



Hello, everyone. My English name is Sisi .I am a middle school student.


My favorite animals are dolphins and rabbits. I think dolphins are smart and friendly, and rabbits are cute and a little bit quiet. Do you like koalas? They are one of Australian’s native animals. Well, to tell you the truth, I don't like them very well, because I think they are ugly.


I like reading books! What an interesting thing it is! From books, I can read so many good stories, For example, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, this story is imaginary and powerful.

我喜欢阅读书籍!阅读是多么有趣的一件事啊! 从书中,我可以读到很多好的故事,例如,《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》这个故事是虚构的,而且也是很强大的。

I like spring, and I think spring is the most beautiful season in the year. It’s a warm time. The winter is good, too. We can play snow and make snowman.



I’m a student. I will go to high school this September. I’m very excited about it. It is my dream to go to high school. I’m a lovely girl with a active and optimistic mind.

I also curious about everything. I like advanture, too. Being a girl, maybe is a little strange. People always say that I’m brave, as I can go to climbe mountain alone. My appearance is a little like Barbie dolls, while my character just like boys’. Maybe you will ask me to behave like girl, but that’s me.



My name is Pat and I'm from Taiwan. Right now, I'm a student. I study very hard every day. I like going to school because I'm eager to learn. I enjoy learning English. It's my favorite class. I like to make friends and I get along with everyone. This is the introduction I give whenever I meet new people. It tells people a little bit about me and about what I like to do.





一分钟英语自我介绍带翻译【5篇】 自我介绍是把自己的情况介绍出来,有书面语和口语,可以用国语也可以用外语。以下是小编搜集整理的一分钟英语自我介绍带翻译【5篇】,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!更多资讯尽在自我介绍栏目! 一分钟英语自我介绍1: Good morning, dear you for giving me the opportunity to have this am 姓名,graduating from the Department of 专业 at 大学 University. Born into a middleclass family in 城市,省份,I have been influenced by my father’s keen interest in学科. He teaches 学科 in a University and always tells me a lot about 学科内容.Therefore, when I was a little kid, I enjoyed reading stories about the 学科,from...to... That’s why I decided to take 学科 as my major in university. I am openminded, quick in thought and very fond of 学科. In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other students. I like reading books, especially those about 学科.I also like English very much, and have pass CET6 this last year, but I do think there’s still a long way to go, so I won’t give up my English study, and I’ll keep improving my oral and listening ability.


初中用英文自我介绍 同学们,在初中英语的课堂上,有被英语老师要求做过自我介 绍吗?下面WTT小雅为你整理了初中用英文自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 初中用英文自我介绍篇【1】 Hello. My name is... I am in Class One, Grade Eight. I am tall and thin. I am friendly and generous. I often help my classmates with their English because I am good at it. I am not only do well in English but also in maths. I like all kinds of sports,too. My favorite sport is basketball. I often play basketball with my classmates either after school or on weekends. I like reading books,too. My favorite book is “Gone with the Wind”;. I think books can open my eyes. 初中用英文自我介绍篇【2】 Good morning, everyone! It’s a great honor for me to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Serena and I’m fifteen years old. I come from Dalian city which is a beautiful and attracting place. Wish you can visit there and I believe that you will be impressed. English and movie are my favorites which can help me learn and relax. I like making friends, especially the ones who


