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1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信
5. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。
1.When does the rainy season start?
A.In January.
B.In February.
C.In November. 2.What's wrong with the man’s food?
A.It's hot.
B.It's salty.
C.It's tasteless.
3.What is Jennifer learning at school now?
A.To make sculptures.
B.To take pictures.
C.To dra w.
4.Which room has the man finished decorating?
A.The living room.
B. The bathroom.
C.The kitche n.
5.Where are the speakers?
A.In a hospital.
B.In a classroom.
t a ball field.
6.Where does Sam suggest going?
A.To a theater.
B.To a restaurant.
o a coffee shop.
7.How does Rita feel about the plan?
C. Disappointed. 听第7段材料,回答第8.9题。
8.What will Clark help Annie do?
A.Clean her apartment.
B.Water her plants.
C.F eed her dog.
9.On what day will Clark go to Annies house?
A.On Monday.
B.On Thursday.
n Friday.
10.What was the program mainly about?
A.Horses and wars.
B.Horses from different countries.
C.Different uses of horses.
11. What seems to surprise the man?
A.People use horses for fun.
B.Horse races take place everywhere.
C.Horses are still used for hard labor.
12.What will the woman do this weekend?
A.Work on a farm.
B.Attend a wedding.
C.Go horse riding.
听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
13.Where is the island?
A.It is in Asia.
B.It is in the Pacific Ocean.
C.It is off the coast of Europe.
14.Why did the man choose to go to the island?
A.It's free of pollution.
B.It's not far away.
C.It's small.
15.What does the woman think of the island?
16.How many people live on the island now?
听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
17.Who are the announcements for?
A.The manager.
B.The employees.
e customers.
18.What time does the store usually close?
A.At five o'clock
B.At eight o'clock.
C.A t ten o'clock.
19.What item is free for another one if you buy one?
A.Women's dresses.
B. Men's suits.
C. Shoes.
20.What does the speaker suggest people do in the end?
A.Go to a cafe.
B.Leave the shop early.
C.Buy some music CDs.
Ⅱ. 单项填空〔共15小题;每题1分, 共15分〕
21. The two old sisters, ________ so long, held each other and b urst into tears.
A. having been separated
B. being separated
C. having separated
D. had been separated
22. I will never know what he was writing at that time, nor will ________.
A. anyone
B. anyone else
C. no one
D. no one e lse
23. Although he knew _______ little about ________ large amoun t of work done in the field, he succeeded where more well-informed e xperiments failed.
A. the; the
B. the; a
C. a; 不填
D. 不填; the
24. --Nothing wrong with it, ________?
--No. Yours is a specially-built model. Drive carefully, though. It takes time for a new car to run smoothly.
A. is it
B. has it
C. are they
D. is there
25. ________ that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewh ere.
A. So successful her business was
B. So successful was her business
C. So her business was successful
D. So was her successful business
26. --You haven’t lost the ticket, have you?
--_______. I know it’s not easy to get another one at the mo ment.
A. I hope not
B. I hope so
C. Yes, I have
D. Yes, I am afraid not
27. It’s impossible for all the people to get jobs because ______ __ of them are not fit for them.
A. none
B. all
C. not all
D. every one
28. For years scientists have been worried about the ________ of air pollution on the earth’s natural conditions.
A. effect
B. result
C. account
D. cause
29. Tom’s fame has spread well _______ the walls of his colleg e.
A. across
B. through
C. beyond
D. in
30. As people want to _______ their ideas ________ quickly whe n talking on line, a lot of short forms are used.
A. get; through
B. get; over
C. get; across
D. get; o ut
31. Clothing made of man-made fibers has certain advantages over ________ made of natural fibers like cotton, wool or silk.
A. the ones
B. one
C. that
D. what
32. He hasn’t come yet. What do you consider _______ to him?
A. happens
B. has happened
C. happening
D. to happe n
33. ________ the cost, the project will take a lot of time as well.
