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• 专项练习:1, 7, 24,27
3. 3. 题干是原文的归纳与总结, A,B,C→D (D=A, B, C)
• 原文:More doctors turned to alternative therapists.
• • • • • • •
Finance is part of the incentive 题目: Alternative doctors make good money. Alternative:所有中文解释都是什么“替换”、“二中选一 的备选方案”英文解释三个 1.one that can be used instead of another one 2. less damaging or more effective than the old one. 3. not based on traditional, social or moral standard 在这道题里面用了第三个意思,翻译成“另类的,非传统 的” 专项练习:20
• 原文:The explosion in demand for
accommodation in the inner suburbs of Melbourne suggests a recent change in many people’s preferences as to where they live. • 题目:In Melbourne, people prefer to live in the outer layers. • 专项练习3, 17, 26,28,30
3.多样 V/S 唯一 原文提供了多种可能而题干仅限 制了一种,多伴随绝对词
• 多样: various / varied / variety /different /
• • •
diversified / versatile 或者文中为多个条件的并列 唯一: only / sole / one / single 原文:Anyone from Class 1 or Class 2 can attend this activity 题目:only the students from Class 2 can attend this activity (辨析)The students from class 2 can attend this activity T)
一楼举行。 • 题目: 商务会议下午在新东方举行
• 原文: Informal learning on the other
hand is used to refer to learning which takes place outside the classroom. • 题目: Informal learning takes place outside the classroom.
T/F/NG 讲义
• 1. 注意答案的形式要求 • 大家要首先看清楚题干让你写的是T/F/NG
还是YES/No/NG.如果让你写T/F你写成了 Y/N,这就得看考官的心情了。一定要看清 楚了再落笔, • 2. 一道题一般只跟一段有关。 • 3. 一定要根据原文的信息做判断
• 原文:the vast store of knowledge,
accumulated over thousands of years by the aborigines, fell into disuse. Much was lost. • 题目:Most of the pre-European Aboriginal knowledge of wild foods has been recovered.
• 原文:Most of the tourists come from U.K • 题目:Most of the tourists come from
Europe. • 原文:Our club provides color printer • 题目:Our club provides printer.
• 专项练习:18
2. 同义词替代
• 原文:Medical reference books range from
• • • • •
academic level to practical level. 题目: Medican contexts range from theoretical level to pragmatic level. 原文:Bill Gates is pretty rich 题目:Bill Gates has a great fortune. 原文: This product is not harmful to envionment 题目:This product is environmentally friendly.
• 原文:不好意思,我要去厕所 • 题目:不好意思, 鄙人要出恭/如厕/去茅
房/去洗手间 • 题目:I want to answer the call of nature. • 题目:Excuse me, I need go to the bathoroom/toilet/wash my hands( 老外 never用WC)
• 4. 相信第一感觉 • 5. 三不原则: • 不死抠字眼 • 不钻牛角尖 • 不动用过于专业的背景知识
• 数字、时间、百分比只考察绝对值和精确
• • • •
值。 表示比较、最高级的概念 绝对化词汇 事物发展的状态为考点 目的状语为考点
• • • • •
核心概念的形容词 “否定、缺乏、没有”的概念 是非概念 时间概念的提示 A,B两事物之间的关系问题
2.内容不一致,差生差异性(题干偷 换原文的概念A+B+C→A+B+D D≠C)
Hale Waihona Puke • 原文:因为你很有财,所以我和你交朋友。 • 题目:因为你很有才,所以我和你交朋友 • 原文:如果上天给我一个机会再来一次,我想对
• •
那个女孩说三个字“我爱你” 题目:如果上天给我一个机会再来一次,我想对 那个女孩说三个字“嫁给我” 题目:如果上天给我一个机会再来一次,我想对 那个女孩说三个字“还我钱”
• 原文: The traditional images of the “male
breadwinner” and female housewife and mother” may be breaking down among females but this process is occurring more slowly among males. • 题目: Men accept changing perceptions of traditional gender roles more slowly than women do.
F 原则
1. 考点方向相反,驳斥原文 • —否定词直接否定:no longer / not any more / not / by no means … • —隐含的否定:used to do sth. / until recently as was once the case • —感情色彩的相反
• 原文: One in three is depleted or heavily
overexploited, almost all in the developed countries. • 题目:Approximately one third of depleted fishing grounds are in developing countries.
• 原文:A species becomes extinct when the last
• • •
individual dies. 题目:A species is said to be extinct when only one individual exists. 原文:There are very significant time and money costs for parents associated with transporting their children to school, sport and to other locations. 题目:Parents save time and money by driving children to school.
判断原则 -TRUE
-TRUE总原则是只要信息点能得以对应,不 与原文矛盾即可,或可由原文信息确定推 出来
原则一:题干在用词、结构等与原 文保持一致,几乎没有变化
• 原文: Jay is a handsome man. • 题目: Jay is handsome • 原文: 商务会议今天下午四点半在新东方
• 原文:Most of the port city’s population is
engaged in providing goods and services for the city itself. • 题目: Most people in a port city are engaged in international trade and finance. • 专项练习:12, 29;剑五P69-20
• •
• 原文:In a 1983 national health survey, 1.9% of
people said they had contact alternative doctors. By 1990, this figuer had risen to 2.6% of the population. 题目:Between 1983 and 1990, the numbers of patients visting alternative therapists rose to include a further 8% of the population. 专项练习:10 注:但也可能没有产生差异性 专项练习:23
• 原文:While the big-name popular music artists,
both local and international, attract capacity audiences at the huge Entertainment Centre in the heart of the city 题目: The Entertainment Centre is only for international poplar music artists who attract large audiences 专项练习:6, 21
• 原文:The underlying assumption in creating the
General Assembly was that the airing(想法、意 见的公开发表) of disputes among nations could contribute to the pacific settlement of those disputes as well as to peaceful changes in the international system. 题目:The founders of the UN felt that debating in the General Assembly could help solve disputes.
• 原文:Since the Winter Games began, 55
out of 56 gold medals in the men’s Nordic Skiing events have been won by competitors from Scandinavia or former Soviet union. • 题目:Only Scandinavia have won gold medals in the men’s winter Olympic