













例:How much is the shirt?



C. £9.18.


1.How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts?

A.S18.B.$19. C.$20

2. What will the speakers discuss?

A. A report.

B. A computer.

C. A report on computer.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A child.

B. A room.

C. A present.

4. What can we learn from this conversation?

A. The woman does not get along well with the man.

B. The woman does not get along well with her roommate.

C. The man will talk with the woman s roommate.

5. Where are the two speakers now?

A. On the first floor.

B. On the fourth floor

C. On the fifth floor.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) ,



6. What was the woman doing before she went home?

A. Typing a report.

B. Rewriting a report.

C. Reviewing a report.

7. Where did the woman have her dinner?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In her office.

C. At home.


8. Why does the man feel surprised?

A. The woman has found a new job.

B. The woman doesn't feel like leaving.

C. The woman disagrees with him.

9. What does the woman say about her department?

A. There is a lack of trust.

B. There are serious problems.

C. There is too much pressure.


10. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Popular sports events.

B. TV programs people like best.

C. Things people do after work.

11. How did the woman do the research?

A. She talked to people.

B. She sent letters to people.

C. She collected information from newspapers.

12. What do most people do in their spare time?

A. Go to movies.

B. Read books.

C. Watch TV.


13. Where does this conversation take place?

A. At the airport.

B. In a restaurant.

C. On the street.

14. Why does the woman like San Francisco?

A. It has less traffic.

B. It has the best food and music.

C. People there are friendlier.

15. Where does the woman come from?

A. Pennsylvania.

B. San Francisco.

C. China.

16. What does the woman think of the man' s English?

A. Excellent.

B. Acceptable.

C. Strange.

17. How many people are there in the woman' s family?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

18. What did the children think about having dinner together at home?

A. They thought it was funny.

B. They disliked the idea at first.

C. They preferred eating with friends.

19. How often did the family finally decide to have meals together?

A. Every Sunday.

B. Twice a week.

C. Three times a week.

20. Who finally set the time for these family dinners?

A. The children.

B. The father.

C. The woman speaker.




例如:It is generally considered unwise to give a child________ he or she wants.

A. however

B. whatever

C. whichever

D. whenever


21. On May 5, 2005, at________World T able T ennis Championship, Kong Linghui and Wang Hao

won the gold medal in men's doubles with ________ score of 4: 1.

A. a; a

B. 不填; the

C. a; 不填

D. the; a

22. ---- How is everything going on with you in Europe?

----Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped, _________.

A. though

B. instead

C. either

D. too

23. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _________ jokes.

A. turning up

B. putting up

C. making up

D. showing up

24. ---- How about putting some pictures into the report?

----________A picture is worth a thousand words.

A. No way.

B. Why not?

C. All right?

D.No matter.

25.---- Is Bob still performing?

---- I'm afraid not. He is said________ the stage already as he has become an official

A. to have left

B. to leave

C. to have been left

D. to be left

26. I'm moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than________ in

the city.

A. ones

B. one

C. that

D. those

27. ________ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police

A. Having lost

B. Lost

C. Being lost

D. Losing

28. David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and

feels________ desire to go to bed.

A. the most

B. more

C. worse

D. the least

29.They _______ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we________

it as no good results have come out so far.

A. had been working; are still working

B. had worked; were still working

C. have been working; have worked

D. have worked; are still working

30. In our childhood, we were often _______ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.

A. demanded

B. reminded

C. allowed

D. hoped

31. ---- The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before

she returned.

---- Oh, dear! She _______ a lot of difficulties!

A. may go through

B. might go through

C. ought to have gone through

D. must have gone through

32. The place _______ the bridge is supposed to be built should be________the

cross-river traffic is the heaviest.

A. which; where

B. at which; which

C. at which; where

D. which; in which

33.---- Don't you think it necessary that he _______ to Miami but to New York?

---- I agree, but the problem is ________ he has refused to.

A. will not be sent; that

B. not be sent; that

C. should not be sent; what

D. should not send; what

34. Unlike watching TV, reading is a highly active process (过程)________ it requires

attention as well as memory and imagination.

A. until

B. but

C. unless

D. for

35. ______ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research

A. so curious the couple was

B. So curious were the couple

C. How curious the couple were

D. The couple was such curious


On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past


36 my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it 37 over a fence. Chris was paralyzed (瘫痪) from the chest down, 38 to breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of 39 with lots of unexpected challenges( 挑战). We went from the "haves" to the “have-nots". Or so we thought.

