

Recently many people have paid attention to the correct use of the Chinese characters. As for me, I used to forget how to write the Chinese characters though I know the meaning. Once I couldn’t write the word “planet” in the right way and it really reminded me. The Chinese characters are old but beautiful. We pass on the Chinese traditional culture by using them. It’s our duty to use the Chinese characters correctly. In order to improve our abilities of handwriting and reduce Internet Slang, we’re supposed to learn the Chinese characters more carefully. On the other hand, it’s a good idea to hold a Chinese Characters Dictation Contest in class. What’s more, we’d better use the Chinese characters instead of Internet Slang.

Do it now and make a contribution to passing on our culture!

------Wendy Class 3 Recently many people have paid attention to the correct use of the Chinese characters. Last summer holiday, I often talked with my friends on the Internet. I wrote Chinese on keyboard by using pinyin. When I began to write my homework, my mind suddenly went blank and can’t remember the Chinese characters.

In my opinion, Chinese characters are one of the most important traditional cultures,It’s our duty to pass o n them. In order to protect them,something must be done. When we talk with our friends on QQ or Wechat,we’d better use Chinese characters instead of Internet Slang. On the other hand, It’s a good idea to enjoy the show called Chinese Characters Dictation Contest.

In a word, it’s necessary for us to keep the Chinese characters out of danger.

By Ivy,4

Recently many people have paid attention to the correct use of the Chinese characters. To my sadness, I have ever had difficulty in writing Chinese characters and also use Internet Slang to write letters. As a Chinese, it’s very necessary for us to use Chinese characters correctly. We can enjoy the beauty of Chinese characters as well as passing on Chinese culture while writing Chinese characters. In order to improve Chinese characters writing, it’s a good idea to write Chinese keyboards by using stroke instead of pinyin. Therefore, we’d better be used to practicing hand writing in our free time.

Everyone should make a contribution to protect Chinese characters

By Eva,4



中国饮食文化英文介绍 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:中国饮食文化——英文版 China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China’s local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,

还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东菜系注重


最新整理中国梦初三英语作文 范文一:中国梦 Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream. Inspired by President Xi’s Chinese Dream, everyone talked enthusiastically about his understanding of the Chinese Dream. We all believe that this dream will come true in the future. I also talked about my own dream. I have always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s lives but also they are doing a respectable job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge. To realize my dream, I must try to work hard from now on. I must learn as much as I can so that I can get into a good medical college, where I can prepare myself adequately for the job of a doctor. Only in this way can I accomplish my goal。 参考译文 最近我们开了一个关于中国梦主题的班会。受到席总统中国梦的鼓舞,每个人都热烈地谈论他对中国梦的理解。我们都相信这个梦想会在未来实现。 我也谈到了我自己的梦想。我一直想成为一名医生。医生不仅可以挽救人们的生命,而且还能做一份体面的工作。医生还可以帮助人们以自己的专业知识过上更好的生活。 为了实现我的梦想,我必须从现在开始努力工作。我必须尽可能多地学习,以便能进入一所好的医学院,在那里我能充分地准备好接受医生的工作。只有这样我才能达到我的目标。 范文二:我的梦My Dream Yesterday, we had a discussion. the topic is. What is my dream? Every one has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a doctor. My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy


