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Part II 实践与实战

10.1 Extreme Sports 极限运动口译教程P76


In the past, young sportspeople would play hockey or baseball. Today, they want risk and excitement –the closer to the edge the better. They snowboard over cliffs and mountain-bike down steep mountains. They wind-surf near hurricanes, go white-water rafting through rapids, and bungee-jump from towers.

Extreme sports started as an alternative to more expensive sports. A city kid who didn’t have the money to buy expensive sports equipment could get a skateboard and have fun. But now it has become a whole new area of sport, requiring specialized equipment and high levels of skill. There’s even a special Olympics for extreme sports, called the Winter X-Games, which include snow mountain-biking and ice-climbing. An Extreme Games competition is held each summer in Rhode Island. It features sports such as sky-surfing, where people jump from airplanes with surfboards attached to their feet.

What makes extreme sports so popular? I think the main reason is that people love the thrill. City people in particular want to be outdoors on weekends and do something challenging. With the new equipment available today people can take greater risks without getting hurt. And the risk itself is part of the appeal. Once you have been mountain biking or snow-boarding, it’s impossible to go back to cycling or skiing. They are just too boring.

Extreme sports are certainly not for everyone. Most people still prefer to play baseball or basketball or watch sports on TV. But extreme sports are definitely gaining in popularity. These fresh and exciting sports could well be the wave of the future.

10.1 Extreme Sports 极限运动译文





10.2 体育比赛赛前新闻发布会口译基础P44









10.2 体育比赛赛前新闻发布会译文

Thank you all for attending the press conference on the international marathon. First of all, I will brief you on the following features of this year’s competition, and then I would like to answer questions raised by friends from media.

First, the international marathon is a world class competition. So far, it has been confirmed that 17 foreign marathon runners have signed up for it. They come from seven countries including Spain, Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador, Brazil, Ethiopia and North Korea. We have also invited 120 Chinese athletes who have attended other nationwide marathon championships and qualification competitions for the Olympic marathon. With the participation of those athletes from home and abroad, we are expecting a fierce, exhilarating and thrilling competition.

Second, this year the race course has been readjusted based on last year’s results, to make it flatter and more conductive to better performance. Most of the route lies along Island Ring Road and its large-scale landscaped squares, providing beautiful scenery and fresh air. The route is acclaimed to be the most pleasant one for marathons.

Third, the whole competition will be covered by aerial view. CCTV, Xiamen TV Station and 15 other provincial TV stations will be conducting live broadcast.

Fourth, electronic chips will be used for timing, so as to ensure the accuracy of the result.

Fifth, prize money is higher than that of last year. It is now one million dollars, rather than last year’s 500,000 dollars, for a World Record Award; 30,000 dollars, rather than last year’s 25,000