40 what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of 41 difficulties. We came to learn that something 42 could happen in a disaster . All over the world people

43 Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day. By the end of the third week

in a 44 center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of 45 had been received and sorted.

As 46 , we opened letter after letter. They gave us 47 and became a source of strength for us. We used them to 48 ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with "Funny" if we needed a 49 , or to the "Disabled" box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or 50 in bed living happily and 51 .

These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so 52 we offer one of them to you.

Dear Chris,

My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your 53 accident last week. No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this 54 challenge. People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you 55 .

Yours Sincerely,

Nancy Reagan

36.A.since B.before C. when D.while

37. A. walked B. climbed C. pulled D. jumped

38. A. able B. unable C. suitable D. unsuitable

39. A. disability B. possession C. convenience D. experience

40. A. So B. For C. Or D. Yet

41. A. sharing B. separating C. fearing D. exploiting

42. A. terrible B. similar C. wonderful D. practical

43. A. wrote for B. cared for C. hoped for D. sent for

44. A. medical B. postal C. experimental D. mental

45.A. news B. paper C. equipment D. mail

46. A. patients B. a family C. nurses D. a group

47. A. effect B. effort C. comfort D. explanation

48. A. encourage B. express C. control D. treat

49. A. cry B. laugh C. chat D. sigh

50. A. much B. never C. even D. seldom

5l. A. bitterly B. fairly C. weakly D. successfully

52. A. here B. there C. therefore D. forward

53. A. driving B. flying C. running D. riding

54. A. technical B. different C. difficult D. valuable

55. A. nearby B. close C. busy D. alive





Jane Austen, a famous English writer, was born at Steventon, Hampshire, on December 16,

1775, and died on July 18, 1817. She began writing early in life, although the prejudices of her times forced her to have her books published anonymously ( 匿名).

But Jane Austen is perhaps the best known and best loved of Bath's many famous local people and visitors. She paid two long visits here during the last five years of the eighteenth century and from 1801 to 1806, Bath was her home. Her deep knowledge of the city is fully seen in two of her novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, which are largely set in Bath. The city is still very much as Jane Austen knew it, keeping in its streets and public buildings the well-ordered world that she described so well in her novels. Now the pleasure of learning Jane Austen's Bath can be enhanced (增强)by visiting the Jane Austen Centre in Gay Street. Here, in a Georgian town house in the heart of the city, you can find out more about Bath in Jane Austen's time and the importance of Bath in her life and work.

The Centre has been set up with the help and guidance of members of the Jane Austen Society. After your visit to the Centre, you can look round the attractive shop, which offers a huge collection of Jane Austen related books, cards and many specially designed gifts. Jane Austen quizzes are offered to keep the children busy.

You can also have walking tours of Jane Austen's Bath, which is a great way to find out more about Jane Austen and discover the wonderful Georgian city of Bath. The tour lasts about one and a half hours. The experienced guides will take you to the places where Jane lived, walked and shopped.

56. Jane Austen paid two long visits to Bath________.

A. in her early twenties

B. in her early teens

C. in her late twenties

D. in her late teens

57. What can we learn about Bath from the passage?

A. Bath has greatly changed since Jane Austen's death.

B. The city has changed as much as Jane Austen knew it.

C. Bath remains almost the same as in Jane Austen's time.

D. No changes have taken place in Bath since Jane Austen's time.

58.The author writes this passage in order to________.

A. attract readers to visit the city of Bath

B. ask readers to buy Austen's books

C. tell readers about Jane Austen's experience

D. give a brief introduction to the Jane Austen Society

59. It takes you about one and a half hours________.

A. to get to the Jane Austen Centre in Gay Street

B. to buy Jane Austen related books, cards and gifts

C. to find a guide to take you to the Centre

D. to look around the city of Bath on foot


Hi, everybody !

Welcome to our newly-opened Richards Cinema Bookstore!

Now let me introduce to you some of the new film books in our store.

Are you Chinese film fans? OK, here comes the latest 25 New Takes about Chinese films. It is a collection of 25 fresh readings of different Chinese films from the 1930s to the present. In recent years, Chinese films are very popular in the States, such as Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, Hero, and Flowers of Shanghai.

