

学校 班级 姓名


线五年级英语下册期中试卷 (完卷时间 60分钟) Part1 Listening Comprehension (30分) I. Choose what you hear. (选出你听到的内容) 8分 ( ) 1. A. /bi/ B. /bin/ C. /b I n / ( ) 2. A. /lDst/ B. /lDs/ C. /lDt/ ( ) 3. A. /I ?/ B. /hI ? / C. /he ?/ ( ) 4. A. fruit B. food C. foot ( ) 5. A. nine B. my C. mine ( ) 6. A. tooth B. goose C. roof ( ) 7. A. hide your shadow B. behind your shadow C. beside your shadow ( ) 8. A. Min is on the cushion. Mog is under the cushion. B. Mog is on the cushion. Min is under the cushion. C. Mog is on the cushion. Min is on the cushion, too. II. Listen and choose the right response. (根据听到的内容,选择正确的应答句) 5分 ( ) 1. A. It ’s Friday. B. It ’s fine. C. It ’s the fifth of June. ( ) 2. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I haven ’t. ( ) 3. A. He feeds them at 600. B. I feed them at 600. C. She feeds them at 600. ( ) 4. A. Yes, they ’re different. B. No, they ’re different. C. They ’re different. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I can. B. I want both bells. C. No, the loud one. III. Listen and choose the best answer. (根据听到的对话,选出最恰当的回答) 4分 ( ) 1. A. At 1215. B. At 1145. C. At 1130 ( ) 2. A. Go to bed. B. Wash my face. C. Do the homework ( ) 3. A. The green one. B. The yellow one. C. The red one. ( ) 4. A. ¥15 B. ¥50 C. ¥35 IV. Listen and fill in the blanks. (听短文,填入合适的单词) 7分 Jack and his mother are ______. Jack______ some beans. The beans grow and grow. Jack climbs up the ________. There is a _______.Jack takes the ________. He climbs ______ and the giant is very angry. Now Jack and his mother are _______. V. Listen to the passage and do True for “T”or False for “F”(听文章,判断对错,用“T ”表示一致,用“F ”表示不一致) 6分 ( ) 1.It is in the morning. ( ) 2. I’m drawing a picture ( ) 3. My father is sitting on the sofa. ( ) 4. My mother isn’t at home. ( ) 5. Lily is sleeping.

( ) 6. Lily is my big sister.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (45分)

I. Copy the sentences. (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号) 5分excuse me wheres the rainbow hotel


II. Writer the proper words as required. (按要求写单词) 10分

Animals in the zoo _________ _________

Feeling _________ _________

Different places in Shanghai _________ _________

Things we do _________ _________

Toys you like _________ _________

III. Chose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) 14分

( ) 1. I like my new bicycle but I don’t like this bell. It’s too quiet.

I want a ___ one.

A. new

B. quiet

C. loud

( ) 2. Danny sits behind me. He is _________.

A. long

B. short

C. tall

( ) 3. The sun _______ in the evening.

A. rises

B. go down

C. goes down

( ) 4. I can’t find my geese. __________

A. Where is it?

B. Where are they?

C. What is it?

( ) 5. Be quiet. Both ladies are _________.

A. asleep

B. sleep

C. awake

( ) 6. Walk __________ Shangnan Road. Then turn left.

A. up

B. down

C. along

( ) 7. ______ bananas do the monkeys eat? 3 ilos.

A. How many

B. How much

C. How old

( ) 8. I’ve got ______ uniform. But it’s ______ old uniform.

A. a, an

B. an, an

C. a, a

( ) 9. Eddie can play ____ football, but he can’t play _____ violi n

A. the, the

B. /, the

C. /, /

( ) 10. Is that ______ cushion? No, it’s ______.

A. your, yours

B. your, her

C. yours, your

( ) 11. Have you got ______ pineapples? No, I’ve got ______ apples.

A. any, any

B. some, some

C. any, some

( ) 12. Let’s ____ together on Children’s Day. Look! itty’s ________.

A. dancing, dancing

B. dance, dancing

C. dance, dance

( ) 13. The grass _________ and the flowers ________in spring, too.

A. grow, grow

B. grows, grows

C. grows, grow

( ) 14. Give ______ some ______, please.

