

常熟市2019- 2020学年第二学期期中学业水平调研卷

初二英语2020.05 注意事项:








本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读题目;听完后,请从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳答案。

1.Which place was close to Mike's old house?

2. What does the girl need to change?

3. Which of the following might Julia visit a week ago?

4. Which book is Peter reading these days?

5.What does Miss White do?

A. A driver.

B. A tour guide

C. A tourist.

6. How much should the woman pay for the coat today?

A. $44.



7. What colour are the woman's trousers?

A. Green.

B. Red.

C. White.

8. How soon will the two speakers get on the bus?

A. In 10 minutes.

B. In 15 minutes.

C. In 20 minutes.

9. What does the man mean?

A. It is not high at all.

B. He is good at climbing high.

C. He may fall and hurt himself.

10. What are they talking about?

A. How to be safe online.

B. How to use the computer.

C. Having fun with computer.


你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读题目;听完后请从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳答案。


11.Why does Jack say sorry to Miss Black?

A. He has left his homework on the underground.

B .He has handed in his homework late.

C. He has finished his homework on the bus.

12. What does Miss Black ask Jack to do?

A. Travel to school by bus.

B. Say that he is sorry.

C. Do his homework again.


14. A. black B. pink C. white

15. A. 1-888-335-2647 B.1-888-335-2647 C.1-888-335-2674


16. When did Hawking move to St. Albans with his family?

A. 1942.

B. 1950

C. 1959.

17. What subject was Stephen Hawking interested in?

A. Medicine.

B. History.

C. Science.

18. How old was Hawking when he got the illness called ALS?

A. 21


C. 44.

19. How did Hawking communicate with others after he got the serious illness?

A. By e-mail.

B. By computer.

C. By phone.

20. What can we team from Stephen Hawking?

A. We should make achievements in Science.

B. We should be interested in everything.

C. We should face our problems bravely.


从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.

21. unusual experience it is to look after a one-month-old baby!

A. What an

B. What

C. What a

D. How

22. Not only the twins but also their cousin their hometown for half a year.

A. have left

B. has left

C. have been away from

D. has been away from

23.The task is very difficult. , few people can help us with it. So we must hurry

up and do our best.

A. Since

B. Moreover

C. Otherwise

D. Instead

24.—Where is Cecily?

—She be in the library, but I am not sure.

A. would

B. may

C. must

D. need

25.—Could you tell me who the President of the USA in the 17th century was?

—Sorry. I have little of American history.

A. message

B. knowledge

C. confidence

D. detail

26. Your father's never been to foreign countries, he?

A. has

B. hasn't

C. is

D. isn't

27. If you don't know , please come to me.

A. who talk to

B. who will to talk

C. who to talk to

D. who to talk

28. Which of the following sentences is a fact?

A. Changshu is the best city in the world.

B. The new park in the town centre looks beautiful.

C. There was once a steel factory near the Sunshine River.

D. Life is getting better in some ways.

29.—Jack, I haven't seen you for a long time!

—Well, I Wuhan to do voluntary work because of the epidemic.

A. have been to

B. have been in

C. have come to

D. have gone to

30.—Today, I met a friend I haven't seen for many years.

A. Enjoy yourselves.

B. It doesn't matter.

C. What a surprise!

D. Best wishes.


通读下列短文,从每题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

At the beginning of this term, my PE teacher suggested to me that I should take part in the marathon. I was very surprised because I was never a good runner. In order to 31 me, he said that if I took part in the race, I would get the highest mark for the terms PE class. So I decided to have a try because I had 32 to lose.

I practice very 33 for the race. I ran every day in the morning before school. And after school, I practiced running with many other runners on the sports ground. I even had the special diet for athletes(运动员). I heard that the special diet could 34 me to get good results.

When the 35 of the marathon arrived, I was very nervous. As usual, I got up in the morning, had my breakfast, and listened to some music. Then my father gave me a 36 to the sports ground, for the marathon race was going to take place

there in an hour. All my family wished me good luck because they knew how 37 this race was for me and how much effort I had put into its preparation.

My competitors looked like athletes. I was 38 that I would be last. However, when I started to run, I thought only about the race. As I paid much attention to the race itself, I did not remember when I 39 the other runners. Suddenly I realized that I had come first. I was very happy when I won the race. From the experience, I learn that 40 always comes out of hard work.

31. A. complain B. hurt C. introduce D. encourage

32. A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything

33. A. hard B. hardly C. secret D. secretly

34. A. teach B. help C. expect D. order

35. A. day B. week C. month D. year

3b. A. gift B. shake C. kiss D. lift

37. A. easy B. important C. traditional D. silly

38. A. surprised B. lucky C. afraid D. happy

39. A. passed B. followed C. touched D. pushed

40. A. feeling B. competition C. success D. interest


请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳选项并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。



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Address: 166 Nice food Road, Westland Shopping Centre

Call at 566-5566 or send an email to subway@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ea16736338.html, for ordering

Free delivery for orders of $30 and above

41. If you want a wrapped turkey breast and a wrapped tuna with extra cheese, how

much should you pay?