My China dream As we all know, everyone has a dream, every Chinese has a Chinese dream. I have a Chinese dream, too. I am a student in a middle school. My Chinese dream is to inherit on the generation of their dedication, make our motherland more powerful, more and more people rich. At the same time, let the next generation a better condition to realize their dream of china. Before we state the poor and weak, suffering from bullying, when every Chinese people want to own a powerful motherland, the motherland strong, can we live a happy life? Make our country strong, let the Chinese people stand up, this is our pursuit of the last generation Chinese dream! After a struggle, a generation of people's dream has been fulfilled, have a look have a look around us, with a smile of you. As a generation of people dream of witness, I feel honored, also feel a heavy responsibility, they put more dreams give us, today, we will the Chinese dream continue. Our motherland is strong, the people rich. We have no reason to do better than the last generation difference. I will insist, hard, don't give up, even if the way in the pursuit of a dream continues to receive serious rebuff, stumble, I will climb up, continue to go forward. We have to unite, work hard. A regular, but it is also true of middle school students, we should do their own work. Before university, almost all learning is in laying the foundation for the future. Perhaps what fractional equation, geometric, appreciation of the interpretation of sentences, etc. in the future will not be used, but this is not certain to be used. Math training our thinking, Chinese and English to improve our expression, without these how to realize our dream of China? Although today we don't need to go through the baptism of fire, but we have a responsibility to carry forward the national spirit, the strength of its own for all contribute to the motherland. Inheritance of a generation of Chinese dream, to the next generation of Chinese dream, this is my China dream! Thousands on thousands of high school students dream will collect a great Chinese dream, this is our Chinese dream. When the thousands on thousands of parents to live a good life, thousands on thousands of students to become the pillars of our nation, we have no reason not to realize the Chinese dream! I know, although I am not a genius intellect, no extraordinary talent, but I have a heart of gold. Many people think that cannot realize the dream is the slogan, sometimes dream existence value lies not in whether it can achieve, but in the process of quest. My China dream built on our growing prosperity and development of culture, to the motherland as the basis, therefore I feel proud and proud. I, a student of new times, I am proud of my Chinese dream, proud of our motherland. People together can make one person alone cannot make career; wisdom, hands, in combination with the power, is almost universal. "I t is not afraid of hard, attacking the book don’t afraid of difficulties. Science has dangers, fighting hard to pass." I took it as my motto. We all have our own dreams, a man without a dream is like in the boundless sea, lost the direction, the dream is like a compass, guide your direction, a dream is just like a distant lighthouse, flashing the lights, light your way, and through their own hard work, to realize their dreams, to complete his beautiful and happy dream...... My dream of China never fades.


Chinese Food Culture 1.Characteristics of cuisines in southern part of China Chinese cuisine has a number of different genres, but the most influential and typical known by the public are the 'Eight Cuisines'. These are as follows: Shandong Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine and Anhui Cuisine. We have roughly separated Chinese cuisine into two genres. They are Cuisines of the north part and the southern part. Cuisines of the southern part of China are really featured. They have various differences with northern cuisine. Firstly, abundant rain drops and sunlight in South China provide favorable conditions for the growth of millet and rice. Compared with people in North China who have to spend much time in cold weather, people in South China are less preferable to meat diet, which contains lots of fat and protein. Southern Chinese prefer plant diet quite a lot. Many people are accustomed to drink soup both before and after the meal. Guangdong Soup(老火靓汤) Secondly, South China is one of the most developed areas in China. It welcomes people from the entire world. As a result, Southern Cuisine, especially Guangdong Cuisine, emphasizes a flavor which is clear but not light, refreshing but not common, tender but not crude. Thirdly,People in South China tend to be more careful and sensitive than northern people. As a result, their dishes as well as appearance are really cute and attractive. Just like dim sum(点心), which means “touch the heart”, is one of the most famous Cantonese meal. It consists of a variety of delicacies and is usually served for breakfast or dinner. Spicy-hot Fish麻辣鱼Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)麻婆豆腐Pork Rips排骨)Penaeus orientalis对虾 2.Characteristics of cuisines in northern part of China Cuisines of the north part of China have several characteristics. people in the north tend to eat cooked wheaten food. Or in other words, people eat more food made of flour. This is because the climate here is temperate continental climate, which means there are less rain drops and sunlight. And this climate provides favorable conditions for the growth of wheat. First,When it comes to cooked wheaten food, there is a place many people are familiar with. That is Shanxi(山西). As the saying goes, “east or west, Shanxi cooked wheaten food is best”. Shanxi is famous for its diverse and delicious cooked wheaten food. With a history of 2000years, Shanxi cooked wheaten food is gaining more and more popularity at home and even abroad. Cooked wheaten food in Shanxi,there are round 280 kinds of cooked wheaten food, among which the sliced noodles is the most renowned one. Apart from the sliced noodles刀削面, boiled food also includes hand-pulled noodles拉面, He lao饸饹)Tijian,剔尖Maoerduo猫耳朵, Jiupian(揪片) ,which are all delicious and tasty. As for the cooked food, it includes fried cake(炸糕)、Yi wo su(一窝酥)、fried dough twist (麻花),Shuai bing(甩饼) and so on. Other steamed wheaten food includes steamed bun、You mian kao lao(莜面栲栳)、Gao liang mian yu(高粱面鱼). Second, food in the north is often more salty and greasy than that in the south.