A. I… apples

B. me… bean

C. me… juice

IV. Rewrite the sentences. (按要求改写句子) 8分

1. Please do your homework. (否定句)


2. feeds elephants the He o’clock at six (连词成句)


3. That pink dress is hers. (划线部分提问)


4. The tall girl is my classmate. (划线部分提问)


5. This lady is a policewoman. That lady is a policewoman. (两句并一句)


6. The parrots eat 5 kilos of corn every day. (划线部分提问)


7. Mr Tang has a super car. (一般疑问句)


8. What’s in your pencil-case? (按实际情况回答问题)


V. Fill in the blanks with proper words. (任意填空,使句子正确) 8分

1. It is the first season of a year. It is ___________.

2. The children wear the uniforms. The uniforms are ___________.

3. Look at the pineapple. It’s ____________.

4. Tom’s got much money. He’s _________.

5. Mrs Li peels the bananas with her _________.

6. The birds can’t fly outside. They are in the _______.

7. My mother ______________ at 630 every evening.

8. Don’t turn right. Moon Park is ______________.

Part3 Reading and Writing (25分)

I. Read, think and write. (读一读,想一想,写一写) 8分

1. The man works in a zoo. He feeds the animals every day. He is a __________.

2. It lives on the farm. You can get the milk from it. It goes “Moo…Moo…”. It’s a ________.

3. It is soft. It is often on the chair. You can sit comfortably(舒适). It

is a ________.

4. This animal is very large. You can’t see it in the world. You can see it

in the film or in the toy shop. It is a ___________.

5. It is a tool. You can put the snail(钉子) in the desk with it. It is a


6. This bell is loud. That bell is quiet. They’re ___________.

7. It is a place. It is surrounded (包围) by the water. It is an ______________.

8. It is white. It looks like a duck or a swan. It lays eggs. It can swim in

the pond. But it can’t fly. It is a ___________.

II.Read and judge (阅读后判断,对的用T表示,错的用F表示) 6分Tim lives in a small village(村庄) near our city. He’s got a farm. It’s between the mountains. He has some pigs and some sheep on his farm. It’s spring. The grass is green. He feeds his animals with the grass.

There’s a lake near the farm. His geese are on the lake now.

Tim is talking with his old friend Tom now. He lives in another village. They often meet at weekends. They talk about their farms, vegetables and their animals.

( ) 1. Tom’s farm is between the mountains.

( ) 2. Tim has some pigs and some hens.

( ) 3. T im’s ducks are swimming on the lake.

( ) 4. Tom has a farm, too.

( ) 5. Tim and Tom live in the same village.

( ) 6. They often play at weekend.

III. Read and write (阅读后回答问题) 5分

Today is National Day(国庆节). There is no school today. There are many children in the park, at the zoo and in the cinema. Some children are with their parents(父母亲) or teachers and others are with their friends. Everybody is happy. I am at the Children’s Palace with my classmates. There are many interesting places in the Children’s Palace. The girls are singing and dancing with some American children. Weiwei and I are playing video games(电子游戏) now. We are all having a good time.

1. What is the date today?


2. Do the children have any lessons?


3. What ’s in the Children’s Palace?


4.Who is playing video games now?


5. How are the children?


II.Writing. (请你写写zoo-keeper辛勤的一天,不少于40词,用三种以上句型) 6分








牛津小学英语5A期末试卷 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 ( ) 1. A. wash B. watch C. fish ( ) 2. A. there B. here C. where ( ) 3. A. walk B. wall C. work ( ) 4. A. night B. right C. light ( ) 5. A. picnic B. picture C. puzzle ( ) 6. A. what B. want C. white ( ) 7.A. 2569 B. 5395 C. 4935 ( ) 8. A. get up B. pick up C. stand up ( ) 9. A. fifth B.fifteenth C. fiftieth ( )10.A.top B.mop C. rope 二、听录音,选出正确答语。 ( ) 1. A.I want some milk. B. I like milk. C. I’ve got some milk. ( ) 2. A.I have some carrots. B. We need some carrots. C. They need some carrots. ( ) 3. A.Y es,the boy is. B. He is hungry. C. No,he is thirsty. ( ) 4.A.I like a dress. B. The pink one. C. I think this is good. ( ) 5. A.It’s six now. B.At six o’clock. C.On the six o’clock. ( ) 6. A.W e like playing with kites. B. We are flying kites. C. W e can fly kites. 三、听录音,在空格内填入你所听到的单词。 1. Don’t make a ___________ . 2. Mrs Brown __________ _________at half past five. 3.________is some _________. 4.Which________ do you like _________? 5.There is an office ______ _______ ______ floor.


