,这一次我成了后者。半载艰苦卓绝的学习,到头来期末成绩不理想,让我深深地怀有一份失落感。 期末英语成绩不理想,就为本学期的情况画了失败的标签。因此,我要做了一个深刻反思,经过深思熟虑,我了解到了自身存在的问题,也请多多批评指正。 1,思想意识水平不够高。思想意识是一个学生成才、提高成绩的基本条件,我没有清晰地意识到什么是学生的基本任务,学生的基本任务就是学习。 2,没有正确的学习态度。思想与态度是互补的关系,一个端正的学习态度,塑造一个认真学习的学生,是提高成绩的重要基础。用正确的学习态度对待学习,以正确的思想觉悟看待考试,将每一阶段的学习、测验重视起来,没有提高不了的学习成绩。 3,基本知识不扎实。英语学习讲究平时积累,考试零食抱佛脚是作用不大的。我平时就是少了一些英语知识积累,这是不可否认的缺点。 总而言之,学习成绩的提高,可以通过练习达到目标,可这不是一朝一夕的事,“千里之行始于足下”,我要从基础抓起,纠正我的这些小毛病、小问题。从今往后,我要一步步踏实巩固基础知识,努力奋斗,艰苦卓绝,精益求精,争取在下一年期末考出理想的好成绩! 检讨人: 20xx年xx月xx日 英语没考好检讨书(二) 我怀着愧疚的心情,写下这份检查.以向您表示我的决心和悔改之意,只希望


英语检讨书 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! the mistakes that he would like a lot of things,reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful,very air itself committed to the iron law school,but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mistakes,committed by their own error is a shame。 schools in a school on the repeated injunctions,has repeatedly stressed that school discipline school to remind students not in violation of school rules,but i did not,then schools and teachers in mind,there is no attention to the teacher to say,there is no emphasis on the promulgation of the important issues in schools,as if they were heeded,these should not be。is also a lack of respect for teachers。teachers should bear in mind that in mind,then,the school discipline school rules promulgated minds。 after that,i would like to cool for a long time,the mistakes i have not only brought trouble to their own,held up their own learning。such an act and i also


致情人的检讨书范例 亲爱的大人: 就在这冬雪初融,万物回春的日子里,我们满怀激动的迎来了这一年中最甜蜜的节日――情人节。 可就在节日的前一天,我犯了一个很严重的错误,直接的后果就是导致您的手机从213晚上关机一直到214的晚上,qq也完全没有反应,幸好您大人有大量,在佳节还未过时,终于肯跟我说话了。 在一个如此重要的节日里,不仅没有好好陪您,居然还莫名的跟您吵架,还耍大牌,不理您,着实是太不对了。 每次惹您生气,您总是能在最短的时间里好起来,可是我生您的气,直接一个多小时不理您,等着您来找我,您简直就是女中豪杰,洒脱而又拥有宽广的胸怀,和您比起来,我就显得太没有一点点男子汉的大度了。而且我更加不对的就是居然因为吃别人的醋就去怀疑您,这更加不对,本来就显得度量不够,再加上自己居然产生这种小女子般的想法,就知道您和我在一起,是多么的备受煎熬。有句古话是这么说的,天下为女子与小人难养也,直到今天才真正的意识到,您是需要多么豁达的气量才能和我这个爱和你闹别扭的小男人一路走过来。 情人节,没有对您说句甜言蜜语,没有为您送去香浓德芙,没有和您共进烛光晚餐,更没有陪您一起月下散步,还

让您实在是无聊到去当别人的灯泡,看着别人幸福,我太惭愧了。 今天我们这里下雨了,不知道您那里的天气如何,从昨晚开始,我的心里就是雨一直下,白天自己在寝室,一直等着qq,可是您没有理我,网上到处都是节日的气息,就连我听歌的酷狗上也是情歌不断。 “疲倦的书包它不问我是否寂寥无奈的始终孤单的走过每一秒雨水静悄悄街上有人拥抱我听得到没有人知道口袋里我藏着你的味道想见你没有你城市载炫也没意义能不能给我更多的时间就躺在你身边把这画面你静静的脸温柔的肩记在心面还是会害怕醒来不在你身边的时候我还是会还是会不知所措我们的爱情路很多艰难困苦我们都想清楚不要自我保护安心的交给我你的全部我承受不了你消失在我世界里的痛”我们的开始是很长的电影放映了半年我票都还留着就想赖着不走想像着你抱着我的温度”你存在我深深的脑海里我的梦里我的心里世界太大为何我们相遇这就是天意你存在我深深的脑海里我们一起穿越过城市的大街小巷我们一起看过漫天烟火公园的每一个角落都留下过我们的足迹还记得我们一起写下祝福还记得我们一起放飞许愿灯穿越茫茫的人海我都紧紧的抓住你不希望就这样子丢了你我们还有很长的故事要写下去剧本中我们是主角谁都不可以退场”