《中学生自我介绍》 中学生自我介绍(1): HI!同学们好,我名字叫莫小贝,以后能和大家一齐念中学,我真的很高兴。下方我向 大家自我介绍一下。 一张圆脸,一束扎起来的马尾,这形象一向跟随着我的小学6年。我今年12岁了,已经 是个初中生了,却总还是脱不了这满脸的稚气。 我的主要爱好是爱看书。说起看书,我还有一段小故事呢!小学5年纪的时候,我看当 时的同桌买了一本《茶花女》,这本书我向往了许久,但是爸爸始终没有答应我的要求。我的自尊心很强,从小到大几乎没有求过别人,这次,我硬着头皮,只好向他去借。谁知,他说能够是能够,可得拿我的《木马屠城记》跟他交换,我只好把书给他,向他要了那本《茶花女》。 我的缺点就是爱掉哭。呵,你可别笑,这也是我的爱好哩!宠物死了,哭!受欺负了,哭!考试不好,哭!看书看到感人处,鼻子一酸,又落下两排金豆豆。但是,我不觉得难为情。我很喜欢一句话当笑则笑,当哭则哭,无须掩饰。坦荡荡的。 要说我厌恶的,就数运动了。所以体育成绩也一向不好了。垒球最远能扔四五米,考试成绩从没有过70分的。这个缺点,我以后必须要改。 我像大家介绍过我自我了,你会喜欢我吗? 中学生自我介绍(2): 我叫xxx,是xxx中学初一(1)班的学生。生活中,我懂礼貌,有爱心,讲奉献,努力给他人送去温暖和快乐。学习上,我有目标,有决心,有收获,在知识的海洋中采撷无尽的宝藏。班级里,我是老师的小助手,是同学的好朋友,更是一个有着职责感和正义感的少先队员。我活泼开朗,乐观自信,有着许多兴趣爱好。德智体美全面发展,是我努力的目标。下方,我想从以下几个方面和大家分享我的成长历程: 一、用奉献收获爱心和感动 妈妈常跟我讲:一个人只有明白爱别人、尊重别人,别人也才会尊重你。我是这样想的,也是这样做的。在家里,我是个懂礼貌的乖孩子,尊老爱幼,主动学习并承担力所能及的家务。在路边个性是见到老人向人乞讨时,我会把自我身上的零钱,送到他的手里。 在帮忙别人的过程中,我不仅仅有付出,还不断收获着爱心和感动。记得2008年5月 12号是举国上下难忘的伤痛,四川汶川发生特大地震,全国上下团结一心抗震救灾,学校和 社会各团体纷纷伸出援助之手踊跃捐款。看到汶川与我同龄的学生因灾难失去了家园,失去了自我热爱的校园,甚至失去了宝贵的生命。我感到悲痛的同时,更感到作为一名少先队员,身上应肩负一份职责,应尽我的一份微薄之力。我拿出妈妈平时给我的积攒了好长时光的零花钱,毫不犹豫的捐了出去。当看到他们重建家园校舍,重新回到崭新的教室学习时,我感到从未有过的快乐,因为那里包含了我的一份爱心。从那以后我没随便乱花过一分钱,我明白就应把它留在更有用的地方。 二、用实践磨练品格和毅力


《英语自我介绍带翻译》 英语自我介绍带翻译(一): Hello,every one!(大家好) My name is **** 。 (我叫****) Im a 15 years old boy。 (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体状况自我改) I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao。(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你能 够把Rizhao改成自我家乡的城市的名称的拼音) Im an active ,lovely and clever boy。(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) In the school , my favourite subject is maths 。 (在学校,我最喜欢 数学) Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well 。(也许有些人认 为这很难学) But I like it。(但我喜欢他) I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well。(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果) I also like sports very much。(我也很喜欢运动) Such as,running,volleyball and so on。 (像跑步、排球等等) Im kind-hearted。(我很热心) If you need help ,please e to me 。(如果你需要帮忙,就来找我) I hope we can be good friends!(我期望我们能成为好朋友) OK。This is me 。A sunny boy。(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩) 英语自我介绍带翻译(二): Hello, everybody, 大家好, I'm glad to meet all of you。 很高兴与大家相会, Let me tell you a little bit about myself。


简短的初中生英语自我介绍 很多中学生就是烦恼自我介绍怎么介绍比较适合,时间的长短,字数的多少,小编今天就给大家分享一下英语自我介绍,有时间的来学习看看 优秀初中生英语自我介绍 Hello, everyone. My English name is Sisi .I am a middle school student. 大家好。我的英文名字叫茜茜。我是一个中学生。 My favorite animals are dolphins and rabbits. I think dolphins are smart and friendly, and rabbits are cute and a little bit quiet. Do you like koalas? They are one of Australians native animals. Well, to tell you the truth, I dont like them very well, because I think they are ugly. 我最喜欢的动物是海豚和兔子。我觉得海豚聪明,友好,而兔子则是可爱又有点点安静。你喜欢考拉吗?他们是一个澳大利亚的本土动物。嗯,说实话,我不是很喜欢他们,因为我觉得他们长得好丑。