教科版五年级下册科学期中测试卷 姓名得分 一、填空(20分) 1、潜水艇是用改变自身的()来改变沉浮的。 2、轻重相同的物体,体积大的容易(),体积小的容易()。 3、我们把物体在水中()叫做排开的水量。 4、物体浸入水中的体积越少,受到的浮力就()。 5、水受热后重量(),体积()。 6、水受热时体积(),受冷时体积(),水的这种变化叫作()。 7、酒厂没有把酒瓶装满,是恐怕酒因受热后()而发生爆炸危险。 8、通过直接接触,将热从一个物体传达室递给另一个物体,或者从物体的一部分传递到另一部分的传热方法叫做()。 9、像木头,塑料勺等物体是热的(),像铜条、铝片等物体是热的()。 10、一块木头重5N,小明用了3N的力把木头压入了水中,这时木头受到的浮力是()。 二、判断(18分) 1、所有的金属都是热胀冷缩的。-------------------------() 2、体积相同的热水和冷水,重量也相同。-----------------() 3、如果一立方厘米的某物体的重量是1克,那么它在浓盐水中就会

沉。----() 4、在油中浮的物体在水中一定是浮的。----------------() 5、大小不同的泡沫塑料压入水中,它受到的浮力相同。---() 6、热传导一般是在固体中发生的一种传热方式。--------------() 7、钢条加热时会伸长变细。---------------------------() 8、人们用铁做锅,是因为铁是热的良导体。------------() 9、夏天人们少穿衣服是因为衣服能增加热量而多穿会使人热得难受。----() 三、选择(20分) 1、我们经过实验知道铜、铁、铝三种金属中传热速成度最快的是()。 A、铝 B、铜 C、铁 2、下列材料不能热胀冷缩的是()。 A、牛奶 B、锑 C、空气 3、同体积的马铃薯、清水和浓盐水相比,最轻的是()。 A、清水 B、马铃薯 C、浓盐水 4、沉在水底的水泥船,受到的浮力和重力的关系是()。 A、浮力<重力 B、浮力=重力 C、浮力>重力 5、在空气中45克的物体在水中只有35克了,这个物体如果放入水中会()。 A、上浮 B、下沉 C、静浮 6、当木块漂浮水面时,它受到的浮力()它受到的重力。


Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 1 Can I do this? 单词:cross穿越drink 喝make a noise 制造噪音mean 意味着one 一or 或者out 出去road 路 rubbish 垃圾sign 标志smoke 抽烟station 站 traffic light 交通灯underground 地下wait for等待way 路 which 哪一个 句子: 1 Don’t cross the road. __________________________________________ 2 Look! The traffic light’s red. Stop.________________________________ 3 Look! The traffic light’s yellow. Wait! _____________________________ 4 Look! The traffic light’s green. Go! _______________________________ 5 Can I go out, Mum? No, you can’t. ________________________________ 6 Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can. Here you are. ___________________________ Unit 2 This is what I want 单词:BigMac 巨无霸French Fries 炸鸡glue 胶水McChicken 鸡肉汉堡paper纸picnic 野餐scissors 剪刀tape 磁带vegetable 蔬菜want想要 句子: 1 What do you want? __________________________ I want some paper, please. _________________________________ 2 Here’s some paper. Thank you very much. _________________________________ Unit 3 This is What I need 单词:bake 烘烤buy 买cheap 便宜的dear 昂贵的for 为了need 需要salt 盐uniform 制服wear 穿let’s=let us 词组:1 a new uniform 一件新制服some new shoes 一些新鞋 some new socks 一些新袜子 a new bag 一件新书包 some books 一些书some crayons 一些蜡笔 Module 2 Me. My family and friends Unit 1 Me 单词:


五年级英语期末考试卷一 班级:姓名:学号:成绩: 听力部分(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍,10分) ( ) 1. A. quarter B. quietly C. quick ( ) 2. A. left B. lift C. let ( ) 3. A. dragonfly B. butterfly C. firefly ( ) 4.A. take B. talk C. make ( ) 5. A. toothache B. headache C. backache ( ) 6. A. 2:15 B. 1:45 C. 2:45 ( ) 7 A. SaturdayB. Thursday C. Tuesday ( ) 8. A. stay at home B. stay in bed C. stay at school ( ) 9. A. head and hand B. hand and head C. head and shoulder ( ) 10. A. a bad cough B. a bad cold C. a high fever 二、听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍,10分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he can. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 2. A. I’m from French. B. We’re from France. C. They’re from China. ( ) 3. A. I feel cold. B. I’ve got a fever. C. I feel cough. ( ) 4.A. She like Maths. B. She likes Social science. C. She likes Art. ( ) 5.A. He usually surfs the Internet. B. She usually reads the newspaper. C. They’re having a PE lesson. 三、听录音,将短文补充完整。(听三遍,10分) Amy lives in a big ________ in___________. She