Do you like French films? Well, here is The French Cinema Book. It covers French films from the 1890s to the beginning of the 21st century. It is written for all lovers of French cinema: students and teachers, specialists and fans, and so on.

Maybe you are Indian film fans and star-chasers. Then here is Encyclopedia ( 百科全书) of Indian Cinema. The book is a complete introduction to all the best Indian films. It also offers a full list of names of the famous and successful film stars in the past ten years. You know, the Indian film industry is the largest in the world after our Hollywood.

If you like British films, we have The British Cinema Book. It is a good review of British cinema. This book contains a good many nice pictures.

In our bookstore, you can also find books about Mexican, Japanese, Australian, German and Italian films..

Well, please help yourselves to some coffee or tea, and have a good time here!

60. The speaker of the passage is most probably _______.

A. the author of 25 New Takes

B. a tourist in the cinema bookstore

C. the manager of the cinema bookstore

D. a reader of Encyclopedia of Indian Cinema

61. How many Asian countries does the speaker refer to when he talks about the film books?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Nine.

62. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Indian cinema is second only to Hollywood.

B. The British Cinema Book includes a complete list of names of stars.

C. Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon is well received in the States.

D. The French Cinema Book covers over a century's French films.

63. The purpose of the speaker is_______.

A. to satisfy the customers' various tastes

B. to keep the authors in the cinema bookstore

C. to offer the tourists chances to meet the film stars

D. to mm the readers into film producers


The Sahara Festival is a celebration of the very recent past. The three-day event is not fixed to the same dates each year, but generally takes place in November or December. It is well attended by tourists, but even better attended by locals.

During the opening ceremonies, after the official greetings from the government leaders, people who attend the festival begin to march smartly before the viewing stands, and white camels transport their riders across the sands. Horsemen from different nations display their beautiful clothes and their fine horsemanship. One following another, groups of musicians and dancers from all over the Sahara take their turn to show off their wonderful traditional culture. Groups of men in blue and yellow play horns and beat drums as they dance in different designs. On their knees in the sand, a group of women in long dark dresses dance with their hair: their long, dark, shiny hair is thrown back and forth in the wind to the rhythm of their dance.

The local and visiting Italian dogs are anxious to run after hares. The crowd is on its feet for the camel races. Camels and riders run far into the distance, and then return to the finish Line in front of the cheering people.

Towards the evening, there comes the grand finale of the opening day, an extremely exciting horserace. All the riders run very fast on horseback. Some riders hang off the side of their saddles. Some even ride upside down -- their legs and feet straight up in the air -- all at full speed. Others rush down the course together, men arm

in arm, on different horses. On and on they went. SO fast and so wonderful!

64. The Sahara Festival is a festival which________.

A. has a very long history in North Africa

B. is held in the same place on the same day

C. is attended mainly by the people in the Sahara

D. is celebrated mostly by travelers from different countries

6 5. Before the races begin, ________ take part in the activities during the opening ceremonies.

A. musicians, dancers, horses and hares

B. camel riders, musicians, dogs and hares

C. horsemen, dancers, camels and dogs

D. musicians, officials, camels and horses

66. The underlined word "finale" in the fourth paragraph most probably means the ________of the opening day.

A. first part

B. middle

C. last part

D. whole

67. This passage mainly tells readers_______.

A. what happens on the opening day of the Sahara Festival

B. how people celebrate during the three-day Sahara Festival

C. what takes place at the closing ceremonies of the Sahara Festival

D. how animals race on the first and the last days of the Sahara Festival


Animals can move from place to place, but plants cannot. When an animal is under attack, it can run away or fight back.. Plants certainly cannot run away, and they lack teeth and claws. But plants can defend themselves by using both physical and chemical means.

Some plants have their own ways to keep animals away. For example, the leaves of the holly plant have sharp spines (刺) that discourage grass-eating animals. Holly leaves on lower branches have more spines than leaves on upper branches. This is because the lower leaves are easier for most animals to reach..

Some plants, such as the oak tree, have thick and hard leaves that are difficult for animals to eat. Some grasses may contain a sandy material; eating such grasses wears down the animal's teeth.

Many plants also have chemical defenses. Some plants produce chemicals that taste bitter or cause an unpleasant reaction. Some plants may fight against an attack by increasing the production of these chemicals. When a caterpillar (毛虫) bites a tobacco leaf, the leaf produces a chemical messenger. This messenger sends to the roots the information to produce more nicotine. The higher levels of nicotine discourage the caterpillar.