单位违规检讨书范文三篇 【导语】通常很多人犯错,已知道悔改,但是一定要写500字、1000字甚至2000字或更多的检讨书,当拿好纸笔准备动手写的时候却不知从何下笔,没关系来看看整理的单位违规检讨书范文吧。 【篇一】单位违规检讨书范文 尊敬的各位领导: 我是便民大厅xx窗口工作人员xxx,在x月22日上午的上班过程中,工作QQ上有一个朋友发来网站链接,我随手点开查看,打开后发现是一个淘宝商品页面,我随意查看后将其关闭,但是这个举动被纪委工作人员发现,并通知的了党政办。事后,我发现酿成了大错,这次违纪行为给镇党委和*抹了黑,我深深的不安和自责,做出了深刻的检讨。经过领导的批评教育我深刻认识到自己的错误,我认为造成这次违纪行为的主要原因是个人思想麻痹,作风松懈,纪律责任感缺失。虽然此次上淘宝网站是个偶然事件,但也是长期以来我对自己放松要求,工作作风涣散的恶果,这次事件给镇上工作产生了不良的影响,我相当后悔和自责,如果继续放纵纪律的缺失和作风的涣散,导致的后果将更加严重,在此,我对领导的批评教育表示内心的感谢,并保证: 1、加强机关行政效能作风学习,提高认识,转变作风。乡镇便民大厅作为最基层的一级*机构服务窗口,作为党委*

和人民群众的“连心桥”,便民大厅窗口人员更应该以身作则,严于律己,以后我要加强行政效能规章制度学习,严守工作纪律,热情高效地为群众服务,做一名合格的便民服务大厅工作人员。 2、由于此次违纪行为给镇上带来了负面影响,在以后的工作中,我要更加勤勉的工作,认真做好责任分工和领导交办的临时任务,多和领导、同事沟通,以实际的工作成绩来表示自己的觉醒,弥补自己的过失,以加倍努力的工作来为镇*做出积极的贡献。 3、对于已经发生的错误我还要继续深刻反省,深入总结,狠抓落实,改正错误,把自己的教训和经验分享给同事,避免他们再犯同样的错误,同时,也请领导和同事们对我继续加强监督,帮助我改正缺点,使我取得更大的进步。 检讨人: x年x月x日 【篇二】单位违规检讨书范文 昆明市XX局: 根据《高度重视认真做好规范津贴补贴工作》相关要求,按照昆明市科技局统一部署,我单位高度重视,结合单位实际情况,认真开展津贴补贴发放情况自查工作,在自查工作中,没有违规发放津贴补贴情况,现将情况报告如下 一、津贴补贴项目和标准情况 1、我单位自20xx年起执行绩效工资制度,严格按《昆


Good good study, abide by the rules and disciplines is each of us students should do, is also the fine traditions of the Chinese nation virtue, but we as contemporary students but no better put it continue down. Like many Chinese young people all don't know how the double ninth festival, but solemn been to Christmas. We are all in ignorance lost discipline, do not understand their own learning objective... Take the loving water gravity, an information class, noisy boiling, the teacher you several times sorrowful, CiChou difficult to disappear in the heart, for our ignorance, especially to your review. First of all, I as XueWei no organized students quiet in class, cause the classmates speak seriously. But the most direct reason is that our own binding sent, the classroom content is finished, feel nothing to do; Indirect reason is that we want to do something outside of their things, unavoidable mutual exchanges, voice unscrupulously, slowly information lesson is boiling. Of course, this can't be ZiXiKe don't abide by the rules of the reason. Lu xun said... Goethe said... We only have the earnest resonsideration, looking for error behind the deep roots, to recognize the essence of the problem, can give the collective and own a hand over to treat, thus to progress. The top self-study speech against the class gauge, influence the normal operation of the work, this is not loyal, a sin. And have failed to live up to the great parents to I sincerely hope that, what a waste of time to study at school, but unfilial, two sin. More let teacher you for this effort, sad disappointed, this is heartless, three sin... In writing this review, I feel their own ignorance, very regret. Finally, the trouble the teacher time consuming to review we write self-criticism, I now thoroughly understand the teacher education of our well-meaning... ZiXiKe don't abide by the rules, is not a negligible things! As long as we both have very good constraint ability, independent learning ability, in the ZiXiKe there would be no excuses, no reason for speech exculpate! We have only conscientious thinking life have so much to do, so many burdens to carry, there is no reason in normal ZiXiKe class the don't abide by the rules. In order to thank the teacher's chun chun teachings, I hereby guarantee if there is an important opportunity to put in my in front, I do I can management students, never let the teacher disappointed. Please teacher understanding me this one mistake!
