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摘要............................................... 错误!未定义书签。Abstract ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。

一、儒家人文精神的积极内涵.......................... 错误!未定义书签。

(一)以人为本,仁民爱物........................ 错误!未定义书签。

(二)厚德载物,中庸结合 (1)

(三)居安思危,忧患意识 (1)

(四)建立理想独立的人格意识 (1)

二、儒家人文精神的起源 .............................. 错误!未定义书签。

(一)早期儒家对人文精神的探讨.................. 错误!未定义书签。

(二)早期儒家对人文精神探讨的表现 (2)

三、构建和谐社会的提出 (3)

(一)构建和谐社会提出的背景 (3)

四、儒家人文精神在构建和谐社会中的作用 (5)

(一)儒家人文精神有利于人与自然的和谐 (6)

(二)儒家人文精神有助于社会关系的和谐 (6)

(三)儒家仁学思想有助于个体发展,提升生命境界,从而使个人身心和谐以及人的全面和谐发展 (6)

结语 (8)

参考文献 (9)

致谢............................................... 错误!未定义书签。



儒家人文精神主要体现在伦理之中、处于我们周边的万物之中,它是现实的、具体的、理性的说教,它包含群体、自然、个体以及天道四大原则,可以为我们在构建和谐社会的过程中处理好人与人,人与社会,人与自然的关系以及实现人的价值、人的解放、人的全面发展提供重要的理论和现实指导. 随着我国改革开放不断深入,经济持续高速增长,社会关系也日趋复杂,潜伏着越来越多的矛盾和冲突,这也加剧了这个社会的风险,也就是说,日常生活中的各种不和谐现象有加剧之势。这不仅对我国和谐社会的构建,而且对于整个社会平稳发展以及中华明族的复兴产生了负面的影响。当前我们正在通往中华民族伟大复兴的康庄大道上,价值取向的多元化成为了一种趋势,但与此同时也出现了一些不和谐声音,因而也不可避免的产生了一些矛盾。面对这种情况,追溯我们悠久的文化传统,古为今用,通过借鉴与吸收儒家和谐思想,深入探讨儒家人文思想,不仅对我国社会主义和谐社会的构建具有重要的参考借鉴价值,也对发扬传统儒家人文精神,让它在最大程度上发挥其重要作用具有重要意义。


Confucian humanistic spirit and construct a harmonious

society in our country


Confucian humanistic spirit lies in ethics, daily life, preaching is not illusory, abstract, ideal, it's personal, community, nature and the four principles of heaven, for the construction of harmonious human, the relationship between man and nature, man and society, and realize the liberation of man and man's all-round development, people's value has important theory value and practical guiding significance. With China's deepening reform and opening up, sustained economic rapid growth, corresponding to the relationship between people and nature also become increasingly complex, the resulting more and more contradictions and conflicts, social risk is becoming more and more big, in other words, all kinds of disharmonious phenomenon in society has become more and more outstanding. It is not only affects the construction of a well-off society, it seriously affects the social stability humaning group in the development and further development. Stage is in the midst of the great revival of Chinese nation, as the value orientation diversified, appear some disharmonious tones, produced some contradictions is inevitable. Review in this case, we have a long history culture traditions, ancient for convenient, draw lessons from to absorb Confucian harmonious thought, discusses Confucian humanistic thoughts, mining, and the connotation, construction and extension system of thought, not only for our country to construct a socialist harmonious society has important reference value, and to promote the traditional Confucianism and the thought and the world, let him play an important role on the world stage is of great significance.

Key words: the Confucian Confucian humanistic spirit of harmony