A. Other than
B. In addition
C. Except for
D. A part from
34. It was the training ________ he had at school ________ mad
e him a good jumper.
A. what; what
B. what; that
C. that; that
D. that; wha t
35. Young ________ she is, she is fit for the job.
A. as
B. whether
C. although
D. since
Ⅲ. 完形填空〔共20小题;每题1分,共20分〕
The world is like a big trampoline(蹦床). We are all jumping on it. I have jumped to many places on this big trampoline. My family t ook me to Kenya and Israel. My community took me to Appalachia, North America, and I took myself to the Bahamas and Belize. How 36 can one teenager be to go to all these places!
Each trip left a vivid picture in my mind. It 37 me that we are all living on one trampoline. Everything we do 38 everyone e lse. My first trip to Kenya was a shock! People walked to work, four hours each way. One picture 39 in my mind: a Kenyan woman at seven in the morning making her 40 to work, barefoot, down t he side of a dusty road. I went to Israel a couple of years later. I fou nd two races (种族) trying to jump on the same 41 . In the villag e of Akko, I saw Israelis and Arabs working side by side. In Jerusale m, however, I found 42 holes in the walls of Israeli homes. In A ppalachia, I saw people go to bed hungry. In Belize and the Bahamas, I realized how 43 our trampoline has become. Natural resources are running out. Animal life is in danger. We all live on the same tra mpoline. Every 44 we take sends ripples(波澜) across the trampoli ne. If everyone could understand how they affect one another, we wou ld make the trampoline 45 .
36. A. lucky B. easy C. different D. terrible
37. A. seems B. surprises C. reminds D. happens
38. A. uses B. touches C. helps D. affects
39. A. leaves B. stays C. draws D. continues
40. A. way B. room C. money D. thought
41. A. situation B. spot C. picture D. city
42. A. animal B. food C. bullet D. travel
43. A. pleasant B. helpful C. hopeful D. tired
44. A. method B. action C. interest D. idea
45. A. bigger B. harder C. stronger D. higher
Here’s an awkward confession (承认): I’ve cried at every job I’ve had. I always find it difficult to 1 46 my emotions. And eac h time I’ve wondered exactly why these emotional moments are consi dered so taboo (忌讳的). Is it a universal truth that you just can’t cr y at work?
As someone puts it on the internet, as professional women, we’re dealing with the great expectation to 〝be 47 in the pursui t of what sets your soul on fire〞while also making enough money t o pay rent. 48 , my eyes get a little watery just thinking about it. So if crying at work is unavoidable –yet taboo –what is an amb
itious young woman to do to 49 after one of these embarrassing i ncidents?
My usual routine after an in-office disaster is to remove my conta ct lenses, have a massive iced-coffee, and 50 it never happened (until it happens again). Clearly, I’m no expert on the correct professi onal response. So I spoke with my personal finance coach, Ashley Fei nstein Gerstley, to see if she had any 51 for reducing the humilia tion (丢脸).
〝It’s so embarrassing, but telling yourself not to cry usually
52 making you cry more,〞she says. 〝You’re using all your ener gy to hold it together, trying to change an awkward situation, but ther e’s so much pressure that the tears will almost unavoidably come. Wo men tend to over-apologize, especially at work. If you do end up getti ng upset, it can be helpful to 53 yourself from the situation. Take a minute to get it together, and come back ready to have a more co mposed (镇静的) exchange.〞
Maybe there’s some benefit in crying. I’ve definitely found that
54 the taboo can lead to greater relationships with colleagues. I’ve noticed how tears have helped solve a disconnection or problem th at might 55 have gone unsolved. To be honest, I’m hoping to re cognize, if not celebrate, the rare office cry as a hidden skill for great er future.
