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Brief introduction
Briefly introduction about tea culture
The origin of tea
The original site and time of drinking tea
The original form of drinking tea
Briefly introduction about tea culture
The original site and time of drinking tea
“茶之为饮,发乎神农氏。” 在中国的文化发展史上,往往 是把一切与农业、与植物相关 的事物起源最终都归结于神农 氏。 • 西周时期:晋·常璩《华阳国 志·巴志》:"周武王伐纣,实 得巴蜀之师,......茶蜜......皆纳 贡之。"这一记载表明在周朝的 武王伐纣时,巴国就已经以茶 与其他珍贵产品纳贡与周武王 了。《华阳国志》中还记载, 那时并且就有了人工栽培的茶 园了
The original form of drinking tea
• 祭品说:这一说法认为茶与一些其他的植
物最早是做为祭品用的,后来有人偿食之 发现食而无害,便“由祭品,而菜食,而 药用”,最终成为饮料。 • 药物说:这一说法认为茶“最初是作为药 用进入人类社会的。”《神农百草经》中 写到:“神农尝百草,日遇七十二毒,得 茶而解之” 。 • 食物说:“古者民茹草饮水”,“民以食 为天”,食在先符合人类社会的进化规律。
Chinese tea culture
The definition
The features
The development
The definition
受老子:“道可道,非常道。名可名,非常名”的思 想影响,“茶道”一词从使用以来,历代茶人都没有给他 下过一个准确的定义。直到近年对茶道见仁见智的解释才 热闹起来。 吴觉农先生认为:茶道是“把茶视为珍贵、高尚的饮 料,因茶是一种精神上的享受,是一种艺术,或是一种修 身养性的手段。” 庄晚芳先生认为:茶道是一种通过饮茶的方式,对人 民进行礼法教育、道德修养的一种仪式。庄晚芳先生还归 纳出中国茶道的基本精神为:“廉、美、和、敬”他解释 说:“廉俭育德、美真廉乐、合诚处世、敬爱为人。” 周作人先生则说得比较随意,他对茶道的理解为: “茶道的意思,用平凡的话来说,可以称作为忙里偷闲, 苦中作乐,在不完全现实中享受一点美与和谐,在刹那间 体会永久。”
Chinese tea culture forms from her long history, it consists of complicated arrangement of ideas and luxuriant content contents. The Japanese tea culture, to some extent, inherits from Chinese culture, but it also has its own system. However, both of their aim is to get the essence of tea, such as refresh ourselves. Sado (this word is directly from Japanese ちっどぅ,茶道) belongs to the oriental culture,. The differences between western and oriental culture is that we can not define it clearly, we need to understand it by our savvy(悟性). Some people regard Sado as the tea culture, in fact ,Sado is one part of tea culture, but we can define the tea culture based on the Sado, so today, I will analysis of the tea culture based on the Sado.
• Site • Time • 四川说:清·顾炎武《日知录》: • 神农时期:唐·陆羽《茶经》:
“自秦人取蜀以后,始有茗饮 之事。”言下之意,秦人入蜀 前,今四川一带已知饮茶。 • .川东鄂西说:陆羽《茶经》: “其巴山峡川,有两人合抱 者。”巴山峡川即今川东鄂西。 该地有如此出众的茶树,是否 就有人将其利用成为了茶叶, 没有见到证据 • 云南说:认为云南的西双版纳 一代是茶树的发源地,这一带 是植物的王国,有原生的茶树 种类存在完全是可能的,但是 这一说法具有“人文”方面的 风险,因为茶树是可以原生的, 而茶则是活化劳动的成果 .
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The features
• The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the
act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in teadrinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schedule, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves.
The origin of tea
• China is the homeland of tea.It is believed that
China had tea-shrubs as early as five to six thousand years ago,and human cultivation of teaplants dates back two thousand years.Tea from China, along with her silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important Chinese export.At present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the world's total output.All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China. The habit of tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not introduced to Europe and America till the 17th and 18th centuries.Now the number of tea drinkers in the world is legion and is still on the increase.