42. We can guess from the menu that "sides" refers to in Chinese.





43.How much do you need to pay for a Cookie Platter on July 23?





44. If Lily bought one Giant Subs at 6:30 pm, she can get .

A. 1 free bottles of water

B. 3 free bottles of drinks and a free cookie platter

C. 4 free bottles of drinks

D. 3 free bottles of drinks and free delivery


The most frightening words in the English language are, "Our computer is down." You hear it more and more when you are on business. The other day I was at the airport waiting for a ticket to Washington and the girl in the ticket office said, "I’m sorry, I can't sell you a ticket. Our computer is down."

"If your computer is down, just write me out a ticket."

"I can't write you out a ticket. The computer is the only one allowed to do so."

I looked down on the computer and every passenger was just standing there drinking coffee and staring at the black screen. Then I asked her, "What do all you people do?''

"We give the computer the information about your trip, and then it tells us whether you can fly with us or not."

"So when it goes down, you go down with it."

"That's good, sir."

"How long will the computer be down?" I wanted to know.

"I have no idea. Sometimes it's down for 10 minutes, sometimes for two hours. There's no way we can find out without asking the computer, and since it's down it won't answer us."

After the girl told me they had no backup(备用)computer, I said. "Let's forget the computer. What about your planes? They're still flying, aren't they?"

"I couldn't tell without asking the computer."

"Maybe I could just go to the gate and ask the pilot(飞行员)if he's flying to Washington," I suggested.

"I wouldn't know what gate to send you to. Even if the pilot was going to Washington, he couldn't take you if you didn't have a ticket."

"Is there any other airline flying to Washington within the next few hours?"

"I wouldn't know," she said, pointing at the dark screen. "Only 'IT' knows. It can't tell me."

45. What could the girl m the ticket office do without asking the computer?

A. She could do nothing.

B. She could write out a ticket.

C. She could still sell a ticket.

D. She could answer passengers' questions.

46. What does the underlined word "down" in Paragraph c mean?

A. Low.

B. Broken.

C. Less.

D. Dark.

47. The passage suggests that .

A. a modern computer won't go down

B. computers can take the place of humans

C. sometimes a computer may get people in trouble

D. no one can keep calm when computers break down

48. The best title for the article is .

A. When the Computer Is Down

B. The Most Frightening Words

C. The Computer of the Airport

D. Asking the Computer


People have written and recorded hundreds of songs about autumn. Many of

these songs express(表达) sadness that summer is over. The weather is cooler. The skies are gray. Birds fly south because they know winter is coming. The leaves turn colors of red and gold and then die, falling to the ground. Some songs about autumn also express the sadness of lost love.

"September Song" by Kurt Weill is one of the mast well-known and saddest songs about the season.

Another famous song about this season is "Autumn Leaves." This song also expresses sad feelings. It was first introduced in a French movie in 1946. Later, the famous American songwriter Johnny Mercer wrote English words to the music.

The Moody Blues, a British rock band(乐队), first became famous in the 1960s. They also recorded a song about fallen leaves, darker days and lost love. It is called "Forever Autumn".

Here is another sad song about things that happen in autumn. "Wake Me Up When September Ends'" is by the band Green Day from their album "American Idiot". The song is about the death of a father.

The rock group the White Stripes has a song called "Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground", from their album "White Blood Cells". Jack White sings about a woman who did not wait for him while he was away.

But not all the songs about autumn are sad. Here is a more hopeful song, James Taylor's "October Road" from his album by the same name. The song is about leaving the big city for the countryside, going home again after a long time away.

Far people who live in New York City, autumn is an exciting time of the year. New plays open in theaters on Broadway. The season also brings the promise of new love. Vernon Duke wrote the song "Autumn in New York" in 1934. Have you ever listened to it?

49. "September Song" is .

A. the name of a rock band

B. a famous song about autumn

C. an interesting movie

D. a music programme

50. Among the songs talked about in the passage, is not a sad song.

A. Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground

B. October Road

C. Wake Me Up When September Ends

D. Forever Autumn

51.You may feel if you listen to the song "Autumn in New York".

A. sad

B. excited

C. frightened

D. lucky

52. The best title for the passage is .

A. Songs of Autumn

B. Autumn

C. Rock Band

D. Expressing Sadness


"My dear Mr Bennet," said his lady to him one day, "have you heard that Netherfield Park is let

at last?"

Mr Bennet replied that he had not.