I like reading books! What an interesting thing it is! From books, I can read so many good stories, For example, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, this story is imaginary and powerful. 我喜欢阅读书籍!阅读是多么有趣的一件事啊! 从书中,我可以读到很多好的故事,例如,《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》这个故事是虚构的,而且也是很强大的。 I like spring, and I think spring is the most beautiful season in the year. Its a warm time. The winter is good, too. We can play snow and make snowman. 我喜欢春天,我觉得春天是一年中最美丽的季节。那是一个温暖的时候。冬天也很好。我们可以玩雪,堆雪人。 初中生英语自我介绍范文 Hello,everyone. Now please allow me to do an introduction. My name is Li Lei. Im 14 year old. My birthday is on October 11th. My favourite book is twilight. I really love to read the books about vampires. My hobby is singing. Some people say Im a good singer.My favourite singer is Justin Biber.I think he is a great singer. I love to sing his songs. Besides singing, I love shopping very much. If I have time, I will go shopping with my friends.Im really good at

一分钟自我介绍 如何讲一分钟初中生自我介绍

如何讲一分钟初中生自我介绍自我介绍最忌讳平淡无奇,不能够把个人的特点展示出来,今天就跟大家分享一下自我介绍指导,大家知道了吗 初中生一分钟自我介绍 我是一个活泼开朗的女孩,我喜欢交很多朋友!不论男女、贫富、丑美,但是我教的朋友大多是男的,女的就一两个。我喜欢和男生叫朋友是因为男生很大方,跟他们说什么他们也不会说出去的,而那些女生就不一样,一跟她们说什么事她们总是嘴上说好好我不说出去,但最终却终是说出去了!而且还在一起议论,就像是八卦一样。就例如上周老师找了一组男生和女生一起唱黄梅调,可是男生都很大方的唱出来了,女生说什么也不唱,不好意思!我就急了然后我就举手跟老师说:"老师我唱!"然后我就和那个男同学一起唱了!那些女上在下面议论着!有什么不好意思的,看我多看得开啊!不是我自夸,要是世界上多一些我这样的人,那世界上就没有争执了,有一句话说得好,笑一笑十年少,愁一愁白了头。 不要什么事都想得那么复杂,就我们班的女生那样,那我们班永远也团结不了!做一些生活中我们想做但不好意思做的事,让生活充满趣味吧! 初中生自我介绍范文 大家好!我叫王子。山大王的王,儿子的子。你千万不要以为我就是山大王的儿子(自笑),我是快乐王子的王,快乐王子的子。我出生于上世纪九十年代,长在新世纪,沐浴在春风里,我是跨世纪的新

人。我属鼠,与可爱的动物一样聪明、机灵、好动。我虽然是一个开朗的男孩,但我像女孩一样,一笑脸上就有两个小酒窝,曾有人逗我说"那两个小酒窝是偶妈生下不久就用筷子在腮上轻轻戳了两个圆点。也不知是真是假,这我就不清楚了。反正一笑就有两个小酒窝。 说到我的优点就是爱笑。我姥姥说我就是天生为笑而生的。我的耳朵是为了听笑话而长的,我的嘴巴是为了讲笑话而长的,我的眼睛是为了看笑话而长的,我的鼻孔是为了闻笑料而长的,总之,我的全身都有数不尽的笑与乐,我的笑能填满宇宙,浩瀚宇宙的宇宙因我的笑而精彩,我因笑在地球上而灿烂。记得小学课堂上我因无缘无故的笑常被老师训导。我现在长到12岁了,整天乐呵呵的,从不知道什么叫忧愁和烦恼、痛苦和悲伤。我爱笑,班里同学尊称我为"笑神"。我说一句话能笑死一群牛。(下面大笑)不信,你试试。 说到俺的缺点,那真多!偶爹说:猩猩都比乖儿子的智商高,那浑小子的缺点可以绕地球好几圈哪。(下面大笑)甭笑,说实在的,这也太夸张了,不过数学作业本上红叉满天飞,这倒是真的。唉,都是粗心惹的祸呀!我曾经一度获得班内马虎大奖,同学们尊称我为"世界级粗心王子"。 这就是我--------宇宙级缺点之父、世界顶级快乐王子。 初中生自我介绍范文 大家好,我叫xxx,今年十三岁,我毕业于xxx。我是一个大方开朗的女孩。 今天,我一直以来期望的初中生活就要马上开始了。我抱着忐忑