2013中考英语作文参考:我的中国梦 假如你是漳州一中初三(1)班的李华,今年即将初中毕业。请根据以下要点给某英文报写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对初三生活的看法。 (1)对获得的帮助表示感谢; (2)消除与同学之间的误会; (3)努力学习,实现“我的中国梦”; (4)对学弟、学妹的建议。 注意: (1)可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯; (2)词数:100左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 。 High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life. As a senior 3 student, it won't take lon g before I graduate. 【猜题理由】本篇书面表达能比较真实地反映学生的生活实际,话题内容关注学生的社交生活和树立健康的人生观,具有考查的现实意义和指导意义;在语言表达上,能够让学生充分运用所学知识,毫无词汇障碍地表达自己的思想;此外,在语言表达的设置上也有一定的伸展性,能有效地激发学生个性观点的创建。 【构思点拨】本篇书面表达是常见的提纲类型的写作,要点明确清楚,便于学生组织文章,理清脉络。行文时要注意处理好语言表达的控制性和伸展性之间的关系。 【参考范文】 High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life. As a senior three student, I will graduate very soon. Now, I have many things to share with you. Firstly, I would like to show my thanks to those people who help and care about me, especially my teachers, parents and friends Without their help and advice, my life would be different. Secondly, it's time to say sorry to classmates whom I hurt or misunderstood.


中国梦我的梦英语作文 我的中国梦英语作文: On September 1, 2010 is the beginning of a new school year, I and order response to a call for more than two hundred million primary and middle school students across the country, with my father and mother watched recorded by China central television and the ministry of education, the school first class. The first lesson in the start of this year's theme of "I love you" in China, as the name suggests, is "love" as the theme. Will be divided into four parts: power is sharing, love is love, love is, love is the glory. In the form of theme class meeting, four by telling a story about "love", let us realize deeply: love is not language, not a single, is a practical action, is varied. The "bear" is love let me very moved. It a call with the children in the peng-fei ma... Peng-fei ma is a child who lost his parents, raised by my grandma. Grandma but needy, to save money for his life, lead to blind and despair. But not peng-fei ma despair, hold housework from now on. Outstanding achievement and still go to school, until today. The calendar to make all the people present more tears. Wrote here, I also can't help but feel admire for peng-fei ma the obstinate and insist on. If a person can stick to a few days or ten days, I'm not surprised. But he has lasted nearly a decade. In now society, also can have such a "decathlon" teenagers, this let a person how to also can't believe it. But peng-fei ma did.


