Going Home

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பைடு நூலகம்
7.tide 潮汐;潮流,趋势;支持…度过一段困 难的时光 搭配 go/swim with the tide 顺应潮流 go/swim against the tide 逆潮流 turn the tide (against) 彻底改变形势(造成 对…不利),扭转潮流 语境 Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等 人。 The country has decided that swimming with the global tide is the only way to survive. 这个国家认识到:要想生存,唯一的办法就是 融入到全球的发展浪潮中去。

He sat in front of the young people, his dusty face masking his age, dressed in a plain brown suit that did not fit him. 文章中对Vingo的外贸描述只用寥寥数字, 但却十分传神,“饱经风霜的脸颊,不合 身的棕色上衣”让读者对这位沉默寡言的 人产生了种种猜想,也为下文故事情节的 展开打下了基础。His dusty face masking his age为独立主格结构,即动词mask在分 句中有自己真正的主语his musty face而不 是主句的he,而与之并列的过去分词短语 dressed in a plain brown suit that did not fit him作状语,表示主语he的状态。

4.engage 使从事,使忙于;吸引,占用(时 间、精力等);雇用,聘用;使订婚,与…交 战;(in)从事于,参加 搭配 be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚 be engaged to do sth. 被雇用来做… be engaged in doing sth. 忙于…,从事… 语境 The servant is engaged to her boss. 女佣 与她的主人订婚了。 The servant is engaged to clean the car. 佣 人被雇来清洗汽车。 The servant is engaged in cleaning the car. 佣人正忙于清洗汽车。 I’m engaged for this tango. 已经有人约我跳 这支探戈舞了。

8.triumph 凯旋,胜利,成功;成功的喜悦; 获得成功 语境 Our win over the college team was a great triumph. 我们战胜大学校队是巨大的胜利。 搭配 triumph over 战胜 I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world; that it alone can overcome hate; that right can and will triumph over might. 我相信爱是世界上最强大的事物,只有爱 能压倒恨;而且相信正义能够且最终会战胜强 权。

5.mask 面具,面罩;用面具遮住,伪装, 遮盖 语境 His smile masked his anger. 他的微笑掩盖了他的愤怒。 搭配 under a/the mask of … 戴着…的面具, 借口… He collected money under a mask of charity. 他借慈善之名敛财。
They were dreaming of golden beaches and sea tides as the grey, cold spring of New York vanished behind them. 简单一句话便概括了故事发生的时间、地点, 甚至都包含了人物的精神状。句中的grey和 cold两个词在意义上与golden beaches and sea tides形成对比,衬托出两地完全不同的景象, 为向往阳光的年轻人此时的心情做铺垫。此句 含有由连接词as引导的时间状语从句,文中还 有多处有此类用法,同学们适当留意。
IV. 课文简介

本文为记叙文。讲述了一个有关人间亲情的感人故 事。故事发生在一个带给人希望的春天,主要场景 是在一辆前往佛罗里达度假的车上,车上除了外出 旅行的六个年轻人,还有一名乘客温格。温格的沉 默寡言、神秘的举止引起了年轻人的好奇。最后在 其中一个女孩儿的追问下,温格讲起了自己的往事。 她是个刚刚获得假释的罪犯,在狱中他曾经给妻子 写过信,表达了自己的愧疚和歉意,并表示即使妻 子改嫁他人自己也毫无怨言,而后就没有联系。如 今在不能确定妻子是否能够接受自己的情况下,温 格告诉妻子,如果她在小镇入口处的大橡树上系上 一条黄丝带,则代表着接受他,那他就回家;否则 他将随车而去,远走他乡。就在汽车驶入乡镇的刹 那,年轻人看到了满树的黄丝带,欣喜若狂;温格 则热泪盈眶地下车踏上了回家之路。