Many plants depend on both physical and chemical defenses. A certain plant in China, for instance, has prickly (多刺的) leaves, and each prickle contains poisonous venom (毒液) A single experience with this kind of plant will teach an animal to stay away from it in the future.

6 8. The holly plant has more spines on the lower leaves because most animals________.

A. are not tall enough

B. like the lower leaves only

C. are not clever enough

D. can get the lower leaves easily

69. To defend themselves, oak trees use________.

A. chemical means

B. physical means

C. bitter chemicals

D. sandy materials

70. How does tobacco protect itself against an attack from a caterpillar?

A. Its leaves fight against the attack by physical means.

B. Its roots send a messenger to discourage the caterpillar.

C. Its roots increase the production of nicotine when it is attacked.

D. Its leaves produce poisonous sand to drive the caterpillar away.

71. What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Plants and Animals

B. How Plants Defend Themselves

C. Attacks and Defenses

D. How Animals Eat Plant Leaves


The twentieth century saw greater changes than any century before: changes for the better, changes for the worse; changes that brought a lot of benefits to human beings, changes that put man in danger. Many things caused the changes, but, in my opinion, the most important was the progress in science.

Scientific research in physics and biology has vastly broadened our views. It has given us a deeper knowledge of the structure of matter and of the universe; it has brought us a better understanding of the nature of life and of its continuous development. Technology m the application of science m has made big advances that have benefited us in nearly every part of life.

The continuation of such activities in the twenty-first century will result in even greater advantages to human beings: in pure science -- a wider and deeper knowledge in all fields of learning; in applied science -- a more reasonable sharing of material benefits, and better protection of the environment.

Sadly, however, there is another side to the picture. The creativity of science has been employed in doing damage to mankind. The application of science and technology to the development and production of weapons of mass destruction has created a real danger to the continued existence of the human race on this planet. We have seen this happen in the case of nuclear weapons, Although their actual use has so

far occurred only in the Second World War, the number of nuclear weapons that were produced and made ready for use was so large that if the weapons had actually been used, the result could have been the ruin of the human race, as well as of many kinds of animals.

William Shakespeare said, "The web of our life is of a mingled yarn (纱线), good and ill together. '’The above brief review of the application of only one part of human activities – science seems to prove what Shakespeare said. But does it have to be so? Must the ill always go together with the good? Are we biologically programmed for war?

72. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

A. B. C. D.

73.From the fourth paragraph, we can infer that________.

A. a great many nuclear weapons were actually used for war

B. a large number of nuclear weapons should have been used for war

C. the author is doubtful about the ruin of human beings by nuclear weapons

D. the author is anxious about the huge number of nuclear weapons on the earth

74.The underlined word "mingled" in the last paragraph most probably means________.

A. simple

B. mixed

C. sad

D. happy

75.What do you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write?

A. Further application of science to war.

B. More reading of William Shakespeare.

C. Proper use of science in the new century.

D. Effective ways to separate the good from the ill.











My sister found a bird on the roadside. We named him

Jack and keep him for about three years. He would greet us 76.________

in a tree outside our bedroom, calling "Hello" as we lay in 77.________

bed in a morning. He also passed "Hello" to the cats when 78._______

they came into the room. We often played a trick on himself. 79._______

We'd throw a coin as far as possibly. Jack would fly away 80._______

and bring it back for us throw again. He would also catch 81._______

the food throwing to him from the other side of the room and 82._______ sing happily. But for the most wonderful thing about Jack 83.________ were his musical ability. Leaving him at home all day, we 84._______ would return at night to hear that he'd picked up from the 85._______ radio in the day.









A Letter to High School Students in Jiangsu

Dear fellow students,

Our government is aiming to build a "harmonious society" (和谐社会). I think it is every citizen's duty to work hard to achieve this goal.

As high school students, what should we do?

As for myself,

Dear fellow students, let's start fight now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute!