牛津小学五年级英语5A Unit1-2试卷

五年级英语第一次月度检测试卷 (听力部分) 一听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填在题前的()内。(). tomorrow B. together C. toilet (). swing B. skate C. swim (). kitchen B. chicken C. children ()4. A. a new house B. a nice horse C. a new nurse ()5. A. play table tennis B. play basketball C. play football ()6. A. a map of the world B. a map of Shanghai C. a map of London ()7. A. in the bathroom B. in the dining room C. in the sitting room ()8. A. The mouse is near the bad. B. The mouse is near the box. C. The mouse is near the sofa. ()9. A. Mr Green is in the computer room. B. Mr Green is in the TV room. C. Mr Green is in the classroom. ()10. A. There are ten classrooms in the new building. B. There are two toilets in the new building. C. There are twelve classrooms in the new building.


五年级下册科学期中考试试卷 姓名:班级:得分: 一、我会填空(每个空格1.5分,总36分) 1、在试管里装满水,用气球皮把试管口蒙住,放在天平上称量,取下试管放到酒精灯的外焰上加热后再进行测量,发现天平仍然保持_________,而气球皮_________,说明水受热后改变的是_________,不改变的是_________。 2、温度越高,微粒运动的速度就会越_________,需要的空间也就越_________。 3、晚上,我们钻进被窝,感觉被子是________的,早上醒来,感觉被窝是________的;晚上再去睡觉时感觉被窝又是________的,这说明被子_______增加我们的热量。 4、温度计是根据________________性质制成的。 5、善于导热的物体叫做_________,例如______________;不善于导热的物体叫做__________,例如______________。 6、液体受热时体积_________,受冷时体积_________,我们把液体体积的这种变化叫做______________。 7、通过直接接触,热总是沿着物体从__________的一端传向_________的一端的传递方式叫做_______________。 8、我们把物体在水中排开水的体积叫做_______________。在酒厂里,工人用比重计来测量液体的轻重。 9、固体热胀冷缩只是物体内分子的__________增大或者缩小,物体的质量___________。 二、我会选择(每小题1.5分,共18分) 1、将一杯水加热后()会发生变化。 A、重量 B、体积 C、重量和体积 2、三个杯子里盛有相同重量和温度的水,凉得最慢()。 A、不锈钢杯 B、陶瓷杯 C、塑料杯 D、无法确定


牛津英语5A期末试卷姓名:班级:学号: 一,听录音,选出你所听到的单词.(6分) ( ) 1. A. have B. jacket C.tape ( ) 2. A. ski B. start C. skate ( ) 3. A. walk B. wall C. work ( ) 4. A. large B. laugh C. lantern ( ) 5. A. floor B. follow C. flower ( ) 6. A. rectangle B. triangle C. diamond 二,听录音,选出正确答语.(6分) ( ) 1. A. Thank you. B. Its not nice. C. That’s OK. ( ) 2. A. I have some candles. B. We need some candles. C. They need some candles. ( ) 3. A. There are some magazines. B. Yes, they’re maga zines. C. They’re on the desk. ( ) 4. A. They’re five squares. B. There are five squares. C. I can see some squares. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I do. B. I like ducks. C. We have ducks. ( ) 6. A. We like playing with marbles. B. We are playing with marbles. C. We can play with marbles. 三,听录音,在空格内填入你所听到的单词.(8分) 1. They _____________ _____________ a Music lesson. 2. Our new _____________ is _____________ the garden. 3.____________ are some ______________ in the vase. 4. What _____________ is the ______________ 笔试部分(80分) 一,判断划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写S,不同的写D .(10分) ( ) 1, after class ( ) 2, dance cat ( ) 3, skate face ( ) 4, father fat ( ) 5, basketball plane ( ) 6, can and ( ) 7, beside nine ( ) 8, milk behind ( ) 9, clock song ( ) 10,some hot 二,请你选择正确答案.(15分) ( ) 1. She is ________ a picture in the study. A. writing B. drawing C. looking ( ) 2. This is ________ bear. That is ________ elephant. A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a ( ) 3. Tom ________ a toy car. Tom’s p arents ________ two cars.


