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Abstract: Combined with the construction of Huangdeng Hydropower Station, the online real time analysis models, i. e. individ­ ual ideal temperature control curve model, temperature and flowrate prediction and forecast model, temperature control effect
不及时、不准确、不真实、不系统,以及温控施工过程温差大、降温幅度大、降温速率大、温度Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
中图分类号:TV544. 91
Development and application of digitalized intelligent concrete temperature control system for Huangdeng Dam
收稿日期:2018-11-09 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFC0406700, 2016YFB0201000);国家自然科学基金项目(51779277);中国水科院科研专项(SS
0145B612017, SS0145B392016) 作者简介:张磊(1980-),男,教授级高级工程师,博士,主要从事大体积混凝土温控防裂、智能监控、复杂结构非线性分析和安全评估
以及高性能计算等方面工作。E-mail: 3040252@qq.com
Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Vol. 50 No. 6
evaluation model, cracking risk early-warning model, etc. are established by the technical means of informatization, automation and intelligentization, and then the key techniques for the entire dam and whole process simulative analysis and the relevant pro­ grams as well as the universal, stable and highly-accurate instrument and equipment for the automatic monitoring and control are developed, while all the software function modules and sub-systems are developed as well, which are integrated into a complete digitalized intelligent concrete temperature control system for Huangdeng Dam. This system realizes the comprehensive, accurate and timely automatic collection of massive temperature control information and relevant key factors, thus realizes the automatic analysis, evaluation and early-warning of massive temperature control information and the decision-making support for the relevant interventive measures, and then the idealized-intelligent no manual intervention water cooling of the entire dam is realized as well, which does not only enhance the construction quality with water cooling, but also decrease the error rate of the construction. This system performs the dynamic and highly-efficient integrated manage and the real-time control analysis of the temperature con­ trol information for Huangdeng Dam, thus fundamentally gets the target of temperature control and crack prevention, and then im­ proves the construction quality and informatized management and control level of Huangdeng Hydropower Station. Keywords: Intelligent monitoring; temperature control and crack prevention, digitalization; informatization; concrete dam; Huangdeng Hydropower Station
数字黄登大坝混凝土温控智能监控系统的 开发和应用
张 磊1,张国新1,刘 毅1,郑爱武2,迟福东S庞博慧$
(1.中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 ,北京100038; 2.华能澜沧江水电股份有限公司,云南昆明650214)
集成管理和实时控制分析,从根本上达到混凝土温控防裂的目的 ,提高了黄登水电站建设质量和
doi: 10. 13928/j. cnki. wrahe. 2019. 06. 014
水利水电技术 第50卷2019年第6期
张磊,张国新,刘毅,等.数字黄登大坝混凝土温控智能监控系统的开发和应用[J]・水利水电技术,2019, 50(6): 108-114.
ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Guoxin, LIU Yi, et al. Development and application of digitalized intelligent concrete temperature control system for Huangdeng Dam[ J], Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, 2019, 50(6) : 108-114.
ZHANG Lei1, ZHANG Guoxin1, LIU Yi1, ZHENG Aiwu2, CHI Fudong2, PANG Bohui2
(1. State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China; 2. Huaneng Lancangjiang Hydropower Co. , Ltd. , Kunming 650214, Yunnan, China)