"But it is.'' returned she, "for Mrs Long has just been here, and she told me all about it."

Mr Bennet made no answer.

"Do not you want to know who has taken it?'' cried his wife impatiently.

"You want to tell me, and I have no objection(反对)to hearing it."

This was invitation enough.

"Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune(财富)from the north of England; that he came down on Monday to see the place, and was so satisfied with it that he agreed immediately(立即)with Mr Morris, the owner of Netherfield, and some of his servants(仆人)are to be in the house by the end of next week."

"What is his name?"


"Is he married or single?"

"Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls! It is probable that he may fall in love with one of them, and so you must visit him as soon as he comes."

"I see no chance for that. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better; for, as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr Bingley might like you the best of all."

"But, my dear, you must indeed go and see Mr Bingley when he comes into the neighbourhood."

"It is more than what I should do, honestly speaking."

"But think about your daughters. Sir William and Lady Lucas have decided to go, for in general, you know they visit no new comers. Indeed you must go, for it will be impossible for us to visit him, if you do not."

But in fact Mr Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited to visit Mr Bingley. He had always planned to visit him, though to the last always lying to his wife that he would not go.

53. How did Mrs Bennet feel when she heard that Bingley would move there?

A. Excited and hopeful

B. Surprised and crazy.

C. Nervous and curious

D. Pleased and proud.

54. What does the underlined word "that" mean?

A .Mr Bingley had decided to live there.

B. Mr Bennet himself would visit Mr Bingley.

C. Mr Bingley would like Mrs Bennet best.

D. Mr Bingley would fall in love with one of their daughters.

55. Why did Mr Bennet show no interest in Mr Bingley's moving there when his wife

talked about it?

A. Because his daughters were not pretty enough.

B. Because his wife was prettier than his daughters.

C. Because he didn't want to show his true feelings to his wife.

D. Because he didn't care about his daughters' happiness.





A: Hello, this is Starlight Cinema. What can I do for you?

B: 56 My booking card number is 879623059.

A: Could you tell me which movie you'd like to watch?

B : The Green Book.

A: OK. We have The Green Book at 1:00, 3:00 and 5: 00. 57

B: I'd like the movie beginning at 3:00.

A: All right. 58

B : Two.

A: We have only 10 seats left now They are in Row One and Row Four.

B: Let me see. 59 What are the numbers?

A: They are No. 3 Row Four and No.5 Row Four.

B: OK. That's it.

A: So, we'll leave the two tickets for you. Please remember to take the tickets half an hour before the movie begins.

B: No problem.

A: 60 See you.

B: See you.


61. We have (收到)no information so far.

62. Isn't that the (丑陋的)house you've ever seen?

63.People's living (条件)in China are better than before.

64. Prices at three-star hotels fell furthest in many (北部的)cities.

65. I can learn a lot by reading some great (作家)articles.

66. Welcome to my website! Here you can travel around the world without a (护照).

67.—You mean he sent you back just like that?


68. In the fight against the new coronavirus, the stories of many Chinese medical

workers have t me deeply.

69. How many English novels has he t into Chinese so far?

70.—What's an TV?

—There is a television / '?nt?vju:/ with that pap star.

71 .There are /'sevr?l/ children flying kites on the playground.

72.—Has he ever been ?

—No. He hasn't been to any foreign country.

73. China is to Asia as France is to .

74.—Why did you such a good offer to work in America?

—Because I want to stay with my family in China.





77. Daniel自学了怎样用电脑画画。




What does your father do at home every night? What do you talk about or do together?

A boy wrote to me, saying that he had a problem with his father. His father was nice, but very busy. When they were together, it was often just embarrassing(尴尬的)silence. He didn't know what to talk about with his father. He asked me for advice.

Here is what I wrote back:

80. How many tricks does the writer give the boy to start conversations in the passage?

81 .What's the boy's father like?

82. Do you have trouble communicating with your parents? What advice would you give on

communicating with parents better? Please give at least one piece of advice.



Thanks for your letter. I am glad you love reading now

I hope you can do well in the English Reading Competition. Looking forward to your good news.

