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展会接待fair reception


Welcome to Guangzhou fair. 欢迎光临广交会。

Welcome to our booth/display.欢迎来到我们的展台。

Welcome sir?

How about your fly?

This is my card.

I’d be glad to help.很高兴为你服务。

Please contact us whenever needed. 有需要随时与我联系。

May I have your card, sir?

Would you like to leave your contact number? 能否联系你的联系方式?

How do I address you?我应该怎么称呼您?

Take a rest please, Sir! Tea or Coffee?

Is it your first visit to the fair? 这是您第一次参加展会吗?

PRCO group is one of the largest supplier of refractories in China.

This is our brochure of our company.

If you like, I’ll send one set by email within three days, the introduction can also be found out in web address on my card.

Our company will be very competitive in both price and technical service.

May I get some information about the current supplier of your company?


We had business with many customers from ------! 我们与贵国很多客户有来往!USA, Canada,india,

We had many experiences in total management in ladle, Basic Oxygen furnace etc. such as design, supply of material, installation and technical service?

May I ask you who are you buying for? 请问你为哪个单位购买?

What company do you represent? 你是哪个公司的代表?

Can you tell me what company you represent? 能告诉我你是哪个公司的代表吗?Could I have some information about your scope of business?


May I know what line you are in? 可以知道您从事何种业务吗?

May I know what line you handle? 可以知道您从事何种业务吗?

What line of business are you in? 您从事何种业务?

I wonder if you are interested in our products. 不知道您是否对我们的产品感兴趣?

Anything particular you are interested in during your stay in China? 有您特别感兴趣的产品吗?

Or finding out some more competitive suppliers?

对方是我们的客户:We’ve done quite a lot of business with your company in the

past, I believe. 据我所知,我们过去和贵公司有过多次商业交往。

May I know what particular line you are in? 可以告诉我你们主要想谈哪方面的业务吗?


You have come to the right please. 您来对了地方。

You may have a look. 您不妨看看。

Would you like to see it? 您想看看吗?

Would you like to meet our sales representative?您是否想见一下我们的销售代表?

What about placing a trial order? 为何不先试订单?


What about having a look at the samples first? 先看一看产品吧?

Let me show you our stand. 让我向你展示一下我们的展台。

These are some samples of the products. 这些是部分样品。

We’ve developed nearly 30 models. They are all here. 我们已经开发出将近30个型号,都在这儿。

Due to the limited space, we can’t demonstrate all the models. 由于场地,我们不能展示出所有的产品。


We have a pamphlet in English. 我们有英文小册子。

Would you like a brochure? 你要一份产品小册子吗?

This is the brochure of our newest products. 这是最新产品的介绍手册。

This is the relevant publicity materials. 这是相关资料。

This catalog shows most of our products. 这个目录列出了大部分产品。

We offer you with a catalog of the newest products for reference. 我们送你一份最新系列的产品,以供参考。

I can give you a price list and a brochure of this series for reference. 我可以给你一份价目表和商品手册,以供参考。

This is the catalog that will give you a good understanding of these products. 这个目录能提供给您我们产品的完整信息。

Please take this as a sample. 请将这个拿去当样品。


We’re the manufacturer and seller of quality refractory materials. 我们是顶级耐材制造商和销售商。

Our company is the biggest refractory manufacturer in china.


Our corporation has been engaged in refractory production for many years.


We handle primarily refractory materials. 我们主要经营耐火材料。

Our company deals in a wide range of refractory materials. 我们公司经营耐火材料,范围很广。

We’ve been in this business for more than twenty years. 我们在这个行业20多年了。Our goods have met with great favor home and abroad. 我们产品在国内外都很受欢