五年级科学期中试卷 姓名 一、填空题(共30分,每空2分) 1、潜水艇就是用改变自身的( )来改变沉浮的。 2、轻重相同的物体,体积大的容易( ),体积小的容易( )。 3、我们把物体在水中( )叫做排开的水量。 4、物体浸入水中的体积越少,受到的浮力就( )。 5、水受热后重量( ),体积( )。 6、水受热时体积( ),受冷时体积( ),水的这种变化 叫做( )。 7、酒厂没有把酒瓶装满,就是恐怕酒因受热后( )而发生爆炸危险。 8、通过直接接触,将热从一个物体传达室递给另一个物体,或者从物体的一部分 传递到另一部分的传热方法叫做( )。 9、像木头,塑料勺等物体就是热的( ),像铜条、铝片等物体就是 热的( )。 10、一块木头重5N,小明用了3N的力把木头压入了水中,这时木头受到的浮力就是 ( )。 二、判断题(共20分) 1、物体在水中下沉,就是因为物体没有受到水的浮力的作用。----------( ) 2、造一艘小船的计划应包括:准备、制作、改进与完成。------------( ) 3、把橡皮擦切成八分之一放入水中,橡皮擦就会浮起来。------------( ) 4、重量相同的物体,体积大的容易浮在水面上。--------------------( ) 5、人能在“死海”的水面上漂浮,就是因为这个人太轻了。------------( ) 6.物体在水中排开的水量越少,受到的浮力越小。----------------( ) 7、除了盐水外,其她液体不能使马铃薯浮起来。--------------------( ) 8、同一种材料构成的物体,在水中的沉浮与它的轻重、体积有关。-----( ) 9、潜水艇就是靠改变自己的体积来改变沉浮的。-----------------------( ) 10、把大小不同的石块放入水中,受到的浮力相同。----------------( )


牛津英语五年级上册练习题 一、英汉词组互译。 1、她的家人_______________ 2、买东西 _______________________ 3、在课桌下_______________ 4、需要一些花 ____________________ 5、唱一首歌________________ 6、Good idea. ____________________ 7、a large sitting-room_______ 8、on the wall ____________________ 9、at a Music lesson__________ 10、have a Halloween party______ 二、对话配对。 () 1. Do you like the tiger mask? A. There’s a cat. ()2. Are there any pens on the desk? B. They’re twenty yuan. () 3. What’s under the table? C. Yes, there is. () 4. Is there a map on the wall? D. Yes, I need some pens and pencils. () 5. What can you do ? E. I can dance. ()6. How much are the flowers? F. Good idea. () 7. Can I help you? G. There are forty. () 8. Shall we put the vase on the teacher’s desk? H. OK. () 9. How many trees are there in the garden? I. No, I don’t. () 10. Listen to the teacher, please. J. Yes, there are. 三、选择填空,将正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内。 ()1. Ben’s family____ having lunch in the dinning-room. A. am B. is C. are () 2. Are there ______ swings in the garden? Yes, there are. A. some B. any C. one () 3. _____any coffee in the cup?


5B期末小测试 姓名班级得分 听力部分(20) 一、听录音,选出你的听到的单词(10) A B C ()1. grow brown down ()2.ready wrong write ()3.France French Frenchman ()4.at 1:40 at 1:30 at 1:20 ()5.Internet interesting English ()6.love stove monkey ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/ea7918679.html,e usually uncle ()8.lift left leg ()9.match wash watch ()10.help here half 二、听录音,完成下列对话,每空一词(10) 1. A:Excuse me, what time is it ? B:It’s . A:I’m now, and you? B: , too. A:Do you want to play football? B:No, I don’t. I want to cartoons. A: a good idea. Let’s watch together. 2. A:Ben, what day is it today? B:It’s . A:What do you have in the moning? B:We have . English. PE and . 笔试部分(80) 一、根据要求写单词(10) 1、one(序数词) 2、tooth(复数) 3、wrong(反义词) 4、do(第三人称单数) 5、yes(反义词) 二、中英互译(20) 1、集邮 2、在周末 3、值日 4、打乒乓球 5、在两点半 6、上下 7、讲英语8、听音乐 11.from Monday to Friday 12.the same hobby 13.a quarter past four 14.a busy day 15.catch insects 16.Be quick. 17.go to the park 18.play the piano 19.get a cold 20.Nice to meet you. 三、选择(20)