Best wishes,



初二英语学科期中考试试卷分析 一、试题特点: 1、本试卷较全面地考查了学生听、说、读、写的基本技能。通过运用各种题型综合考查学生对语言知识的理解,掌握及运用能力,如语言知识题,在语境中考查学生运用词汇及语法的能力,体现了任务型语言评价的理念。 2、试题内容设计上很贴近教材的目标话题,既检查了已学语言目标,又考查了学生灵活运用语言的能力; 3、试题关注了不同层次的学生。如,词汇运用大大降低了试题的难度,面向了基础中等的学生,另外,学习技能题使得不同层次的学生能够有不同的发挥,体现了评价的多元性。 4、通过对全卷的综合分析,我们感觉试题层次清楚,梯度较明显。关注到了不同层次的学生。 5、不足之处,听力部分没有给学生阅题时间,语速较快,阅读部分话题不太贴近学生的日常生活。 二、学生答题情况分析 本次期中考试阅卷后,为及时得到教学反馈信息,找出教学中存在的问题,以便采取措施,加强教学的针对性、实效性,适应新课程改革要求,提高初中英语教学质量,我对所带班级试卷进行了统计和分析,现将英语考试情况浅析如下: (一)、全年级成绩统计 (二)、试卷情况及简要分析 其各题得分情况如下: 各题答题情况简要分析如下: 1、听力部分虽然试题难度并不大,但此题得分不理想。一是平常训练不到位,学生语感不强。二是缺乏系统的听力训练,学生听力差。三是题与题之间间隔时间不够长,对于我们这个层次的学生来讲听力语速

稍快,可能也是导致听力题得分不高的原因之一。 2、单项选择难度适中且知识覆盖面大。这些知识点都是平时强调的,学生没巩固,有的上课不听。 3、完形填空此题难度适中,但是得分率不高,,主要原因是不会上下文的联系。 4、阅读理解难度适中,得分率较高。其中得分稍低的是最后一小题,主要原因是学生理解文章不透,阅读能力差造成的。读短文回答问题,相对较差,平时学的不扎实,学过的单词已忘记。 5、词汇运用此题比较简单,得分率也相对较高,主要是考察学生对形容词比较级的使用,大部分学生能够仿照示例写出正确的句子。 6、书面表达此题是七个大题中得分最低的一个题。其中最高得分有9分,最低得分0分。主要原因是学生对句子结构掌握不清,写不出单词,更无法组成英语句子,学生书写差,大小写不分。 二、教学中的主要问题 从答题情况反映出学生存在的主要问题有:基础知识掌握不牢,运用不够准确、灵活性较差;基本的语法概念较模糊,句子的基本结构把握不住;学生知识面狭窄,缺乏一定的生活常识;语言综合运用能力不强,书面表达极差等。 三、教学建议 1、加强《课标》学习,改进教学方法。 英语教师应进一步学习《新课程标准》,增强新课程理念,改变教学观念,改变一些传统做法,认真钻研教材,弄清教材的编排意图,科学地用好教材,挖掘教材的内在本质,注重知识间的内在联系。 2、加强听说训练,提高听力水平。 在日常教学中加强对学生的听力训练,让他们多听英美人士的录音,在课堂上多用英语组织教学,通过听读、听说、听写等多种形式不断刺激听的感官,提高学生的听觉灵敏度。 鼓励学生大胆的使用英语,让学生通过体验,实践,讨论,合作,探究等方式,在自然规范的语音,语调的口语语境中进行口语交际,为他们发展交际能力打下基础。 3、加强阅读教学,提高阅读能力。 教师要有意识地加强学生阅读能力的训练与培养,要多选用内容健康,时代感、思想性、知识性、趣味性较强的短文,要教给学生阅读方法,通过大量阅读来培养学生的语感以及通过上下文捕捉信息的能力,拓宽学生的知识面,开阔学生的视野。 4、指导学生自主学习,培养学生学习能力。 在教学过程中我们应注重学生的能力培养,指导学生学习方法,给予学生更多的思考空间,培养学生自主学习能力,决不能满堂灌。加强听力,完型填空和阅读理解能力的培养与训练。培养学生的创新意识,培养学生积极大胆地寻找问题,解决问题的能力。


八年级英语上册期中测试题 (分值100分时间80分钟) 一、单项选择(15%) 1. There is “u” and ____ “s” in the word “bus”. A. an, a B. an, an C. a, an D. a, a 2. It’s quite hot today. Would you like swimming with me? A. go B. to go C. going D. went 3. —do you visit your grandpa? —Twice a week. A. How soon B. How long C. How far D. How often 4. He showed me A. strange something B. something strange C. anything strange D. strange anything 5. I find easy to work out the problem. A. this B. that C. it D. / 6. he isn’t tall, he is strong. A. Although B. But C. So D. And 7. Could you tell us to do next week? A. which B. how C. what D. that 8. Kate was born the night of November 11th. A. at B. on C. in D. by 9. We finished our homework at last. A. to do B. do C. doing D. did 10. How long did it them to go there by bus? A. pay B. take C. spend D. keep 11. Ted has interesting books. A. a number small of B. small a number of C. the small number of D. a small number of 12. Thank you for us to your birthday party. A. ask B. asked C. asking D. asks 13. His brother is not as you. A. so outgoing B. more outgoing C. outgoing D. most outgoing 14. What’s your ____ ? I can’t sleep well at night. A. advice B. habit C. way D. problem 15. We like dancing. . A. So they are B. So are they C. So do they D. So they do 二、完型填空(10%) Mr. And Mrs. Wang are very forgetful (健忘的) . For example, Mr. Wang sometimes goes to work on Sunday morning, because he thinks it is 1 . And Mrs. Wang sometimes forgets to cook supper for the family. One summer they planned to 2 to New York for their holidays. They got to the airport only ten minutes 3 the plane took off. So time was short. But 4 Mrs. Wang said she must tell Ling Ling, their daughter, not to forget to 5 the front door when she went to school. But Ling Ling then was at school. They couldn’t te ll her about it by 6 . So they hurried to the post office. Mrs. Wang wrote a short note to Ling Ling, and Mr. Wang bought a 7 and an envelope(信封). Soon the note was ready. They put the stamp on the envelope(信封) in a hurry


