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The mystery of whether humans are alone in the universe may have been answered by a 1.9-kilogram meteorite discovered in Antarctica in 1984. After careful analysis, scientists from NASA announced that the meteorite, which they say came from Mars, once contained organic matter that was extraterrestrial in origin.
While the meteorite was found in 1984, it was not until 2009 that NASA scientists claimed that it possessed strong evidence that life existed on Mars billions of years in the past. The reason for the delay is that recent advances in electron microscopy made it possible for scientists to see various features on the meteorite that had previously been overlooked. What they found with a high-powered electron microscope was evidence of extremely tiny fossils of bacteria-like organisms on the meteorite. This was a clear indicator that Mars once held life at least on the microscopic level.
Scientists believe the meteorite formed on Mars around 3.6 to 4 billion years ago. Then, Mars was much warmer and wetter than it is today. Water likely entered fractures in the rock. Then, living organisms soon followed and made their homes inside these fissures. Scientists defend their theory by citing the carbonate minerals found in the rock. These minerals, they speculate, could only have been formed by living organisms.
Further proof of the existence of life is that the meteorite contains magnetite. Studies have determined that roughly one quarter of the magnetite in the meteorite is in the guise of small crystals. These crystals are chemically pure and structurally perfect, and they have unique three-dimensional shapes that could only have been formed by living organisms, not by organic matter. Taken altogether, these scientists are convinced they have proof that life exists—or at least existed—elsewhere in the universe.
观点:The meteorite, which they say came from Mars, once contained organic matter that was extraterrestrial in origin.
论点1:Tiny fossils of bacteria-like organisms are on the meteorite. This was a clear indicator that Mars once held life at least on the microscopic level.
论点2:Scientists defend their theory by citing the carbonate minerals found in the rock. These minerals, they speculate, could only have been formed by living organisms.
M Professor: I’m sure you’ve all seen the news that scientists have found proof that life once existed on Mars. I’m sorry, but I’ve read countless articles like this before. I’m simply not satisfied with what the NASA scientists have offered as proof of their discovery.
For instance, they claim to have used an electron microscope set at a high power of magnification to discover evid ence of, uh, nanobactieria. Now, keep in mind that electron microscope technology isn’t perfect. The microscopes are easily contaminated during the preparation process. The bacteria could have come from the microscope itself. The photographic process is imperfect, too. At resolutions that high, the images created often aren’t realistic. So what we're seeing may not be evidence of bacteria at all.
But let's assume there actually is some kind of fossilized bacteria in that rock. And let's also assume the rock is Martian in origin. It's still highly likely that it became contaminated with bacteria after it reached Earth, not before it got here. It’s estimated that the meteorite landed on Earth 11,000 years ago. That's plenty of time for bacteria to have moved inside it. I contend that the bacteria in the meteorite are probably of terrestrial, uh, that is, Earth, origin.
Finally, an article I read cited the presence of magnetite in the rock as proof that it contained extraterrestrial organisms. Again, I need to mention electron microscopes. The magnetite found in the rock was extremely tiny. Microscopic even. The scientists said that the magnetite had perfect shapes, but they determined this by manipulating the pictures they took. The evidence is flimsy. We ca n’t trust the images the microscope produced. Until our technology further improves, we cannot be certain whether or not the magnetite is evidence that there really once was life on Mars.
观点:I’m simply not satisfied with what the NASA scientists have off ered as proof of their discovery.
论点1:The microscopes are easily contaminated during the preparation process. The bacteria could have come from the microscope itself.电子显微镜下观察到的细菌也可能是来自于显微镜。
论点2:I contend that the bacteria in the meteorite are probably of terrestrial, uh, that is, Earth, origin.
论点3:They determined this by manipulating the pictures they took. The evidence is flimsy. We can’t trust the images the microscope produced.虽然在岩石中发现很小的磁铁矿,但是,这些照片很可能是他们后期修改,所以,并不可靠。
①The lecturer argues that it is unlikely that living organisms once existed on Mars and provides three reasons for his assertion. ②This directly contradicts the reading passage’s claim that a meteorite discovered on Earth proves that life once existed there.