Li Xiaoping

From Jiangsu High School 2005年高考英语参考答案(江苏卷)

1-5:BACBC 6-10:ABABC 11-15:ACABA 16-20:ACBBC

21-25:DACBA 26-30;CBDAB 31-35;DCBDB

36-40;CDBCD 41-45;ACBAD 46-50;BCABC 51-55;DADCD

56-60;ACADC 61-65;BBACD 66-70;CADBC 71-75;BADBD

76.将keep改为kept 77. 正确78.将a改为the 79. 将himself改为him 80. 将possibly改为possible 81. 在throw前加to 82.将throwing改为thrown 83. 去掉for 84.将were改为was 85. 将that改为what


One possible version

Dear fellow students,

Our government is aiming to build a "harmonious society" (和谐社会). I think it is every citizen's duty to work hard to achieve this goal.

As high school students, what should we do?

As for myself,

Dear fellow students, let's start fight now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute!

Li Xiaoping

From Jiangsu High School


2015江苏高考英语试卷 二、单选 21. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in the past one year. A. it B. which C. that D. as 22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to _____ to their greatest potential. A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop 23. –Jim, can you work…..? --_____? I’ve been working two weeks on end. A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what 24. Much time______ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally trapped by health problems. A. being spent B. having spent C. spent D. to spend 25. _____ Li Hua, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but…. A. That B. Why C. Where D. How 26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside______ fully covered in thick clothes. A. if B. unless C. once D. when 27. The university started some new language programmes to _______ the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt. A. apply to B. cater for C. appeal to D. … 28. It might have saved me much trouble______ the schedule. A. did I know B. have I known C. do I know D. had I known 29. The whole team ______ Donald, and he seldom let them down. A. wait on B. focus on C. count on D. call on


2011江苏英语试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分) 1.What does the man like about the play? A.The story B. The ending C. The actor 2.Which place are the speakers trying to find? A. A hotel . B. A bank . C.A restaurant. 3.At what time will the two speakers meet? A.5:20 . B.5:10 . C.4:40. 4.What will the man do? A.Change the plan. B.Wait for a phone. C.Sort things out. 5.What does the woman want to do? A. See a film with the man . B. Offer the man some help. C.Listen to some great music. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.Where is Ben? A. In the kitchen B. At school C. In the park 7.What will the children do in the afternoon? A. Help set the table B. Have a party C. Do their homework 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What are the two speakers talking about? A. A family holiday B. A business trip C. A travel plan 9.Where did Rachel go? A. Spain B. Italy C. China 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.How did the woman get to know about third-hand smoke? A. From young smokers. B. From a newspaper article. C. From some smoking parents. 11.Why does the man say that he should keep away from babies? A. He has just become a father. B. He wears dirty clothes. C. He is a smoker. 12.What does the woman suggest smoking parents should do? A. Stop smoking altogether. B. Smoke only outside their houses. C. Reduce dangerous matter in cigarettes. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.Where does Michelle Ray come from?


2018届江苏省高考英语零模(摸底考试)试卷分类汇编--------单项选择题 (一)2018苏州高三期初调研卷 第一节单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 16. The success of “one country, two systems” in practice has been universally ______, and this policy continues to go strong. A. acknowledged B. appreciated C. accomplished D. accompanied 17. According to the local law, no one ______ enter the building site without permission. A. can B. must C. shall D. dare 18. By making it possible for cancer to be detected early in people with no symptoms through a simple blood test, we aim to greatly decrease cancer deaths by finding the disease at a stage ______ it can be cured. A. which B. when C. where D. what 19. The auto factory ______ new profit records through technical innovation —10% growth rate in the last two years and hopefully 15% this year. A. set B. has set C. is setting D. has been setting 20. The variety of food at the restaurant is limited, but every meal can serve at least two people and is under ¥10, so not only is it ______ but practical as well. A. adaptable B. adjustable C. adoptable D. affordable 21. Take the medicine right away! ______ it yesterday, you would be quite all right now. A. Had you taken B. Would you take C. Should you take D. Were you to take 22. One hundred and fifteen Chinese companies hit the newly released Fortune 500 list for 2017, ______ an increase for the 14th straight year, domestic website https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb11761507.html, reported on Thursday. A. to realize B. realized C. realizing D. having realized