初二英语期中考试试卷分析 初二英语期中考试试卷分析 总的说本次考试试题难易适中。既考察了学生基础知识的掌握,又考察了学生的能力。 听力部分:抽检40份及格试卷,听力测试第一节21人答满分1分,16人获得14分中等以上学生都能答14分。易丢分的为1小题,原题:hat didn’t the an advie Ti t d? 失分原因,一部分人没注意到nt 这个关键词,导致误选。 听力部分第二节较以往更直观,且没有难度太大的拼写。大多数学生能得满分。 笔试部分:词形填空以大段落的形式出现在试卷上。学生如果读不懂题或不关注上下很容易失分。第一题heer出错较多。 单选题侧重基础,但是、6、7、9、14、17不仔细斟酌或基础知识掌握的差,很容易造成判断失误。 完形填空,满分9人,9分的14人,平均得分83分。 阅读理解得满分的21人,得18分的10人。得16分的人。平均得分182分。 任务型阅读:反映在1内容不是很难,但有些学生不善于捕捉关键词如:1 ①harit shps in the U sell ne things 判断对错。为数不少的人

做出了错误的判断,中的这句话:This ind f shps sell used things lie …这里的关键词used意为“二手的”。,究其原因一是学生知识储备不够,二是不具备分析问题的能力。紧接着的一句话Peple give the aa t the shp 也点破了商店出售的不是新东西。如果说判断①学生拿不到分,判断②学生仍然拿不到分。原因是出题人在题干的结尾处偷换了概念,把中的The ne ill help peple h have diffiult aling做了小小的改动,把peple h have diffiult aling改成了heless peple,轻描淡写地设了一个套。学生由于不认真审题,给套就钻,仍然失分。4题仍然失分严重。学生只关注了黑体字的筹款方式,而忽视了第一个黑体字上面的一个关键句子:Red Nse Da is nt the nl a t raise ne fr harit这句话。2题有多一半甚至2/3的学生都写不对。他们缺乏捕捉关键信息的能力。题仍然很多人不得分。本英译汉就是学生的弱项,在翻译中不能很好地把握关键词。第一,学生知识储备的不够,表现在不能精准的把关键词翻译的准确无误。第二,学生语表达能力欠缺。 连词成句:虽说这次考试连词成句都有词形变化,但是,平时有所侧重这种词形变化,而且平时训练的比这次考试要难。因此,对他们说并不算是挑战。但是,极个别学生不注意题中所给的标点,导致把疑问句写成陈述句,因此失分。 书面表达:难度适中,绝大多数学生能写出语法正确,语意连贯的句子。总之,由于平时练得充分,有备无患,学生考得不错。 我所教的班级情况: 10班、13班共同特点是知道学习,基础较好。堂上能够积极主动跟


正源学校2014下初二年级期中考试英语试卷A卷时量90分钟满分120分 第一部分听力部分(20分) 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ、单项选择(15分) ( )21.No one knows ________ next. A.how to do B. what to do C. when to do D. why to do ( )22.My grandfather likes to_______funny jokes and always makes me _______. A. tell; laughs B. talk; laugh C. say; to laugh D. tell; laugh ( )23.- Would you please ______ your shoes on the floor? --- Sorry. I won’t do it any more. A. not drop B. not to drop C. not dropping D.no dropping ( )24.--Do you find this maths problem _______? --Yes, I can work it out_______. A. easy , easy B. easily ,easily C. easily, ,easy D. easy, easily ( )25.In autumn,farmers are busy _______ crops. A. harvesting B. harvests C. harvest D. to harvest ( )26. Jacky made some tea ______ me. But I forgot to say thanks when he passed ______ me. A. for; for B. to; for C. for; to D. to; to ( )27.These days the temperature ___________quickly.I feel that it is winter now. A.rises B.drops C.raises D.falls ( )28You______buy Tom a present if he invites you to his birthday party. A had better B.would like C.are able to D.must ( )29 If we keep _______the land, the farmers will have_______to live. A. took; anywhere B. taking; nowhere C. take; no place D. bring; somewhere ( )30 I think _ ____necessary __ _____ to take more exercise. A. it, for Jim and me B. it’s, to Jim and me C.that , for Jim and I D. that’s, to Jim and I ( )31. My brother is interested in _______ languages. A. to study B. studying C. study D. studies ( )32.The lion was watching a zebra ________ across it, suddenly it ran to catch it. A. to walk B.walk C walks D.walking ( )33. ---I want to catch the bus to Shanghai. ---______. There is no time. A. Come on B. Be careful C. Have a good time D. Good luck ( )34. We must hurry up. There are few minutes _______. A. to leave B. leaves C. left D. leave