一分钟英语自我介绍带翻译「5篇」 一分钟英语自我介绍1: Good morning, dear professors.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this interview.I am 姓名,graduating from the Department of 专业 at 大学 University. Born into a middle-class family in 城市,省份,I have been influenced by my father’s keen interest in学科. He teaches 学科 in a University and always tells me a lot about 学科内容.Therefore, when I was a little kid, I enjoyed reading stories about the 学科,from...to... That’s why I decided to take 学科 as my major in university. I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of 学科. In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other students. I like reading books, especially those about 学科.I also like English very much, and have pass CET-6 this last year, but I do think there’s still a long way to go, so I won’t give up my English study, and I’ll keep improving my oral and listening ability. Thank you very much for your time and attention. 翻译: 早上好,亲爱的教授们,感谢你们给我这个机会来面试。我姓名,从大学毕业大学专业部。出生在城市,省份中产阶级家庭,我被我父亲的浓厚兴趣学科影响。他教学科在大学总是告诉我很多关于学科内容。因此,当我还是个孩子的时候,我喜欢读关于学科故事,从…到…这就是为什么我决定把学科作为我的专业,在大学。 我性格开朗,思维敏捷,很喜欢学科。在我的业余时间,我有广泛的兴趣,像许多其他的学生。我喜欢看书,尤其是那些关于学科。我也很喜欢英语,并已通过大学英语六级这最后的一年,但我觉得还是有很长的路要走,所以我不会放弃我的英语学习,我会继续提高我的口语和听力能力。非常感谢你的时间和关注。 一分钟英语自我介绍2: Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. I’m 姓名 and I


英语自我介绍带翻译高中 如今,无论是外企面试求职还是我们的英语课堂,和外国友人交流都要学会一点自我介绍。那么,英文版的自我介绍要怎么说呢?下面是小编收集整理的高中英语自我介绍带翻译,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 高中英语自我介绍带翻译一 Teachers,good afternoon. Allow me to briefly talk about myself. My name is - Xianning graduated from the south gate of the private secondary schools. Tourism now studying at the school in Hubei Province. Studying hotel management professional. I was a character,cheerful girl,so my hobbies is extensive. Sporty. In my spare time likes playing basketball,table tennis,volleyball,skating. When a person like the Internet at home,or a personal stereo. Not like too long immersed in the world of books,and family members have told me,Laoyijiege is the best. Talking about my family,then I will talk about my family has. Only three people my family,my grandmother,grandfather and my own. My grandfather is a engineer,I am very severely on peacetime,the Church me a lot. Grandma is a very kindly for


初中生英语优秀自我介绍 英语自我介绍其实和中文差不多,就是翻译过来而已,我今天就给大家分享一下英文自我介绍,希望可以帮助到大家 英文自我介绍范文 hello,i'm xx.i'm a girl.i'm 13 years old.i live in china.i can speak chinese and a little endlish.i like singing and dance.i can play ping pong.i like english.because i think i can learn lots of from it.my favourite color is blue.i like to eat noodles best.my email is .my telephone number is 3456789.we can be good friends. 你好,我是xx.我是个女生。我已经(13)岁了。我住在中国。我会说汉语和一点英语。我喜欢(唱歌和跳舞)。我会(打乒乓球)。我喜欢(英语)。因为我觉得(我可以从当中学到很多)我最喜欢的颜色是(蓝色)。我喜欢吃(面条)。我的电子邮箱是。我的电话是(3456789)。我们可以成为好朋友。 初中英语自我介绍范文 hello. my name is... i am in class one, grade eight. i am tall and thin. i am friendly and generous. i often help my classmates with their english because i am good at it. i am not only do well in english but also in maths. i like all kinds of sports,too. my favorite sport is basketball. i often play basketball with my classmates either after school or on weekends. i like reading books,too. my favorite book is "gone with the wind". i think books can open my eyes. 大家好,我的名字是....我在8年级1班。我又高又瘦。我很友善大度。我经常帮助同学们学英语,因为我的英语学得好。我不仅擅长英语而且数学学得也很好。我也喜欢各种体育活动。我最喜欢篮球。我经常和同学们放学后或周末打篮球。我也喜欢看书。我最喜欢的书是《漂》。我认为书能开阔我的视野。 初中生英语自我介绍 my name is lin and i'm from china. right now, i'm a student. i study very hard every day. i like going to school because i'm eager