46. A. describe B. contain C. maintain D. distinguish
47. A. fearless B. curious C. cautious D. flexible
48. A. Thankfully B. Finally C. Gradually D. Frankly
49. A. compete B. communicate C. recover D. celebrate
50. A. proveB. pretend C. believe D. expect
51. A. tips B. plans C. choices D. answers
52. A. turns to B. comes to C. ends up D. leads up
53. A. excuse B. protect C. separate D. ban
54. A. respecting B. following C. improving D. breaking
55. A. still B. otherwise C. similarly D. therefore
Ⅳ. 阅读理解〔共20小题;每题2分,共40分〕
Suppose you want to go abroad and learn about the foreign excha nge in culture in different countries. Here is some information you ma
56. According to the information, taking part in a foreign exchang
e program can cost ________.
A. from $6,000 to $8,000
B. from $3,500 to $8,000
C. anything from $3,500
D. no more than $7,000
57. Most of the students had their trips organized by ________.
A. EF Foundation
C. Red Cross
58. The students who refer to both the good and bad times as an exchange student include ________.
A. Susan Lane and Sara Small
B. Linda Marks and Da vid Links
C. Tom Jennings and Linda Marks
D. Susan Lane and To m Jennings
59. As a result of his experience in the foreign exchange program Tom Jennings learnt to become _________.
A. independent and adaptable
B. determined and indep endent
C. selfish and defensive
D. defensive and determ ined
60. If a student wanted to take part in a foreign exchange progra m, but had not enough money, then the best place would be _______ _.
A. Iceland and America
B. Thailand and France
C. Germany and Iceland
D. Germany and Thaila nd
A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the corre ct time and is never late for anything.
An unpunctual man never does what he has to do at the right ti me. He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his g ood name. A lost thing may be found again, but lost time can never be got back. Time is more valuable than material things. In fact, time is life itself. An unpunctual person is always wasting his most import ant things as well as others’. An unpunctual person is always saying unhappily that he finds no time to answer letters or return calls. But t he man who really has much to do is very careful of his time. He kn
ows that he cannot finish all his work unless he carefully does every piece of work.
Being unpunctual is the sign of disrespect towards others. If a per son is invited to dinner and arrives later than the time when he shoul d be there, he keeps all other guests waiting for him. Usually this wil l be thought as a great disrespect for the host and all the other guest s.
Not like a punctual person, an unpunctual one cannot do his duty wonderfully, whether it is public or personal. Imagine how it would be if those who should do important tasks failed to be on time. A ma n who is known to be unpunctual is never believed by his friends or fellow men.
61. The Chinese meaning of the underlined word "punctual" is probabl y 〝〞.
A. 听话的
B. 守时的
C. 守纪律的
D. 能干的
62. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. An unpunctual person often has more time.
B. An unpunctual person has more work to do.
C. A punctual person is always in a hurry.
D. A punctual person often does his work wonderfully.
63. When you are invited to dinner, you’d better arrive there ______ __.
A. in a hurry
B. after the host
C. at the decided time
D. before other guests
64. From the passage, we can learn that an unpunctual man usually _ _______ in the end.
A. saves time for others
B. leaves his family and fri ends
C. gets his chances and knowledge
D. loses his time and good name
My grandfather grew up in war-torn Europe. When German soldie rs occupied his hometown, the thriving city of Tarow, Poland, he refus ed to obey them and eventually joined the Soviet army to fight for hi s country’s freedom. 〝Stand straight, stand tall,〞he told himself.
After the war, in 1947, he boarded a boat for Manhattan. He was hungry and suffering from seasickness. All alone in a new country, h e was frightened about his future. Still, he marched head-on into th
e hustle o
f the streets of New York. Soon he met other European i mmigrants, each of them tryin
g to find his or her own way. If they c ould do it, why couldn’t he? 〝Stand straight, stand tall,〞he would remind himself.
Thanks to the help of a loyal and trusting friend, my grandfather gained a jewelry booth on Canal Street, New York City. He once told me how nervous he was on that first day of work. He was not only trying to learn this tough new business, but also a new language.
To his surprise, the men in neighboring booths-who could have t aken advantage of him-offered their help and advice. Within months, my grandfather was commanding his spot behind the counter, selling d iamonds and cultured pearls as if he’d been doing it his whole life.
