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Design for flow-control valve and conseal

valve of Beel-less Blast Furnace Top


The blastfurnace is an important iron and steel smelting equipment, the blastfurnace production is the main method to obtain a mass of pig irons. The principle of high blast furnace smelting iron oxide is reduced to carbon-containing impurities such as Si-Mn cast iron parathion. The charginge quipment of furnace top is sued to load the stuff to a stove and make furnace chargescatter rationally within the stove, and the equipment must play a part in the furnace tophermetic sealing at the same time. The rapid development of modern industry, technology-led development of the iron and steel metallurgy, traditional furnace top equipment has many shortcomings, such ascomplicated structure, bad capability of preeurization. There are several advantages in this new type equipment ,it has the simpler structure,high drively efficiency,light weight, flexible distributing charg,standout hermeticcapability and so on, and all the characteristics can satisfy the request of extra-highpressure and the mainframe furnace. The key design mainly includes flow control valve and sealed valve and so on. Included the choice of hydraulic pressure cylinder, the basic parameter of the fretsaw machine’s choice and account, important parts of the design and strength check, as well as some standard parts selection and verification, such as bearings, keys, such as hydraulic cylinders. Bell-less top of the equipment simplified the structure to meet the requirements of modern large-scale production blast furnace top for the future development and research provides a new direction.

Key words:blast furnace bell,top equipment, blast furnace smelting, high-pressure operation, flow-control valve and, sealed valve


摘要............................................................................................... I Abstract ....................................................................................... II 1.绪论 (1)

1.1选题的目的和背景 (1)

1.1.1选题的目的 (1)

1.1.2选题的背景 (1)

1.2高炉炉顶设备发展现状及趋势 (2)

1.3 无料钟炉顶布料器 (2)

1.3.1无料钟炉顶的组成和操作流程 (2)

1.3.2无料钟炉顶发展的方向 (3)

1.4 其他形式的高炉炉顶装置 (4)

1.4.1钟式炉顶布料器 (4)

1.4.2钟阀式炉顶布料器 (5)

1.5设计目标概述 (6)

1.5.1 上密封阀 (6)

1.5.2上截料阀 (7)

1.6设计的目的及任务 (8)

2.无料钟炉顶的总体方案设计 (9)

2.1串罐式和并罐式的结构与分析比较 (9)

2.1.1串罐式和并罐式炉顶结构 (9)

2.1.2串罐式和并罐式的分析比较 (11)

2.2设计方案的确定 (12)

2.2.1上截料阀的运动分析 (12)

2.2.2上截料阀传动方案的确定 (12)

2.2.3上密封阀传动方案的确定 (13)

2.2.4上密封阀执行和驱动方案的确定 (13)