6.retreat 退却,撤退;后退 语境 Thousands of soldiers died on the retreat. 数千士兵在撤退途中死亡。 搭配 force sb. to retreat 强迫某人撤退: The opposition groups forced the government to retreat on their proposed pay legislation. 反对派强制政府撤销他们提议的偿 付法案。 retreat from…to… 从…撤退到… The defeated army had to retreat hastily from the field of battle to the coast. 败军被迫仓皇地从战场向海岸撤退。

2.banner 横幅;旗,旗帜 辨析 A flag usually represents a country or an organization, while a banner usually carries a message or is for decoration. 国旗或旗帜通常代表国家或是组织,而标 语旗通常传达信息或用作装饰。 搭配 under the banner of 在…的旗帜下, 以…的名义 She fought the election under the banner of equal rights. 她打着平等的旗号参加了竞选。

vanish 突然消失,消散;消逝,绝迹 语境 The airplane vanished into the clouds. 飞机消失在云层里。 Some huge American industries, such as electronic industry, had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition. 一些美国工业的巨头,例如电子行业,在外国竞 争下不断缩小甚至消失。 辨析 disappear, vanish, fade disappear 指急速地或逐渐地或突然地从视线中 消失 vanish 突然不见,消失,指“化为乌有”,常指 非常彻底的,而且往往是神秘莫测地“消失”、 “失踪”。如:With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit vanish. 魔术师手一挥,那 只兔子就不见了。 fade (颜色)褪去,(声音)衰减下去

The 1960’s—70’s was a very trying time for the American people, as the country was deeply troubled by its involvement in the Vietnam War. It was a time when such traditional values as human sympathy, understanding, trust and love seemed to be losing out. Through the experience of a former prisoner and his journey with a group of people, the story seems to express a strong desire for “going home”, where such good old values are to be found again.

由 www.americanfamilytr 可知,挂 出黄丝带代表对家庭、 朋友或是爱人的忠诚, 欢迎他们回家。通常 是欢迎那些离家很长 时间而又经历了特别 的困苦环境,如战争 或坐牢的家人回到温 馨的家。

The text is based on “Yellow Ribbon”, a story written in the 1960’s by Pete Hamill, a successful American journalist and author. The story was made into a Japanese movie in 1977 in which the song “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree” became quite popular in the United States.
1.approach 靠近,接近;与…打交道;探讨, 处理,看待;方法;途径 例句 Silently we approached the enemy’s camp. 我们静悄悄地逼近敌人的营地。 He is difficult to approach. 和他打交道很难。 搭配 an easy approach to math 学数学的窍门 approach sb. on/about sth. 为某事同某人打 交道
Going Home
Pete Hamill
背景知识 黄丝带传统 关于作者 课文简介 单词学习 疑难解析 相关短语


本文故事背景为20世纪60年代的美国。60至 70年代的美国年轻一代是极为不安分的一代, 出现了反对政府参与越南战争和所有社会不公 正现象的极端的学生运动,许多年轻人蔑视传 统、国教,辍学以寻求物质和精神上的谋生方 式。富裕出身的孩子纷纷逃离家庭,试图通过 与家庭决裂确立自己新的身份,他们以清贫为 自豪。当时,人类的同情心、理解、信任和爱 这样的传统价值观似乎将消失殆尽。本文通过 一个假释犯人与一群年轻人共乘一辆车的经历, 表达了一种强烈的“回家”的欲望。作者呼吁 人们再次找回那些优秀的价值观。

辨析 triumph, victory triumph 现在常指借喻性的“胜利”: The Yangtze Bridge is a great triumph of modern civil engineering. 长江大桥是现代土木建筑工程史上的一 大成功之作。 victory 指军事上的“胜利” We won a decisive victory over the enemy. 我们对敌取得了决定性的胜利。

3.chew 咀嚼,嚼碎;深思,回味,体味(某 事物) 例句 Chew your food well before you swallow it. 吞咽食物前要细嚼。 We should chew on the difficulties ahead. 我们应该先考虑难题。 语境 Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. (Bacon) 书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则须咀 嚼消化。(培根)