初中生一分钟面试自我介绍 好的自我介绍能给别人留下一个很好的印象,漂亮的开场可以帮助同学们吸引各位老师的目光哦!下面是我整理的初中生一分钟面试自我介绍,欢迎大家阅读。 初中生一分钟面试自我介绍篇1 我叫,今年岁,在江苏省高邮市北海小学五(1)班读书。我个子不高,长得也不胖,有一头乌黑的头发,弯弯的眉毛下,镶嵌着一双大眼睛。 我喜欢音乐,特别喜欢拉二胡。只要有我认识的曲子,都会拉。大人们夸我还真有点音乐细胞呢。我听了,心里美滋滋的。 我的优点是在家里认真预习、复习功课。每次老师布置的作业我都认真完成。数学还用草稿纸再重新验算一遍呢。因此,我的成绩还行。 我的缺点是上课不敢大胆发言,考试时不仔细。就拿语文第二单元考试来说吧,我有些会写的词都写错了,作文还写走了题呢初中开学一分钟自我介绍初中开学一分钟自我介绍。所以那次考得实在不理想。我已经在努力改掉这些缺点了,争取做个更好的学生。 我特别喜欢和别人打赌。输了,嘟着嘴巴就走。要是赢了,笑得眼睛变成了一条细缝。有一次,我和同学打赌,这位同学说身上有200元钱,我想:谁会有这么多钱呀,分时是吹牛。就让他把钱掏出来看看。果然不出我所料,他对我说:我是骗你的。这时,我笑着高呼:我赢了!我赢了! 哈哈!这就是我。听了介绍你该对我有些了解了吧! 初中生一分钟面试自我介绍篇2 我叫**,今年十三岁,刚上初二。 我个子中等,1,66,再班里排第十个,长脸短鼻子,手大脚也大,一双眼睛不大也不小,眼珠子特别有神,一张大嘴巴特别能说,只要一说起来,说上一个小时也没问题,个子不高不矮,身体不胖不瘦初中开学一分钟自我介绍自我介绍。总的来说还是比较帅的。 我在北京市**中上学,我们的校服不好看,全是兰色,所以特别好认,一看就是中学生。


英语一分钟自我介绍5篇 英语一分钟自我介绍篇1 Good morning,my dear classmates and teacher.It's my great honor to introduce myself to you here.My name is XX(你的名字),I'm from No.X (学校名)middle school.I'm a XX(年龄用你的)-year-old boy/girl(自己选择性别).Generally speaking, I am a hard working student do the thing (that)I'm interested in.In my spare time,I often read books.I like watching movies and listening to music when I'm free.I pride myself on my drawing.Well,I'm an easy-going person.But I'm also a lazy boy that I don't like doing some sports.So,I want to erase myself.Now we are face to face,I want to face myself to start of something new,I will show you something new to see.Well,I just want to share with you,and I'm looking forward to making friends with you.So,let's be good friends!In the end,thank you for giving me the chance to introduce myself.That's all,thank you! 英语一分钟自我介绍篇2 My name is Li Yang.I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored Mechanical Engineering. I was once a poor student of English,and it was my biggest headache and trouble-maker.I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words. But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games,I found myself a totally different and exciting new world.Not only did I pass Band four and Band six College English Exams very easily with high marks,but importantly,I began to use English.