八年级英语期中考试卷 一、单项填空 1.---Where did Tina go on vacation last summer? ---She ________ to Hainan. A. went B. goes C. is going D. will go 2.—Did you try paragliding yesterday?---Yes. I_________ I was a bird, It was so exciting! A. looked like B. made sure C. thought of D. felt like 3.---Who will go to the ______ for teeth cleaning with you, Mark? ---My father. A. guide B. dentist C. writer D. musician 4.---I hate vegetables, I _________eat them. ---But they’re good for your health. You should often eat them. B. usually B. often C. hardly ever D. always 5. ---________ do you have a sports meeting in your school. ---Twice a year. A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often 6.----__________woman is your mother? ----The one with long hair. A. What B. How C. When D. Which 7.—How do you like the book you read yesterday? ---Oh! It’s one of ______ books I’ve ever read. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting 8.---How do you like the concert given by EXO? ---Exciting,___________ one piece of the music wasn’t played quite well. A. though B. because C. so D. and 二、完形填空 Do you have lost of friends? What do you 36 friends and friendship? Are 37 very important to you? Some of your friends may have 38 ideas from you, and some like doing the same things as you. Do you like friends different from 39 the same as you? You may like the friends who have the same hobbies 40 you. But I don’t really 41 . I have 42 good friends, Peter and James. Peter is like me. I’m 43 than most of the students in my class, and Peter is also quiet. And we 44 like going shopping. On weekends, we often go to the supermarket to 45 something. But 46 friend of mine, James is quite different from me. He is more outgoing, and he likes 47 funny stories and often makes me 48 . He also likes books, so he often goes to the library and does some 49 there. You see, friends are not 50 to be the same. Do you think so? ( )36.A. talk about B. think of C. thank for D. look at ( )37.A. it B. they C. them D. we ( )38. A. easy B. interesting C. different D. same ( )39.A. or B. and C. though D. but ( )40.A. to B. with C. as D. at ( )41.A. like B. care C. show D. wonder ( )42.A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )43.A. quieter B. funnier C. friendlier D. smarter ( )44.A. all B. each C. both D. some ( )45.A. sell B. buy C. play D. eat ( )46.A. other B. others C. the other D. another ( )47.A. speaking B. talking C. saying D. telling ( )48.A. laugh B. wait C. run D. dance ( )49.A. sleeping B. cooking C. reading D. cleaning