我的饮食习惯英语作文 It is hard to saidthat I have a healthy food, because there is not specific definition forhealthy food. So what is healthy food? In my point of view healthy food have aclose connection with healthy lifestyle, if people do more exercise it is hardto have a bad diet. I prefer hamburgers, although I know that they are high calories but still for me it is really attractive, after I eat high calories I always dosome exercise. Also I have a strong passion on finding delicious food. Ilike to eat typical tradition Chinese food because my mom is ourfamily chef and every dish she cooked all look amazing and taste unforget table delicious. I also like to try new things and bizarre food that others scared to eat. 很难说,我有一个健康的食品,因为没有具体定义的健康食品。 什么是健康食品?在我看来,健康的食物和健康的生活方式密切联系,如果人们多做运动,很难有一个坏的饮食习惯。我喜欢汉堡包,虽然 我知道他们还是对我来说真的有吸引力的高卡路里,吃高热量的我总 是做一些运动。我也有强烈的激情,寻找美味的食物。我喜欢吃传统 的中国食品的典型,因为我妈妈是我们家的厨师,每一道菜她做所有 看起来惊人的和难忘的美味的味道。我也喜欢尝试新事物和奇怪的食物,其他人害怕吃。


中国梦初三英语作文 篇一:中国梦 RecentlywehadaclassmeetingonthetopicofMyChineseDream.InspiredbyPresidentXi’sChineseDream,everyon etalkedenthusiasticallyabouthisunderstandingoftheChineseDream.Weallbelievethatthisdreamwillcometr ueinthefuture. dge. 。 Myfriendsaskedmewhy.Itoldthemmystory.WhenIwasasmallboyIwasveryweak.OnceIwasterriblyiii.Ihadahighf ever.Myparentssentmetothehospitalbutthedoctorscoulddonothingforme.thenmyparentsheardtherewasavery gooddoctorinanothertown.theytookmethere.Iwassaved. Agooddoctorcansavepeople'slives.FromthenonIdecidedtobecomeadoctor.Iknowitisnoteasytobeadoctor.But Iamdeterminedtostudyhard.Iamsuremydreamwillcometrue. 【参考译文】

昨天,我们进行了一次讨论。话题是。我的梦想是什么?每个人都有自己的梦想。有些人想当教师,有些人想当科学家。我的梦想是成为一名医生。 我的朋友问我为什么。我告诉他们我的故事。当我还是个小男孩的时候,我很虚弱。我病得很厉害,我发高烧。我的父母送我去医院,但医生对我无能为力。然后我的父母听说在另一个镇有一个非常好的医生。他们带我去的。我得救了。 一个好医生能挽救人们的生命。从那时起,我决定成为一名医生。我知道做一个医生不容易,但我下定决心要努力学习。我相信我的梦想会实现的。


我的梦中国梦英语作文范文 导语:中国梦是历史的、现实的、也是未来的;中国梦是国家的、民族的、也是每个中国人的;中国梦是我们的,更是你们青年一代的。今天就看看为大家准备,我的中国梦,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注FLA学习网我的中国梦英语作文: On September 1, xx is the beginning of a new school year, I and order response to a call for more than two hundred million primary and middle school students across the country, with my father and mother watched recorded by China central television and the ministry of education, the school first class. The first lesson in the start of this year's theme of "I love you" in China, as the name suggests, is "love" as the theme. Will be divided into four parts: power is sharing, love is love, love is, love is the glory. In the form of theme class meeting, four by telling a story about "love", let us realize deeply: love is not language, not a single, is a practical action, is varied. The "bear" is love let me very moved. It a call with the children in the peng-fei ma... Peng-fei ma is a child who lost his parents, raised by my grandma. Grandma but needy, to save money for his life, lead to blind and despair. But not peng-fei ma despair, hold


初一英语作文关于饮食习惯 饮食习惯不论是英语国家还是中国,都是需要从小培养好的。下面是WTT给大家整理的初一英语作文饮食习惯,供大家参阅! 初一英语作文饮食习惯篇 1 My eating habbits I'm a middle school student.i have good eating habbits.I often drink a cup of milk and eat an egg for breakfast at home.I don't like milk, but my mom thinks it's good for my health.I often eat lunch at school.I usually have some meat and vegetables.I like all kinds of vegeatbles and fruit.I also like juck food , but I only eat once or twice a month.I usually drink water and juice, and I never drink coffee or coke.As you see, i eat well and I'm very well.