初中生英语自我介绍(20篇) 初中生英语自介绍第1篇: My Chinese name is Peng Wanjun and English name is Alice。 I’m a girl in my 12 years old。 I like singing and acting。 Besides, I like doing sports。 Table tennis is my favorite sport。 I have a brother and a sister。They are middle school students。 I study in Xing Gong Primary School。 I’m in Class Two Grade Four。 I have three best friends。 They are Huang Yue, Xia Yu and Wang Tongtong。 We have many things in mon。 Do you like me? 的中文名字叫彭万军,英文名字是爱丽丝。是一个12岁的女孩。喜欢唱歌和表演。另外,喜欢运动。乒乓球是最喜欢的运动。有弟弟和姊姊。他们是中学生。在兴工小学学习。在四年级二班。有三个最好的朋友。他们是黄阅,夏雨和王彤彤。们有很多共同之处。你喜欢吗? 初中生英语自介绍第2篇: Hello,everybody!Do you know me?My name is Liang Qikun。My English name is Jenny。I am from China。I am ten years old。I am a clever girl。I have short black hair,big black eyes,big ears,a small nose and a small mouth。I am not very tall and not very thin。My hobby is reading books。My favourite sport is adventuring。 I can play the piano very well。This is me。


初中生一分钟英语自我介绍带翻译 对于初中生来说,如果你能用一口流利的美式英语进行自我介绍,你一定会给别人留下非常美好、非常深刻的印象。下面是我整理的,欢迎大家阅读。 篇1 Hello, everyone. My English name is Sisi .I am a middle school student. 大家好。我的英文名字叫茜茜。我是一个中学生。 My favorite animals are dolphins and rabbits. I think dolphins are smart and friendly, and rabbits are cute and a little bit quiet. Do you like koalas? They are one of Australians native animals. Well, to tell you the truth, I dont like them very well, because I think they are ugly. 我最喜欢的动物是海豚和兔子。我觉得海豚聪明,友好,而兔子则是可爱又有点点安静。你喜欢考拉吗?他们是一个澳大利亚的本土动物。嗯,说实话,我不是很喜欢他们,因为我觉得他们长得好丑。 I like reading books! What an interesting thing it is! From books, I can read so many good stories, For example, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, this story is imaginary and powerful. 我喜欢阅读书籍!阅读是多么有趣的一件事啊! 从书中,我可以读到很


Good afternoon and nice to see you at this sunny afternoon. I am very glad to be here for interview. My name is YYX . I come from DLUFL and my major is english special lised in business. Computer, books, films and climbing moutains are my favourite. I have been a class president for nearly 4 years, and I also have been an interpreter at Dalian Garment Fair for twice. I think all these exprience and my responsibility, creating thinking and passion would make me qualify for this job. And what's more, my laptop computer is HP, so I have a better way to recgonize HP. I believe that it would be a challenge and a chance for me to be a HP man. That's all ,Thank you so much! Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .


关于初中生英语自我介绍 我们用英语自我介绍可以看多一点范文借鉴一下,今天小编就给大家分享一下英文自我介绍,有兴趣的来参考哦初中生英语自我介绍 I have spent fifteen years in my life. So, this is my ninth year to study. By the way, my name is WengJingru. My father thought hard about my name. He consulted the dictionary two times to find how to name me. Of course, this name is very good and I like it very much. Sometimes I think I am a little strange. Because I often think the world isnt full of happiness. And I want to be different from others. I hate superficial people. But always I am very out-going and kind to others. I cant say no to others. So I dont know how to refuse. I cant see I am a pretty girl, but I am not an ugly person, either. I am very general. I cant say too much about my appearance.