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安溪铁观音 洞庭碧螺春 黄山毛峰 君山银针 六安瓜片 庐山云雾 武夷岩茶 西湖龙井 信阳毛尖
• 西湖龙井,居中国名茶之冠。产于浙江省杭州市西湖周围的群山之中。多少
年来,杭州不仅以美丽的西湖闻名于世界,也以西湖龙井茶誉满全球。西湖 群山产茶已有千百年的历史,在唐代时就享有盛名,但形成扁形的龙井茶, 大约还是近百年的事。相传,乾隆皇帝巡视杭州时,曾在龙井茶区的天竺作 诗一首,诗名为《观采茶歌》。 西湖龙井茶向以“狮(峰)、龙(井)、云(栖)、虎(跑)、梅(家 坞)”排列品第,以西湖龙井茶为最。龙井茶外形挺直削尖、扁平俊秀、光 滑匀齐、色泽绿中显黄。冲泡后,香气清高持久,香馥若兰;汤色杏绿,清 澈明亮,叶底嫩绿,匀齐成朵,芽芽直立,栩栩如生。品饮茶汤,沁人心脾, 齿间流芳,回味无穷。 龙井茶区分布在西湖湖畔的秀山峻岭之上。这里傍湖依山,气候温和, 常年云雾缭绕,雨量充沛,加上土壤结构疏松、土质肥沃,茶树根深叶茂, 常年莹绿。从垂柳吐芽,至层林尽染,茶芽不断萌发,清明前所采茶芽,称 为明前茶。炒一斤明前茶需七八万芽头,属龙井茶之极品。龙井茶的外形和 内质是和其加工手法密切相联的。 过去,都采用七星柴灶炒制龙井茶,掌火十分讲究,素有“七分灶火, 三分炒”之说法。现在,一般采用电锅,既清洁卫生,又容易控制锅温,保 证茶叶质量。炒制时,分“青锅”、“烩祸”两个工序,炒制手法很复杂, 一般有抖、带、甩、挺、拓、扣、抓、压、磨、挤等十大手法,炒制时,依 鲜叶质量高低和锅中茶坯的成型程度,不时地改换手法,因势利炒而成。
The development
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(一).唐时的基础 我国的茶道是到六世纪(唐朝)时陆羽集前人之大成,再加上他自己的精心研究 撰写『茶经』,进而推广传播,才奠定了茶叶今日之 基础。陆羽的『茶经』分为三篇 (即上、中、下三卷) 有关之工具、器具大部份已被时代淘汰,而制造方法则因 茶叶由早期的固型茶到现在的散型茶,其制造过程、方法、情况均有所不同;至于煮 与饮,因茶叶改为冲泡方式而不再用烹煮,所以仅有〞饮〞聊具参考价值。 (二)宋时的讲究 宋朝饮茶的习惯,基本上固然依循唐时的准则,却从高雅的享受中去谋求发扬光 大,尤其士大夫阶级争相讲究茶品、水质、火候、茶具、煮法、饮用之效果。此时 『饮茶』习惯已成附庸风雅之士聚集的原动力,藉茶吟咏,各机其妙,甚至评茶论器, 名目、花样百出,蔚成风气,因此『斗茶』也成为我国比赛茶之始。 『斗茶』交战时,以三件事来分优劣:一为茶、二为水、三为茶具,彼此夸耀其 优点(品种、采摘、制作、来源、水质、成份、质料、特色 ),优则称胜。 (三)明时的改革 到了明时,固型茶惨遭潮流淘汰,改为以散型茶为主,煮茶也改为泡茶,至于过程 方面就更见紧缩,只注重茶品、水质、茶具,其余则不在讲究之列;尤其对水质讲究 到极致,除了使用泉水、江水、井水外,还风行雪水、雨水,甚至于露水、竹沥水。 民间所盛行之〞功夫茶〞,也是在改良泡散型茶后的产物,且不再以大壶冲泡, 而崇尚小壶泡法(重品茗、忌牛饮);对茶器、茶具之讲究,要求陶、瓷、紫砂土质 良好、制作精巧、造型高雅,因此在官方及民间的推波助澜下,成就了傲视国际的 『陶、瓷艺术文化』,其中以〞景德镇〞的瓷器与〞宜兴〞的紫砂茶具享誉中外,间 接地提升尔后「饮茶文化」走向精致化与生活化
The Comparison of Tea Culture between China and Japan
Tea culture
Briefly introduction about tea Chinese tea culture
Japanese tea culture The differences Conclusion