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铸 造
Sep.2018 VoI.67 NO.9
DD5单 晶高 温 合 金 在 长 期 时效 和持 久性 能 试 验 中的 相 演 化
引、永辉 ,高 强 ,唐 晓华 ,刘而 荣 ,彭 志 江 ,张 明俊
东北 大 学 所材料 技 术研 究院 ,辽 宁 沈 阳 1 10819;2.沈 阳 _r-,lk大 学 材 料 科 学 与 工程 学 院 , 辽 宁 沈 阳 I 1087() 3.中航 动 力精 密 铸 造 科 技 有限 公 司 ,辽 宁 沈 lI-1 I 1o043)
J 1小i山j盟一I,fl0 ; 【J JJ rN) 他 彤 l l f l J¨ J设 念 j (ti1 038 c’/1 72 MPat f t:1 ” J /\ f· ; fI『I1jfJkI
J’Ii J。 Jn0N sli,!
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
关键 词 :DD5f(i , 合 : K jIl1J’设 :持 久忡能 ; 十I1; ‘.}欠筱状 纰
中图分 类号 :TGl46.2 文献 标 识码 :A 文章编 号 :1 0()1—4977 (20l 8)09—0778—04
Evolution of Phase in DD5 Single Crystal Superalloy During
Long Term Aging and Stress Rupture Tests
SUN Yong—hui。.GAO Qiang .TANG Xiao—hua!,LIU Li—rong ,PENG Zhi-jiang ,ZHANG Ming-jun
f 1 Institute 0r Ad\ anted M aterial fcchnology.Nol’thcastm‘i1 U nix el’sity.Shcnyang 1 l 08 1 9.I—iaoning.China: School ol、M ale]’ills Science and t: .nginccl‘ing,Shenyang Univet‘sity ol’Technology Shenyang I 1 0870 Liaoning.('hina

Undel’the condition 0f 1 038 C /1 72 M Pa ii1 the alloy after long tel’lll aging the primary phase 、~ as tl’/Ills r【11.reed jnto the N type I’a m icl‘OStl+UCture.which was pel’pendicular to the tensile stress. Key words: DD5 single crystal superalloy:long tel 111 aging:stress rupture; phase;secondal‘Y raf i
摘 要 :(i11:' 5,'e 5 rDD5t I 。
热处川。急 、tCz 1011i、1放怠 (I 100℃/500 h) 持 ,人 r 戍过 ‘㈨ 十l_ftii化
U itjj: 1 Ioo C’¨ J设 500 11 JI , 十I1个: Il1、 ,J‘f水 ;怠 々化JJ ;#4/tfH;',Jt, Jl f小通 i 宽 J誓接 j ^y 十_l 范J芝ji fJ ¨{k :l { 状
3 ( AA【’Poxs cr Pl‘ccision casting Technoloov(’o..Ltd..Shcnyang I 1 0043,I_iaoning,C hina) —
Abstract: The evoluliOll of^y phase in DD5 single crystal superalloy in the heat treated state,long tel in aging state(1 l 0(1’C /500 h)and stress ruptul‘e tests l1as been studied.The results show that afte r‘aging at 1 l 0() r 500 11.al1 cubic phase i11 the supel‘alIoy was trailslot‘tried into plate—like sit’uctul’e and the width oftile lllatl‘jx channel was ileal’ly equal to that of plate:a lat‘gc anlount of gi‘anulal secondal’Y ^y phase Wel-c pl’ecipitatcd, and 1ots ol、l'nisfit dislocation netw orks were fornled at the 3"/3" interface.Colnpared w ith the alloy in tile heat tl·eated state.the stress rupture lives 0r the alloy ii1 the long tel’111 aging state under the conditions of 87 1 C’/ 552 M Pa and l 038℃ /1 72 M Pa were decreased obviously.Undel’the condition 0r871 C/552 M Pa,j11 the alloy atier long ̄Cl'm am’ng.the primary -,/ phase maintained the plate—like inicl‘ostructui‘c as|l1 the alloy i13 the long—tel’lll aom o state,but the secondal。Y phase was trans rmed into the secondary N type raft micl‘ostt’LICtUl‘e.
1_II. , … Jl=三 人 i' ̄ttf I<q j热 处 怠 fII比 , K 】I1,j牧 忿 (1i871 552 MPafll1 038 C I 72 MPa

什 H 0 nlJII/ 降 低 K … 设 怠 fi-/ T. 871 (1'/552 MPa糸 什 下 ” , /\淡 U . 一 次^y {11 ” i f『 JJi1,j 设 』- 形 急 .fII