自我介绍一分钟学生会8篇 自我介绍一分钟学生会1 我叫**,今年十三岁,刚上初二。我个子中等,1,66,再班里排第十个,长脸短鼻子,手大脚也大,一双眼睛不大也不小,眼珠子特别有神,一张大嘴巴特别能说,只要一说起来,说上一个小时也没问题,个子不高不矮,身体不胖不瘦。总的来说还是比较帅的。我在北京市**中上学,我们的校服不好看,全是兰色,所以特别好认,一看就是中学生。我的优点就是爱动,每天早上我都到外面锻炼,跑跑步,玩玩单杠等,所以,我在学校的体育特别好,我的学习也是不可质疑的,数学考试从来没下过90分,我的英语也不错。所以,我的脸上总是洋溢者喜悦的表情。我的缺点就是不会打篮球,也不知到是怎么一回事,就是不喜欢,而且,我上课还总走神,不注意听讲。所以,老师叫我后,我还满有信心的站起来,百分之八十都是对的,害的老师又气又笑。这就是我,只要一见到我,我总是笑,我会热情的和你打招呼,来吧! 自我介绍一分钟学生会 2 很高兴能站在这个讲台上参加学生会竞选。此时我的心里也很紧张。 首先我想说我很适合加入学生会,因为有人说,从事一件事的原动力是热情,唯有热情是从内心迸发出来的力量,可以驱动你去触摸自己的理想。而我就有这样的一份热情,对的喜欢,所以我认为我很适合成为学生会这个大家庭的一员。 当然,仅仅有热情是远远不够的。还要有在学习和工作上的能力。我不敢说我有什么样的能力,但在以后的学习和工作中我一定会让大家知道,我能行。 在生活中我是一个活泼开朗的人。而我之所以要加入学生会,是因为我认为学生会是一个可以更好的锻炼我的人际交往能力和工作能力的地方。 这次我能站在这个讲台上参加竞选,我已经得到一次锻炼的机会了。所以无论结果怎样我都会扬起嘴角,说声谢谢! 自我介绍一分钟学生会 3 我性格开朗,健谈,常常面带笑容,喜欢以微笑待人,喜欢把自己的快乐与所有的人分享。我的爱好广泛,喜欢旅行、听音乐、下棋、各种体育运动。我是一个做事踏实、学习刻苦、有上进心的学生。 刚踏进大学,我就严格要求自己,立志要在大学生涯中有所成就,从全方面发展自己。我也是一个追求完美的人,我知道世上没有十全十美的人存在,但我


一分钟英语自我介绍范文 Want to know how to quickly and succinctly introduce yourself in a minute English?想知道怎么快速,简洁的用一分钟英语来介绍自己吗?快来看看我为大家精心整理的“一分钟英语自我介绍范文”,欢迎大家阅读,供您参考。更多详! 一分钟英语自我介绍范文(一) Hello, everybody! I am glad to stand here and introduce myself. I am XXX and my English name is XXX. I am eleven years old. My birthday is on Christmas Day. I am a student of Grade 6, Class 1 of Ruhe New District Primary School. I like to play violin, reading, swimming, skiing and surfing the internet....I have a lot of hobbies! The color I like best is silver. My favorite food is hamburger. When I grow up, I want to be a writer because a writer can write many books which are useful to people (I don't know if this is correct or not). Thank you very much for listening to me. Thank you once again! 大家好!很高兴能在这里做自我介绍!我叫XXX,我的英文名字叫XXX,我今年11岁了,我的生日在圣诞节,我在汝河新区小学六年级一班念书。我喜欢拉小提琴、看书、游泳、滑雪、上网……我的爱好很广泛!我喜欢银色,我最喜欢吃汉堡包!长大后我想当一名作家,因为作家能写很多对人有益的书(不知道对不对)。谢谢你们的聆听。谢谢! 一分钟英语自我介绍范文(二) Honourable Judges,Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon/morning! I have been falling in love with Japanese/ Russian since my girlhood. When I hear someone is talking Japanese/Russian, I am intoxicated with the sound as I was listening to music. It's my dream to master this language


First of all, I would like to say thanks to everybody who gave me a chance to introduce myself. I'm 12years old now. As a boy, I'd like to play basketball. At the same time, I like English very much. I have a dream to be a member of NBA. / I like reading and gardening as all the other girls. And I like Chinese culture. Would like to be a writer in future. I will study hard to achieve my goal with your help! Thanks again for taking your time! Hello,all the students and teachers!Today ,I'm really glad to be here.I hope that I can give you a good impression and make good friends with you.I'm an outgoing ,diligent responsible and considerate person.My passion to English make me stand here.When I was 4 years old ,I started to learn English.From then on,I'm addicted to it.Personally I think,English is one of the most beautiful languages in the world.I appreaciate its pronunciation,intonation and so