Stand straight and stand tall.
In later years, my grandfather would take both my mother and he r sister down the aisle at their weddings. As he stood with each of them, he thought about their new beginnings, and of the adventures an d journeys they would experience together. He also thought about the children who would one day carry on his family name.
I am so proud to be one of those children. Listening to my grand father’s remarkable experiences has changed the way I view my own life.
65. Which is the correct order of the things that happened in the passage?
a. My grandfather took both my mother and her sist er down the aisle at their weddings.
b. World War Ⅱbroke out in Europe.
c. My grandfather went to America.
d. My grandfather began to run his diamond busines s.
e. The men in neighboring booths helped him.
A. b, c, a, d, e
B. b, c, d, e, a
C. b, c, e, a,
d D. c, b, e, d, a
66. Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A. My grandfather was a soldier during World War Ⅱ.
B. My grandfather went to America by sea.
C. My grandfather had been doing a jewelry business his whole li fe.
D. My grandfather ran his business successfully.
67. Grandpa probably inspired his grandchildren in time of trouble by saying 〝______〞.
A. A friend in need is a friend indee
d B. God help thos
e who help themselves
C. Stand straight, stand tal
D. Practice makes perfect
68. It can be concluded that ______.
A. Grandpa never lost heart in time of hardships.
B. Grandpa never threw doubt upon his fate.
C. Grandpa was born to be a businessman.
D. Grandpa didn’t live up to his friend’s expectations.
Paul and Jason were brothers who lived and worked on neighbori ng farms. For 35 years they farmed side by side, sharing machinery a nd goods as needed, without a single problem.
However, one autumn, things changed. It began with a tiny disagr eement about a horse, which grew into a major difference. The differe nce led to angry words, followed by weeks of silence between the tw o brothers.
One morning there was a knock on Paul’s door. He op ened it and saw a builder holding his toolbox. 〝I’m looking for a f ew days’work.〞the builder said. 〝Are there any jobs here I could help with?〞
〝Yes,〞answered Paul, extremely pleased to see the bu ilder. 〝I do have a job for you. Look at that farm across the creek (小溪).That’s my brother’s farm. That creek used to be a grass fiel d, but last week my brother dug a path from the river and made the creek. But I’ll go him one better. See that pile of wood? I want you to build me a fence, two meters tall, so 1 won’t need to see him an ymore.〞
The builder said thoughtfully. 〝I think I understand the situation and I'll be able to do a job that pleases you.〞
Paul had business in town that day and left the builder to his work. When he returned, the builder had just finished his job. Paul wa s shocked. Instead of a fence there was a bridge, stretching from one side of the creek to the other.
As Paul stood on the bridge, staring in amazement, his younger brother Jason, came across, and took Paul’s hand. 〝You are a good man to have built this bridge after all I've done,〞said Jason.
Then, Paul, with tears in his eyes, said to the builder who was packing his bag to go, 〝Thank you so much. Please stay. I have much more for you to do.〞
〝I’d love to.〞the builder said quietly, 〝but, I have many mo re bridges to build.〞
69. What was the cause of the disagreement between the two brot hers?
A. The digging of the creek.
B. A problem about a farm animal.
C. Who owned the field between the farms.
D. Who would pay for building the fence.
70. The underlined expression 〝go him one better〞in paragraph
4 means·
A. do something even worse
B. improve the situation
C. point out his mistake
D. help him out
71. Why did the builder build the bridge?
A. He needed a way to get across the river.
B. There was not enough wood for the fence.
C. He misunderstood Paul’s instructions.
D. He wanted to bring the brothers together.
Superman, Spider-Man, Batman and Iron Man ... .There is no sho rtage of superheroes. You find them in comic books, on TV and the b ig screen.
In a survey of fans by the sci-fi〔科幻〕and fantasy website, SFX. , Batman, 70 years old this year, was voted Britain's favorite sup erhero.
Unlike many crime-fighting superheroes Batman has no special po wers. He can't fly like Superman or shoot a sticky web like Spider-M an.