2018年江苏高考英语试题答案解析 21.By boat is the only way to get here,which is_______we arrived. A.where B.when C.why D.how 【答案】D 【解析】考查名词性从句。句意:乘船是到达这里唯一的途径,这就是我们如何到达的。分析which引导的非限定性定语从句可知,后面为表语从句。分析句意可知,这里用连接副词how引导表语从句,充当方式状语,表示“如何”。故选D。 拓展:本题考查表语。首先需要弄清句意及分析句子结构,然后根据前句By boat is the only way to get here提示可知作方式状语,就不难选出正确答案。 22.Kids shouldn’t have access to violent films because they might_______the things they see. A.indicate B.investigate C.imitate D.innovate 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。句意:孩子不应该接触暴力电影,因为他们也许会模仿他们所见的事情。A.indicate指示;B.investigate调查;C.imitate模仿;D.innovate改革。故选C。 拓展:本题考查动词辨析。动词和动词短语的考查是高考重点考查的知识点,解题时要区分清选择项的含义与区别,再联系句意进行判断,从而选出正确答案。考生在平时学习过程中要注重动词和动词短语的识记与掌握。 23.Self-driving is an area_______China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line. A.that B.where C.which D.when 【答案】B 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:自动驾驶是一个中国和世界其它国家都在同一起跑线的领域。句中先行词为area,在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where,相当于in which。故选B。拓展:本题考查定语从句。定语从句是高考重点考查知识之一,分析定语从句需抓住两点:1.找准先行词。2.看先行词在从句中所作的成分。抓住这两点,再根据句意,从而能够判断出正确的关系词。


2018年江苏省高考英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分5分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15.B. £ 9. 18.C. £ 9. 15.答案是C。 1.(1.00分)What will James do tomorrow? A.Watch a TV program. B.Give a talk. C.Write a report. 2.(1.00分)What can we say about the woman? A.She's generous. B.She's curious. C.She's helpful. 3.(1.00分)When does the train leave? A.At 6:30. B.At 8:30. C.At 10:30. 4.(1.00分)How does the woman go to work? A.By car. B.On foot. C.By bike. 5.(1.00分)What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Classmates. B.Teacher and student. C.Doctor and patient.

江苏省近4年年高考英语真题汇编 连词

文档从互联网中收集,已重新修正排版,word格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。 江苏省2011-2014年高考英语真题汇编 连词 21.(2014江苏) Lessons can be learned to face the future, ________ history cannot be changed. A. though B. as C. since D. unless 【答案】A 30.(2012江苏) ________ One's life has value one brings value to the life of others. A. so that B. no matter how C. as long as D. except that 30. 【考点】连词 【答案】C 【解析】as long as意为“只要”;so that意为“以便;因此”;no matter how意为“不管怎样”;except that意为“除了”。句意为:只要一个人给别人的生活带来价值,那么他的生命就有价值。,根据题意,应选C项。 【难度】一般 33.(2011江苏)It sounds like something is wrong with the car′s engine. , we′d better take it to the garage immediately. A.Otherwise B.If not C.But for that D.If so 答案D 解析:考查连词辨析。题干前半句说“听上去汽车的发动机好像坏了”,后面句说“我们 最好立刻去修理厂”,通过简单判断可知,这两个句子之间是顺承的关系,所以应该是“如 果真的这样的话(发动机坏了)”。 1如有帮助欢迎下载支持


2014年高考题单选 21. Lessons can be learned to face the future, ________ history cannot be changed. A. though B. as C. since D. unless 22. The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work ________ a good impression is a must. A. which B. when C. as D. where 23. —How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing —Well, the media ________ it in a variety of forms. A. cover B. will cover C. have covered D. covered 24. Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay ________. A. in place B. in order C. in shape D. in fashion

25. Top graduates from universities are ________ by major companies. A. chased B. registered C. offered D. compensated 26. —What a mess! You are always so lazy! —I’m not to blame, mum. I am ________ you have made me. A. how B. what C. that D. who 27. She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful ________ in last year’s election. A. symbol B. portrait C. identity D. statue 28. The idea “happiness, ” ________, will not sit still for easy definition. A. to be rigid B. to be sure C. to be perfect D. to be fair 29. The lecture ________, a lively question-and-answer session followed. A. being given B. having given C. to be given D.