人教版八年级英语上册期中测试试题 (满分150分) 一.听力部分(每题1分,总计20分) 二.单项选择(每题1分,总计25分) 1. ()-----_______do you exercise? ---- Four times a week. A. How often B. How long C. How old D .How 2. ()He comes to school early every day. He is ______ late for school. A. usually B. never C. often D. always 3. ()Eating junk food _______ your health. A. is good for B. is good to C. is bad for D. isn’t bad for 4. ()He doesn’t stop working, ______ he is so tired. A. so B. because C. but D. although 5. ()My grandma isn’t feeling ______, she wants to lie down. A. well B. good C. bad D. hungry 6. ()What’s _____ John? He has a sore throat. A. matter with B. the matter to C. the matter with D. the wrong with 7. ()--- I’m flying to Hainan for vacation. --- Great! _______. A. Have a good time. B. Why not? C. I think so. D. OK. 8. ()Is there ______ in this book? A. something interesting B. anything interesting C. interesting anything D. interesting something 9. ()It takes _____ an hour ____ to work. A. he; go B. his; to go C. him; going D. him; to go 10. ()My teacher comes to school ______ every day. A. take a bus B. by a bus C. by bus D. by buses 11. ()---______ do you _____ this movie? ---Very exciting. A. How; think of B. What; think of C. How; think about D. What; think about 12. ()That’s too bad.Maybe _____time . A. the other B. other’s C. another D. an other 13. ()We are leaving for Beijing _____ Sunday afternoon. A. in B. on C. at D. to 14. ()---Would you like to play with us? ---____________. A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, I would like. C. Sure, I’d love. D. Sure, I’d love to. 15. ()Thanks for your _______. A. invite B. ask C. invitation D. inviting 16. ()Must I finish _____ this book today? A. read B. to read C. reading D. to reading 17. ()---My mother has a bad cold. She can’t go to work. ---__________________. A. I hope not. B. Never mind. C. OK. D. I’m sorry to hear that. 18. He is _______than his brother. A. tall B. very tall C. taller D. much tall 19. _________students in my class like basketball very much. A. The number of B. A number of C. The numbers of D. A little number 20.The movie is good. ______, I can’t watch it because I have tennis training with the school team. A.However B.So C.And D.Although 21.My sister and I _______ like sports. A. all B. whole C. both D. too 22.There was too much homework today. I did it ______ 11 o’clock pm. A. at B. from C. until D. for 23. Does Mary go to work bus or foot? A. to; by B. with; on C. by; on D. on; on 24. If you want to be healthier, you must eat ______junk food, I think. A. more B. less C. fewer D. much 25. My uncle is easy to get angry. He may have _________ yang. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. a lots of 三.完形填空(共两篇,每题1分,总计20分) (A) Sunday, June 1st Fine Great weather today! It’s 1 . It’s also my 2 birthday. My mother decided to 3 for me, so I wrote some 4 and sent them to my good friends. I also invited a few on the phone. But Kate said she couldn’t come because she 5 visit her aunt, and John said he might(也许) come 6 later. Ten of my friends came to my home. They 7 me nice presents. I liked them very much. The party began 8 six thirty. My friends sang the song “9 birthday to you!” We ate, talked and laughed happily. I feel that I am the happiest girl in the world today. I will 10 forget today. ( ) 1. A. Teacher’s Day B. Children’s Day C. Mot her’s Day D. Father’s Day ( ) 2. A. fifteenth B. fifteen C. fifteenths D. the fifteenth ( ) 3. A. make a cake B. have a party C. sing a song D. buy a bike ( ) 4. A. postcards B. books C. invitations D. letters


第二学期期中模拟测试卷 初二英语 (时间:100分钟满分:100分) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ( )1.-Is Rome_______ European city? -Yes. It is one of the most beautiful cities in_______ Italy. A. a; the B. a; / C. an; the D. an; / ( )2. They didn't go to bed_______ the work was finished. A. when B. while C. until D. after ( )3. Tom_______ Kate since two years ago, and they have had a child. A. got married with B. married to C. has been married to D. married ( )4. -He's never sung English songs before, _______ he? -_______. It's his second time to sing in English. A. has No B. has; Yes C. hasn't; No D. hasn't; Yes ( )5. Great changes_______ in Daqing since the 1990s. A. took place B. were taken place C. have taken place D. have been taken place ( )6. My uncle_______ the club in 2010. He_______ the club for over 3 years. A. joined; has been a member of B. joined; has joined C. has joined; has joined D. has join ed; has been in ( )7. -Where is your father? -He_______ Australia and he_______ Sydney for two weeks. A. has been to; has been in B. has gone to; has been in C. has been in; has been to D. has gone to; has been to ( )8. -How does Jack usually go to work? -He_______ drive a car, but now he_______ there to lose weight. A. used to; is used to walk B. was used to; is used to walking C. was used to; is used to walk D. used to; is used to walking ( ) 9. Everyone has problems sometimes. The most important is we need to learn what to_______ these problems. A. deal with B. do with C. tell D. know ( )10. -Mum, _______ I hang out with my friends now? -Sure, but you_______ clean up your bedroom first. A. can; need B. may; have to C. must; need D. need; must ( )11. -Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advise, Amy. -_______. That's what friends are for. A. My pleasure B. With pleasure C. Never mind D. It's nice of you ( )12. They screamed and laughed_______ the whole trip. A. across B. through C. over D. on ( )13. -I have bought a Chinese-English dictionary. -When and where_______ you_______ it? A. have; bought B. did; buy' C. will; buy D. do; buy ( )14. They were_______ busy_______ the project_______ the time. A. too; to discuss; to forget B. too; discussing; to forget C. so; to discuss; that they forgot D. so; discussing; that they forgot ( )15. This Math problem is too difficult. Can you show me_______, George? A. what to work out B. to work it out C. how to work it out D. how to work out it 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Jim is the son of a farm owner. One New Year's Day, when he was 15 years old, his father