初一英语作文饮食习惯篇 2 My Diet and Lifestyle Hi! My name is Pauline.I am 14 years old.I want to be a teacher or a doctor when I grow up.To be a doctor, I must be healthy.It is important for a doctor to be healthy. Before, I seldom ate vegetables.Because I disliked vegetables.I liked sweet snacks.They taste delicious but they are not good for me.They give me energy but they are not healthy.So I must change my diet.Now, I eat a bowl of rice for breakfast, and I often eat an egg. For lunch, I usually eat a bowl of soup, vegetables and a bowl of rice.I eat meat and vegetables for dinner.If I want to be healthier, I must exercise.So I changed my lifestyle now.Now,


摘要 中国饮食文化博大精深、源远流长是来华外宾了解中国文化的一个重要窗口。菜铺上的菜名对人们有着很好的指示作用,它传神的表达出菜本身的特点和美好寓意。与此同时,随着我国日益与国际接轨,中国菜越来越受外国友人的亲睐。特别是2008奥运会的举办成功,有一次以最震撼最夺目的方式把中国推向世界。 但由于中国饮食烹饪方式多样,文化内涵丰富,相关专业性强,因而容易导致中国菜名的英译错误。中国菜名的英译错误不仅不能准确的表达出菜本身的特点,还给人留下不好的印象,闹出了国际笑话。因此,如果我们在翻译的时候把握翻译原则,注意灵活运用相关的翻译方法,中国菜名的翻译不至于成为翻译的“拦路虎”。 关键词:中国菜名; 翻译原则;翻译方法 注意:关键词应是3至5个名词

Abstract Chinese diet culture, with a long history, is rich and profound, which has become an important window for the foreign guests to get acquainted with Chinese culture. Chinese dish names on the menu have a good indication for people. It vividly expresses the characteristics of the food and good moral. At the same time, as our country increasingly has interfaced with international, Chinese dishes are becoming more and more popular among foreigners. Because of 2008 Olympic Games in China, it is one of the most brilliant ways to show China to the whole world. However, different Chinese food cooking ways, rich food culture and professional strong bring about difficulties for translation. Chinese dishes translation error can’t express the characteristics of the food and give people a bad impression. Therefore, we should grasp the translation principles and note the flexible use of relevant translation method. Keywords: Chinese dish names; translation principles; translation methods (注意:中英文Abstract摘要标题用小二号黑体)(内容用小四号)

高考英语作文“我的中国梦”My Chinese dream

My Chinese dream As we all know, America has American dream. I believe all Chinese have Chinese dreams. I have a dream that our country will be stronger and stronger. I have a dream that each Chinese will live a happy life and have the opportunity to achieve their dreams by working hard. I have a dream that the air will be fresher and the sky is bluer so that people can live comfortably and healthily. I have a dream that one day each Chinese, poor or rich, young or old, has equal right and opportunity to get education and health care. To realize the Chinese dream, each Chinese needs to work hard. For students, we should love our country and keep it in mind. Besides, we must study hard in order to make our country stronger. More importantly, we should be a good person.


健康饮食习惯高中英语作文 拥有健康的饮食习惯是很重要的,下面,是橙子为你整理的健康饮食习惯高中英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 健康饮食习惯高中英语作文篇1 Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us. We also should eat less meat everday.And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at night. Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary nutritions. Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them. It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the morning. It is very bad for our health. Breakfast is the most important meal for people. 健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要。我们应该建立健康的饮食习惯。我们应该每天吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,它们能给我们提供丰富的必要维生素。我们每天还应该少吃肉,最好每天早晚喝一杯水。此外,我们应该注意饮食平衡,这能保证我们必要的营养。垃圾食品是我们健康的致命杀手,所以我们应该远离它们。据说大部分的学生早上几1 / 4
