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Some years ago, a six-year-old boy suffered burns over 85% of his body. 1. ________ condition was so bad that several doctors gave him up and one hospital would not admit him because they thought he would die anyway.

His life 2. ________ (save), however, by eight brave people — his parents, three nurses and three doctors, especially the nurses.

After other nurses had quit, these women took turns to take care of the boy, 3. ________ (see) him through skin grafts (移植), operations, crucial periods in 4. ________ death almost gained victory.

His room measured 12 feet by 12 feet and the door was shut. The nurses stayed 5. ________ him, dressed in caps, masks and gloves as if they were assisting 6. ________ operation. Within an hour they got sweaty. For 14 long months the nurses gave their all to the boy. One day, 7. ________ he got up, they were really satisfied and happy.

It was a great day! The nurses were rewarded for their efforts. 8.

________ caused them to feel so satisfied I think it was more than simply

the fact that the boy survived. Together they attempted something nearly 9.

________ (possible), but also truly worthwhile.

It is like something American educator Booker T. Washington once said, “Those who are 10. ________(happy) are those who do the most for others.”


During the time of the Warring States, there lived a well-known archer (弓箭手) named Geng Ying 1. ________ art in shooting was excellent.

One day, as he was standing by the side of the King of Wei, a flock of swan geese 2. ________ (fly) over. With confidence, Geng Ying said, “The twang (拨弦声) of my bow-string might br ing down a bird.” The King doubted. Just then a lonely swan goose appeared, low and slow in 3. ________ flight, sad

in its cry. Instantly Geng Ying bended his bow and pulled the bow-string. Twang! The bird fell to the ground. The King admired 4. ________ puzzlement. Geng Ying then explained, “The bird was flying low and slowly, because it was already hurt; it was crying 5. ________ a bitter tone, because it had

lost its companions. 6. ________ the twang of my strong bow-string shocked

it. The loud and high sound made its heart beat fast, its wings weak and its balance uneven. Thus it fell down just as 7. ________ (common) as a man

drops his chopsticks when 8. ________ (hear) the thunder at a dinner


Later, people used the idiom “A bird startled (受惊的) by the mere twang

of a bow-string” to state a case 9. ________ a man who had been previously and repeatedly frightened became numb and frightened facing a new thing of 10. ________ same nature.


Boys tend to play outside in large groups. Their groups have a leader who tells others what to do and how to do it, and resists 1. ________ (do) what other boys propose. It is by giving orders that high status is negotiated. 2. ________ way boys achieve status is to take centre stage by telling stories and joke s, and by challenging the stories and jokes of others. Boys’ games have 3. ________ (win) and losers and elaborate (复杂的) systems of rules 4. ________ are frequently the subjects of arguments. Finally, boys are