新人教版八年级上册期中测试卷 (满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 姓名:成绩: 一、单项选择:(共20小题,计20分) 1. Don't eat ____food in the evening. It's bad ____ you. A. too much; with B. much too; for C. too much; for D. much; with 2.The more exercise you take, ____you will be. A. healthier B. happier C. the healthier D. the weaker 3.—Are you going to Tibet for vacation? —Yes, I want you to ____me with some information about it. A. drop B. show C. give D. provide 4.—What a heavy rain! Will it last long? —_______We're getting into the rainy season now. A.Of course not B.I’m afraid so C.That's impossible D.I'm afraid not 5. You can ____a conversation with you partner to practice English. A.pick up B.make up C.look up D.catch up 6. It's too hot. I can't wait ____in the lake. A.to swim B.swim C.swims D.swimming 7. David found a little girl______on his way to school, and he called police for help. A. cry B. cried C. crying D. cries 8. We have activities these days. Everyone in our class is as________as a bee. A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. the busiest 9. He knocked on the door but______answered. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 10. Before she went abroad, she spent plenty of time ____ English. A. to practice to speak B. practicing speaking C. to practice speaking D. practicing to speak 11. I will send you an email when I___________ in Canada. A. arrive B. arrived C. am arriving D. will arrive 12. My brother is _____a hardworking student that he always gets high marks. A. so B. very C. such D. too 13. Many students have interests. Some interests are relaxing and________ are creative. A.the others B. others C. another D. the other 14. Please _____ the book back tomorrow when you come. A. take B. carry C. return D. bring 15. Don’t worry. We have ________ time to leave. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 16. It’s time for class now, please stop __________. A. talking B. to talk C. to speak D. spoke 17. ---Hi, Jack! Why do you look so sad ---Well, I don’t know how to speak English well, Can you give me ____.


八年级英语期中综合测评 单项选择 ( )26. –Would you like to go to see a film? --Sure. The TV programs are so _____. A. surprising B. interesting C. exciting D. boring ( )27. –I tried to ____ you on the phone last week. But why nobody answered? --Oh, I was out traveling with my family the whole week. A. meet B. touth C. reach D. call ( )28. –What an interesting book it is! --Yeah. It’s just ____ and it has become the best-seller of all the book this mouth. A. come out B. come in C. come over D. come on ( )29. –I find most girls do better in language learning than boys. –Perhaps girls are ____ in languages. A. creative B. better C. talented D. helpful ( )30. We __ each other the best luck in the exam. A. hoped B. expected C. wished D. wanted ( )31. –Is Mrs. Smith in? --I’m afraid she isn’t. would you like to __ a message? A. take B. leave C. send D. keep ( )32. –When ____ he ______ for Italy? --He has been away for 3 days. A. does, leave B. did, leave C. has, left D. had, left ( )33. –What do you know about Walt Disney? --He ____ cartoons for newspapers. A. drew B. sent C. wrote D. read ( )34. –Do you like watching _____? --Yes. Some actors are really funny. A. music B. sitcoms C. sports shows D. talk shows ( )35. –If you ____ the show seriously, you’re sure to win. –Thanks a lot. I’ll try my best. A. take B. keep C. play D. have ( )36. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet gets us _____. A. less B. more C. closer D. farther ( )37. –How greatly your daughter has changed! --That’s true. She is ___ than before. A. shorter B. much shorter C. very tall D. much taller ( )38. –I’m _____, so I like reading books alone. –I’m quite different, I like studying in groups. A. serious B. quiet C. loud D. shy ( )39. –Why do you eat vegetables every day? --Because they help me _____. A. keeping health B. keep health C. keep in good health D. keeping health ( )40. --____ do you play sports? --About three or four times a week. A. How many B. How many times C. How often D. How long 完型填空 Kay and Lisa were sisters. They had a __41__ dog. His name was Hector. One afternoon, Kay and Lisa decided to go into the __42__ to have a picnic. They took Hector and a bag of food with them. In the forest Kay and Lisa ___43___ games, and Hector joined in the game. After they _44___ the picnic, Kay and Lisa went everywhere to ___45___ for flowers. Soon, the bag was full of __46_____. The girls decided to __47___ for home. “Oh, dear,”cried Lisa, “we have walked into a strange part of the forest. Which is the _48____ home?” They __49__ one way, then another, but couldn’t find the right way. “Can you _50___ us the way?”Lisa asked Hector. But Hector didn’t understand what she had said. “I have a(n) ___51___,” said Kay. She put a rope round Hector’s neck. Then she __52__ an old newspaper to Hector. “Take this to Daddy,” she said. Kay knew that it __53___ take the newspaper to Daddy because it did this every day. Kay held the __54__ end of the rope. At last, Hector __55__ them home! ( )41. A. clever B. black C. bad D. strong ( )42. A. park B. forest C. playground D. school ( )43. A. acted B. made C. played D. used ( )44. A. bought B. began C. finished D. took ( )45. A. find B. look C. watch D. pay ( )46. A. flowers B. food C. water D. apples ( )47. A. leave B. come C. arrive D. stay