五年级期中复习卷 一、单项选择(每题1分) ( )重点1. Jack is_____with Jim.They are good____. A:running;friend; B:running;friends; C:runing;friends D:run;friend's ( )难点2. Do they ___ two legs ____ two arms? A.has, and B. have,or C. has, or D. has, and ( )重点3. The Greens____supper now. A:is having B:are;having C:is haveing D:are;haveing ( )重点4. The children are____TV. A:watch B:seeing C:watching D:reading ( )易错点5. Are the boys looking at the blackboard? Yes,they____. A:aren't B:do C:don't D:are ( ) 难点6. How many are there on the tree? There ___ four. A.bird, is B, birds, is C. birds, are D. bird, are ( )7. 易错点--Do you have a red pen?Which of the following is wrong? --____. A:Yes; I have one B:Yes,I have it C:Yes,I do D:Sorry,I don't ( )难点8. I don't want a red apple.I want____. A:green apple B:a green C:a green one D:one green ( ) 难点9. ____ your father and mother ______ animals? A.Are, like B. Do, like C. Are, are D. Do, do ( ) 重点10. _____ only four years old, but _____ anmal friend is eight. A.He’s, his B. He’s, he’s C. She’s, she’s D. She, her 二、重点英汉互译(每空1分) 读故事 一个动物朋友弹钢琴 去滑冰 打乒乓球like climbing watch films be good at look out one....the other


五年级下册科学期中测试卷 我们来闯闯关,只要你仔细审题,认真答题,你就会有出色的表现,相信自己的 实力,祝你成功! 第一关:我会判断(20分) ()1、在水中搬运石头比在陆地上搬运同样大小的石头要省力。 ()2、在一瓶子中装满热开水,等水冷了后,液面高度会下降一些。()3、大型货轮从河里驶入海里,船身会上浮一些。 ()4、冬天自来水管冻裂,是由于管子遇冷收缩引起的。 ()5、晓敏要完成一艘载货的小船的任务,她认为只要考虑船的大小就可以了。 ()6、羽绒服比衬衣能产生更多的热量,所以冬天大家都穿羽绒服。()7、大的马铃薯在水中是沉的,把它切成小块,在水中就能浮起来了。()8、日常生活中,我们经常用木制的筷子,这是因为木头传热慢。()9、一般只有吃热的食物才能让我们的身体热起来,而冷食却不行。()10、只有选择长短、粗细都相同的铜丝、钢丝、铝丝做传热性能实验,才能准确地比较这三种金属的传热性能差异。 第二关:我会选择(26分) 1、浸没在同一液体中的不同物体,受到的浮力大小与()有关。 A.液体的浓度B.物体的材料C.物体排开的水量 2、把一个小塑料袋冷水放入热水中,一段时间后,这一袋冷水会()A.浮在水面B.沉在水底C.慢慢由沉变浮 3、酒厂里,有一种能够比较液体轻重的仪器是() A.天平B.比重计C.弹簧测力计 4、往大小、形状、颜色、厚薄相同的塑料杯、铁杯、陶瓷杯倒入相同温度的热水,5分钟后杯中水凉得快的是() A.塑料杯B.铁杯C.陶瓷杯 5、有两个物体,一个是30立方厘米,一个是150立方厘米,把它们放入足够大的水缸中,() A.大的沉B.都沉或都浮C.有多种可能 6、下列物质中,()的热胀冷缩现象最明显。 A.空气B.水C.铜球


《牛津小学英语5B》期末测试题 五年级下学期英语期 末考试卷 班级姓名学号成绩 听力部分( 30 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,读两 遍。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. card B. catch C. cartoon ( ) 2. A. let B. lesson C. listen ( ) 3. A. wash B. watch C. which ( ) 4. A. butterfly B. dragonfly C. fi refly ( ) 5. A. white B. write C. bright ( ) 6. A. 6:15 B. 7:15 C. 6:45 ( ) 7. A. toothache B. backache C. hea dache

( ) 8. A. walk carefully B. sit quietl y C. sing loudly ( ) 9. A. carry big things B. glow at night C. dance in the flowers

( ) 10. A. touch your knees B. lift up your right leg. C. put your feet togethe r 二、根据你所听到的问句,选出正确答句,读两遍。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Not yet. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I ' m Tom speaking. B. Y es, sp eaking. C. Yes, I ' m Tom. ( ) 3. A. About half past eight. B. At a quarter to seven. C. They ' re seven. ( ) 4. A. I have PE and Chinese. B. We like Maths. C. I don ' t like Chinese. ( ) 5. A. We often cook food. B. They are watching TV. C. They often do housewo rk. 三、听录音,完成短文,读三遍。(10 分) 1 、We are from different countries. I m from . He ' s from