A. Visit his parents. B. Go to the movies. C. Walk along Broadway. 7. Who watches musical plays most often? A. Bill. B. Sarah. C. Bill's parents. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Why does David want to speak to Mike? A. To invite him to a party. B. To discuss a schedule. C. To call off a meeting. 9. What do we know about the speakers? A. They are colleagues. B. They are close friends. C. They've never met before. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What kind of camera does the man want? A. A TV camera. B. A video camera. C. A movie camera. 11. Which function is the man most interested in? A. Underwater filming. B. A large memory. C. Auto-focus. 12. How much would the man pay for the second camera? A. 950 euros. B. 650 euros. C. 470 euros. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Who is Clifford? A. A little girl. B. The man's pet. C. A fictional character. 14. Who suggested that Norman paint for children's books? A. His wife. B. Elizabeth. C. A publisher. 15. What is Norman's story based on? A. A book. B. A painting. C. A young woman. 16. What is it that shocked Norman? A. His unexpected success. B. His efforts made in vain. C. His editor's disagreement. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Who would like to make small talk according to the speaker? A. Relatives. B. Strangers. C. Visitors. 18. Why do people have small talk?


2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15. B.£.9.15. C.£9.18. 答案是B。 1.What does the man like about the play? A.The story. B.The ending. C.The actor. 2.Which place are the speakers trying to find? A.A hotel.B.A bank.C.A restaurant. 3.At what time will the two speakers meet? A.5:20 .B.5:10 .C.4:40. 4.What will the man do? A.Change the plan.B.Wait for a phone.C.Sort things out.5.What does the woman want to do? A.See a film with the man. B.Offer the man some help. C.Listen to some great music. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小问题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.Where is Ben? A.In the kitchen. B.At school. C.In the park. 7.What will the children do in the afternoon? A.Help set the table. B.Have a party. C.Do their homework. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What are the two speakers talking about? A.A family holiday. B.A business trip. C.A travel plan. 9.Where did Rachel go? A.Spain. B.Italy. C.China.


江苏高考英语试卷 二、单选 21. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in the past one year. A. it B. which C. that D. as 22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to _____ to their greatest potential. A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop 23. –Jim, can you work…..? --_____? I’ve been working two weeks on end. A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what 24. Much time______ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally trapped by health problems. A. being spent B. having spent C. spent D. to spend 25. _____ Li Hua, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but…. A. That B. Why C. Where D. How 26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside______ fully covered in thick clothes. A. if B. unless C. once D. when 27. The university started some new language programmes to _______ the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt. A. apply to B. cater for C. appeal to D. … 28. It might have saved me much trouble______ the schedule. A. did I know B. have I known C. do I know D. had I known 29. The whole team ______ Donald, and he seldom let them down. A. wait on B. focus on C. count on D. call on 30. The reason why prices ______ and still are too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactory can explain this problem. A. were B. will be C. have been D. had been 31. The police officers decided to conduct a thorough, and ______ review of the case. A. comprehensive B. complicated C. suspicious D. … 32. Some schools will have to make _______ in agreement with the national social reform. A. judgments B. adjustments C. comments D. achievements 33. –Why didn’t you invite John to your birthday party? -- Well, you know he’s______. A.an early bird B. a wet blanket C. a lucky dog D. a tough nut 34. Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around_______ Thomas Edison. A. thanks to B. regardless of C. aside from D. but for 35. –Go and say sorry to your mom, Dave? -- I’d like to, but I’m afraid Mom would not accept my______. A. requests B. excuses C. apologies D. regrets


高考真题 英语试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15. 答案是C。 1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a supermarket. B. In the post office. C. In the street. 2. What did Carl do? A. He designed a medal. B. He fixed a TV set. C. He took a test. 3. What does the man do? A. He's a tailor. B. He's a waiter. C. He's a shop assistant. 4. When will the flight arrive? A. At 18:20. B. At 18:35. C. At 18:50. 5. How can the man improve his article? A. By deleting unnecessary words. B. By adding a couple of points. C. By correcting grammar mistakes. 第二节(共15小题;每小题I分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What does Bill often do on Friday night? A. Visit his parents. B. Go to the movies. C. Walk along Broadway.


江苏省2011-20XX年高考英语真题汇编 书面表达 (2014江苏)When we read newspapers, we often come across such English words as “AIDS” and “PK.” When we watch TV, we frequently hear words like “NBA” or “PM2.5.” When we speak, we automatically use words like “OUT” or “Bye-bye.” English words and expressions like these are getting popular. They have already become part of our daily language. And 239 English words ha ve been included in the latest Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese. ZXXK The inclusion has started a heated discussion. A group of scholars signed a letter of complaint over the inclusion of these English words, which, they think, goes against Chinese language policies. They not only worry that Chinese is borrowing an increasing number of English words but are also concerned that the inclusion may hurt the dignity of the Chinese language. However, others are in favor of the inclusion because it is hard to say whether it will threaten the Chinese language. They believe the selection is mostly a result of their function and use in daily life. [写作内容] 1. 用约30 个单词写出上文概要; 2. 用约120 个单词发表你的观点,内容包括: (1)支持或反对汉语词典收录英语词汇; (2)用2- 3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。 [写作要求] 1. 可以支持文中任一观点,但必须提供理由或论据; 2. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句; 3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 4. 不必写标题。 [评分标准] 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 81. 支持: Today, more and more English words find their way into the Chinese language. Even the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese includes 239 English words. Some people support it while others do not.

