BEC module3 商务英语初级

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意思是“以… …为交 换,以… …为代价”
如: He bought the business from the MacDonald brothers for $2.7million. You can buy the paperback for about two pounds.
Key Points line up
Key Points Franchise
(由某公司授予或售出的)在特 定地方经销某项产品的特许权, 可用作名词或动词。
如:his first franchised McDonald restaurant Start a franchise business and Be The Boss!
Key Points for
3.1Business Topic: Company Biography
Company biography
Company profiles
Company biography
Presenting your company
Company biography
There were no other airlines doing a direct flight to London.
Key Points
massively successful company
Key Points go public
如:The company is going public next month. Public Toilet 人民公厕; 公厕; 公共厕所; 公共卫生间; public administration 公共行政; 公共行政学; 公共管理 学; public goods 公共物品; 公共产品; 公共财; 公共品; Public Relation 公共关系; 公关; 公共关系学; 公共关系 专业;
Background Information
The Body Shop美体小铺 global retailer of skin care, body care products 护肤、美体产品的全 球零售商 the second largest cosmetic franchise in the world 是世界上第 二大化妆品特许经营连锁店
•multicoloured •multistorey office block •multimillion •a multicultural society •multifunction(al)
Key Points
exclusive 唯一的,单独的,专 一的 •如:The reporter managed to get an exclusive interview with the Prime Minister. •This office is for the President’s exclusive use.
Dear Mr./Ms, Mr. John Green, our General Manager, will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you, on June 3 at 2.00 p.m. about the opening of a sample room there.Please let us know if the time is convenient for you. If not, what time you would suggest. Yours faithfully, XX
3.1Business topic: Company biography Module Three 3.2Business skills: Company performance 3.3Exam spotlight: Writing test
3.1Business Topic
Company biography
Decide whether these types of business organizations usually have one owner or more than one owner.
Decide whether these types of business organizations usually have one owner or more than one owner.
•a freelancer ['friːlɑːnsə(r)] •a non-profit organization •a public limited company (plc) •自由职业者 •非盈利机构 •上市股份有限公司
情况2:具备情况1的前两个条件,且重音 在第二个音节的双音节词。
如:prefer – preferred, refer – referred, infer推断 – inferred occur – occurred, equip – equipped, commit – committed 例外:travel – travelled(重音在第一节,却重复写最后一个辅 音) 但美式拼法不重复写最后一个辅音,写作traveled。 注意:由于BEC是英国人组织的考试,所以还是以英式拼写为 准。
Key Points ethical trade
high street 商业大街 (the most important shopping and business street of a town) 美国英语为main street
Key Points contract 作动词,意思是“订契约,立 合同,立约规定”
Company profiles
Background Information
Easyjet 易捷航空公司 Europe’s biggest budget airline欧 洲最大的低价航空公司 the best place to book your cheap flights online 网上预定廉价机票的最 好去处
如:The company has just taken delivery of a new computer system.
That country is taking delivery of twelve fast-patrol boats.
Key Points merge 作动词,意思是“(公司、企 业等的)兼并,购并”
新编剑桥商务英语学生用书 (初级) (第三版)
主 编 副主编 编 著 陈小慰 苏翊翔 苏翊翔 郑颖峰
Module 3
BEC Preliminary
Homework Checking
写一封Email, 假设你是某个地产real estate公司的秘书secretary ['sekrɪt(ə)rɪ],告知你们在巴黎的合作伙伴你们的总经理约翰格林将 于六月2日到7日到达巴黎,处理有关在那开样品房mockup room的 事宜,他会于六月3日下午2:00点拜访他们。请他们告知这个时间 是否方便。如不方便,请建议具体时间。
如:Everybody line up, facing the front. He lined up behind the others to wait his turn.
The past simple一般过去时
一般过去时用于: •谈论发生在过去的动作。时间已点明或 从上下文可获知。 Ray talked to the owners. •谈论过去的状态。 In 1954, two brothers ran a small restaurant.
Review Module 2
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. call: call center, call at, call on, call back, call girl, collect call. Watch: watch TV/movie/out/dogs. Fight: fight against/club, final fight, tough fight. Grammar: The Present Continuous Daily agenda Memo Grammar: Prepositions of time: at, in, on How to write mails.
Tips 规则动词的过去时形式何时要重复写最 后一个辅音再以-ed结尾? 条件是:动词最后一个音节是重读闭音 节。
情况1:词尾只有一个辅音字母,它的前 面只有一个元音字母(即a, e, i, o, u中的 一个)的单音节词。
如: pat – patted, beg – begged, trip绊倒 – tripped, nod – nodded, hug – hugged
Key Points true to
如:John always stays true to his principles. She is always true to her word.
SPEAKING— Presenting your company
•企业的三种主要形式 •个人独资(sole[səʊl] trader/proprietorship) [prə'praiətə,ʃip]:这种企业是由企业经营者个人投资开办的, 有点像中国的个体户。 •合伙公司(partnership):这种企业很常见,会计师事务所,律 师事务所和其他小型业务多用此种组织形式。 •股份制公司(limited corporation):这是最多见的企业组织形 式,公司是独立承担民事责任的企业法人。
Tips 规则动词的过去时形式何时要去y, 再加ied? 条件是:该动词的结尾是“辅音+y”。
如:try – tried, fry – fried, study – studied, occupy – occupied 如果动词的结尾是“元音+y”,则直接加-ed。 如:play – played, destroy – destroyed
如:The firm contracted to build the new railway within the year.
Our shop contracted with a local clothing firm for 100 coats a week.
Key Points take delivery of
Background Information
Lastminute.com英国在线预定公司 an online travel agency and etailer 一家网上旅游公司和电子零 售商 specialists in flights, hotels, cars and holidays at the last minute 提供最后一刻预定航班、旅 馆、汽车、假日的专门机构
Key Points feature
作动词,意思是 “以… …为特色”
如: The new type engines feature high speed, small size and economical operating costs.
Key Points
multimixer: 多功能搅拌器 muliti是一个常用的前缀,意思是 “(许)多”
如:They advised their clients to take over or merge with another company.
其名词形式为merger,如:One solution might be a merger with another electronics firm.
Key Points airline (一般用复数airlines)航空公 司