

商务英语听力 2 –作业1

姓名______________ 学号__________________ 分数___________________ Ⅰ. Listen to the five phone conversations two times . Choose an adjective from the following to describe the male speaker in each call. (3points x 5)

(《体验商务英语--听说教程2》光盘,第一课Telephone Impression部分Call 1-5) Sympathetic efficient curt helpful suspicious

Call 1:____curt___ Call 2:___suspicious____ Call 3: ____sympathetic___ Call 4:___efficient____ Call 5: ____helpful___

Ⅱ. Listen to Call 2 again and complete the sentences with the words below.(2pointsx8)(《体验商务英语-听说教程2》光盘.第1课Telephone Impression部分Call 2)

consumer inflation fishy break schemes reliably guaranteed fiscal Woman: And if you take out the Personal Savings Plan with us, within the next month you’ll benefit form a ________ extra half a percent interest rate, together

with a significant tax _______. As a matter of fact, the government is likely

to be announcing _______ measures to encourage personal investment in

savings _______ within the next few weeks.

Man: How do you know that?

Woman: Well, it’s been _______ reported in the financial press and the Chancellor has gone on record to say that he wants to make sure that individuals are

investing now for their future and not spending their money on _______

goods, because that would encourage _______.

Man: But I thought he wanted to lower interest rates.

Woman: Yes----but the rate you agree to now is guaranteed for the duration of the scheme whatever happens.

Man: Sounds a bit _______ to me.

Ⅲ. Listen to Call 3 two more times and fill in the blanks. (2points x 5)

(《体验商务英语--听说教程2》光盘,第一课Telephone Impression部分Call 3) Woman: Do you realize the position this _puts____ __?

Man: Well I _____ __the difficulty and I can…

Woman: We’ve been waiting _______ for this order to arrive.

Man: Yes, I quite understand that this puts you in a difficult position.


______ ____________________________________________________. Ⅳ. Listen to Call 4 two more times and fill in the blanks. (2points x 8)

(《体验商务英语--听说教程2》光盘,第一课Telephone Impression部分Call 4) Man: Right, OK, just let me read back those details again. You would like to ________ the sum of 15000—that’s one five thousand---________ pounds from your account at the Allied Irish Bank, _______ Street, Dublin into your ________ franc account domiciled at Credit Lyonnais, 35 rue Pasteur, Paris_________.


____________________ __________________________ at Credit Lyonnais? Woman: Um 000.

Man: Ok, so that’s 000. And your name is Helen Lenihan.

_____________________________________________________________? Woman: L-e-n-i-h-a-n.

Man: Right. Thank you very much.

Ⅴ. Listen to Call 5 two more times and decide whether the following are true or false. (2points x 5) (《体验商务英语--听说教程2》光盘,第一课Telephone Impression部分Call 5)

( f ) 1. The woman is not urgent.

( t ) 2. The woman thinks it’s too long for her to wait.

( t ) 3. The woman accepts the man’s advice.

( f ) 4. The man is reluctant to help the woman.

( f) 5. The man is efficient.

Ⅵ. You will hear a potential client (Mr. Hamilton) and a salesman talking about a new line of products. Then you decide which answer is right. (4 points x 4) (《体验商务英语--听说教程2》光盘,第一课Effective Telephoning部分) Listen to the first version of the conversation two times:

( ) 1. What is the product?

A. Ceramic wall tiles.

B. Plastic wall tiles.

C. Wallpaper glue.

( ) 2. Why isn’t Mr. Hamilton interested?

A. He doesn’t have enough r oom in his store.

B. The discount isn’t attractive enough.

C. We don’t know.

Listen to the second version of the conversation two times:

( ) 3. In what way can the salesman help Mr. Hamilton?

A. By supplying him with some products he wants.

B. By changing the design on the tiles.

C. By changing the carpet design. ( ) 4. In what way was the salesman more effective in the second version?

A. He was more aggressive.

B. He made a special offer.

C. He listened to his client.

Ⅶ. In the interview, a sales manager, Simon Hales, has just been fired by one of the company’s directors. Simon goes straight into the CEO’s office to demand an explanation. Listen to the dialogue three times and answer the question.

(5points ) (《体验商务英语—听说教程2》第二课Breaking Bad News.部分) Question: What is the main reason for Simon’s dismissal?

Answer:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Ⅷ. Listen to the interview about the development of teleworking three times and decide whether the following are true or false. (2points x 5)


( t) 1. Teleworking is a new concept.

( f) 2. Teleworking usually refers to work that can be done at home.

( f ) 3. Mobile teleworking refers to work that can be done on the phone.

( t) 4. The telecottage is usually located in rural areas and serves as a kind of employment agent putting distant companies in touch with local people to do the work.

( t )5. Telecommuting means less travel than a traditional workplace.