江苏省高考英语单项选择题 人教版

江苏省高考英语单项选择题 练习单选题(情境提示)40题命题人丁庆云命题单位常州五中1. ---Shall I come with you tomorrow? ---I’d rather you ____. A. didn’t B. won’t C. don’t D. wouldn’t 2. ---What do you think of the color of my new blouse? ---Very good. You look nice in green. Green ____ you. A. suits B. fits C. matches D. meets 3. ---Would you like to take a walk with us? ---Sorry, I’m too busy to _____. A. get away B. put away C. run away D. give away 4. ---I think it’s a good idea. ---I couldn’t agree _____. A. much B. less C. more D. little 5. ---Tom is very stupid. He fails in the exam. ---In my opinion, he is _____ than stupid. A. lazier B. no lazier C. more lazy D. lazier rather 6 ---We __ that you would fix the TV set this week? ---I’m sorry. I ____ to fix it this week, but I’ve been too busy. A. had expected; had intended B. are expecting; had intended C. expect; intend D. expected; intend 7. ---How are you today? ---Oh, I ____ as ill as I do now for a very long time. A. didn’t feel B. wasn’t feeling C. don’t feel D. haven’t felt 8. ---The child didn’t take the medicine yesterday evening, did he? ---_____. A. No, but I wish he did B. Yes, but I wish he did C. No, but I wish he had D. Yes, but I wish he had 9. ---Why were you in a bad mood yesterday? ---My son ____ me down badly though I trusted him. A. put B. left C. let D. set 10. ---That is to say, you ____ to Japan last year. ---Yes, but my mother won’t let me. A. were to have gone B. were to go C. had gone D. went 11. –And besides, these colors are more _____ you. A. becoming to B. belonging to C. referring to D. used to 12. ---Do you have any idea what Tom did yesterday afternoon? ---I know he spent at least as much time playing football as he _____. A. did writing B. wrote C. spent to write D. was writing 13. ---Why did you stop writing? ---My ink has _____. A. used up B. run out of C. given away D. given out 14. ---Do you know when the Chinese custom ____ from?


2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21.We have entered into an age _______ dreams have the best chance ofcoming true. A. which B.what C. when D. that 【答案】C 【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我们已经进入到了一个时代,在这个时代梦想实现的机会最大。句中先行词为an age(一个时代),且先行词在从句中作时间状语,所以关系词用when。故选C。 22.The musician along with his band members ________ ten performancesin the last three months. A. gives B.has given C.havegiven D.give 【答案】B 【详解】考查现在完成时与主谓一致。句意:在过去的三个月里,这名音乐家与他的乐队成员已经完成了十场演出。由“in the last three months”可知,这句话的时态为现在完成时,故排除AD选项。本句主语为the musician,为第三人称单数形式,句中的“along with his band members”是附加成分,故谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。故选B。

23.The doctor shares his phone number with the patients ________ theyneed medical assistance. A. if only B.as if C. eventhough D.in case 【答案】D 【详解】考查状语从句的连词。句意:医生给了病人他的手机号码,以防病人需要医疗援助。A. if only要是……多好;B. as if好像,仿佛; C. even though即使,尽管; D. in case以备,以防,免得。故选D符合语境。 24.More wind power stations will ________ to meet the demand forclean energy. A. Takeup B.clearup C.holdup D. spring up 【答案】D 【详解】考查动词短语。句意:为了满足对清洁能源的需求,更多的风力发电站将会被建立起来。A. take up开始从事,占领,开始干(工作); B. clear up整理,收拾,解决(问题); C. hold up(论点、理论等)站得住脚,阻挡,举起; D. spring up出现,涌现。故选D。 25.Scientists have obtained more evidence ________ plastic is findingits way into the human body. A. what B.that C. which D. where 【答案】B