Bruce Wayne is born to a wealthy Gotham City business family. However, when his parents are murdered his life changes completely.
Wayne feels angry at their deaths and guilty that he did not preve nt them. He travels around the world learning how to fight. Upon retu rning to Gotham, he creates a disguise (伪装) to enable him to fight c rime without being recognized.
A childhood fear of bats leads him to choose to dress as one. Hi s idea is that through the bat persona (角色) he can prove to himself that he has overcome his childhood fears.
Wayne is the CEO of the company he inherits from his father. H e seems to live the lifestyle of a millionaire playboy. But this is a rus e (计策). He works hard at the image to allow himself the freedom h e needs to do his work as a crime fighter. "Bruce Wayne, playboy" is the disguise; Batman is the real person.
"Wayne is not a born superhero. Instead, he is a real, complex pe rson," said Dace Golder, editor of the website. "He is the most realisti c of all the superheroes. I am particularly interested in the emotional process by which a boy becomes a hero. His superhero qualities come from within."
72. What is the article mainly about?
A. How Bruce Wayne develops into a superhero.
B. How to overcome childhood fears.
C. What makes a superhero.
D. Why superheroes enjoy great popularity in Britain.
73. Batman differs from other superheroes because _______.
A. he was not a born superhero
B. he had an unhappy childhood
C. he doesn’t have any special powers
D. he does his best to fight crime
74. Bruce Wayne decides to dress like a bat because of ______.
A. his curiosity about bats
B. his childhood fear of bats
C. his parents' sudden death
D. his unusual travel experiences
75. Which of the following statements is true about Batman?
A. Batman is a born superhero.
B. He has special powers.
C. The turning point of his life is due to his parents' sudden deat h.
D. He actually lives the lifestyle of a millionaire playboy.
Ⅴ. 单词拼写〔共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分〕
76. English and French are the ________ (官方的) languages in Canada.
77. Good _______ (营养) is essential if patients are to make a q uick recovery.
78. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the _______ (相反), I think it’s rather beautiful.
79. How many ________ (幸存者) have been sent to hospital?
80. Chaplin himself ________ (导演) and wrote the movies he sta rred in.
81. ________ (怀疑) of dishonesty, he was rejected for many tim es by some companies.
82. China is a developing country ________ (属于) to the third w orld.
83. Jill was in a _______ (窘境) whether to go out with Joe or Bill.
84. Philip looked _______ (好奇地) at me.
85. The nation wants peace; only a ________ (少数人) want the war to continue.
Ⅵ. 单句改错(共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分)
86. Hearing the news, she had a determining look on her face.
87. It looked like rain last night, but it turned up a fine day.
88. I wonder what difficulty he has had carried out the plan.
89. It is high time that he takes the medicine.
90. Despite of what others say, I think he is a very nice person.
91. Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does satisfy his boss.
92. Tai Lihua was surrounded by the audience the moment when she stepped off the stage.
93. I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live t ogether with harmony.
94. The two brothers being so alike, I can’t tell him apart for th
e moment.
95. No sooner they got to the plant than they started to work.
Ⅶ. 书面表达〔共25分〕
参考词汇: talent show〔才艺大赛〕
Dear Peter,
__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________
Li Hua
86. determining改为determined
87. up改为out
88. carried改为carrying
89. takes改为took
90. 去掉of
91. satisfy改为satisfies
92. 去掉when
93. with改为in
94. him改为them
95. they前加had
Dear Peter,
How are you getting on? I write to tell you that there will be a talent show for foreigners who are learning Chinese in China. It is called Learning Chinese, Singing Chinese Songs and I’m sure it will give you a good chance to show your talent in Chinese. As far as I know, your Chinese is good enough. And please let me know if you need my help.
The contest will be held on July 18th, 2019 and there will be a liv e show on TV. The deadline of the entry time is June 30th, and th e entry place is the Beijing Television Station.
Good luck!
Li Hua。