《牛津小学英语5A》期末测试卷(供参考) 姓名______________ 得分____________ 口试部分(30%) 一、请你演唱一首你本学期学过的英语歌曲或背诵一首你本学期学过的英 语歌谣。(4%) 二、请你朗读下列单词和词组。(8%) house flower large study song listen family Maths class children star look for on the first floor a map of the world do housework at home go and join them 三、请你朗读下面的对话。(8%) A: Hi, Helen. B: Hi, Mike. A: Where are you going? B: I’m going to Su Hai and Su Yang’s home. They need my help with their English. A: I see. I’m going to the school playground. Gao S han and Wang Bing are playing basketball there. I’ll go and join them. B: Have a good time then. See you later. A: See you. 四、请你看图说话。(至少说6句)(6%) 五、现在老师用英语和你交谈,请你说出相应的答语。(4%)

听力部分(30%) 一、请你先听录音,然后根据对话的次序,在相应的图片上写上序号。(8%) 二、请你先听录音,然后选出你所听到的单词。(8%) ( ) 1. A. say B. swing C. song ( ) 2. A. ski B. start C. skate ( ) 3. A. walk B. wall C. work ( ) 4. A. large B. laugh C. lantern ( ) 5. A. floor B. follow C. flower ( ) 6. A. rectangle B. triangle C. diamond ( ) 7. A. mouth B. match C. mask ( ) 8. A. beside B. between C. behind 三、请你先听录音,然后选出正确答语。(6%) ( ) 1. A. Thank you. B. It’s not nice. C. That’s OK. ( ) 2. A. I have some candles. B. We need some candles. C. They need some candles. ( ) 3. A. There are some magazines. B. Yes, they’re magazines. C. They’re on the desk. ( ) 4. A. They’re five squares. B. There are five squares. C. I can see some squares. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I do. B. I like ducks. C. We have ducks. ( ) 6. A. We like playing with marbles. B. We are playing with marbles. C. We can play with marbles.


1 石首市2012—2013学年度下学期小学期中考试 五年级科学试卷 时间:40分钟 命题:应国庆 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 一、填空题。(10分) 1、用塞子塞好的空瓶,会 在水面上,往瓶里加些沙,增加瓶的 ,它就会慢慢 到水底了。 2、船是人类的伟大 。 3、大小不同的泡沫塑料块,完全浸入水中, 他们所受到的浮力是不 的。 4、热总是从 的一端传向 的一端。 5、锑和铋这两种金属不像其他金属那样热胀冷缩,而是 。 二、判断题。(16分) ( )1、人在游泳时会感到有一种向上托起的力,这个力叫浮力。 ( )2、物体浸入水中的体积越大,它受到的浮力也越大。 ( )3、直接用测力计来测泡沫塑料块受到的浮力比较困难, 如果在容器底部安装一个小滑轮, 测起来就容易一些。 ( )4、马铃薯在有的液体中下沉,在有的液体中上浮。 ( )5、把一小袋加热了的水放在冷水里,它会浮起来。 ( )6、不同材料制成的物体,导热性能是不一样的。

2 ( )7、我们把温度计放到一件没有穿在身上的毛线衣里面, 过一会儿,温度计的读数就上升了。 ( )8、木勺与钢勺相比,木勺的传热速度要快一些。 三、选择题。(24分) 1、用钢铁制成的轮船能浮在水面上,这是改变了( ) A. 它的重量 B. 液体浓度 C. 它的体积 2、马铃薯放入( )中会浮起来。 A. 很淡的盐水 B. 清水 C. 浓糖水 3、我们把塑料块放入( )中,它会下沉。 A. 清水 B. 食用油 C. 浓盐水 4、热的不良导体,可以( )物体热量的散失。 A. 加快 B. 减慢 C. 不改变 5、下列几种物质中,( )不能给我们的身体带来热量。 A. 棉衣 B. 太阳 C. 食物 6、( )物质都具有热胀冷缩的性质。 A. 大多数 B. 很少 C. 所有 四、填表题。(12分) 1、看图,再根据要求填空。 把图中容器里的物质由轻到重排列 顺序 1 2 3 4 5 物质


沪教牛津五年级英语上册复习内容 模块纵览 Module1 Getting to know each other 本模块是关于认识自己及了解他人。 Unit1 My future 介绍了各种职业,探讨未来想从事的职业。Unit2 Going to school 介绍了上学或上班的出行方式。 Unit3 My birthday 介绍了有关生日的庆祝活动。 Module 2 Relationships 本模块是关于自己与家长及朋友的关系。 Unit4 Grandparents 介绍了和祖父母一起进行的活动。 Unit 5 Friends 介绍了自己和好朋友之间的相同和不同之处。Unit 6 Family life 介绍了不同的房间及家庭生活。 Module 3 Out and about 本模块是关于丰富多彩的户外生活。 Unit 7 At the beach 介绍了海边休闲度假时所做的一些事情。Unit 8 An outing 描述了一次“寻宝”活动。 Unit 9 Around the city 是关于问路及指路。 Module 4 The natural world 本模块是关于大自然和人们日常生活之间的关系。 Unit 10 Wind 认识风的各种状态。 Unit 11 Water 介绍了水的各种用途。 Unit 12 Fire 介绍了一些基本的防火知识。

第一单元复习 1.词组 Jump into the lake fly a plane cook nice food (be) afraid of flying help people drive a taxi (be)good at... 2.句型 用What do you want to be ?询问对方将来想从事的职业。 用I want to be ...及I want to (do)...介绍自己未来想从事的职业及理由。 3.难点 1)当句子主语为第三人称单数时,动词要做适当的变化。 2)want to do 与want to be 的正确用法。 3)许多动词词尾加er可构成名词。如:teach--teacher sing--singer play---player。但,也有例外,如cook可做动词,意为“烹饪”,也可做名词,意为“厨师”,而cooker的意思则为“炉灶;炉具”。 习题: 1.用所给词的适当形式填空 1)Jim _____ (want) to be a doctor. He can _____ (help) people. 2)Ms Fang _____ (be) a teacher. She _____ (teach) us Science. 3)What ____ (do )your brother want to be ? 4)May ____ (like) cooking. She wants to _____ (be) a cook .


五年级英语下册期中试卷 Listening 听力部分 30% 一.听录音,选出听到的单词,词组和句子。10% 1. ( ) A. noise B. noisy C. nose 2. ( ) A. mouth B. mouse C. month 3. ( ) A. wait B. wet C. hat 4. ( ) A. their B. theirs C. they’re 5. ( ) A. tickets B. packets C. pictures 6. ( ) A. a small house B. a big home C. a small hole 7. ( ) A. some juice B. some drinks C. some ham 8. ( ) A. paint and draw B. sing and dance C. jump and run 9. ( ) A. This is my timetable for today. B. This is his timetable for Tuesday. C. This is her timetable for Thursday. 10. ( ) A. Jim’s father gives him a black stone. B. Jim’s grandfather gives him a magic stone. C. Jim’s friend gives them a magic stone. 二.听录音,选出正确的应答句。5% 1. () A. They’re mine. B. It’s Danny’s. C. It’s Peter’s. 2. ( ) A. It was a white egg. B. It was a brown cocoon. C. It was a beautiful butterfly. 3. ( ) A. It’s a drill. B. I can hear a bus. C. She can hear a lorry. 4. ( ) A. I had a hamburger. B. I have some biscuits. C. Danny had some bread. 5. ( ) A. Yes, we can. B. That’s all right. C. OK. I want to see the princess. 三.听录音,根据对话内容和问题,选出正确的答案。5% 1. () A. They’re Anna’s. B. They’re Paul’s. C. They’re Anna’s brushes.. 2. ( ) A. She wants two tomatoes. B. She wants two potatoes. C. She has some carrots. 3. ( ) A. They heard a lorry. B. They heard a motorbike. C. Both A and B. 4. ( ) A. She likes Swan Lake. B. She likes Snow White. C. She likes Rabbit Run. 5. ( ) A. She has three. B . She has two. C. She has five. 四.听录音,判断下列句子是否与听到的短文内容相符,用T或F表示。5% 1. ( ) Mr Zhang went for a walk this evening. 2. ( ) A bird was singing. It was beautiful and quiet. 3. ( ) Mr Zhang didn’t like the drill, but he liked the motorbike. 4. ( ) There were two aeroplanes in the sky. 5. ( ) Mr Zhang heard the telephone at home. 五.听录音,填入所缺的单词。5% One day, Ellen and Tim are having ____________ at home. ‘What do you like eating?’ asks Ellen. ‘I like eating pizzas, hamburgers and French fries. And I like ________ cola very much,’ says Tim.
